Tuesday, December 31, 2024

WWE NXT 12/31/2024

WWE NXT 12/31/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-nxt-12242024.html

This show aired on New Year's Eve 2024.

Kelani Jordan vs Lola Vice

Lola backs her up on the ropes. KJ shoves her. Lola spin kicks her. KJ 2nd rope twisitng crossbodies her then dropkick her. KJ low crossbodies her for 2. Lola blocks a tiger feint armdrag. KJ wristlocks her. Lola takes her down by the arm.

Lola arm and chinlocks her. KJ headflips then Lola fireman's carry takedowns her. Lola misses a corner attack and KJ high kicks her from the apron. KJ misses a top rope crossbody. Lola hits spin kicks and push kicks her into the corner.

Lola corner hip attacks KJ. KJ goes out. We go to break and return. Lola suplexes her. KJ leg slices her for 2. Lola knees her in the gut. KJ jumping side kicks her. KJ flying forearms her. KJ cartwheels and is caught with a choke. 

KJ drops her backwards out of the sleeper. Cora Jade comes out and distracts KJ. KJ pushes Lola into Cora then pins her.

I didn't like the finish that much as it was going okay and deserved a better ending. Lola losing to KJ is kind of a surprise. What we got of this was fine.

Cora then hits KJ and Lola with a stick after. Stephanie Vaquer comes out. Cora ducks out of a shot from Lola and Lola nails Steph.

They give Oba Femi vs Josh Briggs vs Dijak the Match of the Year award. Josh says its special and thanks everyone who voted. He says the award means a lot to all 3 of them. Josh says they were told to make it the match of the weekend and they tried. Josh says 2024 was good but him and Inamura have something special for the tag division in 2025. He says there better be a cool trophy.

Thoughts: It was weird to give this one to that match since of the people in it is not in the company anymore.

Gulia does a translated promo. She says Perez is one of the greatest NXT champs but her time at top is coming to an end. She says it's her time to take over. She says she will live up to the hype she has for herself. She says she wants to be in the conversation with other hall of famers. She says joshi is about trying to prove yourself and she had matches people will never forget there. She says the warrior spirit tells her not to lose. She says there's nothing Perez can throw at her that she can't overcome. She says we start the new year with a new NXT women's champ.

Joe Hendry coming to NXT wins the Moment of the Year award. He says it was a magical moment to come here because of the reception the fans gave him. He says, "say his name and he appears means anywhere, anytime, any show". 

Thoughts: Everyone thinks Joe will appear at The Rumble so maybe that's what he meant.

Credric Alexander is interviewed. He says he's never seen anything like how Evans' jaw got shattered. He says his jaw is wired shut in the hospital and he can only talk through text. He says he's worried about his quality of life. He says Page took that from him. Ethan Page then walks in. He says he hopes one of those tests said, "stay away from Ethan Page". He says he will put him next to Evans. Ced then beats him up and sends him into a door. He bangs his head off a table and they head to another room. We cut away and they are in the entrance area. We are told this match will happen now. We then go to break in a weird moment.

Ethan Page vs Cedric Alexander

This started during the break. Ced hits punches on Page and stomps on him. Page forearms him. Ced hits chops and dropkicks him in the knee. Ced enzugiri's him then basement dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Page goes out and Ced topes him.

Ced gets back in and takes a codebreaker. Page hits a nice dropkick for 2. Page chinlocks him. Ced knocks him over twice then hits a high michinoku driver for 2. Page hits a big facekick, knocking out Ced's mouthguard. Page then cutters him to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't too great but I liked it. Page looked a little more lethal than usual and I felt he worked like his character should have here. Ced was fine fodder for him.

Page throws Ced out after and sends him into the steps. Page slams a toolbox lid onto Ced's hand. Trainers then check on Ced.

Hank and Tank argue with Igwe and Dupont in the back. Dupont says they are all cool. Shawn Spears comes in. He says he sees people who need guidance and direction. Wes Lee comes in and says they have a voice and don't need direction from someone like Spears. Tank asks if Dupont and Igwe will listen to Wes and they yes. Tank is told they need to find someone and Tank is worried if they can find someone. 

Shotzi and Gigi Dolin vs Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Metafour (Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

Carter takes down Gigi then mule kicks her. Lash slams Carter then splashes her for 2. Lash lifts Carter by the arm and Carter dropkicks her. Lash is tripped into a basement dropkick and slingshot sent on the back. Shotz codebreakers Lash.

Jakara hits gut punches on Shotzi and double underhook suplexes her. Shotzi hits jawbreakers on Jakara. Gigi armdrags Jakara into the ropes. Jakara takes a senton and basement dropkik on the ropes. Shotzi does a texas cloverleaf on Jakar and is booted away. Carter facekicks Shotzi on the ropes. Chance hits a double crossbody off the steps onto opponents outside. Carter and Chance do stereo dives outside. 

We go to break and return. Gigi brazilian kicks Lash on the back. Lash forearms her. Carter rolls up Lash into a mule kick. Chance does a kegstand off of Carter onto Lash for 2. Jakara hits a missile dropkick on Chance. Carter flips Chance onto Jakara but Jakara gets her knees up. Jakara dropkicks Carter. Gigi step up enzugiri's Jakara then Jakara takes a backdrop = neckbreaker combo.

Shotz tries a tope outside but gets caught in the ropes and goes down hard. Jakara slingblades Gigi. Jakara gets on Lash's shoulders and dives to the outside onto opponents. Gigi crucifix bombs Lash for 2.

Fatal Influence come out. Gigi is pushed off the top and Lash pump kicks Gigi. Gigi takes a drop + cutter combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It doesn't look good for Chance and Carter to lose a match like this on NXT. Shotzi messed up a tope and dove onto the floor. It was a bit hard to keep track of things with so many people involved. Jakara was in this for a while.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are on the tron. They say they are looking for a tag title shot like Lash and Jakara. They say they have no problem running through them again to get another shot at the titles.

Stephanie Vaquer and Lola Vice argue in the back. Lola says she didn't mean to hit her. Kelani Jordan comes in and says it's funny how the tables turned.  KJ says they deserved this. All 3 start pushing each other and refs break it up.

Cora Jade watches and Ava comes up to her. She says she needs a woman to challenge Fallon Henley in 2025. She says Cora will get a chance next week but it's against Steph, Lola and Kelani in a #1 contender's match. 

Ava talks to Regal, Charlie Dempsey and Lexis King in the back. King says he won the title with integrity last week. Ava says he won by DQ. Ava said she researched the rules and said it's a gray area on whether the cup can change hands on a DQ. Ava said King and Dempsey will have a one fall sudden death match at New Year's Evil. Regal says he won't have anything to do with it. Ava gives the Heritage Cup back to Dempsey and King says he did everything else.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are awarded the 2024 Tag Team of the Year award. NF says they joined forces earlier and couldn't have imagined this is what it would turn into. Ax says they won and lost the titles. NF says it's one thing to say you are the best but another for others to say you are.

OTM come in. They say to hold onto the titles while they can as they are coming for everything they earned in 2025.

Zaria and Sol Ruca talk. They aren't happy about losing and Sol says it can only go up from here.

We see some WWE ID signings in the crowd.

Izzi Dame vs Sol Ruca

They lock up. Sol gets on the bottom rope and drags her down. Sol trips her into a side headlock. Sol side headlock takeovers her. Sol shoulders Izzi, kips down and kips up. Sol hits a flying shoulder. Izzi spears the post hwen Sol moves. Sol stands on Izzi's back on the 2nd rope and surfs. Sol springboards and is chopped down.

Izzi hits mounted forearms. Izzi back elbows Sol for 2. Izzi chokes Sol on the ropes. Sol backrolls her. Sol is tripped on the 2nd rope. Shawn Spears is on the riser. Izzi release backdrops Sol for 2. Zaria comes down to ringside.

Sol springboard shoulderblocks Izzi then crossbodies her. Sol high kicks her from the apron. Sol springboard splashes Izzi but Izzi gets her knees up. Sol facebusters Izzi off the pop-up. Sol tries to top rope moonsault Izzi outside but ends up getting Zaria. Izzi boots sol over. Izzi hits a sky high on Sol for the win.

Thoughts: It was just an average match here. Izzi didn't look bad and Sol did a lot of springboards here. This continued the storyline with Spears trying to recruit Izzi and continues the problems with Sol and Zaria. 

Hank and Tank try to recruit Andre Chase to be their partner tonight. Chase looks at them and we go to break.

Roxanne Perez is the Female Superstar of the Year award winner. She said it all began when she realized no one here is on her level. She said her favorite moment was dropping a pipe bomb on CM Punk. She said he attracted talent from around the globe and made NXT hers in 2024. She says Giulia won't beat her. She says she's the one and the only one.

Hank Walker, Tank Ledger and Andre Chase vs Tyriek Igwe, Tyson Dupont and Wes Lee

Chase and Tank get superkicked before it starts. Dupont splashes Tank then Igwe lariats Tank. Tank lariats Igwe then Igwe takes a double sledgehammer shot from Hank. Tank corner splashes Igwe for 2. Igwe corner splashes Tank.

Tank spinebusters Wes. Igwe and Dupont have their heads banged together and are thrown out. Wes takes a sandwich body block and Chase swantons off the top to the outside.

We go to break and return. Igwe dropkicks Hank. Dupont does a nice pop-up slam on Hank. Hank and Wes trade shots. Hank blocks Wes' ddt and northern lights suplexes him high. Wes is double yanked into a double stomp on Hank. Hank suplexes Wes. Tank gets the hot tag in. He hits lariats on Igwe and does a nice fallaway slam. Tank hiptosses Dupont in and slingshot pslashes him. Tank cartwheels then lariats Igwe.

Wes superkicks Tank outside and dropkicks him into the rails. Chase hits punches on Igwe then russian legsweeps him. Chase then walks out on Hank and Tank after thinking about doing the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps.

Hank misses a top rope diving lariat. Hank rolls up Igwe for 2. Igwe lifts Hank like a slam and stunners him for the win.

