Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Stardom 2/24/2025 Path of Thunder

Stardom 2/24/2025 Path of Thunder

Mayu Iwatani vs. Yuria Hime

They shake hands. Hime hits running dropkicks and Mayu no sells them. Hime hits chest forearms then Mayu dropkicks her. Mayu stomps on her then they trade armdrags. Mayu spin kicks her then basement dropkicks her in the neck. Mayu headscissors her.

Mayu ties her up in the ropes then dropkicks her in the back for 2. Mayu gets a 2 count on her. Hime tries to fight back but is booted around. Hime hits forearms then Mayu forearms her down. Hime hits more forearms then is forearmed down again.

They trade forearms and Hime slams her for 2. Hime hits chest forearms. Hime hits running dropkicks for 2. Hime misses a legdrop and is kicked in the back. Mayu spin kicks her and crabs her. Hime ropebreaks. Mayu misses a top rope splash and Hime rolls her up for 2. Hime step up leg lariats her for 2. Hime hits mounted forearms. Mayu superkicks her for 2. Mayu hits a top rope splash for 2. Hime rolls her up for 2 out of the full nelson. Mayu superkicks her in the face. She holds her in the air with a dragon sleeper and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was an okay rookie vs vet match. Hime got some comeback dropkicks and forearms in but Mayu was never really in danger here. Hime got to kick out of more than you would think. Hime did fine here but you can tell she's not very athletic.

Mayu talks on the mic after and they shake hands.

Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori) vs. God's Eye (Lady C, Ranna Yagami, Saki Kashima & Tomoka Inaba)

Ran and Aya start us off. Aya hits a leg kick and is taken down. They mat wrestle. Ran side headlocks her then armdrags her. Ran hits a low dropkicks on her. Aya's team comes out to help and Ran is kicked around. Ran takes a 4 person basement dropkick on the ropes. 

Aya and Ran trade chest forearms. Aya chest forearm flurries her then Ran dropkicks her. Ran PK's her for 2. C comes in and giant swings Aya. Inaba slams Saki onto Aya for 2. Aya dropkicks Saki. Anou gets in and basement dropkicks Saki. She indian deathlocks her and fisherman suplexes Inaba at the same time.

Saki is pushed into Ran and Poi top rope crossbodies Saki and Ran. Poi and Anou hit a dropkick and facekick on the ropes on their opponents. Anou gets kicked by Saki. Inaba comes in and pump kicks Anou. Inaba kicks her in the back for 2.

Inaba pump kicks Anou then Anou step up enzugiri's her. Inaba chest kicks her over and Inaba takes a double dropkick in the corner. Anou fisherman suplexes Inaba.

Yuna and C shoulder battle. C lariats Yuna over then Yuna dropkicks her. Yuna rolls her up for 2 and legdrops her for 2. C facekicks Yuna twice for 2. Yuna hits shots on C then lariats her after help from Anou and Poi. Everyone comes in to get a move in. C chokeslams Yuna for 2.

Yuna hits a hard lariat on C. Yuna takes a double kick then C running facekicks Yuna over for the win.

Thoughts: It was fast paced and was okay. There wasn't anything special to it and it's the same Stardom tag you see pretty much every show. It was fine for what it was but kind of was a waste of Anou and Poi.

Fukigen Death vs. AZM vs. Waka Tsukiyama vs. Akira Kurogane

Death pretends to smoke and the other 3 go at it. AZM takes a double kick then Akira armdrags her. Akira sweeps her and we get a 4 girl stand off. Waka dropkicks Akira for 2. Waka hits hip attacks on Akira.

AZM hits a top rope double dropkick for 2. AZM armbars Akira while Death sits on Akira and reads a newspaper. Death hits AZM with the newspaper. AZM boots Death out of the corner. AZM hits a dropkick on Death and the girls try pin attempts on each other.

Waka hits chest forearms on Akira then running hip attacks her. Waka hip attacks her on the ropes and AZM breaks up the pin with a top rope double stomp. AZM buzzsaw kicks Death and Akira cradles AZM for 2. AZM does a pin on Akira and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced match as you would expect. Death didn't do much but screw around which was stupid. Akira got put over some here and the crowd was into her. It was average. 

STARS (Hazuki, Koguma & Momo Kohgo) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Maika & Rian) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe, Ruaka & Thekla)

Maika and Thek stare down then Kog and Rian interrupt them. These two shake hands and do Kog's taunt. HATE hits them from behind during it then Rian and Kog do stereo crossbodies. Kog kicks Rian in the gut and slams her. Momo dropkicks Rian.

