Thursday, February 27, 2025

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #7 7/31/2002

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #7 7/31/2002

Last week's show is here:

Ed Ferrara, Don West and Mike Tenay are on commentary.

NWA TNA X Title Match - AJ Styles (c) vs. Elix Skipper

Elix works on AJ as he gets in the ring. AJ spinning high kicks him then hits a nice mcgillicutter for 2. AJ spinning lariats him and hits chops in the corner. AJ dropkicks Elix in the corner and hits a hard lariat for 2.

AJ hits forearms then hits a nice dropkick. Elix goes up and over then dragon suplexes him. Elix running forearms him while he's on all fours. Elxi stomps on him then euros him. Elix hits shots in the corner then does Misawa's forward rolling double mule kick.

AJ superkicks him out of the corner then hits a hard kick to the side of the face. Elix backdrops him then powerslams him. Elix headstands on the top buckle and elbow drops him. Elix gutwrench suplexes him for 2. AJ hits punches and kicks to the body. Elix throws him over by the leg. Elix hits elbow drops on him for 2. Elix bangs AJ's face off the apron and axe kicks him as he hangs over the apron. Elix is thrown into the apron edge.

Elix double underhook suplexes him and backrolls into a submission on him. AJ hits shots, goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed down. Elix does a double arm and head submission on AJ. Elix neckbreakers him. Exli goes for a northern lights suplex but AJ does a guillotine choke to him.

AJ reverse ddt's him. AJ misses a top rope legdrop. AJ hooks his legs under Elix's arms and pulls him over the top. They fight outside and Elix does a corkscrew plancha on him. Elix sunset flips him for 2. Elix walks up the ropes, AJ dropkicks the ropes and Elix take a hard ride down. AJ spiral taps him to win.

Thoughts: AJ really beat the crap out of Elix here. He hit some really hard shots that aren't typically like AJ. It really felt like this almost a shoot at times with how hard they were going on each other. It wasn't a real fast paced match though. I did like it overall but it was not what you would expect out of these two.

Tenay says Ken Shamrock has his belt back after Malice stole it on the last show. Tenay says Scott Hall faces Jeff Jarrett tonight as Jeff's suspension was lifted by Ricky Steamboat.

Monty Brown goes after Elix Skipper as Elix leaves. Elix fed him to the wolves last week. Brown hits shots on him and bangs his head off the commentary table. Elix stomps on Brown in the ring. Brown gorilla presses him and drops him into a fallaway slam. Brown then powerbombs him.

Jeff Jarrett comes out with someone in a giant sack. Jeff says Ken Shamrock won't be here tonight and says Ricky Steamboat hasn't arrived. He says he will take this opportunity to entertain himself and the friends. Jeff says Bill Behrens told him he would have to start from the bottom and work his way up to the top to get a title shot. Jeff says he thought he would play ball and says that's what he will do.

He then unties the sack and has a midget tied up in a sack. Jeff says he will cripple the midget Todd Stone. Jeff lariats him and stomps on him. Jeff then hits a piledriver on him. Jeff powerslams him then hits a stroke.

Jeff says he just had a mini-stroke. He tells women in the back to bring small farm animals out here.

Puppet the midget comes out. Jeff asks if he's hot because he's stealing his shtick. Jeff says he's not Jeff Jarrett, he's The Dwarf Destroyer tonight and tells him to come get some. Puppet calls him slapnuts and says he will even the size. Puppet then pulls out a gun! Security tries to stop him and he tells everyone to get away from him. Jeff then chairs Puppet.

Ricky Steamboat comes out with Bob Armstrong and Don Harris. He tells Jeff we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Jeff asks what the hard way is. Jeff says let's do it man to man - him vs Steamboat. Jeff says if he beats him, he gets a title shot. Jeff says if Steamboat beats him, he will take his 60 day suspension.

Ricky Steamboat gets in the ring. Scott Hall shows up behind Jeff and hits punches. Hall lariats Jeff over the top. Jeff goes up the ramp. Hall grabs a stretcher. Hall tells Steamboard to step aside and says this is between him and Jeff. Hall says he's been going out on a stretcher the last few weeks and says Jeff goes out on a stretcher tonight.

Thoughts: I didn't like Jeff getting the edge here over Puppet as Puppet had a gun. 

Goldilocks interviews Sonny Siaki, who is alone. Goldi asks where his partners are. Sonny says he knows Goldi was checking out his @ss and tells her not to without his permission. He also tells her not to touch Sonny Siaki again. Sonny then tells her not to think dirty thoughts about him.