Thoughts: There was nothing wrong with it. The teams matched up well here. It's a shame Chase left as we didn't get a proper finish because of it, but atleast there's a storyline reason. Tank had a good showing here and it's nice to see Dupont and Igwe get to be on the main NXT show.

Ashante Adonis is trying to call Karmen Petrovic and she won't answer. He says she's the one and he wants to spend New Year's Eve with hr. Nikkita Lyons comes in. She say she's going to a New Years Eve party and asks if he wants to go. He says if he can't spend it with Karmen, he spends it alone.

Shawn Spears goes up to Izzu. Izzi tells her to leave her alone. Tony D'Angelo and his family back her up and say to leave her alone. She says it's nice to have a man who listens. Shawn says he listened to the beatdown on Tony last week. Tony tells Rizzo to take care of him.  

Andre Chase is in the back. Kale Dixon goes up to him and asks when the next semester starts. Chase says Chase U is dead. Kale tells him to wait.

Thoughts: Kale has been a heel on Level Up so this is new.

They go to announce the 2024 Male Superstar of the Year. Oba Femi interrupts. Oba backs down the ring announcer in the corner and takes the award. He says it doesn't matter who wins the award, it's a prop for a popularity contest. He says the fans don't get to control anything, only he does. He says he's the ruler and says, "I'm the captain now". He says you can see him on New Year's Evil become NXT champ.

Trick Williams comes out. He says he doesn't see a problem with getting love from the fans. He says the fans show him love and he appreciates it. He says he knows what they got next week. He says he has to dig deep to win the match next week. He talks about Oba's nicknames and calls him "Ol Beatable Oba'. He says if Oba wasn't beatable, we wouldn't have a triple threat, we'd have a title vs title match. He asks Oba where he is title is. He says Oba is chasing him to be the top guy in NXT. Trick says Oba was gone for a few weeks when he lost his title and asks how long he will be gone when Trick beats him.

Eddy Thorpe then beats up both and hits Oba with the award. Eddy then holds the title up.

Thoughts: Trick was good here. It's a shame it didn't get more time to develop.

Overall thoughts: Next week is the big show so we weren't going to get anything too spectacular or memorable here. None of the matches were must see on this one and we had some dirty finishes here. It wasn't bad but it could have been a little better. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 as it was an average show overall.

Stardom 12/29/2024 Stardom Dream Queendom 2024

Stardom 12/29/2024 Stardom Dream Queendom 2024

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - HATE (Momo Watanabe & Thekla) (c) vs. STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida)

Han and Saya attack at the bell. They try to send their opponents into the seats but end up getting sent into them. Han and Saya are sent into the post. Thek suplexes Han inside for 2 then slaps and chokes her.  Han misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Thek stomps and boots her. Han hits a hip throw and Momo stops her from making the tag. Han takes a 2v1 and Thek superkicks her in the side of the head.

Momo hits chest kicks on Han while she's down. Han tries to fight back with chest forearms. Momo chest kicks her down. Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Saya tags in. Saya running shoulders and back elbows Momo. Saya elbow drops her for 2. Momo and Saya trade chops.

Momo takes a running double team shot for 2. Saya gets stuck up top. Thek spider superplexes her then double stomps her back off the buckles. Momo meteora's Saya then chickenwings her. Momo suplexes Saya then Saya suplexes her back. Thek and Han go at it. Thek leg lariats her on the fopes and hits a forearm flurry.

Thek forearms Han over then facekicks her on the ropes. Thek koji clutches her and is forced to break. Saya comes in and lariats the heels. Han top rope planchas onto everyone outside.

Thek is held in the air and is knocked down then Han does a cuty special with a bridge. Han takes corner attacks then is chest kicked down by Momo. Thek buzzsaw kicks Han for 2. Han forearm flurries Thek. Thek spits on her then Han hits a big forearm.

Han dropkicks the ref when Thek moves. Momo hits Thek with her bat on accident. Han la magistrals Thek but the ref is down. Saya top rope diving shoulders Momo. Han tries another pin on Thek but the ref is still out. Saya moves Han and takes a big spear for her. Han backdrops Thek.

Thek backrolls Han into a bridge for 2. Han takes a double high kick to the head for 2. Han backdrops Momo and Saya hits her muscle buster into a slam on Thek. Han backdrops Thek and pins her.

Thoughts: I liked the match more than I thought I would. It was a little much for an opener but I thought it was a good match. The heels were heels, the faces were faces and they put out a good effort. Of course Hanan had to get the pin here as her super push must continue, but at least she had a better performance than usual.

Saya and Hanan talk on the mic after 

God's Eye (Hina, Lady C, Saki Kashima & Tomoka Inaba) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Mina Shirakawa, Rian & Waka Tsukiyama) vs. HATE (Azusa Inaba, Fukigen Death, Rina & Ruaka)

Mina pinned Death with a reverse lifting sitout ddt. It was a fast paced match here with lots of people coming in and out. Outside of some team spots, it was mostly just 2 people going at it at once.  It was fine for being midcard fodder but nothing you would remember.

STARS (Hazuki, Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki & Suzu Suzuki)

AZM trips Mayu and Mayu backrolls her. Mayu side headlock takeovers her. AZM headsicsosrs her and they both get up. Kog and Miyu go at it. Kog wants to do her kuma taunt and Miyu goes along with it. They high five each other, bow and then Miyu hits her on the handshake. Miyu is rolled into double stomps and splashes from her opponents.

Mayu backrolls Miyu into a basement dropkick. Haz comes in and hair throws Mayu. Haz's team does a 4 person facewash kick spot. Haz slams Mayu three times for 2. Haz camel clutches Miyu. Miyu hits a double ddt. Suzu and Mei hit tereo superkicks then do stereo springboard dropkicks.

AZM takes a corner splash > 2nd rope dropkick > 2nd rope crossbody. Momo top rope dropkicks AZM and misses a 619. AZM is on the the 2nd rope and is hit in the legs with a 619. Mayu superkicks AZM then Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies AZM.

AZM suplexes Momo. Momo takes corner attacks then takes a 4 person basement dropkick. AZM top rope double stomps Momo for 2. AZM canadian destroyers Mayu. She headkicks Momo then la magistrals her. AZM then pins Momo.

It was a fast paced match with lots of people coming in out and as they pleased. There wasn't anything great about it but I guess it was okay enough. We didn't get to see a ton of anyone here due to so many people being involved.

AZM and Mayu grab each other by the hair after. Mayu holds her belt up at AZM.

Mika Iwata vs. Saori Anou

They stare down. Anou grabs her by the hair and slaps her. They trade leg kicks for slaps. Mika superkicks her down. Mika chinlocks Anou. Anou enzugiri's her then takes a running kick for 2. Mika kicks Anou around then superkicks her. Anou germans Mika. Anou northern lights suplexes her then does a heavenly lock.

Anou basement dropkicks her in the back then germans her. Anou fisherman suplexes Mika on the floor. Inside the irng, Anou top rope dropkicks her. Anou germans her for 2. Anou hits forearms and takes 2 high kicks.

They trade forearms on their knees. Anou hits a headbutt flurry and Mika headbutt flurries her back. Mika running knees Anou. Anou hits 2 fisherman suplexes on Mika. Mika spinning high kicks her. Anou then hits a double wristlock suplex. Anou does a headhunter variation on her for 2. Anou then stomp flurries her.

Mika hits a straight punch. Mika hits kicks to the head for 2. Mika hits a buzzsaw kick then 2nd rope triangle enzugiri's her for 2. Mika landslides Anou. Anou backslides her with a bridge for 2. Mika knees her then Anou rolls over her back, backslides her and pins her.

I would have liked a better finish. The two had issues with each other and were being aggressive and the backslide bridge finish didn't really further that logic. It was a good match though with the two roughing each other up and showing some hate. It could have really been great if they expanded on it, got some blood and maybe did more brawling.

Syuri vs. Konami

Syu pumping knees her then hits high kicks. Syu drops her with a buzzsaw kick. Kon does not look well and is about to be counted out. HATE then run in and start a fight with Syu's group. Syuri wins via DQ.

Momo hits Syu with a bat outside. Maya Fukuda has words for Syuri then Syuri talks on the mic after and asks to join God's Eye.

Thoughts: This was only 30 seconds and had a screwy finish. Konami got legit injured here.

No Disqualification Match - Natsuko Tora vs. Maika

Maika has a board with beer cans cut in half on it. Tora and Maika trade forearms. Tora hits her with a chain then rams the beer can board into Maika. Tora sticks a barbed wire bat in Maika's head. Tora throws Maika into the seats then pushes her face into the seats. Maika gets all bloodied.

Tora stabs Mika with a fork then samoan drops her for 2. Maika hits Tora in the head with maybe a giant Japanese fan. Maika then throws Tora off the top onto a pile of chairs. Maika chairs Tora several times with the chairs hanging off Tora's neck. Maika then hits her with the giant fan.

They go outside. Tora stabs her with a fork then Maika stabs her with it. Maika stabs her more with it inside. Maika hits lariats on Tora for 2. Maika hits an enka otoshi onto Tora. The beer can board is bridged onto chairs. Maika superplees Tora onto it.

Maika sitout slams Tora for 2. Tora spits mist at Maika and lariats her for 2. Tora top rope splashes Maika through a table. Tora death valley drivers her for 2. Maika hits a big forearm on Tora then michinoku drivers her. Tora and Maika get on a ladder (with people helping keep it up). Momo hands Tora trash can. She hits Maika with it then powerbombs Maika onto the beer can board with a chair there. Tora death valley drivers Maika for 2. Tora wraps herself in barbed wire and top rope swantons Maika for the win.

: It was a good match. It was a hardcore battle with both girls getting bloodied and coming up with different ways to hurt each other. It could have been a little more compact and shorter but they had the idea down. We had clear heels and faces and they wrestled like two people who hate each other would wrestle. The beer can board and the barbed wire were weapons we don't see that often here so when they were used, it felt more special. I wouldn't say it was great though.

