Thursday, April 29, 2021

Impact Wrestling 4/29/2021

Impact Wrestling 4/29/2021 

Last week's show is here:

We open up with a bunch of people asking Scott D'Amore for a shot at Omega.

Scott and Don Callis talk. Scott tells him that Kenny needs to be here as he is contractularly obligated to and he isn't here.

Scott comes out with all the wrestlers who wanted a title shot. Scott says if Kenny doesn't arrive tonight, a match for the next ppv becomes a match for the title. He calls up Jake Something and says he will take part in a qualifier against Chris Bey, who he brings out.

Qualifier - Chris Bey vs Jake Something

Jake does a high Thesz press/body block and Bey turns it into a sunset flip but then takes the 2nd attempt full force. jake gets stuck over the 2nd rope and Bey drops an elbow onto him from the ropes. Bey hits a top rope clothesline for 2. Jake comes back with clotheslines and a straight punch. Bey gets out of his powerbomb and spinning high kicks him but then gets powerbombed hard for 2. Bey comes back with a code red for 2.

Jake hits a nice spinning clothesline and throws Bey from outside to in. Rohit Raju grabs Jake's leg outside then Bey capitalizes to pin him Jake. This felt rushed but at least they are probably making an angle out of this.

Don is seen talking to Kenny on the phone. Sami Callihan comes in and says all of Don's plans could go up in smoke. Don asks why this is his business? Sami said he is coming for what's his and Don doesn't look pleased.

Taylor Wilde does a promo. She said she feeels like she hasn't been reitred for 10 years and is back where she belongs. Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb come in. Tenille thinks Wilde retunred to be her partner. Wilde says she is here for Deonna's title only. Tenille thinks she means the tag titles but Wilde says no and leaves.

They officially announce that there is a 6 way #1 Contenders match at Under Siege, the next PPV. And if Omega doesn't arrive, it will be for the title.

Sam Beale vs W. Morrissey

W is the former Big Cass. He returned at Rebellion. W gets on the mic and says the wrestlers aren't their heroes and they are bad people who don't care about the fans. He said wrestling is filled with bad people but he's one who isn't afraid to admit it.

W splashes him to start. Sam tries to fight back with forearms but is clubbed down. W pounds on him on the top rope and soccer kicks him in the ribs up there. W hits a big clotheslines then powerbombs him for the win. If W dyed his hair blonde, he would look so much like Edge.

Deonna, Kimber and Susan are interviewed. Kimber Lee says she will beat Wilde tonight and will do it with her friends at her side. Deonna tells her to do it alone with Susan. The announcer asks Deonna why she won't go out. Deonna says she isn't afraid of her then Havok comes out and stares her down.

Willie Mack is interviewed about W. Morrissey. He said he doesn't understand W's actions and he doesn't think W understands himself. He said he wants to challenge him at the PPV to handle their issue like men.

Kimber Lee with Susan vs Taylor Wilde

Wilde has a new bizarre theme that sounds like it is sung by kids. Lee shotgun dropkicks her to start. Wilde comes back with armdrags and a leg lariat.

We come back from break with Lee stomping Wilde. Wilde tries to come back with a sharpshooter but Lee hits the ropes and evades it. Susan chokes Wilde on the ropes and somes something with her shoe to her. They trade forearms and Wilde hits some clotheslines then flying headscissors her. Lee hits a lsow kick combo for 2.

Lee goes up top and misses a swanton that Wilde had her knees up for. Wilde then puts her in a rolling figure four and wins it. It was alright. Nothing wrong with it except for Lee's offense sucking.

Susan attacks Wilde after then Tenille Dashwood comes out and clears out Susan. Wilde looks confused.

D'Amore is interviewed and says he stills hasn't heard from Omega. Moose then interrupts and says he shouldn't have to jump through hoops because he can beat Omega. Moose says he is a stud and a 5 star athlete and Scott agrees because he is so good.

Storm comes up to Moose and says that his dad told him to pack a lunch when he's got a big challenge on his hand and had two lunches for Moose. He then gives them to Moose and leaves.

X-Division Title - Josh Alexander (c) vs Ace Austin with Madman Fulton

Ace hits a nice right hand early then Josh comes back with a nice northern lights suplex. Josh backbreakers Ace. Ace does a nice roll-through into some ankle kicks then bulldogs Josh as he is on his knees. Ace hits some knees and papercuts Josh between the fingers with his ace card.

Ace springboards from the 2nd to 3rd ropes with a hurricanrana but Josh comes back with a chaos theory german suplex. Ace trades his kicks for Josh's forearms then Josh does a really cool spinning torture rack throw. Ace goes for a spin kick but is caught in an ankle lock. Ace hits a big spin kick and drops him for 2.

Ace pounds on him in the corner and Josh nails a huge forearm in return. Ace goes to the apron and Josh follows. Josh picks him up for a backbreaker and just drops down from that position to drop Ace's back on the apron. Fulton grabs Josh and he knocks him off. Ace fires up and does his double springboard kick then almost botches a twisting swanton.

Ace goes for his helicopter legdrop but is caught with a powerbomb over the knee. Josh then ankle locks him for the win. The logic here wasn't too great nor was the selling but I generally do like how these guys fit together.

Don is talking on the phone in the back and Swinger comes up to him with Hernandez. Swinger says he lost money on the match and owes them 20k. Don says he can make up for it by picking up Kenny with a car. Swinger says Dino can do it and tells him to "page him".

Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace are interviewed. Grace says Ellering is the missing piece and Ellering agrees she is the perfect fit. Hogan and Steelz then come in. They say Ellering is the true star and call Ellering a "big @ss Buzz Lightyear". Hogan and Steelz said they will get their rematch at Under Siege and take the belts back.

Qualifier - Brian Myers vs Matt Cardona

Brians goes after Matt during his entrance. Brian takes over for a bitt and steps on him. Brian goes outside and Matt dropkicks him through the ropes. He hurts his knee on it and Brian drops Matt's knee on the steps outside.

We go to break and return with Brian backdropped Matt. Brian works the knee and Matt is thrown into the buckles and really nails his head off the middle buckle hard. Brian slams Matt's knee off the post but is pulled into it. Brian charges at him but gets a radio silence jumping legdrop and Matt wins it. I don't think the finish appropriate for a work the body part match.

Violent By Design does a promo. He tlaks about disappointment and said Deaner lost to james Storm. EY says this war is a far way from being over. He said disappointment can be used in a positive way though and said they will make sure one of thier ugys is in the 6-Man #1 Contender's match. He said they believe and belief can you make do weird things. He said when you don't believe, you can be dead to yourself and he'd be worried about that. This was a good promo and EY is a contender for best promo right now.

They do a vignette for El Phantasmo and says he is coming next week. I'm not a fan of his at all but he is very agile.

Kenny has 17 minutes left to come.

Qualifier - Sami Callihan vs Eddie Edwards

They tie up with aggression and trade forearms. They cut each other off on the ropes and Eddie is caught with an exploder. Sami goes outside for him but Eddie hits him with a tope.

We go to break and return. Eddie is pounding on him from the 2nd rope but Sami escapes and super kicks him in the leg. Eddie takes a hard fall. Eddie is put in a sleeper but chinbreakers out.

Eddie hurricanrana's him from the top and they trade shots. Eddie hits a blue thunder bomb for 2. Kenny Omega, Don and the Good Brothers then come in and interrupt the match attacking both men. FinnJuice come out to make the save but Kenny and co get the advantage.

Don gets on the mic and says this is a great way to celebrate Kenny's victory and Kenny and crew leave to the ramp to end the show.

Overall thoughts: I thought this was a fine show with some passable to okay wrestling.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Sorry for a lack of content this week

 I got something going on here and haven't had time or energy to really review anything this week.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

AEW Dark Episode #85 4/20/2021

AEW Dark Episode #85 4/20/2021

Last week's show is here:

Darby Allin does a promo on Jungle Boy to start. He says he isn't his friend and is here for championships. He tells him to show up at Dynamite and turn the switch to fight him.

Joey Janela vs Will Allday

Will has some awesome boots that are shiny and really catch the light well as they constantly change colors. Joey takes him down early then Will hits a strike combo. Will is popped up then hurricanrana's Joey. Joey hits a hard release german suplex.

Will hits a stunner on Joey over the top rope then barely hits a tope on the outside. Will then misses on a swanton from the top and lands hard. Joey kicks him in the back and gets hit with a dropkick. Will then spins him into a knee into the face then is flipped on a hard lariat. Will then hits a brainbuster.

Will hits dobule superkicks and takes one back before being thrown backwards into the middle buckle. Will hurricanrana's Joey off the top then hits a flying forearm. Will then moonsaults Joey off the top but Joey doesn't sell it at all and they say he countered it. Joey then hits a death valley driver.

This was everything wrong with indy wrestling with them doing all kinds of big moves and not selling many of them in the opener nonetheless.

Ryzin and John Skyler vs SCU

Skyler and Kaz go to the mat to start. Kaz hits a german suplex early then Daniels hits a vertical suplex on Skyler.

Ryzin gets in and hits a big lariat on Daniels before taking an exploder. Daniels does a slingshot elbow on Ryzin then Kaz does a slingshot legdrop. Ryzin hits a real nice leg lariat on Kaz then he and Skyler double stomp Kaz. Skyler hits a rolling samoan drop on Kaz. Ryzin misses a corner splash and gets a hard lariat in return.

Daniels gets in and cleans house on both opponents then STO's Skyler. Daniels hits his clothesline + bulldog combo then SCU hiptosses Ryzin into a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo. SCU hits a high and low on Skyler then Daniels moonsaults on Kazy while he has Ryzin in a tombstone for the win. This was the most Ryzin has gotten yet and this went a little longer than I expected.

Big Swole and Kilynn King with Red Velvet vs Ashley MK and Steff MK

The MK girls are twins. Swole armdrags Steff early then trips her for a King dropkick. King does a back elbow to Ashley against the bottom buckle and King is 2v1'd by the twins. The twins hit a double punch and double suplex, then forward roll into double superkicks.

King is beaten up on the corner and Steff misses a hip attack there. Swole is tagged in and comes off the bottom rope with a cutter. Swole hits a bulldog + dropkick combo on both. Ashley takes a high kick from King and a spinning forearm from Swole and the twins lose. The Twins aren't ready for this stage yet and they need to work on their look. This was not a total squash as the twins got some stuff in.

Ricky Starks does video on Adam Page. He says he has a larger win streak and should be ranked ahead of him. He said it is time for Page to move over. This was done from a bar.

Brick Aldridge and Cole Karter vs The Butcher and The Blade with the Hardy Family Office

Butcher pounds on Cole to start then lariats him over his knee. Blade bullies Cole then Blade and Butcher double shoulder Cole. Cole is thrown out and HFO stomps on him outside.