Momo knee drops Rian's arm then ties both arms up in a hold. Momo basement dropkicks Rian for 2. Haz comes in and slams Rian. Rian takes a double back elbow then is tripped into a senton and splash on the back. Then chinlocks and clubs Rian on the ropes. 

Thek bangs Rian's face off the mat then indian deathlocks her. Rian is then PK'd while in the hold. Rian takes a double dropkick. Rian is double foot choked on the bottom rope. Rian hits chest forearms on Momo then Momo chest kicks her over. Maika lifts Rian for a headscissors on Momo then Rian low dropkicks Momo.

Hana comes in and shoulers over Momo. Hana then hits a double crossbody. Hana hits a double suplex then catches Momo's crossbody off the buckles. She hits corner splashes on her and Haz. Maika and Haz trade forearms. Momo meteora's Haz then Maika lariats Momo. Haz, Momo and Maika trade forearms. Momo eye rakes both. Kog hits a double splash in the corner then is pushed off the top. Momo dropkicks Maika.

Momo hits chest kicks on Maika. Maika suplexes Momo. Maika laritas Momo then is lariated by Ruaka. Maika takes corner attacks and is whipped into a Momo high kick. Maika takes a double high kick to the head. Syuri takes a double ddt then Thek hits a double spear.

Thek does a top rope dive onto 3 people outside. Momo then springboard plancha's outside. Haz is pushed into Maika and bot get hit with weapons by HATE. Momo hits Thek with a baseball bat on accident. Maika michinoku drivers Thek and wins it.

It really wasn't that fast paced despite so many people being in it and was pretty average for the most part. I didn't like the heels being able to cheat in the ring and the ref not caring. This wasn't really much of note.

Maika and Thek butt heads after.

God's Eye (Kiyoka Kotatsu & Syuri) vs. HATE (Azusa Inaba & Konami)

KK = Kiyoka Kotatsu

Inaba boots over KK to start. She side headlocks her then wristlocks her. KK reverses it and Inaba side headlocks her. KK mounts Inaba and pounds on her. Inaba blocks KK's armbar. Inaba side headlock takeovers her and is put in a headscissors. Inaba headflips out.

Inaba drops KK with a kick then hair throws her. Inaba snapmares KK and kicks her in the back. Inaba boots her while she's down. Kon gets in and pulls KK's arm around the ropes. Kon stomps and kicks KK's arm.

Inaba flurries on KK then forearms her over. KK spin kicks her and hits a strike flurry. KK chest kicks her down. Syu hits knees on Inaba's gut. Syu ddt's her for 2.

Inaba kicks her in the gut and front facelock suplexes her. Kon gets in and hits kicks on Syu in the chest and the back. Syu hits chest kicks then kicks her in the back. They pull each other's hair and trade forearms. Syu dropkicks her then takes a pumping knee to the side of the head. Syu rolls her up for 2 then Kon goes for the armbar. Syu codebreakers her then Kon high kicks her. Syu pumping knees her.

KK hits chest kicks on Kon then jumps on her back with a sleeper. KK takes corner attacks. Kon armbars her then Syu breaks it up. Syu suplexes Kon then her and KK end up kicking each other when Kon moves. KK takes a double kick and Kon armlocks KK. KK ropebreaks.

Syu knees Kon in the gut. Syu hits a double dropkick. Kon germans Syu then kicks her in the face. KK hits high kicks on Kon and goes for the armbar on her. Kon reverses it into a hammerlock. Kon then submits her with the triangle lancer.

Thoughts: I liked this. KK's arm was worked on all through and she eventually submitted to an arm submission. KK and Inaba worked together well here and Syuri brought the stiffness in this. 

Cosmic Angels (Sayaka Kurara & Tam Nakano) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Saya Kamitani)

Saya pump kicks Tam to start. Tam spinning high kicks her. Tam release backdrops her then is tripped and takes a kick to the head. The girl fight outside and Tam is sent into the seats. Sayaka is sent into the post. Saya foot chokes Tam in the ring then hair throws her. Tora spits mist in Tam's eyes for 2.

Tora boots Tam on the ropes. Tam hits chest forearms. Tam samoan drops her for 2. Sayaka tries to help and ends up dropkicking Tam. Tam hits forearms on Tora. Tam dropkicks Tora in the knee. Tam bridges out of a Tora lariat and basement dropkicks her. 

