Wednesday, March 31, 2021

WWE NXT 3/31/2021

WWE NXT 3/31/2021

Last week's show is here:  

We get a long preview for NXT Takeover: Stand and Deliver

Roderick Strong vs Cameron Grimes

Strong is in non-Undisputed Era gear and is doing a good job of selling feeling weird without UE around. I think this is Grimes' first televised match since he got rich. Grimes did a promo during his entrance. He said he is still interested in buying Undisputed Era and has a new shirt that says "Grimes The System" instead of "Shock The System". He then did his own version of their tron and Strong jumps him whe nhe isn't looking.

Strong rides Grimes to start and takes control. Grimes comes back and grabs his eyes. They announce that Grimes will be in the gauntlet battle royal later so he is doing double duty. Strong hits some hard chops and clotheslines him out. Strong then dropkicks him through the ropes. Strong beats down Grimes on the outside and goes into the barricade. Grimes has control over the break and Strong charges off the ropes but gets a big forearm.

Strong hits a nice water wheel drops then uranage's Grimes over the knee. Strong superplexes him off the top for 2. Grimes tries to catch Strong with a flipping slam/spanish fly variat but lands on his head when he nails Strong. He pulls a UE armband out of his pants and Strong grabs it. Grimes then does an M. Bison stomp while Strong is distracted and wins it. It was an indy style match. They did some cool moves but it didn't mean that much. At least the finish played into the angle they are doing.
Karrion Kross does a promo. He said he is training to do maximum damage and is going back to basics. Kross said he will light him up with shots and cut the ring off.

We go to break and return. Walter says Ciampa was ruthless but wrestling isn't the most important part of his life anymore. He said Ciampa is a shadow of his former self. Walter said he respects his sport like nobody else and said he would prove that the ring is sacred.

They announce NXT's move to Tuesdays. I like it because these Wednesday reviews are too much for me and are something I dread each week. I think more people will watch and more people will talk about NXT which is good.

Santos Escobar does a promo in the ring with LdF. He said he is issuing an open challenge. He said the division was created for him and it is in his blood. Tyler Breeze comes down. He says Escobar is entitled and accepts the challenge.

Tyler Breeze vs Santos Escobar

Breeze is stomped on to start and comes back with a dropkick. Santos does a fancy roll out of the corner and eats another dropkick. Escobar hits our 4th dropkick of the match and is enzugiri'd soon after. Breeze bangs Escobar's leg off the post then nails the other LdF members.

We go to a break and return with Escobar back in control. He surfboards Breeze. Tyler gets a comeback after being beat down for a bit with a hurricanrana then some punches. Breeze goes back to working the knee. He traps Escobar's knee over the middle rope and steps on it. Breeze puts him in the sharpshooter but Escobar hits the ropes. Escobar then dropkicks him and cradle shocks him for the win. I wasn't that into this one. It went too long and they did more dropkicks here than in a joshi opener. Breeze is held up by LdF but MSK comes out to save him and clears them off.

The Grizzled Young Vets get on the tron. They said both teams are distracted but they will be the next tag champs.

Johnny Gargano is interviewed with The Way He isn't happy that he doesn't know his opponent for Takeover and theory brings up the fingerpoke of doom. Gargnao said if Theory wins, they can have him lay down for an easy win. LaRae said they would show moon and Shotzi what real champs look like. We cut away on accident and return for a second.

We see a video with a dog looking at the performance center.

We see an interview from last week with Io. She is asked if she bit off more than she can chew with Raquel Gonzalez and Io said that is why she picked her.

Candice LaRae and Indi Hartwell vs Gigi Dolin and Zayda Ramier

Gigi was in the Dusty Rhodes Classic. She kicks Indi in the back but gets thrown onto the buckle then sidewalk slammed. Zayda hits some superman punches on Indi and hits her with a hard enzugiri. Indi comes back with a spinebuster and LaRae knocks Dolin off the apron. LaRae curb stomps Zayda then Indi springboard elbows her for the win in a short and nothing squash.

LaRae grabs the mic after and said there isn't a woman who deserves to be champ more than her. She said they deserve to be NXT tag team champs. LaRae says she is coming for what's hers and it will be on their time and it will be done their way. Shotzi and Ember come out. They aren't happy that they heard Indi and LaRae say they deserve their titles. Shotzi said they will take care of business then Shotzi howls. Ember said they should knock some sense into them in the meantime and Shotzi hits Indi with their tank missile.

Zoey Stark is walking around in the back. Raquel Gonzalez is too and runs into Io. I have no idea what Io said but they start fighting and Io's head is banged off a box. The do then enters the performance center and Beth yells hilariously "What's with the dog?".

We get a commercial for a kung fu show which I honestly thought was a Xia Li promo. I dare anyone to tell me they didn't think the same thing.

Roddy Strong looks down and is going home. He said he is done and won't be in the battle royale. He says he is going home.

Zoey Stark vs Raquel Gonzalez

Zoey running hurricanrana's Raquel early and dropkicks RG in the corner. Zoey gets dropped on her stomach and RG drops some elbows. RG charges in the corner and ends up taking a kick and goes over the top. Zoey then plancha's her but gets caught. She puts RG into the post and Kai takes a shot on her then is lariated over the rails.

Zoey does a nice sliding knee then comes off the top with a nice twisting blockbuster. RG comes back with her chokeslam and wins it in a decent short match.

Io comes down after RG and dropkicks her out. Io then gets thrown into the barricade.

We see the dog run up the steps and over a field that says "We are NXT".

Kushida gets interviewed and Pete Dunne interrupts. Dunne said he doesn't like Kushida saying he is the best technical wrestler because Dunne is. Ksuhida says something that I couldn't understand about the battle royale tonight.

They do a package on the O'Reilly vs Cole feud. They say they have known each other for over a decade and have always been attached. We hear their multiple snippets from their contract signing audio from last week over some video. Their unsanctioned match is Thursday 3/8.

Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter vs Xia Li

I figured Kacy would be out longer. It looks like this is a handicap match. Xia gets trapped in the corner and beat up on early and Kacy hits a flipping leg drop on her back. Outside and Kacy goes into the apron and the barricade. Kacy does a neat spin into a codebreaker.

Kacy goes to confront Tian Sha but is grabbed by the throat. Tian spits some smoke into her face and she drops over. Xia hits a jumping knee on Kacy and her spin kick for the win. I did not miss this angle and I wish they would have just moved on from it. This match solely existed for the angle at the end.

Raquel gets interviewed and Io jumps on her back. Io gets thrown into the wall and breakd through it, which just happens to be a blocked off window. You could tell this was edited as the pieces of the window cover were neatly put on the side.

We see the dog again a message syas "See you April, 13th, Franky". This is thought to be Taya Valkyrie.

We get a promo for Pretty Deadly vs Jordan and Williams tomorrow.

Ciamp does a promo. He said his wife and kid gave him a necklace. He said it reminds him of his journey. He said some people think he has went downhill but he's going to remind people what he can do against Walter. He said he's going to chop Walter's head off. He said he has changed. He said he'd rather be a man that fights for something than a man with nothing to lose. He says if Walter wants to know if the psycho killer still lives, he will show him and take his title. This was a good promo.

Finn Balor does a video. He said he has been expecting Kross for a long time. Finn says he doesn't get tired and the longer this goes, the deeper Kross drowns. He said he will retain the title at Takeover.

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett get in the ring.

Gauntlet Eliminator Qualifier Battle Royale - Last 6 Advance

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott gets nailed by Leon Ruff during entrance. Ruff gets thrown into the barricades and kicks Scott. Scott gets lariated over the top and almost escapes the ring area to evade his dive. We go to break.

We return from break and everyone is in the ring with Dunne ready to enter. Malcoln Bivens gets involved and Jake Atlas goes out first. tyler Rust then gets thrown out overhead of Scott. Lumix stares at everyoner from the corner. Theory hangs onto the bottom rope and Bronson Reed hip attacks him out. Theory's feet doesn't touch but he says he has got it and then kips up to eliminate himself like a moron. Kushida handspring double back elbows Scott and LA Knight.

Dunne stomps on Ruff's arm and he trades shots with Kushida.  Kushida cartwheels out of a triangle then tries to hammerlock Dunne but both go over the top. Kushida then keeps the hammerlock on as we are now down to final 6.

We go to picture-in-picture break and the battle royale continues. We come back from break with no one being eliminated. Scott and Ruff are up top and Reed puts both of them on his shoulders and throws both off. Scott gets thrown right on Reed. The order of elimination now determines the entrance position for the gauntlet next week.

Grimes, Knight and Lumis eliminate Bronson Reed together and Knight mocks Reed. Grimes offers money for both guys to lose. They both nail Grimes and make his money fly. Then they eliminate him.

LA Knight and Dexter Lumis are the last two remaining. Knight takes a hard fall through the middle rope - but it's the middle rope. Lumis is on the apron and he pulls him down to win. LA Knight wins the battle royale.

Knight goes up to Gargano and says he wants the North American Title. They talk then Io Shirai comes out. Io yells in Japanese, Raquel comes out and they fight. The women and the refs try to break it up and can't somehow. Io dropkicks RG off the apron and takes some shots at the girls trying to break the fight up. Io then springboard crossbodies RG and the other girls. She then poses and yells over top of them to end the show.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't a great episode. None of the matches were that interesting but they did advance some feuds here. The battle royale rules were too complicated and I don't know why we need the gauntlet when Knight just beat everyone in a battle royale.

MLW Fusion Episode #127 Never Say Never 2021 3/31/2021

MLW Fusion Episode #127 Never Say Never 2021 3/31/2021

Last week's show is here: 

We get a package for Jacob Fatu vs Calvin Tankman. Fatu says he will be just another body for the body count. Tankman says not to play with him and he plays games with him, he will lose.

Ray Flores is on commentary instead of Rich Bocchini. Ray is supposedly a well known boxing commentator. He sounds very different than Rich.

Jordan Oliver vs Simon Gotch

They go to the mat early and counter each other. Oliver does a backwards jump and runs into Gotch's forearm. Gotch uses a bandana to choke Oliver. They go to the floor and Oliver gets dropped with a forearm there. Oliver then gets suplexed on floor. Oliver continues to get beat down back inside and finally gets a DDT in after a while. They each hit each other with some forearms and Oliver comes off the 2nd rope with a cutter to win. This just wasn't anything too special. Gotch really is better as someone's tag partner than in singles.

Josef Samuel of Contra does a promo. He said you say never say never when you are low on luck and just about out of time, and Injustice is. He said while Tankman is taking photos with kids and being celebrated Fatu has been beating up people. He said Injustice's infidels will be ripped to pieces.