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Natsupoi (c) vs. Starlight Kid

Kid and Poi are both wearing white for this one. Kid backs up Poi on the break and side headlocks her. Poi side headlocks her. They miss shots. Kid 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then basement dropkicks her. Kid asai moonsaults Poi outside. Kid dragon screws Poi's leg on the ropes then she standing moonsaults it. Poi rolls into an armbar on her. Kid reverses it with a stretch muffler. Poi dropkicks Kid through the ropes.

Poi 2nd rope crossbodies kid then armbars her. Kid ropebreaks. Poi kicks Kid's arm on the ropes and armbreakers it. Poi spin kicks her and hits a running headhunter. Kid does a cross-legged fisherman's suplex.

Kid dropkicks Poi in the back of the leg then dragon screws her while she sits on top. Kid then goes back to the stretch muffler. Kid hits a top rope 180 splash on Poi for 2. Kid gets stuck on the buckles. Poi 2nd rope germans her. 

Poi top rope plancha's Kid outside. Poi twisting fisherman's neckbreakers her for 2. Kid gets her knees up on Poi's top rope cartwheel splash. Poi superkicks her and takes a double knee to the back of the head.

Kid tombstones Poi then top rope moonsaults her for 2. Kid hits a stiff tiger driver for 2. Kid then turns it into a stretch muffler. Kid stands while putting it on and swings Poi around with it. Poi uses the ropes to escape and tries to roll up Kid, but Kid reverses it on her. Poi release germans Kid. Poi superkicks Kid then headscissor drops her. Poi then goes for another armbar. Poi armbars Kid. Kid ropebreaks. Poi cartwheel splashes Kid off the top for 2. 

Poi misses a top rope corkscrew splash. They trade forearms on their knees. Kid hits chest forearms. Poi hits her own back and spin kicks her in the head. Kid rolls her into a tiger suplex for 2. Poi la magistral's Kid for 2. Poi does a ranhei variaton for 2. Poi straightjacket germans Kid for 2. Poi is up top, Kid walks up the buckles and hits a spanish fly for 1. Kid tombstones her. Kid tiger suplexes Poi and gets the upset win.

Thoughts: It was really good at times but didn't reach its full potential. I didn't like the 2nd rope german and the spanish fly being ultimately meaningless here. I also didn't like that the arm and leg work they did ultimately ended up forgotten in the end. It had some positives to it and truly could have been great, but they ended up blowing it. Had everything from the spanish fly spot and on not happened, this review would have been totally different.

They talk to each ther on the mic after and then Kid talks to the crowd alone.

World Of Stardom Title Match - Tam Nakano (c) vs. Saya Kamitani

Saya takes her down and Tam hammerlocks her. Saya eye rakes Tam. Tam misses a corner charge and both stand off while on separate ropes. Tam backdrops Saya then top rope plancha's her outside. Saya waits for Tam and sits on a chair inside. Saya trips her into the chair then basement dropkicks her in the back of the head.

Saya knee chokes Tam on the ropes. Saya snapmares her and chinlocks her. Saya axe kicks Tam over the 2nd rope and poses on her. Tam hits chest forearms. Saya forearms her then Tam hits a backdrop. Tam rolls Saya into kicks then hits an axe kick on the back.

They attack each other on the ropes. Tam spinning high kicks her then pumping knees her on the ropes. Tam hanging dragon sleepers Saya on the buckles. Tam slides under Saya and gets double stomped on the apron.

They go into the seating area and Tam hits a knee. Tam runs at her and gets choked with a chain. Saya walks up the seating structure and her and HATE hang Tam with the chain. Tam is completely in the air hanging. Tam's buddies break it up. Saya dives off the seating structure onto Tam and others.

Saya drags Tam with the chain. Tam germans Saya off the apron to the floor. They grab each other's hands and trade forearms. Saya forearm flurries her then spinning heel kicks her. Tam spinning high kicks her and tiger suplexes her. Saya does a poisonrana for 1.

Tam hits a stiff falcon arrow on Saya for 2. Tam does a hard soccer kick to Saya's head. Saya flips out of a double underhook and pump kicks her. Saya spinning high kicks her and corkscrew kicks her in the back. Saya ki krushers her for 2.

Tam blocks a ki krusher and take a knee to the face. Tam 2nd rope tiger suplexes her. Saya is down and the ref talks to tam like he might stop it. Saya wakes up and throws the ref out of the way. Saya hurricanrana's Tam for 2. Saya backdrops her then falcon arrows her. Saya ki krushers her and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was that great. The selling wasn't that good. I didn't really buy into the match being stopped because Saya was supposedly out of it. There wasn't a great story or anything in this one and I just didn't see anything particularly special here aside from Saya winning. I can't even say I thought it was good.

Saya talks on the mic after. Tam grabs the belt and Saya makes it put on her. Saya then hits Tam and talks on the mic.

Overall thoughts: I didn't care for the main. Kid vs Poi looked like it had potential to be a classic but they really blew it in the last few minutes by going off track and no selling. I liked Tora and Maika. Syuri vs Konami was short and ended on a DQ. I liked Mika vs Aonou. The opener and the Mayu match were also okay. It was a big show and they put more effort into it than usual but it wasn't great. I'd give this a 6 out of 10 overall but wouldn't recommend it.

Ice Ribbon 12/31/2024 RibbonMania 2024

Ice Ribbon 12/31/2024 RibbonMania 2024

This is the last Ice Ribbon show for multiple wrestlers on the roster. The owner of it wasn't paying the wrestlers while he was in the hospital and couldn't be reached. NeoPlus supposedly paid them for him but the damage was done. Multiple wrestlers announced they were leaving or becoming freelance after including Mio Shirai, Saran, Yuuki Mashiro, Mifu Ashida, Grizzly Fujitaki and others. I don't really blame the wrestlers but it's just amazing how much endless punishment this promotion has gone through since Giulia left. I legitimately believe that this promotion is cursed. I'd like to cover the promotion more but it's one of the more expensive promotions to watch and many of the shows are only released on DVD. The promotion also is just not that good these days and it's hard to justify going through the trouble when other promotions air all their shows, have better wrestlers, have better looking wrestlers and charge a fraction of the price.

I would say there's about 350 people here tops.

Kirari Wakana vs Miria Kouga

Tommy Ran is the ref. They trade wristlocks. They both roll out and put the hold on the other. KW side headlocks her. MK hair throws her then boots her in the face in the corner. KW botches a hair throw on her and hits boots to the face. KW dropkicks her four times for 2. MK rolls her up and hits dropkicks.

KW uses the 2nd rope to stunner her for 2. KW goes up top and is thrown down. MK hits kicks to her back then a hard one to the chest. MK slams her for 2. KW hits chest forearms. MK drops her with chest kicks.

KW dropkicks her for 2. KW cradles her off a slam. Kw backslides her for 2. KW tries to bodyscissors roll her but MK reverses it for 2. They pull each others hair at the same time. KW hits a stunner.  KW does a flipping neckbreaker from the side. KW top rope dropkicks her for 2. MK pump kicks her for 2. MK ddt's her then hits kicks. KW ducks one and rolls her up. They trade pin attempts and KW picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an opening card style match and wasn't that far off from a rookie match. KW's stunners didn't look good here as MK didn't get far enough down for them. It wasn't awful but it had it's sloppy moments. KW is a bit better than I expected though.

Mayuka Koike, Grizzly Fujitaki and Nanae Furukawa vs Yuu Hanaya, Mifu Ashida and Yuuki Minami

I'm against this one even happening. Yuuki ditched the promotion months ago for Marigold (after barely doing any shows) and should be persona non-grata right now. You can tell Griz and Mifu were crying backstage before the match.

NF and Yuuki slap each other and pull each others hair. All 6 girls then fight. Griz slams Yuu onto Mifu then Yuuki onto both of them. Griz then lariats her own partners for unknown reasons. Yuuki hits ches forearms on NF then NF headbutts her. NF chest kicks her over. Koike crossbodies Yuuki for 2.

Koike and Yuuki trade chest forearms. Yuuki flurries her then has trouble putting on her hammerlock guillotine choke. Yuuki dropkicks Koike. Griz shoulders over Yuuki. Mifu comes in and dropkicks Griz. Griz swats a dropkick away and splashes Mifu twice. 

Grizz hits chest forearms on Mifu. Mifu high kicks Griz then spinning high kicks her for 2. Griz slams Mifu. Sehe knocks Yuu off the apron on accident while running the ropes. Yuuki top rope dropkicks Griz. Mifu bridging cuty specials Griz.

Griz hits a hard lariat on Mifu. The stream crashes. NF gets on Mifu's back with a chickenwing. Yuuki backdrops NF then Mifu hits a nice german on NF for 2. Griz shoulders over Yuuki. Mifu takes a double suplex for 2. NF single crabs Mifu while hooking her left around Mifu's throat. She then submits her.

Thoughts: It was better than expected and was a fun match. Mifu hit some nice suplexes here and as expected, Griz is probably the best one of the six in the ring with her power style.

The girls all hug and bow together on the stage after.

Kyuuri and Yuna Manase vs Kaori Yoneyama and Arisa Shinose vs Yappy and An-cham

Yappy and An-cham are part of the "Bad Butts" group and come out to "Baby Got Back". Yappy has a traffic sign with her that says "Bad Butts, Keep Out".

Yap hits her opponents with her sign before intros are done. The ref could care less. Yap and Yuna square off outside and An sends Arisa into the seats. Yuna chokes Yap with her sign.

An snapmares Arisa then kicks her in the back. An hair throws Arisa then Yapp hair throws Arisa. An and Yap hit Kyuuri and Arisa with hip attacks over the 2nd rope. Yap butt drops Arisa for 2. Yuna corner lariats Yap then shoulders her over. Yuna double lariats Yap and An. Kaori rolls up Yuna and hits mongolian chops. Yuna catches her crossbody and Arisa dropkicks the two over.