Sayaka corner dropkicks Tora then 2nd rope forearms her for 2. Sayaka gets on Tora's back for a sleeper. Tora throws her over then Sayaka dropkicks Tora. Tora hits a senton on Sayaka for 2.

Saya dropkicks Sayaka then Sayaka dropkicks her. Tam flying back elbows Saya then rolls her into an axe kick on the back of the neck. Tam and Saya miss spinning high kicks. Tam hits a big forearm on Saya. They trade forearms.

Tam misses a corner charge. Saya forearms her then springboards at her but is kicked down. Tora lariats Tam on the ropes. Tam pushes the heels into each other and Tam/Sayaka hit stereo dropkicks.

Tam hanging dragon sleepers Saya while Sayaka hanging sleepers Tora. Then they hit stereo flying moves off the buckles. Sayaka and Tam then do stereo dives with Tam going off the top and Sayak going off the apron.

Tam hits a nice german on Saya for 2. Tam spinning high kicks her then low flying knees her for 2. Sayaka top rope dropkicks Tam on accident. Tora corner cannonballs Tam. Tam takes a powerbomb + headbuster combo. Saya corkscrew kicks Tam in the back for 2. Saya ki krushers Tam for 2 as Sayaka just kind of sits there and cries.

Saya tries to get Sayaka to attack Tam but Sayaka spears Saya. Sayaka slams Tora down. HATE gets in and the ring and beats up on Sayaka. Tam and Sayaka fight them off. Saya takes a double spear. Tam does a high angle falcon arrow on Saya and wins.

This was interesting with them doing the storyline of Sayaka and Tam not being able to work together, Sayaka kind of giving up then firing up and helping Tam win it. That's a new one I haven't seen before and despite the language barrier, you could get what they were doing. I thought they could have emphasized it a little more but I liked the idea of it and thought it worked. Stardom has clearly been pushing Sayaka this year and this was another example of that as her and Tam got an upset win.

Sayaka and Tam talk to their opponents on the mic after. Tam and Saya have words. They go face to face and Saya walks off.

Future Of Stardom Title Match - Miyu Amasaki (c) vs. Hina

Hin wristlocks her and Miyu reverses it. Hina side headlock takeovers her and Miyu headscissors her. They trade forearms. Miyu dropkicks her in the knee, short ddt's her and dropkicks her in the back for 2.

Miyu stomps on her in the corner then Hina running dropkicks her. Hina slams her. Hina pumphandle bckbreakers her. Miyu dropkicks her. Miyu running back elbows her and running euros her. Miyu scholar collars her.

Hina is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Miyu 2nd rope swinging facebusters her. Miyu pendulum ddt's her for 2. Hina running neckbreakers her. They trade elbows on the ropes and Miyu suplexes her. Hina STO's her.

Miyu hit a tornado ddt on Hina then Hina throws her off of her shoulder. They trade forearms on their knees. Miyu hits mounted forearms on Hina. Hina hip throws her then drops her chest first for 2. Hina STF's her and Miyu ropebreaks.

Miyu trips her and running euros her in the back of the neck. Miyu 2nd rope ddt's her then does a suplex for 2. Hina rolls her up for 2. Miyu spinning back elbows her then lifting ddt's her for 2. Miyu bangs Hina's head off the mat. Hina wrist-clutch rock bottoms her. Miyu hits a ddt on Hina. Hina wrist-clutch half-nelson suplexes Miyu for 2.

Hina goes for a suplex and is ddt'd. Miyu rolls her up for 2. Hina jackhammers her for 2. Hina hits a top rope splash on Miyu and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a really average match. The two really telegraphed their moves here and made it clear they were working together. There was no real story and there was just nothing that good about it. I would have rather Miyu kept the title though then Hina.

Hina talks on the mic after and has words for Miyu. 

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida) (c) vs. Neo Genesis (Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki)

Saya's team is hit before it starts. She hits chops on both opponents. Saya takes a facebuster and a double dropkick. Suzu kicks Saya in the back then foot chokes her. Suzu hits a chop and a kick to the back.

Mei htis corner dropkicks on Saya. Mei armbars Saya but Han breaks it up with a double stomp. Saya hits chest forearms on Mei then Mei fires back. Mei misses a corner charge and takes a double axe handle. Han comes in and running euros Mei. Han hits a 2nd rope double crossbody on her opponents then euros Mei over for 2.

Han stomps on Mei then slams her. Han chinlocks Mei and Mei ropebreaks. Han boots Mei in the head then stomp flurries her. Mei is tripped into an elbow drop on the back. Mei takes a double bulldog. Mei backrolls Saya then dropkicks her. Suzu corner running knees Saya. Suzu comes in and hits a double rolling spear. Suzu drive by kicks Saya on the outside for 2.