They announce a Dragon Gate partnership coming up soon which is pretty cool.

Daivari vs Myron Reed

They waste no time to go at it as they trade punches. They say Daivari might get a middleweight title shot if he wins this. Reed topes Daivari and Reed gets thrown into the sound area, then punted in the body. Daivari stomps on him and tries to piledriver him on the floor but is back body dropped onto the stage instead. Reed then jumps off of a speaker onto Daivari.

Daivari works the leg and figure four's Reed leg but Reed grabs the ropes. Daivari goes for a suplex but Reed turns it into a stunner/cutter as Reed continues to hold his leg. Reed bounces Daivari off the middle rope and drops him on his butt then Reed does a slingshot legdrop.

Daivari takes off Reed's chest protector and puts wears it. Daivari goes for a frog splash but Reed moves. Reed takes off the chest protector off of Daivari and and cutters him off the 2nd rope. Reed puts the chest protector back on and springboard 450's Daivari for the win.

I always hate matches where the leg is worked on a flyer, since they really need the leg to do most of their moves. Aside from that, the rest of this was okay as they brought a little hatred and they didn't go too far with the fruitless leg work.

Hammerstone does a promo on Muertes. He said Mil planned this poorly and said he will send him back to whatever grave he came from. They announce another rerun next week which I don't like. Why not just let the matches run long here and do a 2 part episode instead if they are hurting for content?

Alicia Atout hosts an interview with Richard Holliday and Gino Medina. Richard tells her to refer to him as the Caribbean champion and she says she isn't doing this and we are running low on time. Gino has to break it up which is funny. Richard yells at him for trying to tell him to stop talking and calls him "the most undynastic person" he has ever met. Medina calls Atout a "thrift-store Barbie" and they continue to argue. Atout announces Medina will challenge for Holliday's Carribean title and Richard isn't pleased. This segment sucked. There was too much petty arguing here about nothing and it was a waste of time.

We get a tale of the tape for Tankman vs Fatu. This is Fatu's 10th defense.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship - Jacob Fatu (c) vs Calvin Tankman

They said Tankman is coming in "with issues". They said he was rumored to have food poisioning and said this isn't the first time that has happened with Contra.

They shoulderblock battle early and Fatu goes flying out. Tankman comes off the 2nd rope with a twisting armdrag then dropkick's Fatu. Fatu goes into the buckles but flips out of them then springboard clotheslines Tankman and kips up after. Fatu then superkicks him in the face.

Tankman runs into a samoan drop from Fatu. Fatu beats up Tankman for a bit and splashes him in the corner. He then does a butt drop in the corner on Tankman but probably takes the worst of it. Fatu hits a vicious back elbow. they trade some shots in the ring and Tankman pounces Fatu out of the ring. Tankman then topes Fatu on the outside.

Tankman does a running SSP for 2. He tries a cutter but Fatu  handstands out of it. Fatu handsprings out of the ropes and comes back with a moonsault for 2. Tankman pops him up for a spinning back elbow and Fatu flips for a lariat for 2. Daivari enters the ring and gets nailed but Fatu nails Tankman in the head with a flag. Fatu then double jump moonsaults him for the win.

I wasn't too big of a fan of this. I wanted heavyweight style wrestling and we got heavyweights doing more flips than the lighter weight guys did. I knew Tankman wasn't winning this but with the dirty finish, at least they gave him an excuse for another shot someday. I wanted to see more lariats, strike exchanges and power moves and less flips.

Overall thoughts:
This was just average to okay. They gave a good effort in the main and it got enough time, but it was not the heavyweight war I was hoping for. The rest of the show wasn't too special with the Holliday/Medina/Atout three way argument conference being outright bad. Rich Bocchini was also missed on commentary here.

Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 1 October 29, 2014

Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 1 October 29, 2014

We start off with a luchador getting into a fight with unknown people in an abandoned area. The masked guy said they need to talk about the 7 tribes of the Aztec and their legacy. He said lucha has been around for 100 years and now it is time to rise.

We are introduced to Dario Cueto, who is a businessman and wants AAA's wrestlers to fight for him on Lucha Underground.

The masked guy asked a guy in a hoodie if he will join ur or not and we see various luchadores walking on hills and wrestling in the ring.

We go to a packed warehouse and are welcomed to the show. Matt Striker and Vampiro welcome us. Dario Cuerto is introduced. We're told he's not Mexican, but Spanish. Dario says he has opened his doors to the best fighters and says this is his temple. He said we honor ancient traditions like violence and the luchador who impresses him the most gets a $100,000 signing bonus. He said the luchadores can get rich or die trying.

Blue Demon Jr. vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

They go to the mat and Demon steps on his hands. Chavo turns a hiptoss into an armdrag and Demon baseball slides Chavo while he is outside. Chavo gets slapped in the face and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Chavo goes up and over into the corner, gets caught and turns it into a tornado ddt. Chavo brings Demon over the top then plancha's him.

Back in and Chavo gets crotched on the top and falls. Demon goes for a flipping senton but misses and Demon is holding his knee. Chavo goes for a hurricanrana on the top, gets blocked and is powerbombed down. Demon then puts Chavo in a sharpshooter with the arm hooked and wins it. This wasn't the greatest match or anything but there wasn't anything wrong with it and it was an okay opener.

Dario talks to Konnan in his office. Konnan says he's not interested in working for him but is interested in his money. He said he has the best fighter in the world. Dario says he has his own signee though and it's Johnny Mundo. He said he only signed him to make an example of him as he doesn't respect his temple. He says Johnny is here for the money and fame and tells Konnan to have his man take him out to get the $100,000.

Johnny Mundo is shown doing pull-ups. Vampiro says Konnan has Prince Puma and Konnan does not invest time and money into just anyone. We then go to meet Prince Puma.

Konnan talks about his career and says Prince Puma is the legend of lucha. He said his grandfather used to talk about 7 aztec tribes who had their own champion and said Azteca luchadores would claim the head of their fallen opponent. He then explains why losing your mask is so important in lucha. Konnan says Prince Puma's bloodline is the jaguar and he traces his lines back  to the Aztecs. He said Puma is born to be a legend and he will show him his glory.

Back to the ring. They do a package on Sexy Star. She says the mask saved her life and talks about bs like women being as strong as men. She said she is out there for women who need to get on her feet and does everything for the girls. She says every woman is sexy and a star. That's not true for men or women.

Son of Havoc vs Sexy Star

Havoc is from the open road. He grabs the mic and they do some voice filters. Havoc says he isn't wrestling a woman and tells her to leave. Star teases leaving and of course returns and flurries on him. Havoc knocks her down and misses an asai moonsault. Star then comes back with a satellite headscissors and gets put down on her chest. Star crossbodies him for 2 from the top and is backbreakered and pinned. Havoc grabs the tights on the pin.

At least this was short and they didn't do anything too unbelieveable. I hate intergender wrestling as it really isn't believeable at all. Yeah, maybe Ronda Rousey could take out a random guy off the street who hasn't seen a gym or a fight ever. But wrestlers? No. I also don't like it because it's often forced by people who don't even like or care about wrestling.

Dario talks to Chavo Guerrero Jr. in the back. He asks what happened and why Chavo lost. He said he was supposed to put Demon into retirement and asked what his family would think of him tapping out. He said he won't get the $100,000 and would have to find someone new next week who can get the job done. Dario said there is nothing he can do to stop this guy when he comes and says "1,000 deaths might be coming for us all"

Johnny Mundo vs Prince Puma with Konnan

This is the main event and we have about 20 minutes left for it. They block each other's kicks early and Puma kips up out of a shoulder block. Johnny headsprings out of a wristlock.

Puma backflips out of a leg sweep and they kip up at the same time. Vamp says Konnan is evil on commentary and Puma is about to be corrupted. Puma does a double backflip into a headscissors then a nice satellite headscissors. Vamp gets up to cheer and Johnny evades a dive.

Johnny goes over Puma's back abd bounces Puma's throat off the top rope. Johnny does an awesome twisting spin kick and as he goods around with the crowd, Puma springboard dropkicks him. Puma puts his knees on the top and flip sentons on Johnny. Puma enzugiri's Johnny out of the ring and they fight outside. They fight at the announcer's table and Johnny jumps off the table and flips over Puma. Then he bangs him into the post.

Back in the ring, Puma hits an enzugiri from under Johnny. Puma springboard crossbodies Johnny then standing SSP's him.  Johnny pushes him into the corner and punch flurries him. Johnny hits some hard clotheslines and a leg lariat. Johnny springboard kicks Puma for 2. Puma goes for a slingshot sunset flip, but gets a running knee. Puma evades starship pain then hits a springboard meteora for 2.

Puma goes for a springboard 450 but no one is there then Johnny does a flipping neckbreaker for 2. Johnny does a standing spanish fly to Puma then hits starship pain for the win. This went on a little longer than they needed to and while the moves and stuff were nice, the match didn't have that much story. They could have stopped this about halfway and I think the match might have been better. It was also clear that various parts of this were cut out.

Johnny and Puma gave each other respect after and Dario Cueto came out. He congratulates Johnny and says he earned the money, but then closes the suitcase. Ricky Reyes and I think B-Boy then come in and jump both guys. Then Ezekiel Jackson comes on the apron. Puma takes a flapjack into a codebreaker and Johnny takes a chokeslam from Big Zeke. They pose over Johnny. Dario grabs the mic and says these guys work for him, and hands Zeke the briefcase. He then said welcome to Lucha Underground as the show ends.  

Overall thoughts: Fantastic production here. Every match had some build to it and the various segments were really good. While I didn't approve of the intergender wrestling, it is really hard to complain about anything else on this show. Good episode and I really do like the format.

Impact Wrestling 3/30/2021

Impact Wrestling 3/30/2021

Last week's show is here:

They run down some of the ongoing storylines to start.

Fire n Flava vs Havok and Neveah

Havok and Neveah have been slowly breaking up as they just can't win together.

Hogan gets tossed around early and takes a lariat while on Havok's knee. Hogan continues to get dominated. They tag out and Havok gets double tripped into the buckles. Hogan then runs around for a fast dropkick into the face.

Havok then gets worked over for a little. Steels tries a crossbody off the 2nd rope but is caught and fallaway slammed. Neveah takes out both opponents and STO's and german's Steelz. Steelz wasn't paying attention and ends up taking a sitout powerbomb from Havok then Hogan reversed something into a DDT on Havok.

Hogan hits a lighting spiral-esque neckbreaker on Havok then  Steelz frogsplashes her and they win it. It was alright.