Yuna hits a double suplex. Yuna is tripped onto Arisa. Kyuuri sits on Arisa's back and double grapevines her arms but Yap breaks it. Yap legdrops Kyuuri's back. Kyuuri is held for a bulldog from An.

Yuna is pulled over the top and An hits a plancha onto Yap outside when everyone else moves. The girls duct tape Yappy and An to the post. Arisa hits chest forearms on Yuna. Kyuuri sprays Yuna in the eyes with something. Arisa hits an AA on Kyuuri for 2. Kaori then gets the pin on Kyuuri.

Thoughts: The finishing stretch needed to be longer and the match didn't get that much time. Maybe it was for the better but a little more would have been nice. I didn't like the ref disregarding the rules here. It was average.

Sayaka Unagi and Ibuki Hoshi vs Saran and Mio Shirai

Hoshi ducks a kick and chops Mio. Mio chops her back. Mio then chops Unagi on the apron. Mio gets chopped by both opponents in the front and back. Saran kind of just watches then slaps both opponents. Saran then slaps Mio for some reason.

Hoshi double chops Mio over. Unagi chops Mio more. Saran dropkicks Unagi several times for 2. Saran gets on Unagi's back and is driven into the buckles. Hoshi double chops Unagi on accident. The two chop each other and Saran rolls Unagi into a double stomp.

Mio running boots Unagi. Unagi spinning facebusters Mio then legdrops her for 2. Mio hits a hard forearm on Unagi. She starts talking rapidly and hits a big punch on Unagi. She then suplexes her for 2.
Mio misses a top rope moonsault on Unagi. Unagi facekicks her over. Unagi drives Mio into the mat with a ddt. Mio step up enzugiri's her then Unagi facekicks her over. Saran and Hoshi trade shots. Saran hits chest forearms on Hoshi. Hoshi chops Saran down.

Saran dropkicks Hoshi for 2. Hoshi hits a double chop for 2. Saran does a headscissors + headlock takeover. She then dropkicks Hoshi against the bottom rope. Saran fujiwara armbars Hoshi and Hoshi ropebreaks. Saran then does a speech before suplexing Hoshi ala Mio but Unagi stops it. Mio and Saran do stereo suplexes for 2.

Saran gets on Mio's shoulders and double stomps Hoshi for 2. Saran top rope double stomps Hoshi for 2. Hoshi hits superkicks on Saran for 2. Hoshi buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Saran takes a double team sliding shot for 2.

Mio hits a dropkick on Unagi then Unagi bladerunners her. Saran rolls up Hoshi for 2. Hoshi pumping knees Saran for 2. Saran abdominal stretch drivers Saran and wins.

Thoughts: I was surprised Saran got to kick out so much here. I figured Saran's team were losing since they are leaving the company. There was a lot of goofing off here and it would have been better if they just let them do a serious match. Hoshi put on a bunch of weight since I last saw her.

Miku Kanae and Yumiko Hotta vs Totoro Satsuki and Tsukina Umino

Miku hits chest forearms on Umino. Umino hanging triangles her over the top rope. Umino slams her. TS gets in and slams Umino. TS stands on Miku's back. Miku is caught on a crossbody and Hotta pushes her over onto TS.

Hota lifts Miku for a double boot on TS. TS takes corner attacks. TS shoulders Miku over. Umino dropkicks Miku then facekicks her on the ropes. Umino hits a drive by kick on Miku. Miku hits dropkicks on Umino.

Miku rolling sentons Umino and an STO variation. Umino suplexes and ddt's her. Umino is rolled into a bridge pin. Miku crossbodies both opponents off the ropes. Miku top rope swantons Umino for 2. Umino does a dropkick on Miku.

Hotta and TS shoulder battle. Hotta leg kicks her and TS hits chest forearms. Hotta hits leg kicks on TS. TS back body drops her then lariats her over. TS hits a falling splash for 2. Umino comes in and hits dropkicks on Hotta. 

Umino hit chest forearms on her then Hotta forearms her over. Hotta is held for forearms from Umino. Hotta is armbarred by Umino and TS splashes her while she's in it. Umino hits shots on Hotta on the ropes then dropkicks her partner on accident. Hotta sleepers Umino and TS breaks it up. TS finlay rolls Hotta then Miku top rope splashes Hotta for 2. Hotta pulls Umino off the top then throws Miku onto her. TS lariats Umino over on accident and Miku hits a hard missile dropkick onto TS off the top. Hotta slaps Umino over and pins her.

Thoughts: Just LOL at Hotta getting the win here. People were complaining about Hotta not doing jobs in the 1990's, yet alone 30 years later. Miku is really good and was far above anyone else in this match. She may have even been the best wrestler on this show at this point. Umino had a decent showing here. There was a lot of friendly fire in this one with Umino and TS hitting each other multiple times. TS has put on a ton of weight.

Hotta gets on the mic after as does Umino.

Manami Katsu vs. YuuRI
MK backdrops her to start then sliding lariats her. MK is pulled over the top and bangs Yuu's head off the buckles. MK cutters her off the apron to the floor. They get back in. MK boots her around then hits a stunner. Yuu double jump springboard dropicks her out of the corner. Yuu high kicks her off the apron then cannonballs her off the apron outside.

Yuu top rope dropkicks her inside for 2. Yuu then grounded sleepers her. MK running knees her then Yuu step up enzugiri's her. MK running lariats her then Yuu germans her. Both are down.

Yuu hits chest kicks and MK slaps her. Yuu slaps back and MK hits a lariat for 2. MK goes up top and is kicked. Yuu 2nd rope cutters her for 2. Yuu hits kicks to the head then misses a top rope swanton. Yuu bridge pins her for 2 and kicks her in the head. MK sitout slams her for 2 and Yuu tries a pin off of it. MK mule kicks her then sliding lariats her for 2.

MK hits a sitout driver for 2. MK then does a half-tiger suplex for the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match. There was nothing great about it and it came across better after some of the other matches on the show. There were no real face or heel roles here. They did a fair amount of high spots in this one and put out a lot of effort.

They shake hands and bow at each other after. 

International Ribbon Tag Team Title Match - Hamuko Hoshi & Makoto (c) vs. Sumika Yanagawa & Yuko Sakurai

Sumi's team attacks before the bell. Makoto and Ham do hip attacks in the corners then Sumi and Yuko do their same o-shi-ri hip attack on them together. Ham shoulders Yuko over. Ham rubs her gut in Yuko's face in the corner. Makoto facekicks Yuko on the ropes. Yuko boots her and Makoto facekicks her. Makoto running boots her.

They trade facekicks. Yuko cobra twists Makoto. Yuko shotgun dropkicks Makoto. Sumi running dropkicks Makoto then hits a chest forearm flurry on her. Sumi then does the same to her. Sumi flying headscissors Makoto and facewash kicks her on the ropes. Sumi leg lariats her on the ropes for 2.

Makoto double underhook suplexes Sumi then double knee drops her back for 2. Ham gets in and crabs Sumi. Ham switches to half-crab and Sumi ropebreaks. Ham chest forearm flurries Sumi then short arm lariats her. Ham does a shinning belly attack for 2.

Ham hits Sumi with her belly. Yuko comes in and slams Ham. Sumi meteora's Ham for 2 then pulls both arms back. Sumi then bridges while doing it. Sumi 2nd rope la silla's Ham for 2. Ham germans Sumi. Sumi no sells it and spin kicks her. Ham then lariats her.

Yuko gets in and dragon sleepers Ham. Yuko facekicks Ham on the ropes for 2. Yuko takes a double team on the ropes then a flying belly + back kick combo for 2. Ham runs into a Sumi flatliner then takes a double suplex. Ham takes a double knee to the head for 2.

Ham suplexes Yuko off the 2nd rope for 2. Ham gets caught up top. Yuko 2nd rope suplexes Ham for 2. Sumi fisherman suplexes Makoto. Ham takes a face kick and spinning forearms Yuko down. All four girls are down.

Ham and Yuko trade forearms for facekicks. Ham hits shots with her belly. Yuko hits boots to the head then Ham bodyblocks her. Yuko takes a spear + lariat combo for 2.

Ham takes a headbuster from Sumi. Yuko then suplexes Ham for 2. Yuko sitout gordbusters Ham for 2. Yuko takes a spear from Makoto and Ham steamrollers Yuko for 2. Ham lariats Yuko for 2. Makoto cradle shocks Yuko and Ham top rope splashes Yuko for the win.

It was an okay semi-main. There was nothing wrong with it but it wasn't something you'd remember. Hamuko was in this a lot more than Makoto was. They tried and I think they did an okay job with this one. 

ICExInfinity Title Match - Yuuki Mashiro (c) vs. Misa Kagura

They charge at each other and trade forearms. Misa flurries her then shoulders her over. YM spin kicks her then low dropkicks her for 2. Misa blocks an eye poke and puts YM's fingers in YM's mouth. YM low dropkicks her for 2.

YM foot chokes Misa in the corner then facebusters her. YM facelocks Misa while sitting on her back. YM hair throws Misa then corner dropkicks her. Misa shoulders YM over several times. Misa shotgun dropkicks YM then corner spears her for 2. 

Misa crabs YM. Misa crabs YM. Misa is tripped into the ropes and YM dropkicks her for 2. Misa and YM trade chest forearms. Misa pulls YM's arms back then camel clutches her. Misa ties up one of YM's legs and pulls back on her arms. Misa sentons YM.

They fight on the buckles. YM crossbodies her off the apron. Misa is sent into the seats. Misa and YM fight on the floor and they hit some big forearms. YM dropkicks her outside. 

YM boots her in the face multiple times. They go back in. Misa hits 2 suplexes YM triangles her and shoulder throws her for 2. Misa lariats her over then shoulders her over for 2. Misa sits on YM's back and pulls on her legs. Misa crabs her and YM ropebreaks.

Misa 2nd rope sentons YM for 2. Misa misses a 2nd rope senton and takes a low dropkick from YM. YM shoulder throws her for 2. YM backdrops her. Misa no sells it and sitout spinebusters her for 2.