Sonny says he doesn't need backup. He says he gave Yang and Estrada the night off as the world wants to see him showcase his talents. He says one Elvis is better than three and that's the one and only Sonny Siaki.

Slash vs Sonny Siaki

Sonny ducks a lariat and poses. Slash hits punches and boots in the corner on him. James Mitchell has some gold dragon on a box with him and says it's the ark of The New Church. Sonny hits armdrags then pop-up samoan drops him. Sonny flipping legdrops him and James says he has the blood of the audad in the box.

Slash goes to sunset bomb Sonny outside but is hurricanrana'd on the floor. Sonny uppercuts him then sends him into the rail. Sonny back body drops him outside. 

Sonny slingshot swantons Slash for 2. Slash elbow slices Sonny for 2. Slash eye rakes Sonny. Slash whirlybirds him for 2. Slash clubs Sonny's neck. Slash cobra clutches Sonny then russian legsweeps him with it for 2.

Slash boots him out of the corner. Sonny hits him while he's on the 2nd rope. They go up top and both get crotched up top. Slash misses a top rope swanton.

Sonny hits punches then back elbows him. Sonny lariats him then pumphandle suplexes him for 2. Sonny suplexes him then misses a 2nd rope senton. Mitchell gives Slash a  black sack. He puts it on Sonny's head and neckbreakers him to win.

It was hard to get into this one as it was heel vs heel and wasn't anything too great. It was just an average match.

Slash holds Sonny around the ropes. James says the blood of the audad can be used to anoint or desecrate. He says let the desceration begin as Sonny chose the wrong path. James then puts some blood looking substrance on Sonny's forehead.

Don Harris comes in and beats up Slash. Don then powerbombs him. Malice comes down but James tries to hold Malice back. Malice and Don stare down and trade words. 

Goldilocks interviews Ricky Steamboat. Goldi has red circle with a line through it overtop The Dupp's on her shirt. Goldi asks if Ricky can take control of the situation in TNA. Ricky says the law has been laid down by the NWA for decades but it has been thrown through the window lately. He says he's here to set down the law. Goldi said they wouldn't listen to Bill Behrens and Ricky says he won't go there as you won't compare him to him to Bill.

Truth comes out. He says one of the caged dances is caged up like a dancer. He says she's out here against her own free will and says they are exposing her for her own benefit and the almighty dollar. Truth says this is nothing but a freak show. He says he took a stand and it's time for her to take a stand.

Truth mocks her and says she isn't a dancer but a $2 ho. Truth says she won't be the next Destiny's Child, saying her destiny will be on a street corner in the hood. She slaps him. Truth goes after her and Monty Brown knocks Truth off the stage area over the rails. Brown stomps on Truth on the floor.

Brown is whipped into the wall. Truth then hits him with a garbage can. Truth breaks a piece of wood over Brown's back as security come to check on Brown.

Ricky Steamboat comes out to the ring. He says Truth got his attention. He says if there's something you want to say about "them", come say it to his face.

Truth comes back out. He takes the mic from Ricky. He tells him to talk to him with respect. Ricky says Truth has to earn respect if he wants it. Ricky says he doesn't know what card Truth has been dealing. He says if you are talking about "them" then you are talking about authority, unless he's talking about the crowd or skin color. Ricky says he's here to listen to him talk.

Truth says he's not like "them" and says he means as much to "them" as he does. Truth talks about Ricky's career. He says he was a big fan of his and says they talk about Wrestlemania III to this day. He says Ricky became the IC champ as he reached the pinnacle of his career. He asked why didn't he get a chance to become the WWF champ. He asks why they stopped him.

Truth says the IC Title was always for a second class citizen. Truth says they are pulling the same stuff on him. Truth says he's not gonna take it. He says Ricky can change it and make the right decision and tells him the ball is up to him.

Ricky says he knows where he's coming from. Ricky says he will give him the shot at the NWA Title next week. Truth says that's what he's talking about then he raps after. Truth gives the crowd the "up yours" sign after.

Thoughts: I'm not sure what to make of this one. Truth attacked Brown then basically got turned face in the segment after, even though he's definitely not a face. 

Malice vs Gran Apolo

They shove each other. Apolo hits punches. Mal hits knees to the gut and punches him. Mal hits punches in the corner. Apolo chops him. Apolo's head is banged off the buckles. Apolo walks up the buckles and la silla's Mal for 2.