Hogan twerks with the title after. Havok and Neveah then have a discussion in the ring. They seemingly hug and appear to be okay but Neveah then attacks Havok and spears her. Neveah said she had thought she was the weak link all along but says Havok is the weak link.

We run down the card and James Storm gets interviewed about his 1,000th match. He said this is a dedication. He said he wasn't supposed to have 1 match yet alone 1,000. He put over Bob Ryder for giving them good words and chances and said it is in dedication to Bob Ryder in a nice promo. He says Eric Young better be ready because he is going to beat him up. He says he expects EY to bring his friends and said he is bringing Sabin and Jake Something with him.

They say they have a surprise and Chris Harris appears. They hug each other and say it has been a long time.

Deonna P and susan get interviewed. DP says she is unstoppable. Susan says Jazz is reckless and deserves more than what she got. Jazz then comes in and jumps both of them and nails Susan with a plastic trash can.

Sami Callihan vs Larry D with Acey Romero

They start nailing each other to start. Larry misses a big splash and takes some knees. Sami tope's him but is caught and has his back put into the apron. Larry then backdrops him from the floor to the apron. We go to break and return with Sami getting thrown out.

They fight outside and Sami gets dropped with a forearm. Back in and D is in control with a nice forearm then a spinning clothesline. D does a jumping splash for 2. Sami comes back with a death valley driver for 2. They fight on the apron and Sami goes for the eyes. D takes a piledriver of the middle rope and Sami wins it. This wasn't too bad at all and was a lot more even than I expected as D and Acey are mostly treated as jobbers.

Acey attacks Sami after and side slams him. Why Sami didn't teleport out of this, I don't know. Sami claps for them after.

They show clips of FinnJuice in Japan.

Callis, Omega and The Good Brothers watch their clips and comment. Karl says he isn't impressed but Omega thinks they got better. Callis said it seems like the Good Brothers are angry. They all talk about something that we can't hear and The Good Brothers leave the room.

Trey Miguel has Sami come up to him. Sami said he saved him against XXXL and wants to know why he didn't return the favor tonight. Sami said he isn't the bad guy and said he doesn't have passion. He said he needs Trey to harness his anger and he can be the one who does it. Sami tells him that he wants to be his mentor and says they could carry Impact together. Sami said he is going to ask for a tag match against XXXL and will request Trey be his partner. Trey says no and he tells him to think about it for a week. This was interesting and after some of the lame matches Trey has been having, it can't hurt.

Brian Myers vs Suicide

This gets off to a fast start with Suicide headscissoring him down and dropkicking him in the face. Suicide hits some chest palm strikes and John Woo dropkicks him. Myers hits a falcon arrow for 2. Myers hits a big lariat soon after and wins it in a squash.

Myers gets on the mic after. He says Matt Cardona is trying to get the rub by challenging him to a match. Myers said Impact Wrestling is his and it doesn't include Cardona. This is a dumb storyline because we both know they are friends and business partners.

Jazz goes up to Tommy Dreamer. She wants to get her hands on Deonna P. Tommy says he is booking Hardcore Justice and reminds her of the Ultimate Jeopardy match. He says what if they have a match where if Deonna loses, she loses her title. But says Jazz needs to give up something. Jazz says she will put her career on the line and agrees to it. This was kind of dumb. Dreamer told her not to do this and that it didn't make sense, but Jazz wanted to anyway. I appreciate the confidence, but it seems really risky and short-sighted. I liked the set up to the match though as this was a good way to make this happen.

We get our usual AEW Dynamite hype segment.

We go to Swinger's Palace. The dealer wants to go to the bathroom and Swinger says no. Swinger then hands him a cup to pee in. Callis and Omega arrive at the Palace. Callis says he heard Swinger is taking bets on Omega vs Swann. Callis wanted to know what the odds are and it is supposedly 1:1. Callis shows Swinger a video of the One Winged Angel and Swinger says the odds have swung. Callis puts down $20,000 on Omega and Swinger is thrilled. Swinger's Palace segments are always good though I don't buy the 1:1 odds.

TJP and Josh Alexander vs Ace Austin and Madman Fulton

We have not seen Fulton wrestle for a long time on here. Fulton does a nice throw on Josh early. Fulton hair whips Josh in the face and Josh flying shoulder's him. Fulton charges at Josh but goes head first into the middle rope. They talk more about Impact's move to Thursday nights here which is a good move as NXT is on moving to Tuesday's. I'm a fan of it personally as that prevents me from having to do NWA, NXT, Impact and Dark on the same day.

Anywho, Josh and TJP take down Ace then argue. TJP tags himself in and slingshot senton's Ace. TJP headstands in the corner but gets caught and gut kicked. TJP gets hanging choked off the 2nd rope by Fulton and dangles. Ace slides over Fulton's back for a kick on TJP.

TJP comes back with a nice tornado ddt and tags out. Josh and Fulton go at it. Fulton takes a hard elbow and is suplexed. Fulton face kicks him. TJP prevents a double team and Fulton goes out. TJP facewashes Ace in the face and Josh splashes Fulton and TJP in the corner. Fulton then takes a big bump over the top on a clothesline. Ace hits a roundhouse kick.

Josh rolling fireman's carries Ace and TJP tags himself in. TJP and Josh fight over the pin and after they get done arguing TJP gets rolled up by Ace. They did a good job of pushing the Josh/TJP issues here. Fulton took too many bumps though and didn't get protected as a big man at all.

Willie Mack is checking his phone when Callis walks in. Callis says Mack is fantastic and he's a big fan of his work. He aid he's got big plans for him and opens up Mack's chewing tobacco dip. Callis says Rich Swann isn't listening to him and shows Mack a video of Omega's one winged angel. Swann comes in and argued with Callis. Callis says Kenny can't wait to kick out of Swann's finisher. Callis says he is going to get in Swann's head and Swann said he isn't in his head. Swann said he has the heart and determination to beat up Omega and Callis brings up that he is an executive here. Swann said he would slap Callis if he wasn't his boss.  Callis says he isn't his boss for the next 10 minutes and takes off his glasses and watch. Callis says he is ready to fight then Omega jumps him. Mack tries to make the save, but The Good Brothers help out then Jake Something and Sabin help out too. Mack took some cereal or noodles to the gut here which I found funny. The brawl was cool.

Rohit Raju goes up to Hernandez in the back. He said they should be called "ILX", which is Indian Latin Exchange. Hernandez said they aren't friends or partners, he just wants money. He tells him to leave when he doesn't have money.

Violent by Design does a promo. EY said violence showed Rhyno the way but says Storm has wrestled too long and can't be solved. He said the future of the company hangs in the balance and the world doesn't belong to Storm, it belongs to VBD. Not the greatest material but the way it was shot was great and EY did good here.

Tommy Dreamer met up with the women in the back. He announces Jazz vs Deonna P. Deonna said they should get their goodbye's ready for Jazz. She said she welcomes anyone who wants to step up to the plate. Tommy goes up to Susan and says she wants to talk about "Su", which is who Susan really is. Susan says she doesn't know who that is and calls him crazy, then DP tells her to go. Tommy says there will be a scramble match with weapons legal where the winner is the #1 Contender for the women's title. Jordynne Grace likes it. Kaleb says you don't put weapons around Tenille and says they will go above Tommy. Havok loves the idea and Rosemary does too. Alisha Edwards asks what the rules are here and Tommy calls for Scott D'Amore or Eddie Edwards to help.

James Storm's 1000th Match - James Storm with Chris Sabin, Jake Something and Chris Harris vs Eric Young with Violent by Design

They did a nice job with the build to this match. EY flips out of the corner and runs into a back elbow. Things slow down and Storm goes into the post. The two wrestler's squads face off as we go to break.

Back from break and EY is in control. EY hits a twisting neckbreaker for 2. Storm takes a big northern lights suplex into the buckles. EY neckbreakers him for 2. Storm mounts a comeback and neckbreakers him. Storm hits a spinning razor's edge but EY kicks out somehow. EY goes up top and hits a nice top rope elbow for 2. They exchange shots and Storm backcracker's him for 2. Deaner gets on the apron and Sabin grabs him. EY runs into Deaner and knocks him off. VBD and Storm's crew then go at it.

EY grabs his mask and Harris stops him. Harris nails him and sends him back in, then EY takes a Storm superkick for the Storm win. It had a nice little ending here and the match okay.

Overall thoughts:
Good show overall. The wrestling was okay, the James Storm stuff was good and some of the backstage segments were good.

NWA Power Episode #23 3/30/2021

NWA Power Episode #23 3/30/2021

Last week's show is here:

Tim Storm and Joe Galli are your commentators. We'll see if Velvet Sky sticks around for the whole show or not.

Kyle Davis interviews Nick Aldis. Nick said he suffers from a condition where all he knows how to do is win. He talked about winning twice last week. Nick was asked if Chris Adonis was with his crew or not. Nick said it takes more than a couple of wins and Trevor Murdoch walked out.

Trevor said he can't listen to him anymore. Trevor says Nick agrees that attacking people after the match isn't right but yet Nicks is welcoming him in. Trevor said Adonis put him in the hospital with his attack and he wants another match. He wants a no dq and no countout match and will even put his National Title on the line. He said "the rent is due and I'm here to collect".

Nick got mad, saying this is his show and says never to tell him when to talk. Nick said he chalks this up to him being emotional and not used to life at the top. Nick said they are different people but both were trained by Harley Race. Nick said he isn't listening to Race's teachings and asked what the #1 rule was in wrestling? He said it is to never turn your back on your opponent then Adonis jumped Trevor. Trevor was put into the post and stomped on.

Trevor had to be helped to the back and was selling the attack well here.

May Valentine interviewed Aron Stevens and JR Kratos. Aron said it hurt losing to Aldis and said it isn't hard to be optomistic. Sal Rinauro walked in and said he knew Jocephus too and asked for a tag title shot. Aron agreed and told him to bring his big boy pants.

Slice Boogie vs Jeremiah Plunkett

Plunkett is from "Taterville, Tennessee", which is an awesome hometown name. They trade shots in the corner and Slice springboard back elbows JP out of nowhere. JP gets hung on the middle rope and is face kicked. Slice misses an elbow in the corner and JP comes back, hitting a nice elbow.  JP hits a nice forearm and spinebusters Slice for 2. JP puts a sleeper on but is backdropped. Slice slingshots in and lariats him then hits a nasty Gotch-style piledriver for the win. This wasn't bad at all. I like Plunkett. He wears gear like a jobber would and while not being ripped to shreds or anything, looks like a tough guy from Tennessee who isn't an easy win.