They trade forearms. YM rolls her up for 2. YM spin kicks her in the head twice then exploders her for 2. YM cross-legged fisherman suplexes her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an okay main. It got a lot of time, they tried to make good and it was fine, just not great. Neither of these two are the most athletic and both are limited so what we got beat my expectations. It was one of the better matches I've seen either girl in but that's not saying a ton. I don't quite get the logic of having two non-full time contracted IR wrestlers close Ice's biggest show of the year though.

YM talks on the mic and they shake hands. Minami Katsu comes out to challenge Yuuki for the title after. They get into it and it has to be broken up. They then kick each other. Yuuki talks on the mic more. Everyone then shakes the fans hands as usual.

Yuuki then gets all the wrestlers in and closes the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a good effort from Ice Ribbon. The expectations were low considering the overall skill levels of the wrestlers but they put out a good show. The top 3 matches were all fine and the 6-woman tag with Koike and Grizzly was okay as well. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 but there was nothing must see on it. 

Aside from all that, it was a bit of a weird show. Half the people on this show are no longer contracted with the company and likely will not be with Ice going forward. Ice has limited options and money so I'm sure they had to make-do with this one, but having a big show with a bunch of people who are leaving is essientally a live wrestling tryout for other promoters.

WWE Monday Night Raw 12/30/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 12/30/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-raw-12232024.html

 This is the last 2 hour Raw and the last Raw on USA for the time being. Raw moves to Netflix next week.

We are in Houston, TX.

We see various wrestlers arrive. Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are on commentary and talk about the show from ringside. They say the first half hour is commercial free.

The New Day come out. 

The New Day try to talk but the crowd keeps booing them. Jey Uso comes out. Woods tries to talk to Jey but keeps getting booed. Woods says they go way back. Jey agrees and says he only has to say one thing - "New Day Sucks".

New Day leave. Jey says he's got other problems to take care of tonight. He mentions Drew McIntyre then tells him to come down to get a beatdown.

The Bloodline interrupt on the screen. Solo says Sami got too close and they dropped it. Solo says Jey should have sided with the real Bloodline. Solo says the necklace will stay on his neck forever. He says he will destroy Roman next week and stay tribal chief.

Jey says he doesn't believe that then Drew McIntyre nails Jey from behind. Drew bangs Jey's head off the mat. Jey superkicks Drew on a claymore kick attempt and pounds on him. Drew headbutts him and both go down. Officials break it up. Drew then runs back in and nails Jey again.

Cathy Kelly interviews American Made. Chad says he's sick of all the talk about how he can't win the title and is ducking Otis. He says he checks stuff off his bucket list tonight and it starts with Alpha Academy. He says he taught Otis everything he knows and Otis will learn that the master remains the master forever. 

Otis vs Chad Gable

Chad clubs Otis in the back. Chad side headlocks him then Otis shoulders him over. Otis hits bolo punches. Otis gorilla presses Chad. They go out. Chad's head is banged off the commentary table and he's thrown into the steps.

Chad hits punches on Otis. Otis lariats Chad. Otis spears the post when Chad moves. Chad dragon screws Otis while he's hanging onto the ropes. Chad hooks Otis' leg. Chad dropkicks Otis. Otis misses a splash on the mat. Chad misses a top rope headbutt. 

Otis throws Chad then lariats him over. Otis does a flying cannonball at Chad. Otis then does the caterpillar elbow for 2. The Creeds put Chad's foot on the ropes. Akira Tozawa attacks them and is suplexed down. Otis sends The Creeds over the timekeepers rail. Maxxine jumps on Ivy.

Otis takes a dropkick in the knee in the ring. Chad ankle locks him. Otis pushes him out of the ring then throws Julius in. Otis throws Brutus in. Otis corner splashes both then suplexes Chad into them. Otis does an ankle lock on Chad. Chad does a slow german on Otis. Chad comes off the top and runs into a spinning back elbow. Ivy grabs Otis' foot. 

Chad ankle locks Otis and Otis taps out.

It was a good match here with Chad working the leg/ankle and winning with it. There was a lot of shenanigans with American Made as expected. It wasn't a classic or anything but it did what it was supposed to do.

We get a package on Liv vs Rhea for next week. Rhea says she's going after the women's title, which she never lost. Liv says she has always been one step ahead of Rhea. Rhea says Dom and Raquel can't save Liv from her beating. They say this has to end together.

We go to The Judgment Day's hangout in the back. Dom says Liv has something up her sleeve. Raquel says she doesn't know. Finn says Liv has a plan for everything and she's sure she has something. Finn says they have a plan for the trios match tonight and says when you listen to Finn, you win. Finn tells Raquel to wish Liv the best of luck next Monday.

We see Adam Pearce and CM Punk talking in the back.

We see Pure Fusion Collective and Damage Ctrl talking in the back separately.

R-Truth vs Pete Dunne

Truth gets nailed by Pete during his entrance. Pete stomps on him and pounds on him. Officials then break it up. Pete says he's nobody's Butch.

Damage Ctrl is interviewed in the back. Kai says PFC don't have what it takes to beat them so they use dirty tactics. She says she can't wait to knock Zoey out of the tournament. She says it would be an honor to face Iyo in the finals of the Women's IC Title Tournament. Iyo says it would be great. Iyo says Lyra has her respect and will be champ sometime, but tonight is not her night. 

Women's Intercontinental Title Tournament Semifinal - Zoey Stark vs Dakota Kai

Kai pump kicks Zoey then clubs on her. Zoey hits corner spears. Zoey flips out of a monkey flip then Kai lariats her. Kai trips Zoey then pump kicks her while she hangs over the apron. Zoey superkicks Kai on the apron.

Kai enzugiri's her there. Zoey springboard dropkicks her. We go to PiP break and return. Zoey boots her around. Kai lariats Zoey over a few times and sweeps her leg. Kai hits a canadian destroyer backcracker. Kai running facekicks her then facewash kicks her. Zoey half-nelson suplexes her then knees her in the face for 2.

Zoey rolling death valley drivers her and superkicks her for 2. Zoey hits mounted forearms. Zoey springboards and Kai superkicks her. Kai hits a go to sleep kick to the gut and wins.

Kai didn't hit her finisher clean but I was okay with the match otherwise. It was rather athletic and the two moved around well. Not a ton of logic to it though.

We get a video of the history on Raw on USA.

The Judgment Day (Finn Balor, JD McDonaugh and Dominik Mysterio) vs Damian Priest and The War Raiders

Finn kicks DP in the leg and tags out. JD takes a facekick from DP. DP uppercuts JD in the corner and Erik forearms JD over. Erik does a muso style slam on JD then slams Dom and Finn. Erik slams Ivar onto JD.

Erik hits shots on JD. JD is sent hard into the buckles chest first. JD is popped up but Finn saves him from a powerslam. Finn and JD are knocked off the apron onto the commentary table together. We go to PiP break and return. 

Erik hits punches on Finn then Finn final cuts him. Finn chinlocks Erik. Finn hits DP while DP is on the apron. Ivar gets in and side slams Finn. He then low crossbodies him. Ivar butt drops Finn in the corner and spin kicks JD.

Ivar misses a bronco buster in the corner. DP and Dom get in. DP throws him in and hits shots on him and JD. DP lifting flatliners Dom. DP hits a big lariat on Dom. Dom clips DP. Erik nails Carlito outside then JD asai moonsaults Erik. Ivar crossbodies Jd against the rails.  DP is hurricanrana'd by Dom. Dom then takes a black hole slam and is pinned.

It was a good tag. They kept it moving and the last part of this was fun. They left you wanting more though and it wasn't quite as good as it could be.

Finn nails DP after and stomps on his leg.Finn butt drops DP's leg. The Raiders save DP.

Adam Pearce tells Jey Uso he escorted Drew and Solo out. He says Jey can face Drew next week though.

Ludwig Kaiser comes out. He says he demands all our gratitude for himself. 

He says we all know he belongs on the top of the food chain in WWE. He says he's A+ everything and European elegance. He says he demands Bron Breakker come out now.

Sheamus comes out and beats up Kaiser. Kaiser eye rakes him and takes a pumping knee. Sheamus then brogue kicks him.

The LWO and Alpha Academy talk in the back. Rey says it takes a lot of guts for Otis to stand up to Gable. He says he will get another shot and beat him next time. The New Day come up to Rey. Kofi says Rey gave Otis a shoulder to cry out. Rey says to back off and take their BS somewhere else. Kofi asks what they will do about it. Rey says part of being a leader is shutting up any egos that need checked. Rey says they can have themselves a match. Woods asks if he will pick one of his Rey Mysterio cronies to team with him. Woods says they will see him soon.

Women's Intercontinental Title Tournament Semifinal - Lyra Valkyria vs Iyo Sky

Lyra grabs the arm and side headlock takeovers her. Iyo does the same to her. Lyra goes up and over. Iyo gets rolled up for 2. Lyra side headlocks her then dropkicks her. Dakota Kai is watching in a box in the stands for some reason. Lyra rocking horses Iyo then bangs her knees off the mat. Lyra dropkicks Iyo through the ropes.

Lyra dragon screws Iyo off the buckles. We go to PiP break and return. Iyo hits shotei's then dropkicks her. Iyo hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Lyra john woo's her then tornado ddt's her. Lyra fisherman suplexes her for 2. 

Iyo does a chaos theory german for 2. Lyra spinning heel kicks her then hits a twisting neckbreaker for 2. Lyra victory roll drops her off the 2nd rope. Iyo then top rope moonsaults her outside.

Iyo hits a corner meteora. Iyo backrolls Lyra and Lyra gets a surprise bridge pin to win.

Thoughts: I was surprised Lyra won. She was being pushed for a while, then it stopped and now it's back I guess. I was surprised nobody got involved in this one. It was a good athletic match here and above the usual work. The crowd really got into it.