Cole his some forearms and takes a hard swinging neckbreaker. Brick gets in and hits some nice punches on Butcher, then he is whipped into a Blade clothesline. Blade then suplexes him into a Butcher powerbomb for the win. This was a quick squash.

Jay Lyon, Midas Black & Ken Broadway vs. Dark Order’s Evil Uno, Stu Grayson & 10 w/ -1

Uno grabs Lyon's steak in his mouth and then Lyon rips it out to show him it before putting it back on. Uno pulls off Lyon's steak then stomps on his hands when he goes to grab it.

Ken does a taunt when he gets in and Uno hits a bad face kick on him. Stu does an overhead belly to belly on Ken then catches Black off the top with a twisting uranage. 10 throws up Stu for a splash on Black then 10 does a delayed vertical suplex on Black. Ken gets in and grabs money from his shorts to throw at 10. 10 responds with lariats then pump kicks Ken.

10 hit a big spinebuster on Ken and -1 and Bryce grab the money Ken dropped. Ken is thrown from Stu's shoulders into an Uno powerbomb then Uno assists 10 with a german on Ken. Ken is then put in the gory special and takes a reverse blockbuster for the Dark Order win. This was a squash here and was too short for the people involved.

Billy Gunn w/ Austin & Colten vs. Andrew Palace

Billy has a black eye and beats up on AP in the corner.AP charges at Billy and is thronw to the lfoor. Billy then runs him into the barricades. Billy slams AP hard then wins with a famasser in a quick squash.

Fuego del Sol vs Dante Martin

Sol tries a headscissors from the mat and is brushed off. sol flips out of a snapmare and they reverse each other. Sol hits a hook kick to the head and hits somw body shots on Dante. Sol corner spears Dante and Dante hits a hard lariat back. He then hurricanrana's him and Dante does a fancy counter into a single leg crab, which Sol hits the ropes for.

Dante jumps up to the top rope from the mat for a hurricanrana, but Sol blocks it and double stomps him down from the tree of woe position. Sol then does a coast to coast dropkick while Dante is stuck in the tree of woe position.

Sol goes for his tornado ddt but is thrown off then Dante hits a hard hook kick to the head. Dante then 450's him and wins it. This was good. Sol got the most offense in that he has in months and this was a fun little flyer's match.

Diamante vs Queen Aminata

queen has a neat crown on and is John Woo'd into the buckles to start. Diamante then stomps her in the corner. Queen comes back with a kick to the back and some hard back elbows. Diamante hits three amigos for 2. Diamante pounds on her and they trade forearms.

Queen hits a superkick then a buzzsaw kick. Diamante gets put in the wheelbarrow position but turns it into a stunner. Diamante then hits a german suplex and some short arm clotheslines. She then puts her in a cool straight jacket armlock with a body scissors and wins it. This was totally fine and I had no issues with this at all. Queen's not too bad.

Hayden Backlund & Kit Sackett vs. Varsity Blondes

Griff hits some headlock takeovers on Hayden early. Brian helps Griff in for a slingshot legdrop on Kit then Griff hits a legdrop on Kit.

Hayden pulls Brian by the hair and Kit flapjacks Brian. Hayden gets a move in then Griff gets the hot tag with a back body drop on kit. He hits a cradle shock but Hayden goes for a chickenwing, but can't get it. Griff facekicks Hayden then spinning forearms Kit. Griff holds up Kitt for a powerbomb and Pillman comes off the buckles and pushes him down. This was all squash here.

Max Caster with Anthony Bowens vs Alan "5" Angels with 10

Max calls 5 an incel and makes some other lewd references in his rap. Max blows kisses at 5 and thrusts at him, then gyrates. 5 hits some leg kicks and does a satelitle headscissors into a russian leg sweep. 5 dropkicks Max in the corner and then hits another soon after. Bowens gets on the apron and distracts 5. 5 then flips over Bowens and cannonballs Max on the outside.

5 does a moonsault off the 2nd rope but Max stops it. Max hits some stomps and kicks on 5 then backbreakers him for 2. 5 hits a forearm flurry and a chest kick. He splashes Max against the 2nd rope and hits a standing sliced bread for 2. 5 moonsaults Max from the 2nd rope for 2.

Bowens grabs his boombox outside but 10 blocks his way. 5 intercepts the boombox and the ref sees it. Max grabs his chain and 5 initially prevents the chain shot, but gets nailed it on a pin attempt for the Max win. This wasn't too good. They just didn't really flow that well together and it went long.

Powerhouse Hobbs with Hook vs Baron Black

Black forearm flurries him to start but is body blocked hard. Hobbs pounds on him in the corner and throws him. Black hits some chops but is caught with a spinning spinebuster soon after. Hobbs then reverse DDT's Black and gives up the pin at 2. Hobbs then emerald flowsion's Black for the win. This could have been a really good match if they gave it time but they opted for the quick squash instead. It is sad as Black deserves better.

Pac w/ Lucha Bros vs. Dean Alexander

Dean gets stomp flurried to start and Pac chokes him with his foot against the buckle. Pac the puts him in the brutalizer and wins it in a quick, waste of time squash.

Overall thoughts: This was under 90 minutes thankfully but a lot of the matches were still too short and wastes of time. They robbed us of a good Hobbs vs Baron Black match though Sol/Martin was good.

Friday, April 23, 2021

WWE Main Event Episode #447 4/21/2021

WWE Main Event Episode #447 4/21/2021
As always, this is a clip show with 2 exclusive matches each week. It airs at the prime time of Thursdays at 6 AM.

Mansoor vs Akira Tozawa

They go to the mat to start and Mansoor handstands out of a headlock. Mansoor leapfrogs Tozawa 4 times in a row and trips Toazawa as he runs out of gas from running the ropes. Mansoor then dropkicks him. Mansoor misses a moonsault then takes a shining wizard.

Tozawa catches his breath. Both are sitting down and chop each other then Mansoor catches a running Tozawa with a spinebuster. Mansoor atomic drops Tozawa then ddt's him hard for 2. Tozawa goes for a spin kick but gets pump kicked. Mansoor then goes inside to outside to inside with a slingshot neckbreaker to win out of nowhere. They did some different stuff than usual but there's just little you can do with a cold 8 minute match.

Drew Gulak vs Lince Dorado with Gran Metallik

Drew bridges and Lince drops a headbutt on him. Drew legsweeps him then hammerlocks him. Lince hits a high snapmare. Drew hits some hard body punches in the corner and Lince running headscissors him for 2. Drew hits a spinning sideslam for 2.

We go to break and return with Lince being put in the gory special. Lince gets out and armdrags him but takes a lariat back. Drew spinning sitout powerbombs him for 2. Gulak hits some knees to the back and chinlocks him. Lince comes back with dropkicks and asai moonsaults him. Drew goes for a powerbomb but Lince escapes with a facebuster. Lince gets in the electric chair position but is dropped chest forward and put in an unusual STF. Lince turns it into a pin for 2.

Lince hits a superkick then hits an SSP for the win. These two didn't work that well together for some reason and this just didn't click.
Overall thoughts: As usual, it wasn't a must-see show. Mansoor's match was a little different than usual and it was alright but Lince and Gulak didn't mesh well.

WWE 205 Live 4/23/2021

WWE 205 Live 4/23/2021

Last week's show is here:

Tom Phillips and Nigel are announcing. Tom does the Bollywood Boyz dance.

The Bollywood Boyz vs Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari

The Boyz are 0-2 against Ariya and Nese. Both teams have new outfits I think.

Nese goes after Samir early then Ariya pounds on him in the corner. Samir and Ariya pound on each other and Samir gets his shoulder rammed into the buckles. Nese hits a decent dropkick and Ariya drops some elbows on Samir. Samir hits a nice tornado ddt on Ariya and both are down. Samir goes for the tag but Nese pulls Sunil off the apron and Samir is dragged back over to the other side.

Samir reverses a suplex into a neckbreaker and Sunil gets the hot tag. He takes out Nese and top rope double axe handles Ariya. He fends off both guys and spinning heel kicks Ariya for 2. Sunil hits a 2nd rope clothesline for 2. Sunil holds up Nese and Samir hits a diving back elbow off the buckles on him. The Boyz double superkick Nese then Sunil has Nese over his knee and Samir elbow drops him from the 2nd rope for 2. Sunil then diving clotheslines Ariya.

Nese comes back and hits running knees on Samir for the win in a surprising ending kind of out of nowhere. This really wasn't anything too special.

We see clips of Kushida from NXT this week.

August Grey vs Ashante "Thee" Adonis

Will Grey finally grab a cheap win tonight? Grey is 1-0 against Adonis all-time, last defeating him in March.

I think Grey has new black and silver tights here and they look pretty cool. Adonis takes off Grey's bandana and slaps him with it. Grey cartwheels out of a wristlock and slaps Adonis with the bandana. Adonis hits a hard back elbow.

Grey takes back over and goes through the ropes to break a hold, but is whipped neck first into the top rope. He then takes a hard fall outside. Adonis kicks him hard in the back and drops some elbows on him. Grey moves but Adonis doesn't fall for it and tries a knee instead. Grey evades that too.

Adonis hits a nice dropkick. Ariya comes down and Grey and Adonis trade forearms. Grey back elbows Adonis and hits a neckbreaker. He does his top rope walking twisting crossbody and throws out Adonis. Grey goes out after him and they both lariat each other on the floor.

Ariya questions Grey not taking the countout win and argues with him. Grey is distracted and takes a stun gun on the rope then a superkick for the Adonis win. This was okay as Grey didn't get too much offense and the storyline of Grey not taking cheap wins continues here. Really curious as to where they are going with this one.

Grey and Ariya argue after. Ariya tells Grey that his pride got in the way and he blew it.

Overall thoughts: It's 205 Live. Only having 30 minutes limits so much of what you can do, but they try the best they can with their limitations.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 4/23/2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 4/23/2021
Cesaro is in the ring to start the show and Seth Rollins immediately comes out. Seth mocks him and says he helped Cesaro be more successful by wrestling him at Wrestlemania. He says this isn't over and blames his loss on the rain delay at Mania.

Seth heads down to the ring then Jey Uso comes out. Jey says Cesaro can't beat him or Roman. Seth tells Jey to circle the ring and they will take down Cesaro. As they try, Daniel Bryan comes out. The heels go to leave and DB asks where they are going. DB says he says he respects Cesaro and says he has worked harder than anyone else.

Daniel invites Roman to come out to help attack them and he does come out with Heyman. Roman comes out and says he beat DB as he said he would and shows off his new shirt with him pinning Edge and DB. Roman calls both of them losers. Roman leaves after saying they are surrounded by people who want to beat them up then Cole says we will be seeing some action after the break.