Apolo lariats Mal over the top then does a wild tope con hilo on him. Apolo is sent out but lands on his feet. Apolo hits punches and chops outside. Apolo is sent into the post. Apolo is sent into the rails then Mal is sent into the rails. Apolo jumps on him in the ring and is powerbombed for 2. Apolo is busted open somehow and Mal punches the cut. Mal 2nd rope superplexes Apolo for 2. Mal slams him and 2nd rope legdrops him for 2. Apolo rolls him up for 2. Mal catches him and is caught with a ddt. Apolo superkicks him and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay heavyweight match. There wasn't anything too notable except for Apolo somehow getting busted open. But nobody really botched anything and they got a lot of time, so it was okay. If anything, it was something different.

Mal nails Apolo after then chokeslams the ref. Mal goes for a chokeslam on Apolo but Don Harris makes the save. Don hits a big boot. Slash comes out and puts the hood over Don's head then neckbreakers him. Mal chokeslams Don.

James Mitchell says Don has chosen the wrong path and says it's time for more desecration. He then puts the blood on Don.

Thoughts: I'm interested in Don vs Malice. I'm sure there won't be a lot of bumps but I'll give that one a chance.

Don West is in the ring and says how about some TNA? He brings out Miss TNA Taylor Vaughn. Don says it's been a while since she won Miss TNA and asks what she's been up to. Bruce of the Rainbow Express then comes out for some reason. Bruce says he heard Truth earlier. He says he agrees with him and is inspired. Bruce says he wants to be treated equally and wants rights. Bruce says you can treat him like them or put the Miss TNA Title on the line right now. He calls her a b!tch I think then Taylor low blows him.

Miss TNA Title - Taylor Vaughn (c) vs Bruce

Tay throws a high heel at him and suplexes him. Tay slams him for 2. Tay hits chops. Tay tackles him then they bang each other's heads off the mat. Bruce lariats her down then slaps her around. Bruce adominal stretches her then slams her. Bruce misses a 2nd rope legdrop. Bruce tilt-a-whirl drops her and wins.

Thoughts: Don said this was sick and I agree with him. I thought The Rainbow Express were done as we hadn't seen them in a while and they weren't over. But, nope. The match was disturbing to watch. It was like Bruce was wrestling one of the 1990's WWF Wrestling Buddies and Tay just flopped around hard when did moves to her. I don't know who this one was for. Tay also lost clean so you can't even say she was cheated or something here.

Low-Ki is doing pull-ups and Goldi wants to interview him. Ki says he does his talking in the ring.

Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn

Ki hammerlock takedowns Lynn. Lynn headscissors him and waistlock takedowns him. They trade holds on the mat and then stand off. Ki rolls him. Lynn rolls out of a wristlock and flips Ki with it. Ki upkicks him.

Lynn hits shots in the corner. Ki armdrags him. Ki trips him. Lynn step up enzugiri's him. Lynn hits boots in the corner. Ki gets on his shoulders and rolls him over. Lynn spinning tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him for 2. Ki leg kicks him then does a mongolian chop. Ki pounds on Lynn in the corner then slams him. Ki does a flashing elbow for 2. Ki headscissors him. Lynn cradles Ki then Ki running lariats him. Ki dragon sleepers Lynn in the ropes. Lynn legdrops Ki's neck over the middle rope.

Lynn legdrops Ki then spinning vertebreakers him for 2. Ki kind of gets powerbombed but triangles Ki. Lynn hits a gordbuster then hits mounted punches. Ki flying elbows Lynn then dropkicks him. Lynn takes a stun gun for 2.

They trade shots. Ki chest kicks him over then is lariated. Ki springboard enzugiri's him. Ki hits chest kicks while Lynn is down then buzzsaw kicks him. Ki handsprings and is caught with a sitout powerbomb for 2. Ki cradles Lynn for 2.

Ki dragon sleepers him then Lynn hits a tornado ddt for 2. Ki does a stiff koppo kick. AJ Styles gets on the apron and he kicks Lynn in the back of the head. He causes a no contest with it.

It took a while to get going and the crowd wasn't that good in the first half of it. It did get better though and the two were pretty stiff with each other. Then we had the bad finish. I'm not sure why AJ would want to do what he did when he did it since Lynn was about to get beat.

AJ talks trash to Lynn after. Ki headkicks AJ.

Golidlocks interivews Don Harris. Don asks if Goldi wants him to cut a wrestling promo. Don says Malice got one up on him this week. He says if Malice wants blood, he'll ask Ricky Steamboat to book a first blood math. He says payback's a b!tch and says don't start no sh!t, don't want no sh!t.