Seth Rollins comes out. He talks about the match with CM Punk next week. He says he will be here week after week. He says CM Punk might cry about losing and take another 10 years off.

CM Punk comes out. He complains about Seth using the "took his ball and went home" line. Punk says he hasn't seen Becky Lynch in a while and asks if she took her boll and went home. Punk asks Seth how his knee, neck and insides are. Seth says his wife is taking a break to raise a kid and says Punk doesn't know what that's like.

Seth said Punk wanted WWE to die with CM Punk chants. He said Punk took all kinds of shots to kill this place then took a big chunk of change to join the competition. He asked how that worked out. Seth says Punk can't big brother him anymore because he's the big brother.

He says Punk will take another 10 years off and it'll be a decision Seth makes for him. Punk says he liked the place he worked, but hated the guy in charge. He said the guy in charge loved Seth. Punk said Seth should have had his back but shot arrows in it. Punk says Seth stabbed Roman in the back and is dressed like an idiot.

Punk says he will jam the arrows down Seth's corporate throat. Seth calls him a cancer and says the only way to beat cancer is to cut it out. Seth tells him to bring his fist full of arrows and he will bring his fire and burn him to the ground. They then stare down. 

Thoughts: It was a good segment with them bringing up AEW (without saying it) and Vince. I thought they did a good job of explaining why they are feuding and giving us a reason to care. It definitely made me hyped for their match.

Overall thoughts: It was a good Raw. It would have been better with a little more time. The in-ring work was good. They've done a good job hyping up next week's big Netflix show and I'm definitely pumped for it. The Punk/Seth segment was the best thing on here and the Iyo/Lyra match was the best match of the night. There was little to complain about this one and it was a great way to cap off a good 2024 from Raw. I'll give this one a 7 out of 10 and would recommend it.

Monday, December 30, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 12/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 16

WOW Women of Wrestling 12/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 16

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wow-women-of-wrestling-12212024-season.html

Lana Star and The Fab Four come out. Lana wants to know why Miami's Sweet Heat wasn't given the first tile match while a team with no wins under their belt in Animal Instinct got it. Animal Instinct comes out.

Goldie Collins says they won some matches and said they would have won the title match if The Fab Four didn't interrupt. She says if they wait their turn, they'll see them in the ring.

Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty come out. Betty says they are lying. Jones says it wasn't good for MSH to stick their noses in their business, especially since their noses are fake. Jones says they don't care who is next, thye will take both teams on at the same time and stomp a mudhole in them. Jones says Big Rigs and Bourbon ain't scared of nothing.

David McLane says Jones came up with a good idea. He tells them to put the titles on the line next week in a triple threat against Miami's Sweet Heat and Animal Instinct.

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Fury vs Princess Aussie

They said Sierra Breeze was supposed to be in this instead of Fury, but she lost her passport and couldn't come to the show.

They lock up. Fury waistlock takedowns her. Aussie chinlocks her. Fury side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Fury armdrags her off the hiptoss attempt. Aussie rolls her up for 2. Aussie hits a suplex for 2.

Aussie elbow drops her for 2. Fury sits on Aussie's neck on the middle rope then knees her there. Fury then poses on Aussie. Fury germans Aussie. Aussie hits lariats then backdrops her. 

Fury backhands Aussie then flatliners her. Fury does a koji clutch and Aussie hits a cutter. Aussie then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an average with nothing too exciting going on. They didn't botch anything though. Aussie won here as expected. It doesn't seem like Fury wins many singles matches these days and it's starting to bury her. 

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Gloria Glitter vs Chantilly Chella

GG boots her. Chella leapfrogs then armdrags her. GG blocks an armdrag and hits her own. Chella springboard headscissors GG then dropkicks her. GG hits a widows peak then gordbusters her. GG does the stair stepper and lariats her. Chella hits leg kicks and legsweeps her. GG knees her in the gut.

GG sunset flips her then does a head and double arm lock. GG hits jawbreakers on Chella then flying lariats her. GG throws Chella out. Chella hits her outside then pulls her throat over the top. Chella slingshots over GG then hits double chops. Chella spin kicks her then euros her.

Chella hits a 2nd rope dropkicks on GG for 2. Chella drops her with a high kick and GG ropebreaks. GG stomps on her on the bottom rope. Chella springboard armdrags GG then rolls her up for the win.

Thoughts: Chella had a good showing here and seemed more motivated than usual. It was fine. Glitter can do a lot more than she does on WOW but she either doesn't want to do it or doesn't get a chance to. I wasn't advocating for Chella to lose here but Glitter's part of one of the top heel stables and maybe shouldn't be losing either.

Coach Campanelli gets on the mic after. She says she's not happy. Coach says she's mad at her for losing and for entering this match to begin with. Coach says she makes the decisions for this team because Coach knows best and not Glitter. She says Glitter is back on probation. Glitter pleads.

We see Chainsaw in the back. Pep Riley comes up to her. She gives her a flower and tells her good luck in her match. Chain then puts the flower in her overall.

Holidead does a promo. She says her blood boils for gold. She says Chainsaw was once her sister but is now on her train of violence. She says the darkside wants to bring a hold of the gold.

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Chainsaw vs Holidead 

They lock up. Chain shoves her and takes shoulder blocks. Holi throws Chain out and clubs on her outside. Chain is side-stepped and goes into the post outside. Holi chest clubs her on the apron. Holi legdrops her.

Holi boots her out of the corner. Chain slams Holi. Chain legdrops Holi. Holi spinebusters Chain. Holi stomps the flower Pep gave Chain. Chain gets mad and chokes Holi. The ref then DQ's Chain for not letting go of the choke.

Thoughts: What we got wasn't that good. They couldn't get a flow going and just had trouble getting on the same page.

The refs and Chain's sister try to stop Chain after. She eventually lets go and loses her mind.

While I didn't like the match, I did like the angle after. They made chain look like a mad woman and the crowd chanted for Chain so this got over.

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster talk in production. Smart shows Class clips of Tormenta. She says Class has the height advantage. She says they will win and says Tor will be a stepping stone for her.

Tormenta does a translated promo. She said she dreamt since she was a kid of competing for the title in a place like WOW.

Animal Instinct vs Miami's Sweet Heat vs Big Rigs and Bourbon for the titles is on the next WOW show.

Tormenta vs The Classmaster

Class shoves her. Tor hits shoulderblocks. Tor walks up the ropes, rope walks and armdrags Class down. Samantha Smart distracts Tor and Class hits Tor from behind. Tor's head is banged off the buckles. Class kicks Tor in the back multiple times then legdrops her inner thighs.

Class does a scholar collar. Tor is thrown by the neck. Class stomps on Tor. Class hits a bad fameasser and legdrops her for 2. Tor 2nd rope dropkicks her. Class splashes Tor in the corner. Smart nearly hits Class with the yard stick on a failed cheating attempt and Tor rolls up Class to win.

Thoughts: The match didn't really get enough time to develop here. I didn't like Class losing. She's been picking up big wins and seems to be getting a push. Her losing here doesn't really fit into that. Both are already in the battle royale as well so that wasn't the reason.

Samantha Smart gets on the mic after. She says that was a fluke and a glitch in the simulation. She tells the crowd to savor this moment as anyone other than her will take triumph. Smart tells the audio crew to play their music.

Overall thoughts: There wasn't a ton going on in this one. None of the matches were super great though were awful either. There wasn't a lot of development storyline wise though next week's main is set. I'd just give this a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend this one.

TNA Xplosion 12/20/2024

TNA Xplosion 12/20/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/tna-xplosion-12132024.html

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Trent Seven is this week's guest. He left around the time this aired. Trent talks about Speedball Mike Bailey and says good riddance to him being gone from TNA. He says you gotta bet on yourself sometimes. He says he beat The Hardy's on their own. Gia says she appreciates Trent punching Ace Austin in the balls as it's a receipt from her.

Trent says it's been a year since he signed his contract with TNA. They talk about some game they play called "mafia". Trent talks about playing a perfect game on the bus. He says he was the mafia in that game and tricked everyone else into thinking he was the doctor. He said one of the people he tricked didn't talk to him for a year over it. He says he got Alan Angels to throw the game over it. He talks about wrestling and says you live a special life on the road. Gia says she enjoyed playing mafia with him.

Frankie Kazarian vs Sami Callihan

Sami rushes at him and Kaz goes out. Kaz yells at the fans and says to tell the marks he's the one king of TNA.

Kaz chokes Sami in the corner with his knee. Kaz talks to the crowd and takes a lariat for it. Sami suplexes Kaz. Kaz gets wrapped up in the ropes and Sami clubs on his chest. Sami chops Kaz in the throat.

Kaz eye pokes Sami then lariats him. Kaz hits mounted shots and says "thumbs up your @ss". They trade shots. Kaz knees him in the gut then Sami hits lariats. Sami death valley drivers him for 2. Kaz pulls the ref into Sami then rolls him up whole holding Sami's pants. Kaz picks up the win.

This was pretty much all shortcuts and stalling. These two had a super lazy match here and took every shortcut in the book to get through it.

Overall thoughts: We only had one new match and one new interview segment here, with someone who would end up leaving the company by the time it aired. The new match was one of the laziest matches of 2024 and they did absolutely nothing in it. I would not recommend this one.

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/27/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/27/1991

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-7201991.html

We are in Edmonton, Canada.

Macho Man Randy Savage, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. They talk about Edmonton having the world's largest shopping mall. Piper says he loves to shop and bought everything that wasn't nailed down. Macho says he will prove that no one is better at shopping for a bride than him at Summerslam. Piper has a cast on his arm that he blames on another motorcycle accident.

The Texas Tornado vs Vern Siebert

Vern tries to get a cheapshot in on Kerry as he enters. Kerry hits shots on Vern and throws him out. Vern gets lariated over the top and Kerry punches him outside. Kerry hits more punches in the corner then discus punches him. Kerry then picks up the win.

Thoughts: Kerry seemed off here. He wasn't moving well and didn't do much but punches.