Daniel Bryan and Cesaro vs Seth Rollins and Jey Uso

We return and these guys are all brawling though the match hasn't begun. DB running forearms Jey in the corner then Cesaro delay vertical suplexes him. Seth gets in and sling blades Cesaro for 2. Jey does a running hip attack to Cesaro in the corner and hits some shots on Cesaro. Jey holds down Cesaro so Seth can knee drop him.

Seth comes off the 2nd buckle and Cesaro catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. DB gets in and dropkicks both opponents and german's Seth for 2. DB takes a buckle bomb then is top rope splashed by Jey for 2.

Cesaro gets tossed out and suplexed on the floor. During the break, DB got stuck over the middle rope somehow and was stretched. Seth then booted him in the face while his head was hanging off the apron. Seth then forearms Bryan in the back of the head for 2.

DB gets worked on in the corner by both opponents and takes a samoan drop by Jey. DB makes the hot tag and Cesaro really flurries on Jey, then he spinning clotheslines him. Cesaro hits a nice corkscrew euro uppercut for 2 and pop-up euro's Jey after. DB back body drops Seth over the top then topes him. Jey then tries to dive on Cesaro but takes another euro uppercut. Cesaro comes off the top and takes a superkick as we go to a 2nd break.

We return from the break with Seth and Cesaro trading shots. Cesaro puts him in the sharpshooter but Jey superkicks Cesaro in the back of the head to get Seth out. Seth leaves and Uso is 2nd rope superplexed in. DB hits a runing knee on Jey and wins it.

I'm not a fan of having the opener being an epic like this but it was a decent back and forth match otherwise. They will have to explain why Seth left here though.

DB gets on the mic after and calls for Roman Reigns. He calls for Roman and Jey tries to attack from behind but is caught with the giant swing. DB commentates as Cesaro hits Jey with a european uppercut and DB calls Roman "afraid". DB and Cesaro question Roman's loyalty to Jey and Cesaro puts Jey in the giant swing again. DB continues to talk trash on Roman and says he is afraid.

Pearce and Sonya Deville talk in the back. Apollo Crews and his bodyguard then come in. Crews isn't happy he has to fight tonight and Pearce tells him he will be fighting against Kevin Owens.

Jey is interviewed in the back. Jey says Cesaro wil be put down for stepping up to the head of the table.

Nia Jax with Shayna Baszler and Reginald vs Tamina with Natalya

Nia puts up Tamia and spears her into the corner. Nia talks trash and Tamina pounds on her, then thesz presses her. Tamina tries to pick up Nia but Shayna holds down Nia. They fight outside and Nia goes into the barricade. Nia then gets her head banged off of it. Reg gets on the apron and is almost knocked off. Tamina nails Shayna in the back of the head with her foot and Shayna starts yelling at Reg. Tamina superkicks Nia then rolls her up for the win. There was pretty much nothing to it except for the shenanigans outside and it's pretty clear we are about done with this Nia and Shayna team.
 Kevin Owens is interviewed. He said he hasn't had a match for the IC title in years. He says he is delighted and says he will be the one to beat Crews for his title.

Big E then comes in. He says Owens is a line jumper and he should be getting the match instead. Owens says he is right but tonight he will be getting the match instead of Big E. They then fake laugh to end this. I'm on Big E's side here. It's bogus that Crews got endless rematches and he hasn't gotten one yet.

Daniel Bryan and Adam Pearce talk in the back. We couldn't hear it due to the fake noise but it sounded like DB wanted a match with Pearce tonight.

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Apollo Crews (c) with Commander Azeez vs Kevin Owens

They get tied up to start and Owens puts him in a side headlock. Owens hits a nice dropkick and starts pounding Crews in the corner. Owens then hits a hard back elbow and a senton before lariating him over the top. Owens goes for a dive but Azeez stands in the way. Crews then trips Owens while he is distracted.

Crews then pounds on Owens and throws him out and Owens hits a superkick out there. Back in and Owens top rope swantons him for 2. Sami Zayn then comes out and Owens gets mad as we go to break. We return from break and Sami comes to the commentary booth. Crews and Owens fight up top and when they get back down, Owens superkicks Crews for 2. Crews then flips Owens with a big lariat.

Crews hits an enzugiri and triple german suplexes for 2. Crews misses a corner attack then is german suplexed and cannonballed in the corner. Owens hits another suplex and a pop-up sit-out powerbomb for 2. Owens goes up top and Crews rolls out, so Owens climbs down and splashes him from the apron to the floor. Azeez gets on the apron and distracts Owens for the Crews roll-up. Owens then stunners Crews and Azeez hits Owens with the Nigerian nail.

They did a little too much here and they really devalued the superkick here as Owens hit tons of them and it didn't put Crews down. They had a lot of time for this one.

Sami Zayn then dances over Owens after. Paul Heyman is interviewed. He says he likes Cesaro and even loves him in a professional way. He says Cesaro is his favorite Cesaro is this Cesaro. Paul says Roman will give his answer to Cesaro's challenge tonight.

Megan Morant, a new interviewer, interviews Crews. Crews is very happy about his win and gets nailed by Big E. E throws him int osome boxes and has to be stopped by officials. Azeez then sees what happened and isn't happy.

We get a video on Aleister Black, who hasn't been on TV for a long time. He is reading a book. He says he wasn't taught how to beat the dragon but how to defeat the dragon. It was really hard to hear most of what he said.

Ziggler and Roode were interviewed. They said Alpha Academy with beat The Mysterio's tonight. They are asked who is next for them then The Street Profits come in. They said they want next and they tell them to go to the back of the line. Bayley then comes in and breaks it up. She says she is the ultimate role model and talks about Bianca Belair. She said she helped trian Bianca and never got a thank you. She said Bianca is selfish and rude. She said she will take back her title at Backlash. Montez Ford then comes in with a phone and lets Bianca listen in on what Bayley is saying. Bianca says she will be right there. 

Bianca arrives and tells Bayley to talk smack to her face. Bayley says she will talk trash to her face but then doesn't. she says it will be an honor to be her first challenger. She says it will be an honor to wrestle her. She leaves and comes back then starts laughing and Bianca is confused. 

Rey Mysterio and Dominik vs Chad Gable and Otis

I think Otis and Gable have new gear here with them wearing black and blue with some white and red in there too.

Otis hits a hard lariat early on Dom, then he slams him. Otis double lariats his opponents on the outside and Chad gutbusters Rey ouside.

We go to break and return with Chad in control on Dom. Chad hits a nice tiger suplex for 2 then knocks Rey off the apron. Dom gets beaten up in the corner then splashed by Otis. Chad hits two great belly to belly suplexes and Dom flips out of his german. Dom stun guns him and Rey gets the tag in. Rey hits some nice headscissors on Chad and code reds him for 2. Chad ends up spearing the post and Rey hurricanrana's him off the 2nd rope for 2.

Dom slides across the mat and sunset bombs Chad on the outside in the barricade. Otis catches Dom's plancha but then runs into the announcer's table. Rey hits the 619 then frogsplashes Chad for the win. This was a good match.

Cesaro and Daniel Bryan shake hands with the Mysterio's as the Mysterio's leave. We go to break.

Back from break and Big E vs Crews is announced for the IC title next week.

Cesaro and DB are in the ring and want answers from Roman. Roman, Heyman and Jey come out. Roman says no a match and said Cesaro doesn't deserve it. Roman offers DB one more title match though and Cesaro tells him he has to take it. Roman tells DB he wants to see him disappear after he beats him and DB says he accepts. It's Title vs Loser Leaves Town. It was so hard to hear any of this due to the fake crowd noise.

Overall thoughts: A wrestling heavy episode that was pretty good overall.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Impact Wrestling 4/22/2021

Impact Wrestling 4/22/2021
Rebellion with Kenny Omega vs Rich Swann is this Sunday and is the main focus here.
The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. Decay (Black Taurus & Crazzy Steve) w/ Rosemary

BT powerslams Karl early then Steve headscissors Taurus to splash Karl. Doc gets in and takes out BT with a big high kick then combo's him in the corner with punches. BT is controlled for a bit by both opponents seperately. He gets whipped into the buckles and runs up them and hits a twisting dive on Doc.

Steve hits some fast offense on Karl then hits a basement flatliner on him. Doc breaks up a pin attempt then BT comes in and gets tossed over the top rope by him. Steve lariats Karl over the top then Steve is caught with the magic killer and pinned. This was a short match here and I don't get why BT is doing jobs every week.

Karl Anderson cuts a promo on FinnJuice. He said last year was a good year for them and they got too comfortable and too cocky. Karl thanks FinnJuice for waking them up and said they winning back the tag titles is all that matters. Doc says similar sentiments and said thanks for bringing the flame back. He said they will win it back at Rebellion.

Susan with Deonna Purrazzo vs Tenille Dashwood with Kaleb

Tenille headscissors her to start and gives her a noogie. Deonna trips Tenille and we go to break. We return with Susan in control. Susan tries to take a pic of Tenille, but the phone is swatted away and they argue. They trade forearms and Tenille tries to double underhook her into the buckles but she just lands on her head instead.

Susan gets put in the tarantula on the ropes, then is neckbreakered over the 2nd rope and dropkicked for the win. This was very short and the break was as long as the match.

Tenille brags about her win and says she is the #1 contender. Tenille tells her that she will take her title from her at Rebellion.

Brian Myers does a promo. He said he doesn't want to live in the past but Matt Cardona does. He tells Matt to move on and says he accepts his challenge for Rebellion. He takes off his eye patch and says he sees him clearly and says he will be just another roster cut at Rebellion.

Various Impact wrestlers talk about Swann vs Omega.

Sami Callihan does a promo on Trey Miguel. He said he will make an example out of him and make sure he never walks again at Rebellion.

Shera with Rohit Raju vs Jake Something

Shera club flurries him to start then splashes him. Shera hits a big slam and an elbow for 1. Shera camel clutches Jake on the ropes and Raju takes a free shot at him. Jake comes back with some forearms and a spinning clothesline then he spears him in the corner. Raju gets on the apron as Shera takes a michinoku driver. Jake goes for Raju and takes a sky high for the Shera win in a quick one.

Trey Miguel is at his wrestling school. He said Sami has done everything to get under his skin. His trainer tells him that this is his moment and Trey doesn't get why he has to prove something here. The trainer tells him he worked hard and said to show him the passion he has. Trey said he will tear off Sami's legs and mount them on the wall.

We then see a music video of Trey training.
We get a package for the Ace Austin vs Josh Alexander vs TJP match.

Rich Swann comes out. He said he made a mistake trying to shake Omega's hand as Omega slapped him. He dared Kenny to come out and do it now. Callis and Omega then got on the tron.  They said they can't be in the building tonight. Kenny says he should be bale to have an ego because he is a double champ. Kenny said Rebellion is just another step in his world takeover.