 Tyrus comes out with Austin Idol. They invade the announcer's table and Idol says he will be the next NWA Champ. Galli asks if he's gonna wrestle or talk and Tyrus gets mad. They ask Velvet Sky to leave as Idol wants to sit at the booth.

Tyrus vs Matthew Mims

Idol puts over Tyrus and says he will take him to the top of the mountain. He keeps calling him "Manster", which is Man and Monster combined. Mims gets some corner punches in but is caught on a crossbody and slammed. Tyrus then drops the elbow for a possible pin but pulls him up.

Mims hurs Tyrus with some headbutts but Tyrus then exploder suplexes him. Tyrus splashes him in the corner and chokeslams him for the win. Idol was kind of distracting here as it was hard to pay attention to the match with how much talking he was doing. Tyrus isn't a particular exciting or great wrestler and this wasn't a great squash.

Fred Rosser and The Pope are with Kyle Davis. They were supposed to fight tonight but the match was re-scheduled for next week. Fred said the NWA is for him and said Pope isn't ready for a fight. Pope said he respects him and remmebers Fred asking him for advice a long time ago. Pope said he is bringing "that work" when he fights him next week. Not the greatest material to work with here but Pope is good on the mic.

Melina joins the commentary booth.

Exhibition - Thunder Rosa and Alex Gracia vs Skye Blue and Jennacide

Alex and Thunder just fought the night before against each other on AEW Dark: Elevation. Jenna's name should probably be changed. She looks very unusual as she is tall and wears metallic face paint. Blue is not wearing blue.

Blue and Rosa go to the match to start. Blue hits some bad kicks and a cartwheel into a punch. Rosa runs the ropes fast and sentons Blue for 2. Blue takes a double dropkick and takes nice bumps for Alex's armdrags.

Jenna fallaway slams Alex then slams Blue on Alex for 2. Alex takes a double team. Rosa and Jenna get in and Rosa high kicks Jenna then hits some weak lariats in the corner. Alex gets her head hit off the post. Kamille then comes in out of nowhere and spears Rosa for the DQ. Melina comes to Rosa's aide then arges with Kamille. Rosa tries to pull Melina away and Jenna is dying to get her hands on Kamille. Kamille and Jenna then stare down and the segment immediately ends unfortunately. I like Kamille vs Jennacide but I didn't like this match too much. I don't think Rosa is that great and I don't really think she should be training people.

Nick Aldis joins the booth. Tim Storm is asked if he will wrestle again and he said who knows what will happen. He then defers to Aldis. Aldis says he is happy he isn't retiring but is also happy he isn't running his mouth.

NWA National Title - No DQ/No Countouts - Trevor Murdoch (c) vs Chris Adonis

Trevor's in a neck brace. Adonis drops Trevor with a forearm then elbows his neck. Adonis works on him on the outside and slams him on the floor. Trevor comes back with chops but takes a back elbow.

Adonis pulls on Trevor's neckbrace and Aldis says he might as well have worn a target. Adonis takes off the brace and mocks him, the pounds Trevor's chest. Chris stretches and elbows the neck. He then puts on a full nelson/masterlock and full nelson slams him hard. Trevor gets put in the masterlock again and passes out for the Adonis title win! This made perfect sense and this was well done.

Trevor gets checked on after as Adonis, Latimer and Kamille congratulate him. Aldis still says he isn't a full-fledged member of their stable though.

Overall thoughts: Not a fantastic show but the Trevor Murdoch stuff was good and I liked Jeremiah Plunkett

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

AEW Dark: Elevation Episode #3 3/29/2021

AEW Dark: Elevation Episode #3 3/29/2021

Last week's show is here:

Moxley does a promo to start. He said he isn't feeling well and is sore after some of the stuff that happened the last few weeks. He said beating someone up would make him feel better.

Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy vs JD Drake and Ryan Nemeth

Orange Cassidy has new music here. A couple of armdrags are hit early from Taylor and Drake. OC goofs off early on, barely trying which is not funny. Chuck gets thrown into the bottom rope from the outside into JD's lariat. Ryan whips Chuck into a JD clothesline then they do a fist drop + headbutt combo. JD and Ryan fail on a double team when JD is tripped into a headbutt Ryan's crotch.

OC does his stupid bit with his hands in his pockets nad hurricanrana's him while his hands are in his pockets. Chuck hits a satellite DDT for 2. Ryan then gets in and hits him with a ddt. OC comes off the top on JD and gets a northern lights suplex, Chuck dives on Ryan on the outside and OC wraps it up with a beach break/samurai driver on JD for the win.

OC's stupid comedy bits really hurt this one and nobody, including the announcers seem to get the JD/Ryan team.

Kip, Penelope Ford and Miro come out. Kip wants to wish Taylor and OC luck, but Miro says he doesn't wish luck as he wants to do all kinds of bad htngs to them and then leaves.

Bill Collier vs Jon Moxley

Collier is an indy guy from Pennsylvania who has been around for a little while. He's a littler taller than Moxley and is in shape. Mox takes him down early and Bill comes back with a nice dropkick. Bill bends forward for a back body drop and Mox just bangs his head off the mat.

Mox ties him up on the mat and grabs him by the nose. Mox hits a stiff knee to the face and kicks him in the chest multiple times. Bill gets a comeback with some forearms but takes a german. Bill comes back and hits a fallaway slam and kips up. Mox then comes back with a big lariat and a nice piledriverto seemingly win it but only gets a 2. Mox then lays on his back and chokes him for the win.

Bill didn't really get enough in to see what he could do and he probably shouldn't of here against Mox.

Cody gives his belt to a kid outside. I don't know why we needed to see that.

Leila Grey vs Penelope Ford with Kip Sabian

Miro was shown in the graphic to be out here for this, but he is not. Grey shoves Ford and gets slapped. Grey hits some kind of double stomp/dropkick move on a seated Ford. Ford hits a kick combo then handspring backflip back elbows her. As usual, Ford lays her on the apron and springboard double knees her from the second rope inside to outside.

Ford chokes her over the ropes and kisses Kip, then pulls her throat first into the top rope. Grey comes back with some clotheslines and Thesz presses her. Ford hits a back roundhouse kick then double knee fireman's carry gutbusters her for the win in a short squash.

Gunn Club (Austin Gunn, Billy Gunn & Colten Gunn) vs Rex Lawless & Milk Chocolate (Brandon Watts & Randy Summers)

Do I even need to comment on how stupid the name Milk Chocolate is? Their gear is awful too. Billy Gunn does some dance with the ref during his entrance. Austin does his running blockbuster to the back of Randy's head. Rex really looks like the 3rd Bear Country member or like Pac's cousin.

Rex drops Billy with a forearm and slaps him over the head and Billy Gunn comes back with his "suck it" taunt. The Gunns hit a triple team combo with Colten hitting a strutting stunner. Rex comes back with a nice looking face kick  Colten ends up getting the hot tag here later on with splashes and a nice dropkick. The Gunns then hit the back body drop into the neckbreaker and it ends up being mostly just a backdrop as the neckbreaker misses. The Gunn's pretty much have the same squash every time out.

Marvez congratulates Rosa on the bloody match she had with Britt. I am very tired of hearing about that one. Rosa says she is ready to fight again and is fighting her student Alex Gracia today. She goes off on women's empowerment and latino pride(I have a feeling Britt doing that about her race wouldn't be allowed). Diamante comes in and says nobody represents her, though they never tell you its Diamante. Diamate says Rosa put a massive target on her back and htey talk half in spanish. Dia says she will step up to the plate and Rosa will agree to it whenever she wants.

I am skipping the Janela match.

Dasha wants to interview Jack Evans and makes Angelico bring him out of a van. Jack said he doesn't need to prepare today, he just needs coffee. He calls Jungle Boy "Jungle Dork" and says he is disappointed with AEW putting him in the ring with them. Angelico is dancing even though no music is playing during the whole promo.

Thunder Rosa vs Alex Gracia

They call Alex "The Pink Dream" and it seems like they do have plans for her, but they haven't shown them yet. They wrestle on the mat early. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and do some counters and reversals. Alex takes some chops in the corner and they blow an irish whip. Alex double springboards into a hurricanrana and Rosa does a satellite headscissors into a russian leg sweep. They trade shots and Rosa hits a bad looking slam to win. This wasn't any good.

Leyla Hirsch vs Vipress
Vipress has a gothic/vampire type of look and sticks out some. Leyla takes her down early and wrestles her. They get tied up in the ropes and Vipress works her arm. Leyla blocks a kick and hits a nice lariat. Leyla hits couple of germans which Vipress sells well then is tapped with the armdbreaker. This wasn't bad at all with both girls looking good here.
Danny Limelight vs. Frankie Kazarian

Kaz takes him down and does a nice roll through escape into a trip out of a wristlock. Danny comes over the back with an armdrag after kind of missing on a monkey flip spot then jumps from the middle ot the top rope with a hurricanrana. Kaz hits a spin kick, knee to the face then lariat combo.

Kaz does an unusual twisting russian legsweep which stumps the announcers and DL comes back with a hurricanrana. Kaz starts throwing DL into the buckles hard. Danny walks the middle rope and jumps up onto the top rope with a lariat. They do a messy spot that ends in an ocean cyclone suplex for 2. Kaz springboards into a legdrop and a little later, Danny hits a springboard double stomp to his back. Kaz gets a crossface chickenwing out of nowhere and wins it. Danny can do some cool stuff, but the cool stuff is very complicated to hit and when it doesn't go off as planned, the match suffers.

Christian Cage comes out after and claps for Kaz. It's amazing how little buzz and how not over Cage is right now.

Fuego del Sol vs Ethan Page

Speaking of people who have no buzz, here's Ethan Page. Fuego is from the very lucha town of Mobile, Alabama which sounds silly. Tony even references it calling him "Alabama's top luchador". Page pops up Sol and he dropkicks him. Sol hits a nice corner spear and gets thrown off on a DDT, then flipped on a shoulder. Sol gets whipped hard into the buckles.

Page works the back and does an unusual leg and arm hook into a backbreaker. Fuego comes back with a 2nd rope moonsault and gets his 2nd tornado ddt attempt blocked. Page backbreakers him on the top rope and throws him down. Page then tosses him on the razor's egde to win. This was fine though the finish was never in doubt. They are really running with the "best tornado ddt" gag here they have with Sol.

Tay Conti and Hikaru Shida vs Jasmin Allure and Tesha Price

-1 is not here today and the Dark Order leaves after they get in the ring. Tay takes a 2v1 to start but bangs htem into each other. Allure takes some judo throws and comes back with a nice back elbow on Shida. Tay hits a nice pump kick on Allure then Tay and Shida hit double judo throws into triangle chokes in a cool spot. Tay then hits a DDT on Tesha and wins it. Tay and Shida aren't a bad team and Tesha got nothing in here.

