WWE NXT 2/25/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-nxt-2182025.html
We are in Cincinati, Ohio.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
They have a ramp today which is cool.
WWE NXT Women's North American Title - Stephanie Vaquer (c) vs Karmen Petrovic
SV and KP go for the arms. SV upkicks her then KP rolls her up. SV rolls her into a pin attempt. SV side headlocks her then shoulders her over. They try pins on each other. KP superkicks her in the gut. KP crucifix bombs her. KP ties up SV's arms with her legs. SV then rocking chairs her.
KP running back elbows her then hits a slingblade. KP legsweeps her then PK's her for 2. KP hits kicks to the chest. SV tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her. SV suplexes her then legdrops her. SV does facewash kicks in the corner. KP codebreakers her. KP then topes her.
We go to PiP break and return. SV hits a dropkick then dropkicks her. SV bangs KP's head off the mat with a headscissors. SV corner meteora's KP for 2. SV hits headbutts. SV sits up top and is high kicked. KP handstand hurricanrana's her down from the buckles. KP corkscrew kicks SV for 2.
SV hits soul foot then superkicks her. SV 619's her. SV springboards into a superkick for 2. SV headbutts KP and takes forearms back. KP spin kicks her in the gut. SV dragon screws her out of the corner then hits a double underhook backbreaker for the win.
Thoughts: It was an acceptable but nothing too great. KP had one of her longer matches to date and did okay. She was kind of screwed though as her angle isn't working and SV was definitely the face here. There wasn't any real story or logic to this though.
Giulia comes out after. Giulia congratulates her. Giulia says SV says she's the best champ. Giulia says she is though. SV says she's the champion of champions. Giulia says let's find out who the best woman is. SV says they are friends but says they should do title for title and champion vs champion.
Thoughts: Are they merging the titles here or did Steph just say something wrong? Steph is kind of what they wanted to Giulia to be and is kind of mogging Giulia at this point.
Arianna Grace and Santino Marella are out side and talk about the show tonight. Lola Vice comes up to them and says she wants a fight. Grace says they aren't taking any meetings right now. Grace says they will take her into consideration though. Lola says Grace is a better pageant queen than a liar though. Lola says Grace should face her and says nobody in the family taught her to fight. Grace says she has never been more insulted and Lola says she will see her tonight.
Oba Femi and Lexis King talk in the back. King says he has the homefield advantage tonight. He says people will only talk about Femi vs King after he beats Moose tonight.
We get a tweet from the new heel group. They say you don't know when we're going to show up or what we are going to do, but one thing is for sure, no one is safe.
TNA X-Division Title - Moose vs Lexis King
Moose comes out with the TNA banner on his jacket in a nice tribute.
Moose misses a shot in the corner and is chopped. Moose chops King. Moose throws King then stomps on him in the corner. Moose misses a corner charge and King chops on him. King enzugiri's him from the apron. King sits on the top rope and is dropkicked down.
Moose bangs King's head off the commentary table and sends him into the steps. King superkicks him from the apron and diving lariats him from behind off the apron. King comes off the top and is caught with a uranage. King shin kicks Moose and hits kicks to the chest. King takes a back body drop over the top to the ramp.
Moose boots King around then pulls on his nose and mouth. Moose boots around King. King takes a chop and hits some. King hits running forearms. Moose facekicks him then King superkicks him. King hurricanrana's him for 2. King tope con hilos Moose outside.
King top rope crossbodies Moose. Moose walks up the buckles and twisting crossbodies him. Moose powerbombs him for 2. King superkicks Moose then hits his coronation neckbreaker for 2. Moose back body drops him and hits a rolling spear for the win.
Thoughts: I'm glad Moose won and it makes sense with the booking. It was a decent match with King having one of his better showings. King's back body drop bump to the stage over the top was nice.
Oba Femi comes out after. Oba says let's focus on what really matters. He says everyone wants to see them fight. Oba says the match is made official. He says it'll be Moose vs Oba Femi in a title vs title match at the MSG theatre in a collision no one will ever see before.
Thoughts: Oba needed a match like this and it's good to see it will be happening. It should be good and I'm excited for it.
