Tuesday, May 24, 2022

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/19/2022 Best of the Super Junior 29 Day 4

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/19/2022 Best of the Super Junior 29 Day 4

I just covered the BOSJ matches online.

Best of the Super Junior 29 Block B - Wheeler Yuta vs DOUKI

Yuta slams and sentons him early. Yuta dropkicks him and gets caught with a kick on a tope attempt. Douki then topes him. Douki then baseball slides him. Yuta comes back with a lariat and a step up enzugiri. He then flying elbows him in the corner and from the top. Yuta then topes him outside.

Wheeler does a slingshot into a flatliner for 2. Douki slingshots in and is caught with a german then Yuta puts him in cattle mutilation. Douki shoteis him then slips him into a double armbar. Douki then slingshots into a ddt for 2. Yuta springboards into an armdrag then they roll around and reverse each other until Douki takes an elbow flurry. Yuta then rolls him into a pinning clutch to win.

I didn't like this one. Douki's transitions into various moves weren't good and they definitely had some confusion for a little about 80% of the way into this.

Best of the Super Junior 29 Block B - Titan vs El Lindaman

Titan does some takedowns early on Linda and takes a spin kick to the gut. Titan then dropkicks him. linda goes out and Titan does a cool move to the outside then is kicked out there. They go back in and Linda keeps control. Titan hits a 2nd rope dropkick. They fight on the apron and Titan superkicks him there.

Titan goes up top and misses a senton on the apron then gets tope con hilo'd for it. Linda gets busted open somehow during this. They get back in and Linda shoulder throws him then does a short ddt. Titan then does a figure four variation on him. Linda gets stuck up top and Titan kips up into a pele kick on him then does like a reverse F-U for 2.

Titan superkicks Linda then does a sitout suplex on him. Titan misses a kick then gets backdropped. He then recovers and hits a cradle shock for 2. Linda is bent over then Titan double stomps his back from the top for 2. Titan goes for a springboard and misses then Linda dropkicks the leg and shoulder throws him for 2. Linda then wins it with a german.

Some of it was okay, but the end of it didn't really make sense with Titan's leg being hurt and Linda deciding to hit a german on him instead.

Best of the Super Junior 29 Block B - BUSHI vs Robbie Eagles

Bushi rushes him and stomps on him to start. Eagles then hits a nice tope con hilo and baseball slides him inside. Eagles hits some kicks then Bushi spikes him with a DDT. Bushi then ddt's him for 2 and STF's him. Bushi then chokes him with his shirt. They evade each others backdrops and Eagles lariats him to the back of the head.

Eagles then leg lariats him for 2. Eagles meteoras him in the corner at 5 minutes then Eagles 619's his leg. Eagles then springboard dropkicks him in the knee and is rolled up for 2. Bushi then comes back with a springboard dropkick. Bushi gets his sunset flip reversed and is rolled into an inverted figure four.

Bushi hits a dropkick then ddt's him on the apron over the middle rope. Eagles goes for a backpack stunner but Bushi codebreakers him at 10 minutes. They evade each others kicks then Bushi canadian destroyers him out of nowhere. Bushi then hits a codebreaker from the 2nd rope and wins it.

I didn't think too much of this. Bushi kind of sold his knee some but it really had nothing to do with anything and the whole match would have been better off without that. Before they started that stuff it was somewhat decent though.

Best of the Super Junior 29 Block B - El Phantasmo vs Master Wato

They go to the mat to start and ELP handstands out of a headscissors. Wato then headflips out of his headscissors then ELP does his own headflip for fun. ELP then does more gymnastics and they do some flips and a handstand to get out of moves.

Wato hits a headscissors then does ELP's pose after ELP walks away from his dive at 5 minutes. ELP backracks Wato then suplexes him on the floor. Wato gets put in tree of woe where ELP stands and stomps on his face. ELP then stands on his crotch. Wato then gets off the ropes and backdrops him.

Wato hits some facekicks and misses a dropkick, then blocks ELP's asai moonsault at 10 minutes. Wato lariats ELP out of the ring then tope con hilo's him. Wato then hits a tornillo to the outside and missile dropkicks from the top inside.

Wato hits a very nice german for 2 then Wato crucifix drivers him for 2. Wato gets crotched up top then ELP superplexes him. ELP then does a cut-throat spinning torture rack cutter. They each try pin attempts for 2 and they strike each other on their knees. They trade facekicks then Wato leg lariats him. Wato goes for a springboard move but is caught with a superkick and takes the CRII for the ELP win.

I didn't think this was too bad at all. There wasn't much of a story, but they didn't overdo it and didn't try and fail to do a work the bodypart match. ELP also didn't overdo it with some of his goofing around and that helped this too.
Best of the Super Junior 29 Block B - El Desperado vs TJP

TJP and Despy trade holds early and TJP handstands from a headscissors. TJP bow and arrows him but Despy gets out and they have a stand off after a TJP headflip. Despy gets TJP's arm stuck in the ropes then eye rakes him and Despy falls out of the ring trying to go after TJP and is plancha'd. Despy is then thrown into the post.

TJP trips him then indian deathlocks him. TJP then cranks his arm. TJP then slingshot sentons him. TJP facewashes him but Despy recovers with a spear. Despy then backdrops him. Depy dragon screws his leg. Despy gets stuck on the 2nd rope and TJP splashes him from the top. TJP then frogsplashes him from up top for 2.

Despy comes back with a spinebuster then TJP reverses him into an octopus stretch. Despy then reverses that into a stretch muffler. TJP ropebreaks then backdrops him. TJP and Despy forearm each other on their knees then TJP tornado ddt's him. TJP misses a frogsplash and Despy hits a peach sunrise on him. Despy punches him in the face then sit-out spinning pedigrees him for the win. 

I didn't really think this was anything special.

Overall thoughts: I only somewhat cared for two of the matches here and wasn't a huge fan of this one.

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