WWF Superstars of Wrestling 6/22/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/11/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-6151991.html
We are in Tucson, Arizona.
Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Piper is eating chips with chili or salsa like a maniac. Macho talks about some things that happened here and forgets Wyatt Earp's name.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Mark Ming
Jake side headlocks Mark and shoulders him over. Vince says they got a lot of mail about a possible wedding between Macho and Liz. Jake shoulders Mark over. Andre the Giant does an inset promo. He says him and Jake both have problems with Earthquake. He says Quake will have the biggest problem he ever had in his life.
Jake slams Mark, short arm clotheslines him then ddt's him for the quick win. Jake sits on Mark to pin him.
Vince and Piper talk more about Macho and Liz maybe getting married. Macho says Jake's snake Lucifer should be given nachos. Lucifer is then put on Mark after.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash here and the focus was on anything but the match.
We get a commercial for Summerslam so that means we are finally starting to get ready for it.
WWF Update
Mean Gene talks about Tugboat's turn and shows clips from it last week. Gene says Tugboat is no longer Tugboat and is now Typhoon. We are told that Typhoon is now teaming with Earthquake and he says they will be called The Natural Disasters.
The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake says they are the strongest force in the WWF and says nobody can stop them. Typhoon says they are big, bad, rough and tough and nobody, especially Andre the Giant, gets in their way.
The Beverly Brothers (Beau and Blake Beverly) vs Rob Jones and Tom Zeller
This is the debut of The Beverly Brothers. They were a great team in the AWA that didn't quite stick in WCW for whatever reason. Coach is their manager and they are wearing some awful looking ropes that look like they were stitched together from the dollar store. They don't explain their clothing or gimmick.
Coach has gained 2 new charges in the last week so he's doing well. Beau backs up a jobber in the corner. Beau hits a back elbow. Coach and The Bev's do an inset promo. Coach says they are the next tags champs. He says they are mean, vicious and smart and says he will put it all together. Beau elbows one of the jobbers on the apron then hits a nasty release backdrop.
Blake hits a nasty belly to belly suplex and makes the one jobber tag out. Blake clubs on the other jobbers and hits a great powerslam. The Bev's hit a shaker heights spike and win.
Thoughts: The Bev's roughed up the jobbers here, which they had a history of doing. They didn't get that over here and it's unclear what exactly they are supposed to be. Their capes looked awful. The Bev's did hit their offense with ease in this one.
This version of the show cuts straight ahead to:
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney says The Bev's and Coach are on their way to an undefeated season. The Bushwhackers do a promo. They say they get carried away sometimes and forget who helped them get all their success. Butch says sometimes they gotta give thanks to their fans and says they love them.
Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. He says he can't think of a better way to have a handful then to deal with Piper and Virgil. He says Virgil has an IQ of 1 and can't find the bathroom unless someone points him in the right direction. He says if he's listening to Piper, who is wearing a skirt, he will go to the wrong bathroom. Ted says he hopes Piper didn't throw his crutch away as him and Virgil can lean on each other and limp off in the sunset.
We get another 3 second video of Sid smiling.
The British Bulldog vs Bill Lucas
Bill has some freshly dyed blonde hair here. Bill looks like a lost Valiant Brother. Davey shoves Bill off the lock-up. Bill side headlocks him. Davey hiptosses, armdrags and slams him. Davey back elbows him.
Davey delay suplexes Bill. Davey lariats him over and they talk more about Macho and Liz maybe getting married. Davey chinlocks Bill. Davey corner lariats Bill then powerslams him for the win.
Thoughts: It was a squash here as expected. Davey's offense looked good here and the announcers were again focused on Macho/Liz and Piper's nachos.
WWF Event Center
Mr. Fuji and The Berzerker do a promo. Fuji says Berz runs and climbs everyday in the dojo. He says he climbs the highest mountain. Berz says Fuji pays him a lot of money to hurt people. He says what master wants, master gets. He says if master wants pain, he gets pain.