Shawn Spears says NXT is the land of the talented but the misguided. He says his goal is to guide people and find their inner light. He says Brooks Jensen is a former champ who was getting close to getting fired. He says he's now who he has been searching for all along. He says Niko Vance is a beacon of range and says his ferocity isn't a curse but a gift that he will use on the NXT roster. He says Izzi Dame is the embodiment of beauty. He says every word she speaks is per-meditated. He says she understands if you control the narrative, victory is guaranteed. He says there's a new family to take over on NXT and they need to take the NXT Title next week.
We see Arianna Grace and Kelani Jordan on a bus from earlier. Kelani says Jaida wants to blame everyone for her not winning. Jaida overhears it. They end up yelling at each other and we cut away.
Jordynne Grace comes out to talk. She says she knew where she belong when she stepped into the NXT ring. She says she carried a company on her back. She says she has felt the hunger and knew she had to be part of NXT.
She says she knew Giulia and Vaquer felt the foundation they laid begin to crack when she arrived. She gets interrupted by Roxanne Perez. Perez says everyone wants to be part of the decision she made famous. She says Grace was a big fish in a small pond and now she's in Perez's world. She says she doesn't get to call the shots for Perez's title. Grace asks if its her division, where is her title?
Perez says there's a gap between them. She says that's why she will win The Elimination Chamber this weekend and then become champ at Wrestlemania. She says she may become a record breaking 3x NXT Women's champ and have everyone call her Roxy 2 Belts.
Grace says everyone has a plan until...then she punches her. Perez gets stuck in the ropes and falls back to the ramp.
Thoughts: This made sense and I liked this one.
Trick Williams is with his phone in the back. He's reading how he lost to Eddy and hasn't won a match all year. Evans says they are in the same situation. Trick gets mad. He says him and Page are fighting over a smile and he's worrying about a title. He tells Evans to stay in his lane. Evans says Trick will crash out and Trick says he is.
Ricky Saints walks in and introduces himself to Trick. Trick says he heard about him. Ricky says he gets being angry but asks if it has to be all the time out here.
Thoughts: I didn't like this segment. They kind of tested a heel Trick here and it's just not a good thing for someone who is as over as he was earlier in the year.
We see that "The Mystery Four" are in the building.
The Hardy Boys vs No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Tavion Heights)
Wren kind of does Jeff's dance and Dempsey yells at her. The Hardy's get a big "welcome back" chant.
Tav throws down Jeff. Jeff hits shots on him. Matt 2nd rope elbows Tav's arm. Matt armbreakers Tav. Tav takes a double back elbow drop then a fist drop + flipping senton combo. Jeff basement dropkicks Tav in the back for 2.
Borne rmlocks Jeff and pulls his hair. Matt pulls Tav's throat down over the top. Tav is thrown into a big lariat on Matt. Borne misses a Hardy's move off the back of Tav in the corner. Jeff then jumps off of Tav's back and corner splashes Borne. Matt ddt's Tav. Jeff lariats Borne onto the ramp. Jeff runs the ramp, jumps off Matt's back and knocks Borne into the ring. Borne powerslams Jeff for 2. Borne gets a "you're not Randy" chant as we go to PiP break.
We return from break. Fraxiom is watching on the ramp. Tav chinlocks Matt. Matt jawbreakers Borne. Jeff jump onto Tav off the apron. Jeff hits shots on Borne then atomic drops him. Jeff legdrops Borne in the gut then basement dropkicks him.
Jeff hits whisper in the wind on NQCC. Jeff takes a TKO + ddt combo for 2. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Borne, Borne takes a neckbreaker from Matt on the landing. Matt hits a twist of fate on Borne. Jeff hits a top rope swanton on Borne and Matt gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was about average. It was mostly just The Hardy's hitting their trademark spots. They didn't get a ton of time or any chance to do anything really great here.
Fraxiom welcomes The Hardy's after. Matt says he loves NXT so far. Mat says Fraxiom is killing it. Frazer says they are he greatest tag team in the world to Axiom. He says they are standing face to face with the greatest tag team of all time. Jeff says let's make this happen and find out who the best tag team in the world is.
Santino comes out. He signs a match between the two teams at Roadblock for the TNA Tag Titles.
Thoughts: Roadblock is looking absolutely loaded and is going to be the biggest NXT PPV in some time.
We see The D'Angelo Family minus Tony at a restaurant. Stacks says he doesn't know happened last week. Tony D'Angelo comes in. Stacks apologizes about last week and Tony says you can't win them all. Tony said he had to lay low. He says Spears is smart and tough and is something he needs to handle next week. Tony says he's gotta handle this and Rizzo says Tony's got this.