Jack Evans with Angelico vs Jungle Boy with Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt

They both flip out of wristlocks early and try to dropkick each other at the same time. Angelico distracts JB and JB gets spin kicked. JB gets his head smacked off a table and Jack grabs a mic saying "you're welcome". Jack suplexes him and then gets a 2 on a pin attempt. Jack puts JB in a hold but he powers out and powerbombs him.

JB mounts a comeback with shops and elbows and Jack takes a nasty bump on his neck for a lariat. Jack then hits a handspring elbow onto JB on the ropes and both go onto the floor. Jack takes another hard bump on that.

They fight outside and Jack running spin kicks him fron the apron. They go up top and JB takes a spider german from the top. Jack then moonsaults, but JB moves and he moonsaults again to prevent a bad landing. JB comes back, throws him into the buckles then german suplexes him. Jack hits a northern lights suplex then michinoku driver's him for 2. Jack tries a ryder kick off the top but JB catches him with the STF and wins it.

As usual when any AEW matches goes a decent length of time, they did too much here and Jack took a couple of very painful looking bumps.

QT Marshall & Lee Johnson vs. Adam Priest & Aaron Frye

QT pounds on Frye in the corner and back elbows him. Lee hits a decent dropkick and gets driven into QT on the top. QT then gets pulled down for a back bump. Frye comes back with a knee flying knee and Priest hits a nice german on QT.  Lee starts getting a bunch of offense on Priest for some reason out of nowhere and Frye dropkicks him to stop it. QT hits a cutter on Priest and wins it. I don't know what purpose any of this served except to put over QT, who is not exactly the next superstar in waiting.
Dark Order’s 5 and 10 vs D3 and Vary Morales

D3 takes a 10 shoulder to start and does a nice leapfrog but is nailed with a forearm. 10 back body drops D3 then 5 dropkicks him from the buckles. 5 hits a nice forearm on Vary and misses an asai moonsault. 10 does a diving clothesline off the middle rope on D3 and a spinebuster. Vary gets an STO on the apron from 5 and 10 hits a big boot on D3. 10 then wins it with the full nelson on D3 in this waste of time.

Kilynn King vs Ryo Mizunami

Ryo picks up the ref and puts her glasses on him. They both dance around with the crowd claps for some reason to start and look dumb doing it. They shoulderblock battle and King wins it. They trade forearms with Bryce the ref doing dumb head weaves with each shot. Ryo does her usual stupid rope pull taunt and lariats King in the corner.

They let each other get free chest slaps which was also dumb  and King was put into something like an anaconda vice but hit the ropes. Ryo charged into a spin kick then was german suplexed and dropkicked. King then spinebustered her for 2. Ryo popped up and hit an exploder out of nowhere really then speared her. Ryo then did a top rope legdrop for the win.

If these two just had a serious match it would have been good, but they had to be goofy and not treat this like a contest and I didn't like it at all.

The ref tries to pick up Ryo after but can't.
Ethan Page did a promo and said he did what he said he would do - win. He said he hasn't been given star treatment so far. He said he won't overlook talent like AEW does and will go out and enjoy the rest of the show.

Bear Country did a feature video. They have been teaming for 3 years. Boulder said he was a singles guy but wasn't going anywhere, so he wanted to try a team. They said it took a long time for them to figure it out. Bronson said he has always been called "Bear" by his mom. He said they almost stopped wrestling during the pandemic. Boulder said Tony and Cody said they liked their act on Dark and told them to come back. Bronson said there is too much hugging and hand shaking in wrestling and that's not them. They said they plan to stay here for a long time and AEW is Bear Country.

I didn't have any issues with this except for making it known that Cody is in power which is bad.

Bear Country vs Private Party with Matt Hardy

Bronson shoulders down Kassidy early and suplexes him from the bearhug position. Quen gets pushed down but handstands and pops up with an enzugiri that Bronson blocks. Quen then gets whipped into a lariat. Boulder hits some hard shots in the corner and Quen just falls over on an irish whip.

Kassidy distracts Bronson from the apron and gets nailed off the apron for it then Quen flurries on Bronson. Bronson gets beat up in the corner with Hardy taking some shots. Kassidy jumps off of Quen's back to splash Bronson in the corner. Quen catches himself on a back body drop from Bronson and makes the tag.

Boulder comes in and double splashes both PP members in the corner. Kassidy and Quen both get caught on Boulder's shoulders and he fallaway slams them. Marko Stunt comes out to pull Matt Hardy off the apron then argues with Bear Country. PP hits a double enzugiri on Bronson and wins it.

Marko continues to argue with both after and Boulder grbas him. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus come to make the save and they both fight until it is broken up. I'm glad AEW sees something in Bear Country but I don't want to see them go heel and that's what I think happens here. The match was fine by the way though the finish was a bit light for AEW's standards. I'd rather see the Bears feud with Private Party or really any heel team.

Mike Sydal vs Scorpio Sky

Finally, it's the last match of the night. Sydal cartwheels off the ropes while Sky is bent over and dropkicks him. Sky hits a nice punch combo in the corner. Sky ties up Mike on the ground with a seated octopus clutch and Mike takes a hard fall on the floor when thrown out. Mike makes a comeback and does a limbo out of a lariat. Mike does a nice superkick and then leg sweeps him and standing moonsaults him.

They trade forearms and Sydal takes a couple of german suplexes. Sky spears Matt's knee and makes him flip then he does a leg lock and taps him out of nowhere to win, then refuses to break it. Matt Sydal then comes out and stops it but Ethan Page follows him and beats him up. The finish was totally random here but it wasn't too bad leading up to it.

Sky and Page left together.

Overall thoughts: This was a brutal show. It went longer than Raw does without commercials by 20 minutes and was not too entertaining.

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/29/2021

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/29/2021

Last week's show is here:

We were shown video of Drew McIntyre arriving earlier today. He was made aware of Bobby basically putting a bounty on him. He said he doesn't know what will happen tonight and dares anyone to come at him as they will get a "good old fashioned Scottish @ss kicking".

The Hurt Business come out to talk. They said Wrestlemania is only 3 weeks away. MVP says they just want to give someone a shot and show Drew being up Cedric and Shelton last week. Bobby said they are tarnishing his image. He said he can't count on them and calls them incompetent. Shelton fights back saying they wouldn't champ without him. MVP says something to Shelton and he pushes on him, then they all fight. Bobby takes a german suplex and Shelton goes after Bobby but takes a flatliner. MVP says they should be ashamed of themselves and Bobby says The Hurt Business is over.

The Hurt Business have been a pretty good faction for the most part and this break up flopped without the crowd around.  They did do some build to it a month or two back but haven't built much on it since. I have no faith in Cedric or Shelton going onto better things after this.

Riddle was riding his scooter in the back. He said he thought Sheamus was having a bad day when he attacked him with his scooter last week. Riddle said he pissed him off and he doesn't like to be pissed off. Riddle runs into Titus O'Neil and starts asking dumb questions. Riddle thought he was the "roast" of Wrestlemania and Titus ran to get away with him after a dumb exchange. Sheamus thankfully ended this segment by running his shoulder into Riddle, who landed in a box. It's one thing for Riddle to be a hippie who is out there mentally but he's morphing into R-Truth.

We're 15 minutes into this and this is awful already.

Shelton and Cedric go up to Adam Pearce in the back. They said Bobby wouldn't be champ without them and Bobby is nothing without them. Shelton said he wants Bobby tonight and Cedric wants him next week. Pearce asks him if he is sure and Shelton gets mad and says to make the match. Cedric asks if he has to consult Bobby like this like he does with Roman and basically tells him to man up.

Sheamus vs Riddle

MVP is at the commentary booth. Riddle had a flying bird cartoon when he flicked off his sandals. This show gets dumber by the week.

They go on the mat a little to start. Riddle goes for a leapfrog but gets caught and rolls around Sheamus' body for a sleeper. They trade shots. Sheamus hands onto the middle rope and Riddle dropkicks him off. He then does his floating bro corkscrew moonsault on him as we go to break.

Back from break and Sheamus has the Dublin Smile on Riddle. Riddle does a nice strike combo and is backbreakered. They go up top and they do a nasty belly to belly or spanish fly from the top. Riddle had an awful landing right on his head.

Riddle got a bunch of strikes and exploder in and Riddle hits some chest kicks and a senton. Riddle gets a triangle on and is powerbombed, then hooks it back on as Sheamus hits the ropes. Sheamus then comes back with a White Noise on the apron for only 2. Sheamus then hits an alabama slam but it is only worth 2 again. Sheamus hit a stiff pumping knee after and won it. They did too much here for a throaway opening match but it was entertaining. The selling also wasn't there for the abuse they took.

Sheamu posed on the 2nd buckle and Riddle pushed him over to the floor. The announcers explain him doing that as revenge for getting jumped earlier and that's fair, but he comes across as being a sore loser.

We see some clips from the Braun/Shane feud and well, some things are better left forgotten. Shane is with Elias and Ryker in the back. He claims to air an expose on Braun tonight and is asked about it. All he says is that we will hear some very interesting things about Braun. This is not what we need right now to turn this night around.

Drew McIntyre is in the back and crosses AJ Styles and Osmos. Drew accuses him of accepting Bobby's offer. AJ said they have bigger plans for Mania.

Shane, Elias and Ryker are in the ring. Shane says he knee injury last week was legit and it was adrenaline that allowed him to run away. Shean showed a supposed report card from Braun in the 5th grade with him falling his classes. Shane then showed some dump photoshopped picture of Braun with a dunce cap on saying 2 + 2 = 5. They said maybe Braun needs to get a hug to get through this.

Braun came out soon after. Shane and Elias left the ring though didn't really run as he entered.

This segment was awful.

Braun Strowman vs Jaxson Ryker

Bruan throws Ryker to start and chases Shane. MVP is still on commentary here for some reason. Braun gets distracted then speared in the knee by Ryker. Ryker misses an axe handle off the 2nd rope and had a silly landing and got knocked outside. Braun then asked for the train sounds to go off as he ran over Ryker. Bruan then hit a running powerslam to beat Ryker. The train sounds were dumb as usual but maybe it's a little more believable if Braun is signalling for them?

Braun chased Shane around and Elias hit Braun with a knee in the back. Then Braun was beat up on 2v1. Shane hits some awful weak strikes and Shane ran for it as a pile of spit sat in Braun's beard. Braun asked where Shane was running to then reminded him that he(Braun) can pick any match he wants he want for Mania. Braun said he is picking a steel cage match since Shane can't run or get help in that match. Makes sense.

