Dramatic Dream Team 3/13/2022 - DDT Judgement Tour 2022 in Osaka
I only missed one match here.
MAO vs Yuki Ishida
Yuki shoulders him over early. Mao sideh headlocks him and then is pushed out of the ring. Yuki locks up with him while he is on the apron and Yuki is on the floor. Yuki rolls and puts on a hammerlock on the apron then they trade forearms. Mao distracts him and punches him in the face then they both slap/palm thrust each other.
Mao bridges him over the 2nd rope in the guillotine position then drops him asthe ref starts counting. Mao pulls out a long wooden boared from the under the ring and tries to hit Yuki with it. Mao stunners Yuki over the ropes then slingshot splashes him for 2. Yuki flying shoulders him then hits corner splashes. Yuki suplexes him for 2. and Mao gets out of his waist lock. They both back off and do sumo stretches. Yuki sumo charges at him but Mao pokes him in the eye. Yuki goes after the ref while blinded by the eye poke and Mao rolls him up.
Yuki splashes Mao for 2 and they trade forearms for chops. Yuki eye pokes him and rolls him up for 2. Yuki backslides him then rams him with a shoulder. Yuki then runs into a cross-chop and Mao running uppercuts him for 2. Mao then hits a stiff michinoku driver and wins it.
The less said about this the better. It was comedy crap that didn't make much sense and went on too long. It's a shame too as they are both good wrestlers.
Minoru Fujita vs Hideki Okatani
Oka gets irish whipped early then baseball slides MJ Paul outside. Oka beats up on him out there then Fujita bangs Oka's head off the post. Fujita dropkicks him in the back of the head then throws him out. Fujita goes to take off the turnbuckle pad and yells "No DQ" at the ref, while the ref yells, "DQ". MJ Paul headlocks Oka while this happens.
Fujita beats up on Oka and they trade forearms. Oka dropkicks Fujita then running forearms him. Oka hits a flapjack. Paul comes in and misses an attack then Oka bulldogs and lariats Paul and Fujita. Oka hits a great northern lights suplex on Fujita then is splashed by Paul. Fujita top rope splashes Oka for 2 then Oka gets hit in the back by Paul as he runs the ropes. Fujita then rolls up Oka to win.
This wasn't any good with the interference and the ref not dq'ing or doing anything about Paul.
The Bodyguard, Yuji Hino & Yukio Naya vs. Eruption (Kazusada Higuchi & Yukio Sakaguchi) & Kazuki Hirata
Hirata is dressed up as Yukio here. Hirata gets chopped by Hino and wins with one shot in 9 seconds.
The Bodyguard, Yuji Hino & Yukio Naya vs. Eruption (Kazusada Higuchi & Yukio Sakaguchi) & Kazuki Hirata

They ask to re-do this one. Hirata runs into another chop but his partners break up the pin. Bodyguard chops Hirata then hits a delayed suplex on him. Hino hits some knees to the gut of Hirata then corner splashes him. Hino and Naya double shoulder Hirata then Hino chops him. Hino misses a senton and Hirata enzugiri's and tags out off of it.
Higuchi gets in and corner lariats Hino. They trade chops and Higuchi powerslams him. Hino hits a big exploder on him then Bodyguard and Yukio trade chops for kicks. Bodyguard hits a corner lariat flurry on him then takes a jumping kick. Hirata comes in and wants to dance but Yukio stops him.
Bodyguard gets beaten up 2v1 in the corner then Yukio hits his knee corner attack on Bodyguard as he is laying on the top rope. Hirata somehow chops and knocks down his two opponents then his Magnum Tokyo music hits and he starts dancing around. Hino, Naya and Bodyguard finally get tired of this. Naya chokeslams him, Hino germans him then Naya hits a backdrop. Bodyguard then puts him in a camelclutch chinlock and wins it.
This could have been good but was comedy nonsense instead.
Chris Brookes vs Naomi Yoshimura
CB charges at him with a dropkick and is flipped with a lariat. They fight outside and Chris ends up seated in a chair. Naomi poses near him and they continue the fight outside. They fight on the stage and Chris is back body dropped on it. They trade forearms outside and Chris dropkicks a chair into his knee.
Chris stands on the knee in the ring at 5 minutes and kicks it. Chirs then reverse figure fours him and they trade forearms. Chris goes to slingshot in but Naomi hits a coconut crush off of it. Naomi corner lariats him then bearhug belly to belly suplexes him. Naomi then suplexes him for 2. Chris avoids a powerbomb and Naomi chops him down. Chris enzugiri's him then pushes the ref into Naomi. Chris then cutters him and should have been DQ'd. Chris puts him in an octopus stretch but Naomi backdrops out of it.
Chris hits a flurry of hard forearms then Naomi STO's him. Naomi then backdrops him and hits a nice lariat for 2. Naomi shoulder throws him then does a fireman's carry into a side slam to win it.
Chris was kind of all over the place here with knee work that didn't go anywhere and he should have been DQ'd for pushing the ref. Naomi was good here though and they did bring the stiffness.
