Monday, February 24, 2025

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 2/23/2025

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 2/23/2025

Multy, Perverso and Prayer vs Rayo Metalico, Pegasso and Arkalis


1st fall - Perv and Ark go at it. Ark is taken down and does a spinning headscissors from the mat. Ark is forced down on the double knuckle lock and he armdrags off the casadora. Perv trips him and pulls the leg. Ark snapmares him and crucifixes him. They stand off after pin attempts.

Prayer and Rayo go at it. They trade holds on the mat. Rayo hiptosses him and Multy breaks the armlock up. Rayo does an abdominal stretch variation and Multy breaks it up. The heels get in and beat up the faces. Rayo's face goes into the buckles and he is footchoked. Multy chops down Rayo.

Rayo is stomped on then takes a triple boot. Multy slaps Peg down. Ark is kicked in the leg. Mult pop-up drops him and stomps on him. Prayer sends Ark out then Peg is sent out with him. Rayo is triple teamed then takes a spear from Multy. Rayo is dropped down by all 3 heels. Perv taps out Peg with a neat double arm hold. Prayer then does an armbar on Ark and taps him out. 

2nd fall - Rayo is thrown chest first into the buckles. Prayer dropkicks him on the ropes. Multy legdrops Rayo's arm then wristlocks him. Prayer lariats Rayo. Ark is triple teamed and takes corner attacks. Multy is popped up into a corner dropkick on him. Perv then hits a hard bronco buster on him for 2.

Peg gets double teamed. Peg is flapjacked and Perv double stomps his back. Multy is lifted for a senton on Peg. Multy chops down Ark. Ark is triple teamed in the corner. Ark jumps off someone's back and diving headscissors Multy. Peg is popped up and does bounces off the ropes then hits a double armdrag. Rayo tope con hilos out. Ark and Peg then get pins on Perv and Prayer to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Prayer hits Perv on accident. Rayo does a silly string on Prayer. Rayo walks up the buckles and diving headscissors Multy. Rayo spinning headscissors Perv out. Peg flying headscissors Prayer then is popped up into a headscissors on Multy. Peg tilt-a-whirl armdrags Perv out.

Rayo rolls up Multy for 2. Rayo sunset flips him for 2. Peg top rope crossbodies Prayer. Prayer then camel clutches Peg and submits him. Ark shoulders Prayer out then Ark is dropkicked out. Perv hits a nice tope con hilo through the ropes on Ark. Rayo hurricanrana's Multy but Multy reverses the pin attempt and pins him whole holding the ropes.

Thoughts: It was an average lucha match for the most part. The heels got a lot of offense in. Perv's tope con hilo through the ropes was the highlight of this one.

Guerrero Maya Jr., Hijo de Villano III and Gran Guerrero vs Fugaz, Star Black and Dragon Rojo Jr.

1st fall - Hijo and Fug go at it. Fug gets stomped on by 2 opponents. Hijo chops him on the ropes. Fug flips out of a snapmare then legsweeps Hijo. They stand off. Hijo flips Fug and armdrags him. Fug is triple teamed in the corner and stomped on. Fug boots a bent over Hijo then springboard armdrags him out.

Star and Maya go at it. Star headflips in and does a bunch of headflips in a circle. Star revese jumping topes Maya then Maya powerslams him. They trade armdrags and chops. Rojo and Gran get in. Rojo headlocks him and is tripped from the outside.

Maya bangs Rojo's head off the buckles then hits punches. Rojo is in the casadorsa and rolls up Maya for 2. Maya plancha's Rojo outside. Gran and Hijo pick up pins after a cradle shock (Gran) and a top rope moonsault (Hijo). Gran's team wins the first fall. 

2nd fall - Rojo takes corner attacks. Star is held down by the legs and Hijo runs the ramp and is flipped into a senton on Star. Fug is held up for a double bulldog. Rojo is triple stomped on. Rojo is held for a chop. He dropkicks Maya then tope con hilos him outside.

Star hits a reverse springboard tope and Fug hits a twisting 2nd rope crossbody. Both get pins. Star Black's team wins the second fall.

3rd fall - Rojo chops Maya then botches an armdrag off the casadora. Rojo is double stomped by the heels. Rojo dropkicks Hijo then corner dropkicks him. Rojo corner dropkicks Gran. Star tries to fake out Maya. He dances at him and hits armdrags and a superkick. Star does a double takeover and a springboard tornillo crossbody. Star hits jumping reverse springboards and clears the heels off.

Fug superkicks Maya. Fug flying headscissors Maya out. Fug is popped up into a flying headscissors on Hijo. Fug tilt-a-whirl armdrags Gran out.

Maya chops down Rojo. Maya then hits a spear from the side for 2. Rojo goes up top and is armdragged down for 2. Maya top rope crossbodies Rojo but Rojo backrolls him into a pin attempt. Star top rope double crossbodies Hijo and Star. Fug is popped up into a double dropkick. Star hits a sitout torture rack bomb on Hijo then tope con hilos Gran. Fug hits maybe a slingshot swanton on Hijo and pins him. Rojo top rope crossbodies Maya. Rojo powerbombs Maya then double stomps him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with Star looking good and Hijo bringing in some creative offense as usual. Fugaz had a bad night here with all of his offense looking bad.

Crixus, Difunto and Valiente vs Star Jr, Flip Gordon and Esfinge

1st fall -  Val knocks down Esf on the ramp and then rips on his mask. Dif unties Star's mask. Val hits a big lariat on Esf and shoulders him over. Esf is held for a Val chop. Esf is dropkicked in the butt while his legs are split. Val pop-up powerbombs Esf and pins him to win the fall.

2nd fall
- Flip is tripped into a Crix basement dropkick.  Val rips up Esf's mask. Esf is bridged and held there then Dif rope walk double stomps his gut. Flip is kicked in the leg. Dif hits chops on Flip and Star. Crix powerslams Flip. Flip takes a double basement dropkick. Crix runs the ramp and flying lariats Esf.

Star superkicks Crix in the side of the head. Dif runs the ramp and drop down springboards into a forearm on Star. Esf is triple teamed. Val is monkey flipped. Esf topes Val outside. Star springboard crossbodies Crix. Flip and Star hit stereo 450's off the top to win the fall. 

3rd fall - Flip and Val trade chops. Flip flying headscissors Val. Flip flips over Dif then 2nd rope springboard slingblades him. Flip kips down and up then superkicks Crix. Flip springboard dropkicks Crix out.

Dif and Star trade chops. Star stomps him. Dif is hit by his partners on accident. Star pushes Crix into Val. Star walks up the buckles and does a diving armdrag + headscissors combo. Star is popped up and headscissors Dif out. Val dropkicks Star out then is dropkicked by Esf. Esf rips up Val's mask.

Star is caught on a double crossbody and Flip moonsaults them all over for 2. Flip and Star do stereo topes out. Esf does a springboard crossbody on Val. Val does a standing indian deathlock to him and submits him. Val pushes the ref and the ref reverses the decision giving Esfinge's team the win.

I didn't like the finish was it was weak but it was fine otherwise. I would have liked to have seen more focus on Val vs Esf and I would have liked to have seen Star get to do more here. 

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. The semi-main was the best thing on here. The main was fine but had a weak finish. The opener was just average. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't really recommend it.

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