Jive Talkin' with Disco Inferno

Disco says his phone has been ringing off the hook. He says he's been in discussions with network executives to replace a female talk show host who has her own book club and weight problems. He says he can't reveal the name but is talking about Oprah. He says his nationwide host for the hottest, sexist and dumbest b!tch for Miss Jive Talkin' has becoming.

He says the show is called TNA. He says he's seen a lot of "A" but not much "T". He says his guest will be the first to expose her chest on live TV and brings out Goldilocks, who he says is a sexy dumb b!tch. Goldi comes out and says Disco insulted her. She says she's out of here. Disco tells her to sit on the couch. She says she doesn't sit on the couch of jack@sses. Disco apologizes and Goldi sits down.

Goldi sits with her legs spread and Disco says to show some class. Disco asks her what part of California she's from and she says LA. Disco asks what kind of musical artist she sounds like. She says she was told she sounds like a female Kid Rock. Disco doesn't know who that is.

Disco wants her to tell him about her songs. Disco says enough of that and tells her to take her shirt off. Goldi says her makes her sick. Goldi says he doesn't see him showing the world his @ss. Disco says Goldi doesn't have any talent and says she can't show the only talent she has as she doesn't have kneepads with her. Goldi slaps him. Disco grabs her by the throat and calls her a dirty slut. Goldi knees him in the nuts and says it would have hurt more if there was something down there to hit.

Paulina from Tough Enough then puts Goldi in a sleeper and throws her down.

Thoughts: This was horrible as expected and had Russo's hands all over it.

Don West says next week's show will have the greatest show you have ever seen with Lynn/AJ/Ki in an X-Division Title match along with the first blood match and Truth/Shamrock for the NWA Title. Don then promises the most unbelievable show of all time in an impressive rant for next week's show.

Scott Hall vs Jeff Jarrett

Scott has a stretcher with him though this is more like a hardcore match than a traditional stretcher match where someone is wheeled out on one.. Scott nails JJ before he enters. Scott hits shots on him outside and sends him into the steps. JJ is then thrown onto the commentary table and takes punches. Scott bangs JJ's head off the table. JJ hits shots inside then Scott drops him with one. Scott fallaway slams him.

They fight to the back. Scott throws him into a door. Jeff hits him with a step stool. Scott sends him into a door. They head back into the arena and Scott punches JJ off the stage. JJ bangs Scott's head off a rail.

They go to ringside where Scott hits more shots. JJ baseball slides the stretcher into Scott and rams it into his gut. JJ jumps off the apron onto him then hits him in the back with it. 

Jeff lays the stretcher on the 2nd rope and sends Scott into it. JJ is sent into the stretcher in the corner. Scott drops him with a punch then crotches him on the stretcher. Scott hits JJ with the stretcher then drops him throat first on it. Scott hits him in the face. Scott hits a razor's edge but Truth comes down and pulls hte ref out.

Truth nails Scott and scissors kicks him in the ring. Truth puts JJ on Scott and JJ gets a 2 count. Monty Brown comes down and throws Truth over the rail. Jerry Lynn comes down and slingshot splashes JJ. Scott gets a 2 count on JJ. AJ Styles then nails Lynn on the ramp. AJ goes up top and Don Harris crotches him on the top rope for some reason. Malice and Slash then come out and beat up Don. They fight in the crowd.

JJ and Scott bang heads. They both get up. Scott hits punches on JJ. Scott hits the ref with the stretcher when JJ moves. JJ dropkicks the stretcher into Hall's face.  Ricky steamboat comes down, JJ swings a chair at him but hits the ropes with it and has it rebound in his face. Scott grabs the chair, Ricky grabs it from him then JJ hits the stroke on Scott on a chair. JJ picks up the win.

JJ then puts Scott on the stretcher as the show ends.

Thoughts: There was a ton of shenanigans here. I'm not even sure what beef Don Harris had with AJ or what beef AJ had with Jarrett. This match was all brawling and it was just average. The stretcher wasn't the greatest weapon ever and the match was built around stretcher shots. I just thought this was average and had to shake my head at Jarrett winning.

Overall thoughts: It was the usual TNA show with some awful Russo segments, some okay junior wrestling, Jeff Jarrett putting himself over then average work from the heavies. The Disco and Bruce segments were really bad here. Malice/Apolo was okay and I liked the two junior matches. This felt like a long show and took me a while to get through it. I'd give this one a 4 out of 10 overall as the good wasn't good enough to overtake the bad and I wouldn't recommend it.

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