WWF Update

Wrestlefest '91 is now available with grooming tips from Brutus Beefcake. Mean Gene Okerlund talks Summerslam. We see Sid being made the guest ref for the 3v2 Summerslam match.

Sgt. Slaughter and his crew do a promo. Sarge says Sid Justice will come begging and crawling to join The Core of Destruction when it's time to raise their hands.

The Berzerker vs Chi Chi Cruz

Berz boots Chi then hits a nice dropkick. Berz clubs him then throws him down.

Berz hits a world's strongest slam on Chi. Berz ties him up in the ropes and facekicks him. Berz lifts and throws Chi out. Berz then gets the win via countout.

It was the usual Berzerker squash here with him winning by countout. Chi Chi got nothing in but the announcer's had fun with his name. 

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs Hutch Thomas

Bret gives his glasses to a fan as usual. Bret side headlocks him then shoulders HT over. Bret throws him then lariats him. Mr. Perfect does an inset promo with Coach. He says Summerslam is around the corner and says no matter how much his excellence of execution shines, he's still not perfect.

Bret headbutts Hutch over then slams him. Bret hits a backbreaker. Bret hits a russian legsweep. Bret then sharpshooters Huch and submits him.

It was a quick squash here with Hutch getting nothing in before going down. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. The Natural Diasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake tells Andre not to interfere at Summerslam as he will face a double disaster. Typhoon says they will make the giant a piece of the ring.

The Bushwhackers and Andre the Giant do a promo. The BW's talk about having Andre in their corner. Andre says he will finish what The Disasters started. He says nobody will stop The BW's. He says Quake better be ready.

The Warlord vs Larry Williams

War shoves over Larry then shoulders him over. War hits a flying shoulder then gutwrench suplexes him. War slams and elbow drops him. War clubs Larry's back then hits a lariat. The announcers talk about Macho's bachelor party. War then submits Larry with a full-nelson.

Thoughts: It was the usual Warlord squash with his opponent getting nothing in before beaten.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. The Triangle of Terror (Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Col. Mustafa) do a promo. Adnan and Mustafa talk in their languages. Sarge says Hulk and Warrior thought the ref would be on their side. Sarge says all they have to worry about is that it will be 3v2. He says his team will have their hands raised at summerslam.

Mr. Perfect and Coach do a promo. Perfect says Bret Hart wants to put a hit on him. Perfect says they have a gameplan and will stick to it, perfectly.

We get another Skinner video. He's in the swamp and says it pays to be real careful. He says you best keep a good eye out if you come to the swamp because he just might skin you alive. He says you never know where he might turn up.

The Bushwhackers vs Bob Bradley and Mike Starr

Andre the Giant is with The Bushwhackers. We see an upclose shot of Andre's knee which is all scarred up. Butch licks Andre outside and puts his hat on him.

Bob hits shots on Butch. Bob leapfrogs him then is lariated. Bob runs into Andre outside then runs back in. Bob takes a double lariat. The Natural Disasters do an inset promo. Quake says if Andre tries to interfere, he will get it on the other knee. Typhone asks if one disaster in his life is enough?

Starr takes a back elbow from Luke. Starr takes a battering ram. Starr takes a double gutbuster and is pinned.

Thoughts: This was kind of the Superstars jobber dream team here with Bob and Starr. They got beat in quick fashion as expected. Bob got a few shots in at least and Andre had some fun goofing around outside.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer says his guest recently felt the cold death of a loved one and brings out Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Jake says he felt the ugly hand grab part of his soul when Quake took out Damian. Jake says if Death comes knocking at his door, he will jerk the door open, look in his eyes and spit in it. Jake says he has something on his shoulder that won't let him fear death. Paul asks if it's his snake. Jake says it's Lucifer himself, who also rests on Paul's shoulders.

Paul says every man on his final resting place must face The Undertaker. Paul says they are stringing The Ultimate Warrior along until it's time for him to go to his final resting place. Jake asks how would Paul and Taker feel if she shared the secrets of darkness and the secrets of Taker with The Ultimate Warrior? Paul says Jake can't do it and asks if he would do it. Jake says he would do it. Jake says all Warrior must do to understand the darkness is to release all those fears of death. He says he must do something Taker and Paul could never do - trust him. Paul then freaks out.

I thought this was really well done. It was a strange segment with strange material but they made sense of it and made it understandable. 

Summerslam Report

Mean Gene Okerlund says we are 4 weeks away from Summerslam 1991. Gene talks about the show.

Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior do a promo. Hulk says he knew it was the beginning of the war when he beat Sarge at Wrestlemania VII. He said he heard Sarge laugh when he burned him and says he had nightmares about facing all of Sarge's troops. He said he realized he had a chance to win the war when the Summerslam main event was set up. He says Sid Justice then put the icing on the cake. Hulk says it's even steven and 50/50.

Warrior says it'll be called down the middle but says they are not at a handicap. Warior says the tanks they ride are of great strength and asks what they will do when Hulkamania and The Ultimate Warrior run over you.

A jailhouse match between The Big Boss Man and The Mountie has been signed for Summerslam. Gene says the loser has to spend the night in jail. Gene says IRS vs Greg Valentine has also been signed. He says it's the W-4 meeting the figure four. He talks about Perfect/Hart and Dibiase/Virgil.

Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo. Ted says Virgil is getting under his skin and has become a nuisance. He says it'll end at Summerslam. Sherri tells Virgil not to come looking for this job as the position has been filled. Virgil says he will take Ted's belt at Summerslam and then he will be satisfied.

Some fans are asked about the Macho and Liz wedding.

Gene says not to wait until the 11th hour to order Summerslam as he ran into busy operators when he tried to order a PPV recently.

The Mountie vs Steve May

The Big Boss Man does an inset promo. He says he's looking forward to the jailhouse match. He says someone will spend a night in jail. He says Moutie has to look forward to a dirty toilet and a 6 foot cell. He says that's hard time.

Mountie hits a boot and some clubs to the back. Mountie hits a nodowa otoshi and wins.

Thoughts: It was a total waste of time that lasted less than 10 seconds.

Mountie chokes Steve after then handcuffs him to the turnbuckle connector. Mountie says Steve is under arrest and reads him his version of the miranda rights. He then zaps him with the shock stick. 

WWF Event Center

IRS says Greg Valentine's number has come up and it's time for him to be audited by the IRS. He says Greg has some real shaky tax returns. He says Greg will pay him one way or the other at Summerslam - with his bones or money.

Greg Valentine does a promo. Greg says the IRS is enough to make anyone nervous. He says he knows what it stands for in the WWF. He says IRS is a schyster. He says let's find out what he can do in the squared circle.

Bret Hart does a promo. He says this is the moment he's been waiting for and it's a chance for his dreams to come true. He says it's time for Perfect to make the perfect mistake.

Vince talks about next week's show to end this one.

Overall thoughts:
There was nothing to see here. There were some new matches announced for Summerslam but in-ring wise, everything was a squash. I liked Jake's Funeral Parlor segment and thought he got some good stuff out of some strange material. I wouldn't recommend this one.

WWE Speed 12/27/2024

WWE Speed 12/27/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-speed-12182024.html

There was no episode of WWE Speed on 12/25 due to Christmas.

#1 Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals - Natalya vs B-Fab

This is a second chance match due Zelina Vega being injured and out. We saw it a few weeks ago.

Fab charges at Nat and hits a forearm flurry in the corner. Nat hits knees and punches. Fab hits corner spears. Nat spinning lariats her. Fab armdrags her. Nat lariats her. They trade forearms. Fab hits shots. Fab pump kicks her for 2. Fab spin kicks her in the corner then Nat crucifixes her.

Nat rolls her up. Fab rolls her up. Fab side steps and dropkicks her for 2. Nat cradles her and wins at 2:38.

Thoughts: It was a quick and fast match here. They made it look like a fight so they got that part right and it was better than their last match. It short and nothing you really need to see but it was better than expected.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match as usual. Nat and Fab did what they could with it and it was better than the match they had on this show a few weeks ago. It wasn't great or must see though. You don't need to see this one.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Marigold 12/26/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 9

Marigold 12/26/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 9

Kizuna Tanaka vs. Nagisa Tachibana

This is Nagisa Tachibana's debut match. She's very pretty but she's an idol. They shake hands and NT pulls her hands away after they shake. They lock up and she hits chest forearms. KT armbars her and NT ropebreaks. KT stands on her arm on the ropes and NT dropkicks her.

NT hits more dropkicks. KT slams her for 2. KT hits running dropkicks. NT corner dropkicks her then does a running dropkick for 2. NT stomps on KT's injured back and kicks her in it. NT crabs her and KT pulls on the hair to break it. NT slams her then hits mounted forearms.

KT spinning fisherman's neckbreakers her. KT running knees her for 2. NT rolls her up for 2 then backslides her for 2. NT does la magistral for 2. NT does a running dropkick for 2. KT hits re:dream on her and wins.

It went a little longer than it needed to. I thought it was a good debut for Nagisa. She didn't botch anything and most of her offense looked fine minus some weak chest forearms. She's good looking so as long as she isn't a botch machine, she's going to get a lot of chances. Any debut where you don't botch is a good debut and we'll see where she goes. I don't think she has the highest ceiling though as she's not super athletic.

Nanae Takahashi vs Ryoko Sakimura

This is Ryoko Sakimura's debut match. She's good looking and has red and black gear. I don't know of any other wrestler with the name of Ryoko.

RS whips her into the corner off a handshake. RS hits a dropkick and chest forearms. RS snapmares her then sleepers her. They wrestle on the mat. NT takes her down. They get back up then NT chinlocks her.

RS does a grounded sleeper and NT escapes. RS bodyscissors her. NT does a single leg crab and RS rope breaks. NT slams her. She puts her foot in her throat. They grab each other by the hair. RS hits chest forearms. NT chest forearms her over. NT and RS trade chops. NT hair throws her.