Bret Hart does a promo. He says when you fight and scratch to the top, you have to see things in a different light. He says when you get a pair of Hitman shades, it is easier to see the future. He says his future is getting brighter and brighter. He says he wants to win the IC Titles and says there's no one in the WWF who can stop him.
Irwin R. Schyster vs Jim Collier
I think this is IRS' Superstars in-ring debut. IRS says sooner or later all the tax cheats will get caught and pay the IRS. He says Piper better watch his step as he has his eye on him. Piper stands up from the commentary desk and seems upset.
IRS hits shots on Jim in the corner then slams him. IRS stomps on him. Piper cuts a promo on IRS and IRS punches Jim. IRS hits a nice flying lariat and an elbow drop. Jim takes a hard ride to the outside. Jim takes a samoan drop and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with IRS winning as expected. IRS had nice offense heel and definitely wrestlers more like a heel than a face.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer says his guest stands for law and order and that's The Big Boss Man.
Boss says everyone knows who the law and order in the WWF is and that's him. He threatens Paul and says him and Taker are skating on thin ice. He tells him to watch his step. Boss says he thinks Paul is a creep and says he doesn't like this place. He compares the parlor to a jail cell and says that's what Mountie has to look forward to. He says Mountie using the shockstick on him was the mistake of a lifetime. He says he has nothing but hard times coming. Boss says he is launching a nationwide manhunt and will hunt Mountie down like the trash he is. He says no one breaks the law in his jurisdiction. He then says Paul can go with him in the graveyard.
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Billy Gatlin
Billy has some designs shaved into his beard. Vince talks about Liz and Macho again. Billy side headlocks Greg. Greg hiptosses him then throws him down by the arm. Greg wristlocks him. Billy hits chops in the corner then Greg chops him. Greg hits an elbow on him and gutbusters him.
Billy eye pokes Greg then side headlocks him. Greg pushes him off. Vince calls Greg a veteran and says he has been in every Wrestlemania to date. Greg drops Billy's knee on his knee. Greg headbutts him in the gut. Greg then figure fours him and gets the submission win.
Thoughts: It was a slower squash here with Greg doing elbows before setting up the figure four. Vince didn't often refer to people at veterans on TV and it's not a good sign when Vince is referring to you that way.
Coach and Mr. Perfect talk about Sid Justice. Perfect says Sid big and looks great and reminds him of himself. Hacksaw Jim Duggan says Perfect is half right but he's also his (Duggan's) kind of guy.
The Undertaker vs Scott Bazo
Piper hints that Taker and Sherri should get together like Liz and Macho. Taker boots Scott and clubs him. Taker flying lariats him. Taker hits a side slam then a tombstone. Taker gets the pin.
Scott is put in a body bag after and stomped.
Thoughts: It as a quick squash as usual with Scott getting nothing in.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney says it's getting harder for Taker to find victims who are willing to risk it vs him. The Texas tornado does a promo. He says The WWF has the greatest talent in all of wrestling. He says that's why he's here. He says people like Perfect and Heenan think the belt means power and glory. He says the belt means honor, pride and being a champ. He says it means not turning your back on anyone who believes in you. Kerry says he will never turn his back on you.
Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan do a promo. Adnan goes off in his language to Hulk Hogan. Sarge says his recruits have a face only a mother can love. He cans Hulk's mother must have puked when she saw him and calls her a pukeamaniac.
Vince runs down next week's show. The Natural Disasters debut next week.
Overall thoughts: As usual, there wasn't a lot of interest wrestling wise as everything was a squash. But, Tugboat turned into Typhoon here, The Beverly Brothers debuted and we saw IRS in action. They also spent the whole show talking about Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth maybe getting married. I liked this one and thought it was easy to get through but I wouldn't really recommend it as I don't think people who aren't into this time period of WWF would like it that much.
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