Moose then comes out. He says he isn't here to hurt Rich but is here to congratulate him. He says he is better than Kenny in many ways but says Kenny hasoutside help. He tells him good luck and tells him not to lose the title or he will pay the price for it. Swann tells Moose he's going to win and will have no problem beating him again too. Swann's gonna look so bad when he loses.

We get more reactions from wrestlers on Swann vs Omega.

Jordynne Grace vs Kiera Hogan with Tasha Steelz

Grace jumps on her to start and hits a hard spinebuster. grace puts her in the torture rack but Hogan gets out and high kicks her. She then sliding boots her. Grace catches her as she goes up top and muscle busters her. Tasha immediately interferes and Grace wins by DQ. Tasha then jumps her. Rachael Ellering comes to make the save and clears off the heels. She hits the black hole slam on Tasha and we get a 2v2 in the ring. The heels are thrown into each other and escape the ring.

Grace gets on the mic after and says Ellering will be her partner at Rebellion in the tag match. Grace said wants to take their titles and shut them up and Ellering says "period" after.

Finn Juice does a promo. They said they have heard all of the Good Brothers excuses and tells them to stop crying. Juice says they must be dreaming if they think they can take their belts and they will prove they are the best team.

We get another package on Swann/Omega and they run down the Rebellion card after.

Eddie Edwards vs Eric Young

Both guys have 3 friends with them. Eddie knocks him down with a shoulder early and headlock takeovers him. Eddie hits his atomic drop and overhead belly to belly combo.

We go to break and return. Eddie is working a headlock and then gets crotched on the top rope. EY lariats his back and Eddie gets his leg stuck in the ropes. The two guys crews stare each other down.

EY goes up top and is crotched and then superplexed off the top. They trade chops with Eddie winning. Eddie tries the backpack stunner but EY gets out, then takes a forearm from the side and a blue thunder bomb for 2. EY comes back with a death valley driver for 2. Eddie then hits him with a double underhook sitout powerbomb for 2.

Eddie topes EY on the outside and VBD and Eddie's crew fight outside. Deaner tries to stop Eddie from getitng in. Doering then tries to stop Eddie and when he does get in, he gets rolled up for the win. I didn't think this was anything too special and the selling was lacking here.

The brawl continues right after to close the show.
Overall thoughts: This was basically a filler episode. Almost all of the matches were short and this was filled with Swann/Omega packages. I have no idea how anyone watches this live with the seemingly endless commercials and clips.

WWE NXT UK 4/22/2021

WWE NXT UK 4/22/2021

Last week's show is here: 

Joe Coffey vs  Eddie Dennis

Joe pounces him to start then rams his back into the apron. Eddie hits a nice shoulder judo throw. Eddie drops the knee on him for 2. Joe picks him up in an odd position and throws him across the ring, but takes a cravate suplex back. Eddie then hits a nice spinning side slam.

Eddie hit a flurry of strikes here and Joe came back with a headbutt and a belly to belly suplex. Joe hits a jumping shoulder then dropped an elbow on him as he was sitting up. Eddie catches Joe on the buckles and hits a splash mountain for 2.

Eddie goes for a driver but gets speared into the ropes then put in a boston crab. Tyson T-Bone and Primate get on the apron, making Joe break the hold and Eddie rolls him up for 2. Joe then deadlift german's Eddie. Gallus then comes out to fight off The Hunt and are thrown into the steps. Joe does a double jump twisting crossbody then a spinning clothesline for the win. Eddie got way too much in here for someone who doesn't wrestle too regularly. And I couldn't really buy him dominating Joe.

The Hunt jump Joe after and Gallus saves Joe.

We see a video on Ilja Draguov watching clips of himself getting beaten up then snapping on people.

Gallus celebrates in the hall and Joe runs into Rampage Brown. Joe said Brown promised him a rematch and to give him a call when he's ready.

Dave Mastiff vs Sam Gradwell

This could be good. They stare down and lock-up. They have the female ref here and the idea of her being able to contain this one is silly. Sam hits a back elbow early and shoves off Dave. He gets hit with some forearms then takes a running knee. Dave then rolling sentons him.

Dave rolling fireman's carries him then tries to senton him but lands on Sam's knees. Sam graves Dave by the beard but he comes back with a headbutt. Dave then crossbodies him for 2. Dave hits a big lariat but Sam comes back and pulls his neck into the top rope. Sam then hits a big cradle shock and wins it. This was surprisingly short but fun. We can give 15 minutes to Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan but not these guys?

Aoife Valkyrie says it is her time to step out of the shadows and says this is her moment. She said she gets what she wants next week and that's Meiko Satomura. It was really hard to hear any of this.

We get a package on Emilia McKenzie. She said the next step of her career was to prove herself in NXT UK.

Dani Luna vs Jinny with Joseph Conners

Jinny slaps her hard early and Dani goes after her. When her back is turned, Jinny nails her then pounds her. Jinny slaps her in the butt then does an octopus stretch. Jinny drops some elbows over Dani's neck then puts her in a grounded octopus stretch.

Dani comes back with a nice gutwrench suplex into another gutwrench suplex. She then suplexes her for 2. They trade forearms and Dani hits a nice slap and a running chest shot that takes her down. Conners gets on the apron and distracts Dani and Jinny hits her with a rolling koppo kick. Dani then pins her. The ending was lame but this was a decent hard hitting match otherwise.

Dani gets stomped on by Jinny after and put in something like an STF. Webster and Andrews then break it up with Webster carrying a motorcycle helmet.

Sid Scala said he spoke with Kenny Williams then Amir Jordan barges in and wants a rematch. Sid said Kenny agreed but it will be No DQ and the loser leaves NXT UK. Jordan agrees.

Rohan Raja does a video. He said he is debuting next week against Teoman. He said Teoman makes his opponents tap out but he doesn't quit.

Teoman then does a video. He said he will do anything to protect his family and it was hard to understand the rest. Very short promo.

Aoife Valkyrie vs Meiko Satomura is announced for next week as is Gallus vs Eddie Dennis and The Hunt.

Sha Samuels and Noam Dar vs Mustache Mountain

Bate controls Dar early. Sevens crossbodies Sha and legdrops him for 2. Bane jumps off the 2nd rope onto Sevens' shoulders then flips onto Dar. Bate puts Dar in the airplane spin but sha breaks it up. Sha then takes a euro uppercut from the 2nd rope.

Sha hits a hard backbreaker over the knee onto Sevens. Dar tugs on Sevens' mustache and starts stomping his arms. Sha kicks Sevens in the back and Sevens gets punished in the corner. Sha pounds on Sevens and Dar continues it. Sha blocks Trent's tag with a facelock. Trent hits a dragon suplex on Dar and finally tags out.

Bate comes in and punch combos Sha. He then hit him with an exploder suplex and hit a running SSP on him for 2. Sevens lifted up Sha for a Bate powerbomb for 2. Bate went for his rebound clothesline but got caught with a Sha spinebuster then Sha hit a michinoku driver on Sevens for 2.

Svens back body dropped Sha over the top then tope'd both opponents. Bate was tagged in before the dive then tope'd both opponents too. Trent held up Sha on his shoulders and they hit a burning hammer + flying knee combo from the top for the win. This was anything too special but was what it needed to be and made sense.

Overall thoughts: Not an amazing episode of NXT UK, but solid with 3 decent matches.

MLW Fusion Episode #129 4/21/2021

MLW Fusion Episode #129 4/21/2021

Last week's show is here:

Rocky Romero vs Gino Medina

They go to the mat early and Rocky works the arm a little. Rocky goes to the 2nd rope and drops knees onto the arm. They trade forearms then Gino spin kicks him for 2. Gino gets the edge on Rocky with simple punches and boots and he knocks Rocky down with a forearm.

Gino ties up his arm then they trade more forearms. Rocky pokes him in the eyes and makes Gino fall outside. He then baseball slides him. Gino gets stuck between the ropes and is kicked and forearmed then dropkicked/double stomped from the 2nd rope on his back for 2.

Rocky hits some running corner clotheslines but takes a high kick to the head for 2. Gino then hits a hammerlock lariat for 2. Rocky hits a reverse enzugiri after Gino ducks the a normal enzugiri. Rocky goes for sliced bread #2 but is dropped over the buckle. Rocky comes back with a tornado ddt into a falcon arrow, then armbars him for the win.

This was a very simple match and that's really all that Gino is capable of. I've never thought that much of Rocky as a worker and this went longer than it needed to.

Richard Holliday says they love him in Puerto Rico and says he is a babyface there, which I don't like him saying. He unveils a poster for "Muscle Mountain" There was some sexual innuendo here that I don't want to go into. Holliday got annoyed by it and ended the interview.

Los Parks did a promo in Spanish. Park Sr. said he has proved Salina wrong with many victories and doesn't want her going against El Jefe. He said Salina has profited from his family's success and has made some bad decisions that hurt him. One of Park's kids said that el Jefe is constructing a new temple. Apparently Salina called Park Sr. a "dumb@ss", which he didn't like. Park Sr. says if Salina fails El Jefe again, she will regret it.

MLW announces that a championship committee will be made. They said these people will ensure we get the biggest matches from around the world.

In this week's PWI Top 10, Rush is #3, Lawlor is #2 and Hammerstone is #1.

Alicia Atout interviews Lio Rush about the middleweight title. Myron Reed wants a re-match. Rush said he embarrassed him and while Reed wants redemption, it won't happen. Rush asks her what time it is, and he says it is Rush Hour.

King Mo with Dan Lambert vs Robert Martyr

They said this match isn't to see if Mo wins, but how dominant he is. St. Laurent says he gets a vote in this committee while Ray Flores doesn't. Mo takes him down early and powerbombs him hard from the triangle choke position. Mo picks him up and flips him in the air for a slam. He then puts on a side choke and wins it in a very quick squash.

Dan Lambert gets on the mic after. He is angry about the tap out loss Mo had at Tom Lawlor's Filthy Island show. Mo said he didn't tap and will break Low-Ki in half when he sees him again. They didn't mention they were talking about Filthy Island, so you wouldn't know if you didn't see it.

Salina is interviewed in the parking lot. She mocks the announcer saying El Jefe isn't happy with her. She gets a call about an opportunity next week and isn't happy. The Azteca Underground rep then knocks down the camera.

We get an ad for MLW on Vice TV. I guess it is better than Youtube or Bein Sports, but it's not a huge station.

They show some clips of the Von Erichs vs Lawlor feud. Tom Lawlor does a promo. He said the VE's can't keep their mouths shut. He said he has been called a liar and a coward, and neither of those are true. He said he brought the VE's to MLW and said he knows the truth about the VE's that others don't know. He tells Marshall to face him one on one and said he will expose him as just a boy if they go one on one.

Alicia Atout interviews Court Bauer. Court says he has been busy but MLW is no longer the best kept secret. Court says Reed vs Rush will happen on May 5th and they really push it. Court says that will be the end of this season. He said on July 10th, they will come back with a new season in front of fans. He said there will be a "re-loaded roster" and said this isn't the same without crowds.