NT corner splashes her for 2. RS does a step up knee and hits chest kicks. NT shoulders her over for 2. RS hits slaps. NT slaps her back. RS cradles her for 2. RS does a rolling koji clutch. RS dropkicks her and hits chest forearms. RS slaps her then NT slaps her back. RS slap flurries her then is lariated over. NT crabs her and RS ropebreaks.

RS is put in reverse tree of woe then NT splashes her for 2. NT backdrops her. NT doe a nasty looking stf vriation and taps her out.

Thoughts: This was a good debut for Ryoko. It went a little long though. She's good looking, she has fire and she seems pretty confident. She also just has good instincts. She didn't botch anything either. I already think she's arguably better than a couple people on the roster and I'm interested to see what she can do.

NT and Ryoko hug after and NT raises her hand. 

Minami Yuuki & Naho Yamada vs. Komomo Minami & Rea Seto

KM = Komomo Minami

Naho got to sing her song to the ring today. Naho's team takes stereo dropkicks to start. Naho takes dropkicks from both opponents. Naho takes a double dropkick. KM slams Naho. Naho hits a cutter and a headhunter. Naho then headhunters her from behind.

Yuuki throws KM over by the arms. KM and Yuuki trade chest forearms. Yuuki hits a nice dropkick on KM. Yuuki hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Yuuki takes a double dropkick. KM hits a hammerlock ddt on Yuuki for 2.

Rea dropkicks Yuuki for 2. Rea then does cattle mutilation on Yuuki. Rea dropkicks Yuuki for 2. Yuuki dropkicks Rea then does a swinging hammerlock guillotine. She then ddt's her with it.

Naho comes in and hits pedigree's on Rea. Rea crabs Naho and Naho ropebreaks. Rea slams Naho for 2. Naho headscissors rolls her up then rolls her around with the bodyscissors. Naho 2nd rope diving forearms Yuuki on accident. Rea dropkicks Naho then Naho rolls her up for 2.

Rea rolls up Naho and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a better effort than some of the disasters these girls have been involved in recently. There weren't any real botches here and they actually looked okay with each other. There were a lot of dropkicks and basic moves in this one.

Misa Matsui vs. Hummingbird

Misa misses a kick and is rolled up. Misa armdrags her and they trade pins. Misa running dropkicks her. Misa throws her then pulls on the mask. Misa basement dropkicks her. Misa ankle locks her. Hum dropkicks Misa, Misa no sells it, kips up and dropkicks her.

Misa figure fours her. Misa hits knees to the gut. Misa tries a running spear but goes out. Hum backrolls into a spinning headscissors on Misa. Hum low dropkicks Misa then does a grounded submission. Misa ropebreaks. Misa dropkicks her in the knee and basement dropkicks her. They try pins on each other. Misa double stomps her. Misa does la magistral for 2. Hum bridges out of  lariat and is booted. Misa does a cross-legged fisherman suplex for 2.

Hum hanging triangles her over the top rope. Hum spin kicks her for 2. Hum then goes for the armbar. Misa stretch mufflers her and Hum ropebreaks. Misa crossbodies Hum against the bottom rope and flying knees her. Hum does a bridge pin for 2. Misa rolls her into a stretch muffler and Hum taps out.

Thoughts: It went better than expected. Misa worked the leg some before getting the submission here. It was acceptable.

MIRAI vs. Nao Ishikawa

Nao tries to get chants going and Mirai doesn't like it.  They both try to get chants going together. Nao hits her form behind on the buckles. Nao hammerlocks her. Mirai tries to slam her to get out but Nao rolls her. Mirai goes around the ropes and traps Nao's arm in it. Mirai kicks the rope into Nao's arm. Mirai basement dropkicks her.

Mirai gets a 2 count on Nao then does a head and double armhold on her. Nao off-side shoulderblocks her. Nao flying neckbreakers her. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2. Nao does the anaconda vice. Mirai forearms her over. Nao forearms her back. Nao knocks her over with a forearm and hits a sitout spinebuster for 2. Mirai half-nelson suplexes Nao for 2. Nao upkicks her. Mirai does a sunset flip with a bridge pin and pins Nao.

Thoughts: Nao had a lot of comebacks here and was the underdog. She did okay with it but it wasn't great. Nao lost as expected here. Mirai didn't really lay into her as much as she should have and the finish wasn't great.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki (c) vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

NN gets on the mic before it starts. She says this is a preview and says this is Myla's last Marigold match. She says she wants to give her a special going away present and says she's putting the tag titles on the line here.

NN's team attack and the fight goes outside. Chi hits chest forearms on Boz then Myla is sent into the seats. Boz gets sent into the seats. Boz and Myla are then whipped into each other. Chi's head is banged off the apron. NN and Chi go into the seats. 

Boz forearms Chi over then ddt's her. Boz hits a nightmare pendulum on Chi. Myla hits forearms on Chi then corner dropkicks her. Myla twisting suplexes her for 2. Chi rolling spears Myla. NN pendulum kicks Myla. Myla spin kicks NN and double underhook twisting drops her.

Boz corner splashes NN then sentons her for 2. Boz slams her. Boz is stuck on the 2nd rope and german'd down. NN sleepers Boz. NN boots Boz in the face and hits basement dropkicks. Boz lariats NN twice. NN flying dropkicks Boz.

Boz piledrivers NN. Chi and Myla come in and trade forearms. Myla lariats Chi. Myla rolls Chi into a border city stretch. Myla backdrops Chi for 2. Myla sitout slams Chi for 2. Myla cancun tornados Chi off the top.

NN hits a flying kick while Chi hits a spear. Chi hits a south of heaven on Myla for 2. Myla takes a head kick into a sitout torture rack drop. NN and Boz trade forearms. Boz is pulled over the top. Myla cradles Chi then superkicks her. Myla steps up on Chi's knee and crucifix bombs her for 2.

Chi powerslams Myla. Chi does a sitout torture rack drop on Myla and wins.

Thoughts: Because Myla was announced as leaving, it was obvious she wasn't winning here. It was an average match as expected. These girls are just not the girls you are going to put together if you want a classic. They let Myla do a little more than usual here.

Boz attacks NN and Chi after and double lariats them. Boz holds up the titles.

Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Sareee vs. Chika Goto, Mai Sakurai & Utami Hayashishita

We have 3 challengers vs 3 champions in this one. Chika and Kouki start us off. They hit chest forearms on the ropes then Chika hip attacks her on the ropes. Mai and Miku get in and trade forearms. Miku is laid on the top buckle and Mai kicks her. Mai armdrags her then Miku dropkicks her.

Mai hits a dropkick and both kip up. Sare and Utami go at it. Utami shoulders her over then Sare low dropkicks her. Utami shoulders Sare over then dropkicks her. Chika gets in and takes a forearm from Sare. Sare fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kouki hits a slam on Chika then Miku gets in. Miku then slams Chika.

Miku bodyscissors Chika. Sare dropkicks Chika. Sare hair throws Chika. Sare stands on Chika's gut. Sare indian deathlocks Chika. Kouki and Chika go at it again.

Chika corner hip attacks Kouki. Utami gets in and dropkicks Kouki. Utami corner lariats Kouki then dropkicks her in the back of the neck. Chika slams Kouki. Mai comes in and facekicks Kouki. Mai corner facekicks Kouki. Mai facewash kicks her.

Kouki powerslams Mai. Miku running chest kicks Mai. Mikue slams Utami onto Mai. Miku PK's Mai. Mai slaps Miku. Miku leg kicks her. Mai northern lights suplexes Miku for 2. Mai facekicks Miku and they trade forearms. Mai facekicks Miku then Miku texas cloverleafs her.

Mai flying knees Miku. Mai backdrops Miku. Miku high kicks Mai. Miku backdrops Mai. Chika and Kouki go at it. Chika bangs Kouki's head off the mat with a headscissors. Chika reverse giant swings Kouki. Kouki facekicks Chika. Kouki cutters Chika then falling splashes her for 2.

Kouki spinebusters Chika for 2. Chika tilt-a-whirl slams Kouki then Kouki backdrops her. Kouki then dropkicks her. Sare and Utami get in. They german each other. They trade forearms. Sare dropkicks Utami then dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare takes a torture rack drop + top rope dropkick combo. Utami hits an air raid crash on Sare for 2. Sare 2nd rope superplexes Utami then running double stomps her.

Sare 2nd rope double stomps Utami. Utami throws Sare over and sleepers her but it is broken up. Mai leg slices Miku. Utami and Sare trade forearms outside. Sare is sent into the seats. All the girls fight outside. Mai hits a top rope plancha outside.

Miku top rope dropkicks Utami inside the ring. Kouki dominators Utami then Sare top rope double stomps Utami for 2. Mai superplexes Sare and Chika sliding lariats Sare. Utami germans Sare for 2. Miku gets some moves in and is kicked by Mai.

Sare hits chest forearms on Utami then Utami lariats her. Sare crucifixes her for 2. Sare step up enzugiri's Utami then Utami lawn darts Sare. Utami sit out drops Sare off the torture rack. Sare backdrops Utami for 2. Sare uranages Utami three times for 2. Sare headbutts Utmai then does a wrist-clutch uranage for the win.

The first half of this had a lot of Kouki vs Chika, which wasn't that good. The last 10 minutes got better when Utami and Sare started going at it. It still wasn't a classic though and was basically a house show main event at Korauken. This didn't need to go 29 minutes either. 

Utami tells Sare she wants to take her belt after. Miku tells Mai she will show another level of herself that she hasn't shown before. Mai says not to take things too lightly. Kouki and Chika have words. Sare said she took the win today. Sare asks the girls if they are ready for the big show. 

Overall thoughts: It was a rather average show all around for Marigold. Neither the main or the semi-main looked like classics and they weren't. The two debut matches were the most interesting thing on here and both girls did well in their debuts. I feel like Ryoko Sakimura may have the potential to be another Mai Sakurai. Nao tried against Mirai, but it was half of what it would have been if she had been fighting Nanae instead. Hummingbird/Misa was okay and the girls didn't embarrass themselves in Rea's match. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't really recommend it.