We get clips of WWE LFG.
We see clips from the weekend of Zaria and Sol in medical. Zaria says no more handstands as humans aren't meant to walk on their hands. Piper Niven walks in and says Chelsea Green is in the building. Green walks in. Green says to tell them the thrift store is that way. Sol says they got back to back tag wins and it makes them better than them. Sol asks when was the last time they won. Piper then zaps her stun gun. Zaria asks a tag match and everyone but Piper agrees. Green then asked what they agreed to. Green says that was stupid and asked why Piper would agree to it.
Arianna Grace vs Lola Vice
We haven't seen Grace wrestle for a while and Lola is really losing stock around here with all the new arrivals.
Grace ducks a kick and hits a jab. She hits another punch then is hit in the gut. Lola hits a kick combo on her and chops her in the corner. Lola corner hip attacks her. Lola is pushed into the post outside and headbutted. Lola's head is banged off the apron.
Grace flying back elbows Lola then hits shots in the corner. Grace neckbreakers her then bangs her head off the mat. Grace cravates her. Grace throws her backwards. Grace misses a splash. Lola hits spin kicks.
Lola axe kicks her in the back then urakens her for the win.
Thoughts: It was short. Grace had a good showing here and surprisingly got a bunch in before being put down. This didn't help out Lola much.
We cut to the back. The NQCC has been attacked by the new group.
We see Eddy Thorpe walking around Cincinnati. He said his people stood proudly on the land and were forcibly removed by a higher authority. He says it reminds him of the last PPV where he beat Trick in a strap match and was denied an opportunity. He says he's still seen as the bad guy. He says he's been fighting for the same opportunities Trick gets. He says he wants Trick as bad as Trick wants him.
Thoughts: Yeah, no thanks to any of this.
Ava is interviewed by Sarah. She says it will be Oba vs Moose for the NXT Title at Roadblock and it will be Fraxiom vs The Hardy's for the TNA Tag Titles. She says it'll be title vs title as well with Giulia vs Stephanie Vaquer.
Ricky Saints and Je'Von Evans vs Wes Lee and Ethan Page
This is Ricky's NXT TV debut match.
Evans hits shots on Page then side headlock takeovers him. Evans chases Page outside, gets distracted by Igwe and Dupont then is dropkicked through the ropes by Wes. Wes blocks an os cutter then Evans rolls him up for 2. Evans seated springboard headscissors Wes then dropkicks him for 2.
Ricky back elbows Wes then armdrags him. Ricky atomic drops him. Wes slaps him. Ricky pounds on him in the corner. Wes takes a double hiptoss. Page is held for an Evans dropkick. Wes is double hiptossed over the top onto Page outside.
We go to PiP break and return. Ricky chops Page. Evans top rope double axe handles Page's arm. Igwe crotches Evans on the top rope. Page side slams Evans on the top rope. Evans then goes down to the floor.
Wes hits punches on Evans' spine. page back elbows Evans and Wes jumping double knees Evans. Page yanks Evans into a big powerslam. Evans corkscrew kicks Page off the ropes. Ricky and Wes get in.
Ricky hits lariats on the heels and back body drops Wes. Ricky tornado ddt's Page then flying back elbows him. Ricky tilt-a-whirl gutbusters Wes then spears Wes for 2. Evans superman punches Page out then topes him. Evans throws Page into the crowd where they fight.
Ricky is thrown into the post shoulder first. Wes takes a standing blue thunder type of move. Ricky takes a jumping meteora from Wes for 2.
Wes hits knees and elbows on Ricky. Wes tells him he never should have came to NXT. Ricky kind of botches a spot whee he's supposed to catch a cardiac kick. He then hits a roshambo and wins.
Thoughts: It was okay enough but not that good. It should have been better considering the experience level of the people involved. It did what it was supposed to though and Ricky got the win. I'm not sure why The Hardy's match wasn't in the main though over this.
Overall thoughts: It was a good NXT thanks to all the TNA wrestlers being on this. They helped make this special and they got me hyped for Roadblock, which looks to be the biggest NXT show in a while. There was nothing really great on this one and I'd say Moose vs King was probably the match of the night. I'd recommend this one for all of the happenings here and would give it a 6 out of 10 overall.
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