All Japan Pro Wrestling 5/13/1993 - Toshiaki Kawada vs Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
全日本プロレス 1993年5月13日 - 川田 利明 vs 菊地 毅
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The finish |
Kikuchi hits a bunch of leg lariats to start and hangs himself on the middle rope trying one. He gets Kawada outside then leg lariats him from the apron. They got back in and Kikuchi gets more in, and knocks him off the apron with it. He then comes off the apron and hits Kawada with another one, knocking him over the railing.
Kikuchi goes for another inside the ring and gets thrown off and lands hard. Kawada throws some short kicks to Kikuchi's head and face kicks him. Kikuchi charges at him and gets dropped with a hard forearm. Kawada pus him in a high boston crab.
Kawada hits a big chop and gets some more offense in. Kikuchi comes firing back with forearms then meets a big lariat from the corner. Kawada puts him in a grounded octopus variation but Kikuchi fights out. Kawada gets behind him and spin kicks him to the side of the body. Kawada throws Kikuchi out and he takes a bad looking bump out. Kawada then drops butt first on a rail outside.
Kawada picks him up for a suplex and just drops him. Kikuchi goes up top and Kawada hits a knockout forearm on him, causing Kikuchi to fall forward. Kikuchi tries a comeback with hard forearms then gets facekicked. Kikuchi hits some snap suplexes then a nice missile dropkick from the top. Kikuchi then frog splashes him for 2.
Kikuchi goes for a headbutt from the top but Kawada gets his knee up. Kawada goes for a powerbomb, but gets hurricanrana'd then eats another leg lariat. Kikuchi's next leg lariat turns into him getting powerbombed and Kawada puts him in the stretch plum for the win at 13:52.
This was a one sided match but they played the underdog david vs goliath here and it was very good. As usual, Kikuchi was a fun fiery babyface and Kawada was a good tough jerk towards him, just showing no regard at all. The match could have been better if they maybe shaved off a few minutes, but I still enjoyed it.
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