Saya throws Suzu down off the buckles and spinebusters her. Saya sliding lariats her. Suzu headbutts Saya then she superkicks her. Saya slaps Suzu then Suzu slaps her back. They grab each other by the hair and Saya headbutts her. Suzu hits a nice tequila shot for 2. 

Saya trips Suzu into a pin ttempt for 2. Suzu germans Saya. Saya no sells it and running lariats her. Han and Mei trade forearms. Mei spin kicks her. Han back elbows her on the ropes. Mei rips her then ties up her legs and facelocks her. Mei then does a grounded dragon sleeper variation than is broken up.

Han hip throws Mei then Han fameassers Mei for 2. Han takes a double team and a double team basement dropkick. Mei takes a big euro from Han. Saya and Han hit stereo suplexes then take stereo germans. Han takes a diving codebreaker into a german for 2. 

Saya hits a hard lariat on Suzu then Han backdrops Mei. Saya lariats Mei. Han cuty specials Mei for 2. Suzu takes a double team bomb with an elbow drop and leg slice. Mei rolls up Han for 2. Mei takes a flying lariat + backdrop combo. Han then hits a nice backdrop on Mei and wins.

Thoughts: This was the best I've ever seen Hanan look in a match. This was good. It was really fast paced, stiff and had lots of action. The two teams matched up really well here and it was easily the best match on the show up to this point. I can't even say Mei was the best girl in this one which is a surprise. I don't know how they managed this one, but I would run it again.

Hanan and Mei talk on the mic to each other after. Saya then has words for Suzu. Suzu then talks on the mic. Hanan talks on the mic more after. 

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Starlight Kid (c) vs. Rina

Rina and Kid go at it. Rina pull her mask then pulls her down by the mask. Rina walks and stomps on her back. Kid cartwheels out of a hair throw then armdrags Rina off the casadora. Kid basement dropkicks Rina. Kid go es to asai moonsault outside and Rina whips her with a belt. Kid is thrown into the seats and the post. Rina chairs Kid's arm against the post.

Rina cranks back on Kid's arm then grounded abdominal stretches her. Kid pulls Rina's leg down on the ropes then does a reverse dragon screw on it. Kid standing moonsaults the leg. Kid pulls the leg around the ropes. Kid slams Rina on the floor. Kid bangs Rina's knee off the mat then texas cloverleafs her. Rina dropkicks Kid then facekicks her on the ropes for 2. Kid 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Rina then Rina hip throws her. Rina northern lights suplexes her. Kid dropkicks Rina hard in the back of the leg. Kid dragon screws her off the buckles. Kid asai moonsaults Rina outside.

Rina gets her knees up on Kid's top rope 180 splash. Rina double knee drops Kid off the buckles for 2. Kid hits a code red while on Rina's back for 2. Kid kicks Rina in the leg then meteora's her from behind. Kid top rope 180 splashes Rina for 2. Kid top rope moonsaults Rina for 2.

Rina gets a 2 count on Kid. Kid comes back with a stretch muffler. Kid dropkicks her in the knee. Kid hit sa big chop on her. Rina lying facekicks her. Kid suplexes Rina and Rina no sells it. Rina reverse suplexes Kid. Rina hits an abdominal stretch bomb. Rina ties up Kid's arms and pulls on her leg on the mat.

Rina gori bombs Kid for 2. Rina vertebreakers her for 2. Rina hits a top rope dropkick on Kid. Rina goes for a package piledriver on Kid. Kid does a big slam on Rina. Kid dragon screws Rina. Kid forearms Rina over. Kid tiger drivers Rina for 2 then switches to the stretch muffler with an armlock. Kid then headscissors her while doing it and wins.

It was the usual Kid match with her working the leg and doing stuff like the stretch muffler. Rina teased working the arm early but then just forgot about it. They did some moves they don't usually do here like tiger drivers and vertebreakers. I thought it was average to okay overall. Had Rina just either not done the armwork or stuck with it, the match would have been a lot better.

Kid talks to Rina on the mic after and gives her a rose. 

Overall thoughts here: It was a good show from Stardom. The main was average to okay. The tag title match was the best match of the night with fast paced and stiff action and them making Hanan look good. Hina/Miyu was average. I liked the Tam/Sayaka tag and the Syuri tag. The other stuff was average. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 and I think I would recommend it overall as nothing was awful.

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