The Dirt Sheet with John Morrison and The Miz

They are promising us the World Premiere of "Hey Hey, Hop Hop" tonight. Miz ripped Bad Bunny and said he was out of line attacking him last week.

They showed their music video and it was impossible to hear any of it. The lyrics were too low and the music was very high. Oh well, they probably did a favor by not letting us hear most of it. The video had them dancing and video of recorded audiences. The music chosen for this wasn't bad actually, but I could barely hear any of the words.

Bad Bunny and Damian Priest then came out. Priest said they should laugh now because they won't when Bunny handles then at Mania. Bunny said something in Spanish. Priest claimed Bunny said that he would make Miz "his b!tch".

They fought on the outside and Bunny destroyed Miz's set.

Randy Orton did a promo. He said he fought a lot of people but nobody like The Fiend. He said no man could survive him burning them. Orton said he will dig down deep to get rid of The Fiend at Mania for good.

Bobby Lashley with MVP vs Shelton Benjamin

MVP is still on commentary here. Shelton takes down Bobby early. Bobby pounds on him some and throws him out. Bobby puts him in a fireman's carry and rams his head into the post. Bobby chases Cedric away and when he comes back in, Shelton hits a paydirt for 2.

Shelton runs up the corner to hit Bobby with a knee in the face then takes a hard and high spinebuster. Bobby then hits another spinebuster which is closer to a chokeslam. He then beats him with The Hurt Lock in a quick one.

The New Day runs into AJ and Omos in the back. They want to have game night where they can ask trivia questions about how much AJ likes Omos. AJ talked about how he will beat them and New Day said they were more interested in Game Night.

The New Day's Game Night

We then go to break and return for New Day's Game Night. They have a giant Jenga blocks, Connect Four and Rock'em Sock'em robots. They then bring out AJ and Omos. 
They play charades and pictionary. The New Day win their games easy and AJ and Omos lose. Omos says screw it and we won't be playing any games at Wrestlemania and AJ challenges Woods. The segment was awful.

AJ Styles vs Xavier Woods

MVP still is on commentary. AJ leapfrogs Woods and dropkicks him to start. Woods dropkicks AJ and he flies out then Woods flip topes him and comes back in to stare at Omos. We go to break and return with Woods in full control. They almost botch a back body drop. AJ neckbreaker's Woods over the knee for 2. Woods comes back with a tornado ddt. Woods goes up top and Omos moves AJ over to the apron to avoid the dive. Woods goes over to him and Omos grabs Woods' foot and throws him into the ring. He then catches Kofi and throws him over the barricade. Omos then beats up on Woods and puts his foot on him while AJ makes a 3 count. This was a short match and I don't get why they did the DQ finish.

We are shown Alexa Bliss riding a swing and are told Alexa's Playground is up next.

Alexa is playing with a jack in a box. She said they used to be known as "the devil in the box". She said they used to be a demonic present. She said you can't trap people forever and now it's time for The Fiend. Alexa said Randy doesn't know what is next but she will give him a hint - the legend killer dies at Mania. The Fiend is then seen sitting next to Bliss on the swing to close the segment.

Drew is sitting in the back and then goes into the locker room. He asks who is going to step up? He said he is disappointed nobody wants some and dares anyone to come and drop him. He yells at Braun and tells him to step up. Braun says he will once he beats Shane at Mania, provided he is champ. Drew grabs Humberto Carrillo and throws him. Riddle said he is stuffed. Angel Garza then jumps Drew and is thrown onto a couch. Gulak teases that he will nail Drew but Drew headbutts him first. Drew then goes up to Ricochet. Ric said he doesn't trust Lashley's word, but accepts the challenge. Obviously the whole locker room looked like geeks and this had to be a shot at them. A second issue here was that when Drew and Braun went face to face, they were about the same height which is odd since Braun is supposed to be a lot bigger.

Shayna Baszler with Reginald and Nia Jax vs Naomi with Lana

Mandy and Dana are at the booth. Naomi gets put on the top rope but comes back with a kick. Shayna then stomps her arm. Naomi makes a comeback and does a split drop on her on her. Naomi goes up top and Reg gets on the apron. Lana takes a shot at Reg, but he avoids it and Nia grabs Lana. Lana pushes Nia into Mandy then Dana grabs Lana and gets kicked. Shayna kicks off Lana and is rolled up by Naomi. This was a nothing match, but I appreciated them sticking to the story here of these teams all wanting tag title shots.

Asuka runs into Riddle in the back. Asuka likes his scooter and asks if people in Japan would like it. Then he says he forgot what he was saying and leaves. Did he actually forget what he was supposed to say here?

Rhea Ripley talks to someone in the back.

We have a contract signing with Rhea Ripley, Asuka and Adam Pearce. Asuka says Rhea is over confident. Rhea says she is confident she will beat her for the title. They sign the contract and Asuka says Rhea's confidence is not earned. Asuka says something and Asuka gets the table flipped hard into her face. Nia and Shayna come out with Reg. They talk about both of them being bad. Shayna asked where is there Wrestlemania match? shayna says she can beat up Asuka anytime she wants and can't wait to do that to Shayna. Rhea then asks "what's stopping you?". They then agree to a tag match with Shayna and Nia vs Rhea and Asuka for next week.

MVP goes up to Ricochet in the back. He puts him over for taking up Lashley's offer. Ric said this has nothing to do with Lashley's offer as he doesn't know when he will get another shot. He then flicks MVP's chain.

Ricochet vs Drew McIntyre

Ric takes a gigantic back body drop early and Drew throws him so far he almost falls out. Lashley is shown watching in the back. Ric gets thrown again but lands on his feet and hits a nice jumping knee. Ric then hits a springboard enzugiri.

They fight outside. Ric is thrown into the steps, jumps off of them onto the barricade then runs the barricade to hit a dropkick. Drew moves on a 630 and hits a big claymore kick for the win. I don't know why they had Drew win this so fast as it makes Ricochet look bad. This was fun for what we got.

Mustafa Ali then attacks Drew and gets thrown out. Drew challenges him to fight him.

Mustafa Ali vs Drew McIntryre

Ali took the offer during the break and we come back with Ali working the knee. Lashley walks away from the TV in the back. Ali splashes Drew's leg from the top. Drew hits a snap belly to belly out of nowhere and launches him on another. Drew goes for a 2nd rope cutter but gets swatted down. Drew then hits a claymore kick and wins it in another short one.

Drew then calls out Lashley. He tells him to step up and finish him himself. Lashley comes out as we go to break. Lashley says he never needed anyone's help and he almost ended his career with the beating he gave him at Elimination Chamber. He said it's going to be nothing compared to what happens at Mania though. He said Drew's time is up and it's the almight era.

Drew said Lashley is afraid of him and they fight. Drew gets the better of Lashley taking him out of the ring. King Corbin then comes from behind and nails Drew. He backdrops him but gets belly to belly suplexed. Drew goes for a claymore kick but takes a deep six. Lashley then puts Drew in the hurt lock and Corbin eggs him on to do more. Drew gets put in the hurt lock twice more to close the show.

It's not clear what happens with Corbin but that was definitely unexpected. I don't know why Bobby let Corbin go out there though if he could handle this himself.

Overall thoughts: A bad Raw with the first half being atrocious.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Ring of Honor TV Episode #497 3/27/2021

Ring of Honor TV Episode #497 3/27/2021
They announce a pure rules gauntlet for today and they announce...
Beer City Bruiser vs Mike Bennett

BCB does an inset. He said he wants to win and that's why he broke a beer bottle over Matt Taven's head on Episode #489, which was six weeks ago. Time moves slow in ROH. He said Milonas has been stopping him from doing stuff and they are at a crossroads. He said he is tired of being the fun loving drunk who everyone likes, but never gets anywhere. He said he starts getting somewhere by taking down Bennett tonight.

Mike Bennett does an inset promo. He said he has liked a clean life and the angel on his shoulder has been protecting him. But she hasn't been there since he returned. He said Bateman likes random acts of violence but tonight against the BCB, it will be a methodical act of violence.

Mike sits on the apron and Beer knocks him off and throws him over the barricade. Mike comes off the barricade on him but Beer isn't too affected. Back in and Beer double arm ddt's him as we go to break. Back from break and Mike hits a forearm to the back of the head.

Beer drops an elbow on his leg and goes to work on it as Mike really sells it. Mike gets worked over and comes back with a sit out side uranage, which he shouldn't have been able to do so easy against a big guy like that. Mike hits a running forearm and Beer keeps having to adjust his trunks which are sagging. Mikes comes off the ropes and Beer crossbodies him. Beer then hits a ddt variation on him for 2. There's some debris on the one side of the mat for some reason.Beer goes under the ring and grabs a bottle. He breaks it off the post and Todd Sinclair immediately calls for the bell.  Taven then comes down and superkicks Beer to save Mike. 
Thoughts: This had an unusual ending. I don't really have a problem with Sinclair doing that, but I think the same logic should apply when people grab chairs and stuff. This match wasn't anything special. 
Pure Rules Gauntlet

Man, we have almost 40 minutes left for this. This match is exactly as it says - a gauntlet held under Pure Rules.

Leg 1 - Dante Caballero vs Will Ferrara

Dante is from the ROH Dojo. This is Will's first ROH match since August 2018. They say if every match goes the distance, the rest of this show will be aired on Honor Club. I will riot if that happens. Dante slams Will early. Will tosses him on a wristlock but Dante bumps on his head to sell it like a driver. Will works the arm early as we hit 5 very uneventful minutes. Dante gutbusters him then hits a flying kick off the ropes and gets flipped over and pinned by Will.

Leg 2 - Will Ferrara vs The World Famous CB

CB is Cheeseburger. He changed his gimmick on Episode #490 and hasn't been seen since. Will said he fights with honor and they need to wrestle and put the past between them. Will works the arm early and CB stretches both arms behind will. will hooks a crossface with CB's elbow hooked and CB uses a rope break for it.  Soon after, CB straightjackets his arms and pins him from the powerbomb position in another lame leg.

Leg 3 - The World Famous CB vs Eric Martin

Martin is another ROH Dojo guy. He has a poor man's Drew McIntrye look to him. Martin gets put in a headscissors and sits on the ankle to release it. Martin clearly misses a facekick but it is sold anyway and he drops some elbows on CB. He then hits a slam and after 12 minutes of nothing happening, I've never been so happy to see that. Martin backdrops CB and hits a decent lariat.  

