Monday, May 30, 2022

AEW Elevation 5/30/2022

AEW Elevation 5/30/2022

Ryan Nemeth vs Konosuke Takeshita

Nemeth hits him from behind early. He hits a chop and dances then KT takes him down with a chop. KT springboard dropkicks Ryan then deadlift brainbusters him for 2. Ryan eye rakes him and dropkicks him. Ryan hammerlocks him and headstands for it then pulls on his face. Ryan then backdrops him for 2.

KT runs the ropes and flying clotheslines him then he hits a nice blue thunder for 2. Ryan side steps a knee then hits a nice ddt for 2. KT hits a nice lariat and a hard forearm. Peter Avalon pulls on KT's leg from the outside then Ryan accidentally hits Peter. KT then hits a jumping knee on him and wins it.

There wasn't anything wrong with this. It wasn't great or anything but both guys brought something here in this shorter length match.
ROH Women's Championship Match: Mercedes Martinez(c) vs Mazzerati

Mazz won't shake her hand and gets in her face. MM takes her down and gives her a noogie. Big Show says that she might "scrap the pink off" of Mazz's pink hair. Mazz spins out of an armlock then does jumping jacks. She then acts cocky on the apron and is hit then delayed suplexed in.

Mazz misses some head kicks and Mazz hits a short ddt on her. Mazz then chokes her around the middle rope with her legs. Mazz snap suplexes her then takes a crackerjack suplex. Mazz pump kicks her for 2 and chinlocks her. Mazz gets on her back wit hit and misses a knee in the corner. MM comes back with lariats and a back elbow. MM then hits a running facekick and dropkicks her face in the corner. MM hits a spinebuster for 2

Mazz gets caught on a springboard and is suplexed onto the rope, where she flips forward. MM falling forearms her in the back of the neck then does a surfboard with a dragon sleeper to win it.

This wasn't too bad. I thought Mazzerati was an effective heel here and showed some personality. MM was okay as a face here but not great.

Overall thoughts: This went a grand total of about 20 minutes. Both matches were okay here but not must see.

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