Contra interrupts the video. Jose Samuel says Court is filled with delusion. He said it has been a year since Court begged fro mercy and he said he can make MLW his again with the snap of his fingers. He said Mads Krugger awaits Hammerstone and said no man can defeat Jacob Fatu. He said there will be a massace on July 10th.

Marshall Von Erich does a promo. He said he has had a grudge against Tom Lawlor for a long time now. He talked about some of the things Tom has done to him and said he is a coward and  a liar. He said he is going to claw him and win the match next week.

They confirm that a new season will happen on July 10th and it seems like there will not be any new MLW episodes from May 5th until July 10th.

Myron Reed is interviewed. He said he is at Calvin Tankman's gym in Indianapolis. He said while he is training, Rush is running his mouth on the internet.

Bu Ku Dao vs TJP

Dao controls him on the mat early and TJP handstands out of a headscissors. Dao gets a surprise dropkick then armdrags him out. Dao goes for a move on the ropes and is pulled down to the floor, then has his back rammed into the apron. TJP slingshot sentons Dao for 2.

TJP takes control of Dao on the mat and snaps back his arm. TJP puts him in the gory special. Dao comes back a little and crossbodies him off the top for 2. TJP then powerbombs him for 2. TJP then surfboards him.

Dao hits a kick and does a small tope on him on the outside. Dao made a small comeback and hit a bulldog. Dao came off the 2nd rope and took a dropkick, then TJP dropped him chest first from the double chickenwing position. TJP went up top and was flipped down. TJP came right back up though and superplexed him then put him in an octopus stretch.

Dao is on TJP's shoulders and accidentally kicks the ref. Dao had the virtual pin but TJP comes back throws him into the 2nd buckle. Dao hit a 2nd rope twisting flatliner and won it!

It wasn't particularly great because Dao just isn't that great, but it made sense for the most part and wasn't bad.

Hammerstone then does an interview. He said he is tired of there being 2 singles champs in MLW. He said he wants to settle it once and for all and seemingly challenged him to a title for title match.

Overall thoughts: A lot was done here but the hour dragged a little and we only got 2 matches plus 1 squash out of it. It wasn't really that good of a show but at least they are building to things and furthering some stories along.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

AEW Dynamite 4/21/2021

AEW Dynamite 4/21/2021

Last week's show is here:

Hangman Adam Page vs Ricky Starks with Hook

Starks does an inset promo. He said Page can't deal with pressure, but he thrives under pressure.  Taz is at the booth here.

They go to the mat early then butt heads. Starks goes for a leap frog but is caught and slammed. Starks is thrown onto the apron and takes a 2nd rope clotheslines, then Page plancha's him. Page hits a neat hooked fallaway slam and Page is whipped hard into the 2nd rope. Page is then whipped hard into the buckles. Starks tries to flip out of a release german but fails and takes one of the ugliest bumps ever. He acts like he is fine though and jumps off the top rope and gets lariated. He then starts selling his neck and ankle and takes a fallaway slam. Starks is clearly hurt and takes a brainbuster. 

Starks comes back with a big sit out powerbomb. Page hit a top rope fallaway slam then creams him with a big lariat for 2. Starks ducks a buckshot lariat and hits a spear. Page does a hard headlock takeover the back then lays on his back and does like a reverse bow and arrow to win. They did too much here and there were two very dangerous spots.

Taz tells Page he got lucky after his match and said he needs to watch his back, then Hook chop blocks him and stomps him. Page fights them off a little but Brian Cage comes out then the Dark Order come out to make the save.

The Elite arrive in the back with Brandon Cutler doing the filming for them.

Penta El Zero Miedo with Alex vs Trent?

Alex translates an inset promo for Penta. He said they will turn OC into orange juice if he interferes.

Trent hits a backdrop early then a flip dive onto Penta. Pentacomes back with a sling blade but Trent comes back with a spinning forearm. We go to a break where Penta keeps control and when we come back, Penta maintains control.

Trent comes back with a half and half suplex then hits a flying knee for 2. Trent gets stuck on the 2nd buckle and takes a backcracker. Trent gets hipped into the buckles and flipped then Penta hits a Made in Japan for 2.

They fight on the apron and Trent piledrivers him on the apron. Penta kind of blocks it though and takes an unusual landing. Trent then spears him on the outside. Alex grabs a mic and said Penta told him to tell him that Trent, his friends and his mom sucks. Trent grabs a chair and Alex goes into the ring. OC gets behind him, but Penta kicks him and Alex hits Trent in the head with the mic. Penta then wins it with a package piledriver. Did the ref not hear the mic shot or something? This wasn't anything special and there was a lot of shenanigans for the finish.

Jim Ross interviews some of the Pinnacle members. They talk about Jericho's "immortal" promo from last week. MJF said he didn't steal his scarf from Jericho and has Wardlow get him a new scar. The new scarf is exactly the same as the old one.

MJF says he is the one guy Jericho couldn't outsmart. He said he's not good for 25, he's good period. MJF said he has already beaten Jericho, so he's better than him. He says he is a mark, not for Jericho but for his spot. This was really bad with them using tons of insider words and trying to be cute in what should be a blood feud.

Tay Conti does a promo for her match against Shida. She said Shida doesn't know how hard she trains. Shida says Tay is pretty and might have fighting spirit, but won't be the champion.

AEW Women's Championship - Hikaru Shida (c) vs Tay Conti

They bow to each other to start and trade forearms. They block each others judo throws then Tay hits one. Tay then runs the ropes and hits two hard penalty kicks. Tay tries to pk her off the apron but is knocked down onto it, then Shida running knee lifts her.

Shida hits an enzugiri on the floor then suplexes her hard on the floor. Shida pounds on her back and hits a bow and arrow submission. Shida lets go and puts her in a came clutch like move. We go to picture in picture break. Shida keeps control over the break. We return from break and Shida suplexes her from the second rope, outside to inside. Tay doesn't sell it though and pump kicks her.

Tay hits some judo throws and a german suplex. Tay pump kicks her in the corner and face kicks her in the corner. Tay hits another pump kick to the gut as Shida lays across the top rope then she sentons her as she lays across the top rope. Tay runs the ropes and takes a jumping knee then a falcon arrow for 2.

They fight up top again and Shida drops her back on the top rope with Tay falling outside. Shida goes for a spin kick but Tay comes right back with a pump kick and hits the Tay-K-O for 2. Shida then pops right back up and hits a Peach Sunrise. Shida then slaps her and backbreackers her over the knee before hitting a spinning knee to win. The selling was pretty much non-existent here at the end and they did way too much.

Britt Baker comes out after. She shows the rankings on the tron and says she should be the #1 Contender. They say she got help from the graphics department. Shida threw her stick at her and almost hit her.

Miro did a promo. He said he needs his vindication and said if you got a title, you got a problem. He asked, what champion do I beat first?

Tony Schiavone interviewed The Inner Circle in the ring. Jericho talks about the blood and guts match. Swagger brings some straws for Dax who got hit with in the mouth by Tyson last week. Santana said we would see the size of the Pinnacle's hurt at blood and guts. Jericho sings a stupid show tune about MJF. Jericho then said we would see a show of violence like we have never seen. This sucked. You have a blood feud like this and Jericho is singing show tunes and making jokes.

Billy Gunn vs QT Marshall

Yeah, this is what this show really needs right now.

QT does an inset promo with his crew. Ogogo says he doesn't like the US and is only here to make money.

Gunn jumps QT and crew during their entrance. Gunn controls early and slams QT, who rolls out. Nick Comorotto takes a cheap shot on Billy and Billy's sons come to his aide. QT pounds on Billy and hits a messy piledriver for 2. QT hits some punches and Billy comes back with something like a blue thunder. He evades QT's cutter. Ogogo hits a gut shot to Billy on the ramp then QT cutters Billy for the win. This shouldn't have been on Dynamite.

Ogogo pulls a wooden chair out form under the ring and Dustin Rhodes comes out for the save. Dustin lariats and punches QT then powerslams him. Dustin nails Nick Comorotto with the chair but Nick doesn't sell it. The wooden chair thing was weird. Why was that down there? How did Ogogo know that was down there and why would you use that over a steel chair?

The Elite are interviewed in their private trailer, which looks too small for everyone. Callis says Omega will soon be the Impact champion. The Bucks brag about their popularity and we hear a loud car horn. We see Mox and Eddie in a pick-up truck and they ram the trailer. Mox has a pipe and breaks a window and they don't see anyone in the trailer. I guess they learned Darby's and Hardy's teleporting powers. Mox throws a pipe at the window and almost nails Eddie, and Eddie says, "you wanna wait until I'm out of the way?". Yeah, this was bad, though Eddie's line at the end was funny.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Christian Cage

Neither person sould really lose here. Hobbs chases CC on the outside and CC dropkicks him through the ropes. Christian gets dropped though right after with a shot to the back on the floor. Hobbs hten throws Christian over the rail. Hobbs pushes CC's face against the rail.

We go to break with Hobbs in control. We come back and CC mounts a comeback. He goes for the killswitch but is thrown off. Hobbs throws him again then stands on him. Cage hits osme punches and euro uppercuts him off the 2nd rope. Christian then stands on his neck on the 2nd rope, then leaps over the top and punches him. Christian hits a big frogsplash off the top but its only for 2. Hobbs comes back with a hip attack in the corner for 2.

Christian puts him in a sleeper but takes an oklahoma stampede in the buckle, then hits the killswitch out of nowhere to win it. The selling wasn't really good here and the 2nd half of this really lost focus.

Starks comes out after to look at Hobbs then stares down Christian.

Next week is Penta vs OC, Kris Statlander vs Penelope Ford, the Bucks vs The Sydal's, a parley between the IC and Pinnacle, Brian Cage vs Adam Page and the Nightmare Family vs The Factory.

Jade Cargil does a promo. She said every manager is looking to sign her. Hardy said he would for a small fee. Vickie G. says she would be a good fit. Jade says she don't need a manger though and is her own boss, but needs a heck of a deal to get signed.

TNT Championship - Darby Allin (c) with Sting vs Jungle Boy with Luchasaurus

Darby has some upgraded facepaint and some paint on half his torso. JB headlock takeovers him and rolls him up for 2. JB hits more armdrags and Darby jumps up to the top rope to springboard armdrag him.

Darby starts pounding on him. They go outside and JB spears Darby over the rail for what was likely a nasty bump to take(and one that injured Silver a few weeks ago). We go to picture and picture break with JB in control. He whips Darby chest first into the buckles. They do a superplex during the break which was a wasted bump.

We come back from break and Darby is belly to belly overhead suplexed into the buckles, then german suplexed. JB then tiger suplexes him for 2. Darby jumps over JB's back and does a jumping diamond dust. JB hits a hard crucifix bomb on Darby and Darby rolls out, then JB topes him twice. He then does a flip dive on him.