CB does a weak dragon screw leg whip and superkicks him in the leg for 2. CB springboards and gets caught with a northern lights. Martin then flips back and crabs him, but CB catches the ropes and blows his last ropebreak. CB does a hip throw off the ropes then puts on something like a moss covered three handed family gradunza to win. This was the most interesting leg yet, but believe me, that is saying nothing.

Leg 4 - The World Famous CB vs Wheeler Yuta

We go to a quick break and return. CB is going for backslides and is popped up but hits an armdrag. Yuta evades an armdrag then sentons CB's back. Yuta puts him in the gory special backbreaker and CB gets out with an armdrag. Yuta hits a german on CB then hit a diving ddt off the top to win the leg. This leg was fine.

Leg 5 (Final Leg) - Wheeler Yuta vs Fred Yehi

Caprice Coleman on commentary is happy to see Yehi as the final man. We go to break and have a little under 8 minutes for this as we return. Yuta hits a dropkick early then really gets thrown on an exploder. Fred works the arm but takes an atomic drop and an enzugiri. Yuta springboard crossbodies off the 2nd rope for 2 then crossbodies him off the top.

They go outside and Yehi hits an exploder suplex on the floor. Yehi puts Yuta in a Koji clutch but Yuta ankle locks him and Yehi gives it up. Yuta puts Yehi in the heel hook and Yehi uses a rope break. Yehi double stomps Yuta's shoulder but slips. Yehi gets his Koji clutch countered then puts on another one to win.

I didn't really like this that match. The 2nd half was fine but the first two matches were boring wastes of time.

Overall thoughts: This was a pretty lame episode with the gauntlet taking up most of the show.

Friday, March 26, 2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 3/26/2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 3/26/2021
Daniel Bryan comes out to start. He said he made Roman tap out, which Roman said he never does. Then he said Edge interrupted it. He said he's tired of standing on the sidelines and letting everyone else have their way. He said he earned the title and a spot at Mania, but he is willing to earn it again. He said he wants a rematch with Roman tonight and isn't leaving the ring until he gets it.

We went to break and returned with him sitting there. Pearce came out sand said he can't give him the match. He said the ref's decision is final and Roman's next defense is against Edge at Wrestlemania. DB says he can fight the winner right after. Pearce said that's not fair and DB smartly brought up how that's what he had to do at Elimination Chamber. DB then said since Mania is two nights, Edge and Roman fight on the first night and he fights the winner on the second night. Pearce didn't know what to say then Edge came out.

Edge slapped the mic away from Pearce. Pearce left and Edge came out. Edge accused DB of trying to take away his dream and said he doesn't deserve the match at Mania. They then went at it and Edge speared DB. Edge then hit Daniel Bryan with the chair.

We went to break and returned with Heyman, Roman and Jey hanging out in their room. Roman asked Heyman to get Pearce and told Jey to use force to resolve this if he must.
Seth Rollins vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Seth beat Nak at Fastlane via curbstomp. They recapped their feud. Both are wearing black and red. Nakamura goes aggressive on Seth to start. Rollins takes a couple of knees to the body from various positions and Nak drops a knee on his neck from the apron as he lays on it. We went to break and returned with Rollins hitting a sling blade.

Seth throws Nak into the buckles but he bounces off and flying kicks him. Nak hangs him over the top rope and axe kicks him then sliding knee's him. Rollins is sat on the middle rope and Nak sliding german suplexes him for 2. Seth comes back with a springboard knee then hits a falcon arrow for 2.

Seth ducks a high kick just to take a spin kick then takes a cradle shock for 2. Rollins hits a spinning forearm then a flying armbar. Rollins powerbombs him out of it and does his flying curbstomp for the win.

They did too much here for a tv match and they didn't really slow down at any point to sell anything. It flowed well though.

Seth beat up on Nak after until Cesaro made the save and beat up on him. Cesaro went for the giant swing and Seth left.

Heyman was talking to Roman in their room when Pearce and Jey came in. Heyman thanked him for not giving into Daniel Bryan's idea. Roman got up in Pearce's face and said we don't thank him, he should thank us. Roman said he will not be giving him a second title defense and Pearce said he almost agrees but needs to make a decision by the end of the night.

We get a commercial for a new Mighty Ducks tv series. I liked the first two movies but the third one was disappointing.

Seth Rollins was yelling in the back. He said he wasn't surprised Cesaro tried to swing him and he is sick of the disrespect by Cesaro. He called him a failure and challenged him to a match at Wrestlemania. He was flipping out and said he would never be swung again, then Cesaro nailed him from behind and put him in the giant swing. Cesaro then said "challenge accepted". 
Big E & The Street Profits vs Apollo Crews, Otis & Chad Gable

They announce yet another Apollo Crews vs Big E match at Mania. Apollo has Kevin Owens Syndrome where you can lose a match multiple times and yet still get more title shots.

Dawkins and Ford double dropkick Otis to start. Ford goes for a leapfrog but takes a big powerslam. Ford goes for a slingshot and gets hit with a beautiful northern lights suplex. E overhead belly to belly suplexes Gable then hits a normal belly to belly. E gyrates over him and hits a big splash. Gable takesthe corner uranage but the pin is broken up.

Dawkins takes a spinning clothesline + release german combo and Ford does a great flip dive onto Gable and Otis. Crews then hits the olympic slam out of nowhere on E to win it. Short but fast paced and good.

Edge and Adam Pearce talk in the back. He said he won the Rumble and should get the main event one on one at Mania against Roman. Pearce said his job is to consider all the facts and make decisions, which he said he will do a the end of the night. Edge says he hopes he makes the right decision...or else.

The Kevin Owens Show with Sami Zayn

Kevin said he has a question for him. Sami said he is sorry for what he did last week. He said he had no business kicking him and the conspiracy stuff is affecting his mental state. Sami said Kevin can still be paet of his documentary though and has a bombshell news story. He said he is having a red carpet premiere for his movie trailer next week. He said Logan Paul, who is a very popular youtuber will be here next week.

Kevin said he didn't care. Sami mocked him and said he owes him an apology as he pretends to be on his side. Kevin tells him to shut up and says he wants to know whether Sami will face him at Wrestlemania or not. Sami refuses to answer but eventually agrees. Sami knocks down one of the signs. Kevin said now that he has his answer, he will beat him senseless. Kevin beats him up and hits a stunner to end the segment.

Adam Pearce and Daniel Bryan meet up in the back. DB says Pearce knows what the right decision is, but he has to make it.

They run down what happened with Sasha and Bianca on Smackdown. Bianca was asked about being slapped. She said she could have retaliated, but then Sasha wouldn't have made it to Mania. She said she was the bigger person at the PPV so she could be the betters person at the PPV. She said she is better than Sasha and will end her title reign. She said nobody should see what she is about to do to Natalya.

Bianca Belair vs Natalya with Tamina

Bianca swarms on Natalya early. Natalya slingshot atomic drops her. Bianca goes up top then Sasha comes out. Tamina kicks Bianca and Sasha mocks Bianca as we go to break. Back from break and Bianca is in the surfboard. Natalya pounds on her in the corner and gets suplexed.

Bianca hits a nice spinebuster for 2. She handsprings and moonsaults onto Nat, but Nat moves and gets her back landed on. Natalya then hits a spinning lariat for 2. They collide in air and both bang each others heads off the mat. Bianca rolls out in front of Sasha and they argue and Bianca slaps her. Bianca then hits the sitout torture rack bomb for the win and immediately takes a backcracker from Sasha.

This was fine. Nothing wrong with it really.

Roman, Heyman and Jey are in the back. Edge comes in. Roman goes face to face with him. Edge says DB is trying to steal their spotlight. He said Roman should use his stroke if he has it as Edge might be able to beat Daniel Bryan and win the title without Roman involved.
Dolph Ziggler with Robert Roode vs Rey Mysterio with Dominic Mysterio

In an inset, Rey said the ultimate accomplishment in WWE would be becoming tag champs with his son. It would put him on top of the world as a competitor and as a father.

DZ takes control early and hits a corner splash. He misses another corner splash and takes a headscissors. Rey hurricanrana's DZ over the top. He tries for another off the apron but is powerbombed over the barricade. Dominic goes to check on him and Dolph superkicks him in the head as we go to break.

Back from break and DZ has control. Rey hits la silla from the top then kicks DZ in the head for 2. Dolph then hits the fameasser but only gets 2. Rey evades a superkik and goes for the 619. Roode stops Rey and Dom nails him. Both go out and DZ hit the zig zag as Rey goes for a springboard. But it's only for 2. Rey comes back with a 619 and a slingshot splash and wins it. They did too much here though it was an entertaining match. The powerbomb to the outside should have ended it as should have the zig zag.

Adam Pearce comes out before Rey leaves then Heyman, Roman and Uso follow him.

The Great Khali and Kane are both being put into the hall of fame. The hall of fame has always been a joke and I don't know why anyone cares about it. They care clearly running out of names for it.

We come back from break. Pearce, Roman, Daniel Bryan and Edge are in the ring. Pearce said he gets everyone's concerns and all of them make sense. Pearce agrees with DB, saying he is right and that there is a double standard. He announces a triple threat match for Wrestlemania. Edge and Daniel Bryan go at it then Roman superman punches DB. Jey throws a chair in and Roman takes a spear from Edge. Jey then gets an Edge spear. Edge chairs DB and Roman. Jey then gets some chairshots as Roman heads for the hills.

Edge pulls Daniel Bryan back in when he tries to crawl out. Officials try to stop Edge and he chairs a couple of them. Edge then sits in a chair in the middle of the ring as the show ends. I would normally feel bad for Edge here, but he caused this by screwing up the Roman/DB match. Roman got screwed out of this the most though as he did what he was supposed to do at Elimination Chamber and Fastlane and gets punished for it essentially.

Overall thoughts: The announcement tonight was interesting and the wrestling was okay, so I guess it was a decent show.

WWE 205 Live 3/26/2021

WWE 205 Live 3/26/2021 

Last week's show is here:

Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese vs The Bollywood Boyz

These two squared off on 12/9/2020 where Ariya and Nese won. Vic Joseph tells the Boyz if they win the tag titles he will dance with them...then says if they do it in the next 24 hours.

Samir gets beat up on early then tries some pin attempts on Nese. The Boyz hit a double elbow on Nese. Samir puts Nese on the ropes but Ariya holds him to prevent him from being moved. Ariya then gets knocked off the apron into the commentator's table. Ariya ties up Samir in the ropes and flurry punches him. Ariya tags Nese hard and hurts Nese's hand.