Eight Man Survival Tag Team Match - The 37KAMIINA (Konosuke Takeshita, Shunma Katsumata, Toi Kojima & Yuki Ueno) vs. Burning (Jun Akiyama, Tetsuya Endo, Yusuke Okada & Yuya Koroku)
We have unusual rules here as this starts off 2v2 and then people come in to replace eliminated wrestlers. However, the team has to have atleast 2 people left or the match ends as there is no one to tag out to. Bizarre.
Jun headlocks Ueno and I think bites him on the ropes and Ueno complains about it. Jun shoulders him over and rides him on the mat. Jun backs off and then Endo and Shunma get in. Endo tries to back roll him into a pin but Shunma just drops down on him. Endo then flips inot the ring over him and tries to stop Shunma from pulling himself back in when he goes over the top. Shunma top rope splashes Endo for 2 then Endo sunset flips him into a moss covered 3 handed family gradunza. Jun then throws Shunma into the post outside. Jun then headlocks him around the post.
Jun slams Shunma then crabs him which Shunma ropebreaks for. Endo gets in and backbreakers Shunma then does a camel clutch variation. Jun gets in and misses a jumping knee, then takes a top rope dropkick from Shunma. Ueno vader bomb double knee drops Jun from the 2nd rope then takes some knees after. Jun then grounded guillotine chokes him on the mat. Ueno exploders Jun then Jun suplexes him form the 2nd rope. Ueno then comes back with a flying shining wizard.
Endo and Shunma get in then Endo rolls into a flying punch and standing moonsaults him. Endo goes for a handspring but Shunma dropkicks him during it. Shunma superkicks him then death valley drivers him for 2. Shunma then top rope splashes him. Endo pele kicks Shunma. shunma then climbs on his shoulders and takes a nasty ligerbomb down. Endo then guillotines him off a moss covered 3 handed family gradunza and submits Shunma.
Takeshita is next in to replace Shunma. Takeshita and Jun go at it then Takeshita ddt's him on the floor. The two trade shots then go back in. Jun takes a double back elbow then Ueno chinlocks him. Jun short piledrivers Ueno then throws him out. Endo then ddt's Ueno on the floor. Back in and Ueno goes for a flying crotch on Endo and is powerbombed on his knee on the catch. Endo does a high boston crab to Ueno and Jun kneedrops Ueno's neck from the apron for 2. Endo then brainbusters Ueno for 2 then Jun hits a stiff clothesline on him for 2. Ueno hits a high dropkick on Endo then Takeshita gets in.
Takeshita flying clotheslines Endo and DDT's him. Endo 2nd rope hurricanrana's Takeshita then Junk and Takeshita trade forearms. Ueno top rope frogsplashes Jun then Jun gets his knees up on his double jump moonsault attempt. Jun then hits a stiff knee to the chest for 2. Jun exploders Ueno. Ueno headscissors Jun over the top and eliminates him.
Yusuke Okada is next up for Burning, replacing Jun. Okada cheapshot dropkicks Takeshita on his entrance then neckbreakers Ueno. Okada suplexes Ueno then Endo running SSP's him. Kamiina makes a comeback and Takeshita trades forearms with Endo. Endo backdrops him then puts him in the moss covered 3 handed family gradunza, which Takeshita escapes. Endo takes a high knee after missing a top rope SSP. Takeshita release germans him then takes a delayed german. Endo then hits his handspring enzugiri. Takeshita goes for a powerbomb but Endo reverses it with a hurricanrana. Both go over the top rope to the floor and are eliminated.
Yuya Koroku is next in then Toi Kojima also comes in. Yuya and Toi trade forearms and Yuya slams him. Okada running forearms Toi in the corner then back elbows him off the 2nd rope for 2. Toi and Okada trade chops for forearms then Toi dropkicks him. Ueno hits a big dropkick on Okada for 2. Ueno and Okada trade forearms and Okada facekicks him and hits a hard forearm. Okada top rope headbutts him for 2 then release germans. Okada takes a nasty half-nelson suplex on his neck then a forearm and step up knee.
Toi and Yuya get in and trade forearms then Toi dropkicks him. Toi then top rope crossbodies him for 2 then enzugiri's him and springboard enzugiri's him. Yuya hits a nice water wheel drop on Toi twice then Ueno flying knee's Yuya for 2. Toi hits a nice full nelson bomb on Yuya for 2. Yuya backdrops Toi for 2 then running forearms him for 2. Yuya then top rope moonsaults Toi and eliminates him.
The match ran 50 minutes. It was long. It didn't really need to be that long but I can't say they stalled or wasted a ton of time. I wouldn't call it a classic but they kept it moving and it was interesting. They didn't take it too easy when they could have, but I also wouldn't say they went all out like they could have. I did not like the match not requiring a whole team to be pinned though. That part didn't make sense to me and took away from some of the suspense of the final team member trying to hang on against 2 people. I also do have to question why they had the established wrestlers out there first over the younger wrestlers.
Overall thoughts: It was a one match show with only the main being interesting. The main was a long and different match. It wasn't a classic but they did a good job with it.