JB is laying on the apron and Darby coffin drops him. Luchasaurus helps JB get back in the ring to beat the count then Sting foes face to face with him. Sting lariats him and punches him and Lucha fires back. They go to the back and JB hits a big lariat and a brainbuster on Darby. JB then does a sliding bicep shot to the back of the head. Darby gets put in the STF but makes the ropes. JB then puts him in the surfboard and puts the STF back on. Darby pulls on the hair and gouges the eyes to get out.

JB sunset flips Darby but Darby crosses JB legs and pins him. They did too much and didn't sell that much as expected though it was nothing by Darby's standards. They rushed towards the end.

Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page attacked both after and Page hit a big razor's edge. Lance Archer then came out and they low blowed him off a chokeslam attempt. Sting then came out to even the odds for some reason even though he doesn't like Archer. 

Overall thoughts: If they had stuck with just the wrestling, it would have been a better show but the teleporting and the show tunes were awful. They have destroyed the Pinnacle/IC angle.

NWA Power Episode #25 4/20/2021

NWA Power Episode #25 4/20/2021

They didn't have a show last week, they had a show with one match and some interviews instead. Episode 24 is here:

Kyle Davis interviews Trevor Murdoch to start. Trev says he wants another shot at Chris Adonis. He said he got him a start in this company and Adonis tried to take him out of wrestling.  He said he would agree to any stipulation that would get him in the ring with Adonis again and called him out.

Nick Aldis came out instead. Aldis says Trevor didn't bring anyone here, he did. He said he didn't like Trevor blaming him for not being NWA National Champion. Aldis tells him to look in the mirror instead and said he should blame himself in various ways. Aldis says Adonis did Trevor a favor as he isn't someone that they need as a champion.

He told him to take a night off and drink some beer, and he'll find a young talent to fight in the main event and maybe Trevor can learn something. Aldis says Trevor just isn't championship material. Aldis says if he behaves himself and stays out of his match tonight, he might be given the oppourtunity of the lifetime someday down the road. He asked what he was talking about, but Aldis says he pulls the strings. He says don't show up, and then we'll talk about him maybe getting a title shot.

May Valentine interviews Slice Boogie. Slice calls out Jax Dane for a 1 on 1 match. Then he stares down May and says the match can be naytime and anywhere.

Aron Stevens and JR Kratos vs Sal Rinauro and ?

Sal says he has a partner who is a former NWA champ but his partner doesn't show up. Sal really looks messy and dirty. Aron takes down Sal early and Kratos gets in. Sal hits some punches and gets pounced. Kratos beats him up and gutwrenches him. Danny Deals comes down to team with Sal and gets beaten up by Kratos before he even gets in. Deals has his head banged off the announcer's desk and is out.

Kratos powerslams Sal and really throws him on a vertical suplex. Kratos pounds on him and Tim Storm has had enouh. He gets on the apron and Aron has enough too. Kratos and Aron push each other, Storm nails Kratos then Sal rolls up Kratos for the win. Aron and Kratos then argue and leave seperately.

I wasn't a fan of this angle. It made sense in some ways but I don't like Kratos getting pinned and I don't really see the upside in Sal Rinauro.

They congratulate Tim Storm on his victory and Tim won't take credit for it.

Kyle Davis has Tyrus, Austin Idol and The Pope at the booth. Pope said Tyrus is always following him. Tyrus says he isn't following him. He said he looks at him like a brother. He said Pope is never the guy and always has people surrounding him. Tyrus said Pope eventually became the man by becoming the NWA TV champ. He said Pope has what he wants though and he's going to need that title. Pope said Tyrus has to prove himself though and said he's not going to let him take his title. Pope said he's not afraid of him and says he needs to go earn his shot fairly. Tyrus says "so be it".

#1 Contender to the NWA TV Title - Tyrus vs Matt Cross vs Marshe Rockett

This was supposed to be a singles match between Cross and Rockett but now Tyrus is added to the mix. Joe Galli talks about how now these guys have only a 33 1/3 chance of winning and Velvet Sky tells him not to do Scott Steiner math.

Tyrus hits Matt with a big slam then suplexes Marshe overhead. Tyrus yells "you did this, Pope" and bites Cross. Tyrus bangs his backside into Cross in the corner. Cross gets some kicks on Tyrus, taking him down then pump kicks him. Mareshe hits a dropkick and Cross holds the rope open so he can fall out, which he does gingerly. Marshe flips Cross with a lariat. Cross tries for a crossbody off the 2nd rope but is caught with a powerslam. Cross blocks a cutter attempt then hits an SSP, but Tyrus comes in the ring and breaks it up by splashing him. Tyrus then pins Marshe to win it. Interesting ending here  but not exactly a great showing for Tyrus.

May Valentine interviews Thom Lattimer and Chris Adonis. Adonis says if Trevor Murdoch gets a rematch, it isn't for his title. Thom says him and Chris have their eyes on the tag titles and Chris says they will be here if Trevor shows up in the main tonight.

Kamille vs Jennacide

They do a test of strength early and Jenna slams her. Kamille comes back though and slams her back. They trade shots and Kamille has her head banged off the buckles. Jenna hits a big coner face kick. Kamille hits a bad spinning heel kick and pounds on her and hits some horrible chest clubs. Jenna comes back with a pump kick and does an ugly twisting ddt.

Kamille rolling forward slams Jenna and spears her for 2. Kamille hits another spear and wins it. The logic was good and they worked it like a heavyweight women's match, but there was the usual slop the women have and it brought down the match.

Melina came out after and entered the ring to yell at Kamille. she comes to Jenna's aide and takes a big spear. Thunder Rosa then comes out and yells at Kamille

Jordan Clearwater vs Nick Aldis

We have 3 and a half minutes for this. Murdoch fights Adonis and Thom Lattimer as soon as this starts outside the ring. Trevor gets beat up and the ref stops the match. Trevor gets beat down in front of Aldis in the ring and takes a full nelson slam. Aldis, Adonis and Thom stand over Trevor to enf the show.

Overall thoughts: The lack of a real crowd hurt this and while the execution wasn't great tonight, the ideas were there and made sense. I didn't really love the episode though. I have no interest in the women or Sal Rinauro.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

WWE NXT 4/20/2021

WWE NXT 4/20/2021
Last week's show is here:

NXT has a new intro and it sucks.

Kyle O'Reilly came out. They are pushing a new character with him with "Cool Kyle". He looks very goofy with large sunglasses, a hat and a jean jacket and isn't sure on his next move but then brings up Karrion Kross and his title. Cameron Grimes then comes out.

Grimes said he made a bunch of money betting on Kyle to beat Cole at Takeover. He said if he watched his back and invested in him, they could be successful. Kyle seems to agree and says he is cleared to compete. He says he is looking for his opponent tonight and says it isn't Grimes. Then he puts on his glasses and says Grimes actually is his opponent and decks him.

Sarray with Simon Inoki is greeted by Regal in the parking lot. Zoey Stark comes out and wants a match with Sarray tonight. Sarray accepts and the match is set. Man, let this girl get comfortable first, jeez.

LA Knight does a promo. He said he was ganged up on in the North American gauntlet eliminator a few weeks ago and said he will take out Lumis while he stares at him goofy eyed.

They show clips from last week of Indi Hartwell trying to get Lumis' attention then throwing out Theory. We then see her giving herself up to be taken away by Lumis. I didn't see this as that match devolved into intergender crap which I wanted to no part of.

Dexter Lumis vs LA Knight

Lumis lariats Knight early and takes a kick to the shoulder. Knight talks trash but is put in the silencer and runs out. Knight slingshots in with a shoulder but Lumis comes in with a high back body drop. Lumis backs up Knight and he ends up crotching himself, getting stuck and then hit with an uppercut. Knight then hits a jumping neckbreaker.

We do a picture-in-picture break with Knight in control and when we return, Lumis spinebusters him. Lumis hits more punches then bulldogs him. Lumis jumping legdrops him then slingshot suplexes him.

Knight goes outside and pulls Lumis into the barricades, then runs his back into the apron. Lumis discoveres Indi on the outside and she trips but they stare at each other. Knight then blindsides Lumis. Knight flirts with her but Lumis dives on her. Lumis continues to stare at Indi and is caught with a cutter as he enters back in the ring and loses.

The announcers pushed this as Lumis losing due to being distracted and it seems like part of this story will be if Indi is intentionally costing Lumis matches or not. Indi enters the ring after and stares at Lumis. The crowd chants for them to kiss and Indi tries to but is pulled out by the way. Austin Theory then drags her off. The match was fine and all but I really do like this angle and want to see where it is going. They have been building to it for a while.

Leon Ruff does a promo on Isaiah "Swerve" Scott. He said he enjoyed beating up Swerve and said it's Swerve's move now.

Io Shirai is getting ready for an interview.

Io is interviewed by Beth Phoenix. She said winning the NXT Women's title was the best night of her life. Io said it hurt being powerbombed by Raquel. She said Raquel was her biggest challenge and will get her rematch in the future. She said she wants to take a rest. Franky Monet's dog then interrupts. She congratulations Io on her title reign and said she watched Beth since she is a kid. Io mentioned she would take time off and Franky said she will take her place while she is gone. Io goes off in Japanese and said she likes cats.

Breezango vs The Grizzled Young Veterans

Breezango is dressed up as British queen's guards and come out to Rule Britanna. The Grizzled Young Vets are not pleased and said the fun and games will get them nowhere. They said they hope MSK are taking notes as they will be the next NXT champs soon.

The Vets are lariated over the top to start. Gibson gets the early advantage on breeze but Breeze hurricanrana's him and punches him. Gibson is thrown into the corner but Drake saves him from hitting the buckle. Gibson gets thrown outside and Fandango flip dives onto him and Drake at the same time.

We go to break and return with Drake jumping off the top and landing on his leg, then apparently being in pain. Gibson thumbs Fandango in the eye and Drake capitalizes on it. Fandango gets beat up for a bit and tags out to Breeze. Breeze gets a little offense in but takes a ticket to mayhem for the GYV win. This wasn't anything too special.

Indi Hartwell gets interviewed and The Way comes in and stops it. Bronson Reed then comes in. He says Lumis would be a good addition to the Gargano family and says he wants Johnny's North American title. Johnny tells him to get to the back of the line and Theory gets in Reed's face. He calls Johnny "Papa John" and said the only way he gets a title shot is if he beats Theory, according to Regal. This was a confusing segment. I guess Theory was being an idiot here? But why does beating Theory make you worthy of a title shot? The announcers  put it over as Theory being an idiot, so I guess we will go with that.

