Ring of Honor TV 10/26/2013
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Ring of Honor TV 10/26/2013 |
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/ring-of-honor-tv-10122013.html
We see BJ Whitmer talking a piledriver on the apron and they say BJ suffered a neck injury from a piledriver from Mike Bennett. Nigel says they are pros but accidents and injuries occur.
We see clips of BJ saying he's retiring. He said he didn't get to say goodbye last time but gets to this time. He thanks everyone. He brings out Jimmy Jacobs and says Jimmy was with him while he was injured, sending him texts everyday. He asks him to give him a chance to come back and says one career is ending tonight, don't let it be two careers.
Jimmy Jacobs and Silas Young come out for their match. Silas Young gets on the mic. He says he thought he was in Philly for a minute, in the birthplace of ROH. He says all he sees here are bunch of morons. He said JJ tried to destroy the company a few months ago and the fans cheer him like a bunch of idiots. He says it makes him sick that JJ went up to BJ Whitmer at the lowest point of his life and used his pain for his gain.
Silas says he sees the typical pussified man in modern America with make-up, fingernail polish and his weak little body. He says he'll wipe the mat with him in 3 seconds. He says JJ expectes second chances because his mom gave him trophies when he came in 2nd place. He says he wouldn't know what a real man is if they hit him with a hammer.
Jimmy Jacobs Five Match Trial Series Match #1 - Jimmy Jacobs vs. Silas Young
Jimmy spears him and pins him.
Thoughts: Really, that's it. Jimmy won in one move here.
We get a video on the ROH Title situation from last time.
The American Wolves talk. Eddie says he takes on Kevin Steen. Davey Richards talks Ricky Marvin. He says both of their opponents go down as they are the best in the world.
Davey Richards vs Ricky Marvin
RM kimura takedowns him. DM puts a hammerlock on and RM turns it into a wristlock. DR cartwheels out of a wristlock and side headlock takeovers him. RM headscissors him and they stand off. RM pulls DR's arms back.
DR ties RM's arm in the ropes and kicks the rope. DR side headlocks him then shoulders him over. RM then topes DR when DR slides out. RM is laid on the top rope and takes shots. DR running knees him in the gut, sending him down to the floor. DR hits knees and kicks to the body. DR then hits punches to the body. RM hits forearms then DR knees him in the gut. DR hits kicks to the chest and spin kicks him in the gut. RM springboard enzugiri's him.
They trade forearms. RM handsprings into a ddt on him for 2. RM spinning neckbreakers him. We go to break. We do some promos for upcoming shows. Adam Cole says he will be on the upcoming shows but says it doesn't matter who he faces. He says there is only one Adam Cole and says the champ will win no matter who he faces. We return from break.
RM flying headscissors DR off the apron. RM facekicks Dr off the apron. RM top rope moonsaults outside. RM john woo's him in the ring for 2. DR step up enzugiri's him then germans him for 1. RM is up top, DR tries to top rope german him but RP flips out. RM hits 3 superkicks for 2.
DR rolls up RM for 2. They trade shots. DR hits kicks to the body. RM hits a big lariat then a made in Japan for 2. RM hits headbutts. He comes off the top and DR chest kicks him. DR running kicks him in the corner then he hits a top rope double stomp for what looked like 3 but was 2. RM rolls him up for 2. RM jumps on DR's shoulders for no reason and ends up hitting a hurricanrana with while using the ref as a base.
The two trade shots. DR pop-up kicks him and hits a stiff lariat. DR brainbusters him for the win.
Thoughts: The goal was to have a good match here. I think they did okay with it but it wasn't great. They didn't overdo it. There was a lot of downtime here with people selling between spots and the other guy just letting them lay and sell. This could have been a little shorter and the finishing stretch could have been better. I was surprised to see Davey win with a lariat.
Larry Legend hypes up Silas Young vs Mark Briscoe for next week's show. Mark Briscoe says you won't wanna miss this one. He says he sees Silas and says he has some cabbage (chest hair). He says he'll see him in the ring.
Veda Scott interrupts Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly. She gives him something in a folder and says he needs to look at it right now. Nigel says it's more stuff with Corino and says he has to go sort this out.
Kevin Steen comes out for his match. Michael Bennett piledrivers him in the ring. Kevin holds his neck while refs check on him. He goes after Mike but falls.
Kevin Steen vs Eddie Edwards
Steen is holding his neck as this is about to start. Eddie questions if this should go through. Steen shoves him with one arm then hits some slaps. Eddie facekicks him out then misses a baseball slide. Eddie kicks him from the apron and hits an apron moonsault outside.
Eddie hits forearms and they go in. Eddie hits like a running double knee. Steen is holding his neck. Eddie hits headbutts. Eddie back elbows him. Eddie hits headbutts and chops. Eddie hits a forearm flurry in the corner and drops him.
Eddie kicks him in the back after trading shots. We go to break and return. Steen hits forearms and a facekick. Steen lariats Eddie. Steen goes out to hold his neck. Steen apron powerbombs him. Steen hits another apron powerbomb. Steen hits a top rope swanton for 2.
Eddie blocks a package piledriver. Eddie back elbows him then 2nd rope diving codebreakers him for 2. Steen does a pop-up sitout powerbomb for 2. Eddie goes for a half-crab. Steen kicks him to get out of it. Eddie facekicks him and flips out of his german. Eddie hurricanrana's him then slides under him into a half crab.
Steen ropebreaks. Eddie goes for a backpack stunner but Steen sleeper suplexes him. Steen goes for the package piledriver, his neck gives out and Eddie pins him.
Thoughts: The finish was a little weak. This is one of those situations where the story harmed the match more than it helped the match. I would have liked to have seen more work on the neck but you could maybe make the claim that Eddie was a face here and wasn't trying to maim Steen. It was an average match.
Overall thoughts: It wasn't a bad hour of wrestling. They told some stories with Bennett injuring Steen, Corino doing whatever he's doing with Nigel and Silas talking trash to Jacobs then getting put down. We only got 2 full length matches in this one but neither was offensive and I was okay with both. I found it easy to watch and I liked the episode. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall but I don't think you need to see it.
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