Nese hits a hard spin kick to Samir's head. Ariya goes for a suplex but Samir lands on his feet and neckbreakers him. Both tag out and Sunil gets the hot tag. He lariats Nese from the 2nd rope and spinning heel kicks him for 2. Nese does a roll into a shotei palm strike to Samir on the top. Nese then slams him and Ariya hits a big frog splash for 2.

Nese and Ariya get thrown out and Samir hits a hard springboard crossbody on them. Then he hits a top rope back elbow on Ariya. Sunil then hits his top rope elbow on Ariya. Nese gets clotheslined over the top rope and Sunil gets a uranage from Ariya. Ariya then hits his hammerlock lariat on Sunil for the win. This wasn't great for anything but it was action packed with a fast pace and wasn't bad.

They showed the Kushida/Devlin/Escobar segment from NXT. I can't think of a good reason for Devlin not to be on tonight's show. Maybe next week.

August Grey vs Ashante "Thee" Adonis

Grey has a nice jacket on tonight. It's very very shiny. Grey gets put in a wristlock and walks around the post outside to reverse it. Adonis gets catapulted into the buckles but they are back at it before I can even type it. Adonis catches Grey with a leapfrog and powerslam him.

Grey gets whipped hard into the buckles. They trade shots and Grey takes a spinebuster for 2. They trade more shots and Grey goes out after a nice Adonis dropkick. Grey does his rope walk into the twisting crossbody and his an offensive flurry. Grey hits something like a northern lights bomb for 2.

Adonis comes back with a flapjack and a kip up, then he does a taunt before a fist drop. Adonis hits a top rope crossbody but Grey rolls through it for 2. Adonis hits a spin kick for another 2. Adonis runs into the middle buckle then gets hit with the "so much prettier" for the win. It started off too fast and then everything felt slow after.

Ariya comes up from behind Grey after then raises his hand. Grey takes his hand down and backs off as he warns him.

Overall thoughts: As always, it's 205 Live. It's only 30 minutes which limits what can be done. I don't think I've seen a great episode yet and this wasn't much different, but atleast it is short.

AEW Dark Episode #81 3/23/2021

AEW Dark Episode #81 3/23/2021

Last week's show is here:

Chaos Project vs John Silver and Alex Reynolds with -1

Silver flips Serp high on a back body drop. Serp goes for an up and over and takes a euro uppercut to the body. The D-O trips Serp then double dropkicks him. Serp tries a double axe handle off the top but gets hit in the gut and flipped. Serp gets picked up by Luther and rammed into Reynolds. Reynolds then takes a Luther short arm clothesline.

Luther bulldogs Serp onto Reynolds. Reynolds gets put up top and moonsaults onto Luther. Silver gets in and throws Serp around and throws him into Luther. Reynolds dives onto Luther on the outside. Serp and Silver go at it and Silver release german suplexes him. The D-O hit their double team flipping DDT and win it. The Chaos Project got too much in here when this should have been an easy squash.

SCU gets interviewed. Daniels says wins and losses only matter here and rankings matter. He said they have been winning matches while the focus is on Pac and Rey Fenix. He said they will keep winning until they get a tag title shot. Kaz said he's willing to sacrifice a lot for their team and they will become AEW champs. I just want to know why the battle royale loss didn't count towards this angle and why that was never explained.

Jorel Nelson and Royce Isaacs vs SCU

This is Jorel and Royce's 3rd or 4th time together in AEW. Kaz armdrags Royce to start and flips out of his wristlock. SCU hits a double team strike combo. Daniels hits an exploder on Nelson then Daniels gut shots Isaacs so Kaz can flipping neckbreaker him. Daniels hits a low enzugiri on Royce for 2.

Daniels takes a stun gun then a head kick and Isaacs deadlift fisherman suplexes Daniels. Nelson holds Daniels in a side slam and Royce leg drops him from the 2nd rope. Daniels comes back and later hits an sto and gives Kaz the hot tag. Kaz John Woo dropkicks Royce and leg drops Nelson who is hanging over the middle rope. Kaz then hits a springboard legdrop from the 2nd rope.

Nelson accidentally lariats his own partner and Nelson gets flipped on a lariat. Royce lariats Kaz back then gets hit with the double jump moonsault from Daniels for the SCU win. This went a little long as well especially since we knew there was no chance in SCU losing here. I'm still not exactly sure as to what AEW is seeing in Nelson and Isaacs as a team.

Miranda Alize vs Penelope Ford with Kip Sabian

Alize hits a springboard armdrag then a hurricanrana to start. Alize lays on the apron on her back and Ford springboards inside to out with a double knee on her, landing on her face. Alize hangs on the top rope and Ford running face kicks he, then kisses Kip while she chokes Alize with her leg. Alize fights back with some forearms and runs into a spin kick. Ford handsprings and gets caught with a ripcord knee for 2. Ford then hits a gorilla press into a double knee gutbuster and hits a perfect plex for the win. It went about the right length but I didn't have too many thoughts on it. Alize has a decent look but would probably look better in more traditional attire.

The Gunn Club vs Baron Black, Jake St. Patrick and Adam Priest

They said Black's team is making their trios debut underneath their nameplate. I mean I don't doubt it, but does that mean they will be teaming together now? Priest wrestles down Austin early. Black hits some chops on Billy and takes a hip toss. The Gunns do their slam dunk taunt into a corner lariat then Colten struts into a neckbreaker. The Gunns then hit their back body drop into a neckbreaker for the win in a quick squash.

Jack Evans vs Dante Martin

Jack takes some armdrags early. Dante tries to armdrag Jack fro mthe 2nd rope but Jack cartwheels out of it. Dante goes for a 450 and Jack moves but gets a foot in his back then Jack spin kicks Dante. Jack does a handspring back elbow into Dante in the corner then hits a springboard ryder kick for 2.

Jack goes for another handspring elbow but gets caught and thrown back first onto the ramp. Dante makes Jack flip on a hard lariat and jumping hurricanrana's him. Dante then hits a double jump springboard moonsault. Jack slingshots into a hurricanrana, sending Dante out. Jack throws Dante into the rails and he forward flips and lands on his feet over them in a cool spot. Dante then jumps over the rails and hits a canadian destroyer onto the floor on Evans. Dante then 450's Jack for the win in an upset. Angelico attacks Dante from behind but Darius comes to his aide.

Dante looked good here hitting all of his spots, but a canadian destroyer on the floor on this show is going way too far. Darius better watch out though as if Dante gets somewhere he may be left out.

FTW Championship - Brian Cage with Hook vs Brandon Cutler

Hey, Cage still has the FTW title. He hasn't defended it since October 7th, 2020. Cutler's last singles win was on February 4th, 2021 against Misterioso and it is unclear how he earned this shot. Taz said he has been red hot though.

Cutler takes a hard euro uppercut early and an over the top rope enzugiri. He springboards and gets caught into a death valley driver or brainbuster. Cutler tope's Cage on the outside then springboard crossbodies him for 2. Cage pumphandle flips Cutler for 2. Taz says Cutler will not be a Team Taz member if he wins this, but he will accept him as he champ.

Cutler does a slingshot sunset bomb then hits two more springboard moves. Cutler dives on Cage but gets caught with the drill claw and loses. Cutler got too much offense in here and Cage didn't do a lot of his usual moves here.

Ashley Vox vs Alex Gracia

Gracia was on NWA Power this week, actually 2 hours before this aired. She lost by the way.  She is wearing I think a new all pink outfit here and has her own music. She may win this.

Gracia hits some armdrags to start and slides under her for a pin attempt. She then springboard crossbodies her. They trade forearms and trade pin attempts. Vox sits on her back and hooks her arm and fish hooks her face for the win in what I think was an upset. Even though this was short, the second half of this stunk.

I will not be reviewing the Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela match nor will I ever.

Fuego del Sol vs JD Drake with Ryan Nemeth

Nemeth and Drake go together like oil and water. What a bizarre pairing, but at least they acknowledge it is an "unlikely alliance". Excalibur says "I'm not sure what these two have in common".

Feugo goes for a headscissors but gets caught then takes a weird hip toss type of throw. Sol hits the headscissors the second time, sending JD out. He tries to dive on him, but gets caught and bouned off the bottom rope for a lariat. JD hits a nice dropping headbutt. Sol gets slammed into the buckles then JD does a nice quick splash on him.

Sol gets a little offense in with a superkick to the face. He then takes JD's flying boot and JD wins it. JD's an odd dude. He has an awful look and has really weird offense and these two didn't work so well together.

Shawn Dean vs QT Marshall

QT shoulders him down hard early and Dean comes back with a back elbow. Dean lariats QT over the top but QT moves on his plancha then clotheslines him on the floor. QT does Dean's pose as he comes off the 2nd rope and gets caught with a dropkick. They trade some nice punches and Dean hits a high flip dive on him.

They trade dropkicks and Dean springboards only to get hit with a cutter for the QT win. This wasn't very good.

Jazmine Allure vs The Bunny with The Butcher and The Blade

I'm not sure if I've ever seen Bunny in singles action in AEW. Allure gets attacked to start. She then gets her neck draped over the 2nd rope and clotheslined. Bunny hits a bad sliding elbow in the corner. Bunny hits a nice superkick and wins with an elbow slice. This wasn't good.

The Dark Order (Colt Cabana, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) with -1 vs Carlie Bravo, Brick Aldridge and Dean Alexander

Bravo goofs around with Colt and gets dropped then takes a nice punch. Uno hits a russian legsweep and Stu running knees him. Stu misses a corner spear and takes a 3v1 in the corner. Stu hits a nice belly to belly then Brick hits some hard forearms. Stu bounces Brick's head of the mat with a uranage.

Uno cleans house on his opponents and dropkicks Bravo. He then hits him with with a nekcbreaker over the knee and Colt hits some elbows. Stu and Uno then win it with the fatality in a squash. Brick hit a few nice forearms at least.

Angel Gashion and D3 vs Nick Comoroto and Aaron Solow

Solow takes a sunset flip but rolls through it with a double stomp. Solow gets his crossbody caught by Nick then gets slammed. Solow drops D3 with a forearm then hits an odd reverse straight jacket pedigree for the win on Angel. This was too short to even be worth airing.

Cezar Bononi with Peter Avalon vs John Skyler

We have about 3 and half minutes for this. CB pushes him off early. Skyler hits a jumping knee. Bononi has new black and red tights here which look better than the usual gear. Bononi hits a lariat to the back of Skyler's head and Avalon punches Skyler. Bononi's tights say "NEGO" on them and he backdrops Skyler onto the apron from the floor. Bononi puts him in a sleeper and spins him around then hits an olympic slam for the win in a squash.

Overall thoughts:
As usual, this isn't worth watching and wasn't anything too interesting.