Cameron Grimes is interviewed. He says Kyle is no good and will end up back in the hospital. He read a letter over an NFT he tried to buy, where he was declined for it. For those who don't know, an NFT is a virtual image. These things are exclusive to the person who owns it and some people are putting out big bucks for them. It seems pretty stupid to me, but a fool and his money will soon part ways.

It is revealed that Ted Dibiase outbid Grimes for the NFT he was trying to buy and he flips out on him for it. This made sense as it seems like something Grimes would do and he has been trying to start something with Ted Dibiase for a while now.

Zoey Stark vs Sarray

Sarray has to win here. Beth Phoenix talks about joshi and name drops Aja Kong and Manami Toyota. Sarray bridges out of a pin attempt then dropkicks her. She then double stomps her back. Sarray then indian deathlocks her but Zoey hits the ropes. Zoey comes back with a sliding lariat for 2.

Sarray and Zoey trade forearms and Sarray forearm flurries her. Sarray hits a big chest dropkick then dropkicks her against the ropes, but doesn't go through the ropes like usual. Sarray fisherman suplexes her for 2. Zoey super kicks her then half and half suplexes her.

Zoey misses a 450 and is rolled up for 2. She hits another super kick then Sarrya comes back with a spin kick and exploders her for the win. I like Sarray but she didn't get as much offense as she should have here and I'm not sure that Zoey was the right opponent for her. It was a good match and Zoey's best showing so far, but they could have given Sarray more. I don't think Sarray is going to be an instant hit and I think she's going to be a long term project.

Toni Storm attacks Zoey on the outside, throwing her into the barricade. Sarray checks on her.

Raquel Gonzalez was interviewed with Dakota Kai. She said she is going to prove she is a better champ than Io. Kai said they beat Io so bad that now she has to take a vacation. RG said she will take on anyone and beat them.

Indi and LaRae are talking in the back. Lumis appears from behind a glass door and as LaRae walks, Indi goes to the door with Lumis in it. LaRae goes up to Shotzi and Ember and says she has their tag titles. LaRae expects Indi behind her and LaRae sees there is nobody there. LaRae knocks a drink into Ember's face and is pulled behind a door and is seemingly beaten up.

They talk about Kushida's title win. They show us the Japanese commentary for it, some articles in Japanese on it and Steve Corino puts him over, looking like a mess.

NXT Cruiserweight Title - Kushida vs Oney Lorcan

Kushida said since he won the title in an open challenge, he is offering an open challenge up here. Oney Lorcan comes out.

Kushida puts a bow and arrow on Oney early, but Oney escapes. Kushida armbars Oney and Oney hits the ropes. Oney sits on the top rope and is enzugiri'd off to the floor.

We go to break and return. Kushida hits some kicks and takes a  euro uppercut after a handspring into the ropes. Kushida punch combos him in the corner then diving knees his arm from the top. Oney does a messy running blockbuster and they trade shots. Kushida hiptosses him into a dropkick then Kushida punches him.

Kushida then puts an armbar on and wins it. This felt kind of short and the break hurt this match.

Santos Escobar's music hits then LdF jumps Kushida. They beat him on the table but MSK comes to make the save and clears off LdF.
 Mercedes Martinez does a promo. She says Raquel Gonzalez is ducking her and hasn't answered her challenge. She said RG is Kai's lap dog and said she would take out Kai so that wouldn't be an issue anymore.

The Way meets up in the back. Johnny wants to know how Theory set up this match with Reed. LaRae comes to the back and is battered and beaten and Indi says she saw Lumis. Indi says she saw Regal and they are giving LaRae and Indi a tag title match. The Way leaves minus LaRae, who is left sitting there.

Ever-Rise vs Imperium (Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel)

Imperium does an inset promo. They said they will continue to expand their message and power.

Aichner backdrops Martel early then Parker comes in. Parker tries to crossbody him but takes a fallaway slam. Parker gets stuck over the middle rope and takes double dropkicks. Killian Dain comes out and argues with Wolfe. Parker almost gets the pin on Aichner. Drake Maverick comes out to go after Wolfe and Dain takes him to the back.

Imperium hits a twisting uppercut + powerbomb combo to win in a quick squash.
Kyle O'Reilly runs into Karrion Kross and Scarlett near the ramp. He stares them down.
Next week has Kai vs Mercedez and Theory vs Reed, where Reed gets a future title shot if he wins. Kushida and MSK vs LdF is also set.

Kyle O'Reilly vs Cameron Grimes

Kyle has new blue camo trunks. They go to the mat early with Kyle in control. Grimes shoulders him down but is tripped right after. Kyle slaps him across the face then hammerlock ddt's him. Grimes goes for a sunset flip but is armbarred and hits the ropes.

Grimes does Ricochet's moonsault into a german and Kyle sells his neck as he rolls outside. Grimes maintains control over the break and we return to him putting Kyle in a neck crank. Kyle fights out but gets lariated. Grimes puts his knee in Kyle's back and pulls back with a facelock. Kyle then running knee's him.

Kyle hits a strike combo and leg sweeps him. Kyle backdrops him into a heel hook but Grimes hits the ropes. Kyle hits a knee then Grimes does a spinning sitout side slam for 2. They trade strikes then Grimes standing spanish fly slams Kyle as he comes off the ropes. Grimes hits a superkick but Kyle rebounds off the ropes and lariats him. Kyle then brainbusters him and hits a top rope knee drop for the win. Not a bad back and forth match here. They worked pretty well together but I would have liked to have seen Grimes work the neck more.

Overall thoughts: Not a bad show with some decent wrestling but the show still kind of has a boring feel to it that needs fixed. They really do have to get more characters on this show and I don't think "Cool Kyle" is one of them.

AEW Dark: Elevation Episode #6 4/19/2021

AEW Dark: Elevation Episode #6 4/19/2021
Hangman Page vs. Spencer Slade

Pages nails Spencer before he finishes his entrance. Slade crossbodies him and is fallaway slammed. They tell us Slade is deaf and he takes a big lariat from Page.

Page hits more lariats then sliding lariats him. Page pop up powerbombs him for the quick win with Slade getting nothing in at all.

Page gives the ref beer after.
Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. w/ Rebel vs. Tesha Price

Britt takes her to the mat early and hits her with a hard punch. Tesha high kicks her but Britt ends up hitting her with a flatliner on the middle buckle. Britt puts her head against the post then pulls her arm. Rebel then hits Tesha with a towel.

Britt hits some knees on her and stands on her face. Britt goofs off and is rolled up for 2. She then sling blades her. Tesha comes back with an enzugiri and strikes her for 2. Britt hits a ddt and gets her glove. she hits her with the schwein and lockjaws her for the win. Tesha didn't look too good here except for nice selling while in the lockjaw.

Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) vs. Midas Black & Jay Lyon

Lyon has the stupid steak in his mouth again. JB tries to pull it out but is dragged. Tony asks "what the hell did we just see?" and I concur. Black trips JB then Lyon flips on JB. Lyon runs straight into Lucha's boot and JB makes concerned faces while Lucha punches Lyon.

Lyon tries to offer Lucha his steak and gets high kicked. Black gets slammed on Lyon and they lose in a total waste of time squash. JB then puts the steak in the ref's mouth.

Andre Montoya and Vary Moraels vs The Hybrid2
I said it last week and I'll say it again, why is Andre wearing a mask if he is revealing his real name anyway? Jack dances aroung and shoves Vary in the face. Vary super kicks him while Jack handstands. Vary overhead belly to belly suplexes Jack then Jack does a springboard spin kick. Angelico  lifts and twisting flatliners Vary. He traps both of Vary's arms behind Vary's back and pushes forward.

Vary gets tired up more and comes off the 2nd rope with a dropkick. Andre gets the hot tag in and Show even calls it that. Vary nails Jack with a superkick and sends him over the top. Jack then twisting moonsaults Vary off the apron. Andre handsprings into the ropes and gets his leg swept on the bounce back then Angelico wins with the Navarro Death Roll. Jack does a capoeira after. One of TH2's better showings as they didn't botch anything and the match was short. Vary and Andre still haven't shown too much.

The Acclaimed are interviewed by Paul Wight. They talked about how good they are and Bowens talks about how gay he is, literally. Is that supposed to make me like him more or something? They put themselves over and want the interview to be extended as it ends.

Mike Magnum & Stone Rockwell vs. Team Taz (Brian Cage & Ricky Starks)

Stone needs to team up with Brick Aldridge immediately. Cage hits a nice dropkick on Magnum. Stone pounds on Starks and Starks is wearing some very girly tights. Stone goes to suplex Starks but Cage catches Starks and superkicks him. Starks and Cage argue after a failed double suplex and Starks spears Magnum. Cage then hits a hard powerbomb on Stone and tags out to Starks, helping him with the roshambo on Stone for the win.  Stone had two matches in the last week and I don't think he got anything in past a punch. I guess this was there to put over the Cage and Starks issues.

Abadon vs Skye Blue

Skye does not wear blue for some reason. Abadon crawls around the ring to start, then slams her down and pounds on her. Skye gets caught in a crossbody and is backbreakered. Abadon is showing a lot of her backside here and I really don't get why. Skye cartwheels into a forearm then takes a release german from Abadon. Abadon meteora's her in the corner then crossbodies Skye as she is sitting. Abadon bangs Skye's head off the mat and Skye blows a dropkick to the knee.Skye gets stuck on the middle buckle then hit with the gory special neckbreaker for the win in a total squash.

Orange Cassidy vs Prince Kai

Kai hands the announcer a note and makes him read it, where he puts himself over. Kai poses and OC doesn't look too pleased when he would be normally doing the same thing. OC immediately hits the beach break and wins it.
Private Party w/Matt Hardy and Marq Quen vs. Alex Reynolds & Colt Cabana with the Dark Order

Kassidy pounds on Alex to start and alex comes back with a dropkick. Kassidy shoves Uno and the Dark Order gets thrown out. Colt drop toe holds Marq then elbows him in the head. Alex topes Marq outside and when the ref isn't looking, Matt throws Alex into the rails.

Kassidy moonsaults from the 2nd buckle to Alex on the outside.  Alex gets worked on for a while and pops up Kassidy into a knee. Alex tags to Colt and Colt throws PP into each other. He then headscissors Marq and hits some punches, then elbows Kassidy. Marq cartwheels out of a wristlock the enzugiri's Colt. PP does the stupid silly string spot and the logistics of it was done here were so dumb that it isn't even worth going into it.

Marq does something close to a pele kick on Colt then dives on Alex. He then 450's Colt for 2. Alex spinning forearms Marq then gets an assist from Colt on a flipping ddt. Colt tries to pin Marq, but Kassidy was legal and rolls up Colt to steal the win. I thought they put over PP well here as being smarter wrestlers under Hardy's control.

