Friday, January 11, 2013

BJW 12/30/2012 - Suspended Light Tube Trios Match

BJW 12/30/2012 - Drake Younger, Danny Havos and Jaki Numazawa vs Masashi Takeda, Isami Kodaka and Yuko Miyamoto

Yep, that's Drake Younger with a basketball. As Batista says, Basketballs don't hold grudges, which makes them a perfect weapon.

Danny Havoc beat Masashi Takeda with a DVD on a garbage can. This was fun. They had a new and interesting gimmick and threw some comedy in there. The gaijin's gave it their all like usual and it was fresh. Even if you don't like deathmatches, this is worth a look just because it's really different. Rating:***

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