Shawna Reed vs Thunder Rosa

They got to the mat to start and Rosa does a nice trip takedown. Rosa basement dropkicks her for 2 and hits corner chops. Shawna hits a bunch of kicks in the corner then butt charges her head in the corner. Rosa lariats Reed in the corner and pendulum drops double knees on her. She then dropkicks her hard as she is sat against the bottom buckle.

Reed snapmare drivers Rosa but after some strikes, Rosa hits an emerald flowsion over her leg to win. Reed actually showed some aggression and fire here.

Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) (w/Orange Cassidy) vs. Hayden Backlund & Kit Sackett

Trent hits a big lariat early on Kit and a release saito suplex. Hayden takes a soul foot into a half and half suplex. Chuck short piledrivers Hayden then Trent hits a regular piledriver on Hayden in this total waste of time. What was the point of this, really?

Aaron Solow (w/Nick Comoroto & QT Marshall) vs. Austin Gunn (w/Colten Gunn)

QT sits on the ring steps on the ramp. Gunn pounds on Solow to start then hits a big lariat. Austin lariats Solow and himself over the top. Austin is distracted by Nick then gets kicked in the head by Solow. Solow then suplexes him for 2.

Solow pounds on Gunn more and Gunn comes back with a big lariat. Nick gets on the apron and Gunn is distracted then takes a spin kick. Nick hits Colten Gunn on the outside and ends up charging into the rails after Colten moves. Austin hiptosses Solow into a cutter for the win, which is calle the Quickdraw. QT is doing some godfather or Tony Soprano type of gimmick here where he tells people what to do and watches on and it's really really cringe. The focus here was on anything but this match. Solow still continues not to really show anything.

Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky vs. Carlie Bravo & Dean Alexander

They get off to a lame start early and Dean hits some punches on Page before getting suplexed. Dean and Bravo double dropkick Sky at the same time and Page shoulder blocks Bravo on the outside.

Sky hits a heel hook and wins it completely out of nowhere. Another total waste of time that accomplished nothing.

Dasha interviews Austin Gunn. Gunn said family means naything and QT tore this family apart. Billy Gunn then comes in and gets him out. QT Marshall then comes up to Billy and said this whole thing has nothing to do with The Gunn Club. QT says the Gunns are like boys of his own. Gunn tells him he lost the right to say that when he attacked him. Billy says he went too far then QT decks him and asks if that was too far? The idea of QT being able to drop Billy Gunn, yet alone anyone is funny.

Kenny Omega, Konosuke Takeshita & MT Nakazawa vs. Danny Limelight, Matt Sydal & Mike Sydal

This is Takeshita's 3rd AEW match and his last one as he goes back home. Nakazawa has the stupid headphones on and Kenny does too. They pretend to talk. Screw this amateur hour garbage. Nakazawa and any match involving him is banned from this website until further notice.

Overall thoughts: Another bad show as usual. So many pointless squashes. QT doing Don Corleone impersonations and Kenny and Nakazawa acting like fools. At least the show was under 2 hours.

WWE Monday Night Raw 4/19/2021

WWE Monday Night Raw 4/19/2021

Last week's show is here: 

Drew McIntyre comes out to start the show. Drew talked about opportunity and said he grabbed the opportunity by winning the #1 Contender's match last week. He brought up being attacked by Mace and T-Bar last week. He said he knows MVP is behind it and wondered if they would take off their masks and put on suits now.

MVP came out. He said Drew has a history of not expecting things and said it was ridiculuous that Drew thought he was behind the attack. MVP said Lashley fired Shelton and Cedric, so why would he add more members to his crew in Mace and T-Bar? Drew then brought up Bobby asking the locker room to go after Drew prior to Mania. MVP said Mace and T-Bar are not with them and said maybe Drew challenging people to fights a few weeks ago in the locker room had something to do with it.

Drew approached MVP and Mace and T-Bar jumped him. Drew was then sitout double chokeslammed.

Mace and T-Bar were interviewed by Kevin Patrick. They started naming animals and said Drew would go extinct like the saber-tooth tiger. This sucked.

Drew went up to Pearce in the back. He said he wants Mace and T-Bar 1v2. Pearce said he can't face them alone. Drew said he can with a baseball bat. Pearce said he needs a partner and Drew said he doesn't.

The Viking Raiders vs Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander

The VR's beat Shelton and Cedric last week. Shelton and Erik trade forearms to start and Erik is dropkicked by Cedric. Ivar side slams Cedric and takes a step up knee from Shelton. Ivar is beaten up in the corner and comes back with a standing butt drop on Shelton. Erik comes in and kicks Shelton then takes a neat looking suplex.

Cedrick hits a nice tornado ddt on Erik but Ivar breaks it up. Ivar crossbodies Shelton against the rails outside and Erik does a nice hammerlock type of suplex on Cedric. Erik then pops up Credric for an Ivar powerslam for the win. It was fine but Cedric and Shelton are not off to a good post-Hurt Business career here.

Kevin Patrick interviews Randy Orton. Orton says we will never see The Fiend again as long as he is around. He said he is coming after whoever wins the WWE title then Riddle rides his scooter around Orton, being annoying as usual. Riddle said they should team up as RK-Bro said neither have titles anymore. Riddle offers him a scooter and Orton walks out instead of decking him unfortunately. I hope they are trying to make Riddle a heel here because he is by far the biggest heel in the company right now.

Orton goes up to Pearce. He said he is sick of the disrespect around here and says he wants Riddle tonight, but doesn't know his name.

Charlotte Flair comes out to talk. She said she hasn't gotten much respect since she returned. She said she had a Mania match taken from her. She said she can beat Rhea and Asuka in the same night. She said she doesn't like Asuka and will prove it tonight in their match.

Asuka comes out and Rhea follows. Rhea says Asuka will beat Charlotte tonight. She talks slow for Asuka and tells Asuka to stop talking, but Asuka yells at her and says she will beat her tonight.

Riddle rides past Orton in the back.

Riddle vs Randy Orton

Orton takes control early and Riddle jumps on his back for a sleeper. Orton then pulls Riddle overhead. Riddle jumps on his back again. Orton falls back but Riddle puts it on again. Riddle tries to kick him from the apron but is swung to the apron and backdropped hard on the table.

We go to break and return with Orton stomping Riddle's ankle. Riddle comes back with chops and forearms then takes a powerslam. Riddle tries to fight back again with more chops but an eye poke takes him down. Riddle has another big chop and forearm flurry then is thrown chest first into the buckles.

Riddle moves and Orton spears the post. Riddle hits his escape kick on Orton then some running forearms. Riddle sentons Orton for 2. Orton superplexes Riddle and then is caught with a triangle choke over the ropes. Riddle is hung off the middle rope and ddt'd. Orton readies for the RKO and Riddle crucifixes him for the win. Big surprise win here for Riddle which is truly out of nowhere. Orton never really felt like he was in trouble here and didn't really sell Riddle's offense enough, but the match was decent.

Sheamus talks to Adam Pearce in the back. Pearce congratulates him on the US Title win and tells him to think of the past like when John Cena had weekly challenges for it. Sheamus says he isn't John Cena and doesn't care about him. He says it seems Pearce is goading him into an open challenge tonight for the US title. He said he will do an open challenge, but not for the title.

Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler vs Lana and Naomi

Naomi hits some strikes on Nia to start then Naomi and Lana hit an awful double team. Lana high kicks Nia who is on all fours from her knees. Nia double suplexes both opponents at once. Shayna stomps Lana's arm and then Dana and Mandy come out. They show clips of their feud with Nia and Nia chases after them. Lana and Naomi hit a bad double facebuster and win it. This was not good.

Nia realizes she screwed up after.

We see an interview with Damian Priest and Bad Bunny from Wrestlemania. Bunny said it was incredible and put over Priest. Bunny says he will remember it forever.

MizTV with Maryse

Morrison is not out here tonight. Miz and Maryse put over their TV show and Maryse says he is the greatest superstar of his generation. They kiss and fireworks go off all over the arena.

They toast to themselves and Damian Priest comes out. Priest says Miz is delusional and shows Miz cheating to win against him last week. Priest rips him and talks in Spanish so Maryse comes back and talks in French. She then accepts a match with Priest for Miz. Priest drinks some of their champagne and says it is trash then they throw the champagne in Prest's face.

Kofi and Woods talk in the back then Riddle comes in. They celebrate Riddle's win. Woods has a big case and Riddle tells him to put birds and silver dollars in there, then they yell "silver dollar pancakes". Okay...

Elias comes out with Jaxson Ryker. The New Day interrupts his performance again and the match starts. Woods has a guitar this time.

Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods vs Elias with Jackson Ryker

Elias hits a flying knee to start then he twister suplexes Kofi for 2. Elias gets distracted and is jumped on and stomps by Kofi. Elias barely gets Kofi up and drops him on his throat on the top rope. Elias delay vertical suplexes Kofi then gets his own stomps in. Elias lifts him overhead with one arm and suplexes him in a very unique move.

Kofi frogsplashes a standing Elias for 2 and they botch an SOS. Elias goes up top and Kofi tries to hurricanrana him off but is blocked. Elias hits a top rope elbow drop and wins it surprisingly. This wasn't their best stuff as they botched a couple of things and felt like they were a little rushed.

Alexa's Playground

Alexa's Doll is Lilly. We see pics of Lilly photoshopped into child photos of her. Alexa tells a story about how she pushed a kid off the swing for not giving her the ice cream cone she had. She said it was fun and said she told her teachers "Lilly made me do it". Bliss says Lilly didn't like The Fiend and doesn't like any of the women on the Raw roster. This was bad.

Dana and Mandy were interviewed. They were asked if their behavior was appropriate early and they said they aren't the bullies. Nia then comes after them and Shayna follows. Shayna tells her to get her head back in the game because she cost her the match. Shayna then threatens her to start paying attention. Angel Garza asks Nia what she sees in Reginald, who was missing here tonight.

Drew McIntyre vs Mace and T-Bar

Drew jumps on T to start and suplexes him. MVP is seen watching in the back. Mace hits some strikes on Drew then a back elbow for 2. Drew gets double suplexed. Mace and T-Bar hit stereo knees to the gut and Mace backdrops Drew.

Drew gets some shots in on T and spinebusters him. T comes off the top but gets a headbutt. MAce tries to stop a claymnore kick but is nailed off the apron. T-Bar hits some of the world's slowest worst clubs and the bell is rung seemingly for a DQ for not getting out before the 5 count. Braun then comes out to help Drew and we go to break.

This was slow and long and didn't do anyone any favors.

Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman vs Mace and T-Bar

Drew challenged Braun to fight him a few weeks ago  and beat Braun last week, but they are friends now somehow. Maybe Braun really is stupid.

Braun pushes Mace off to start. Braun runs through Mace with a shoulder. Braun's forehead got cut somehow and hte ref lets him know without saying it. Drew starts pounding on Mace and Braun gets in to hit a big boot on T. Braun clubs on T in the corner and throws him to the other side of the ring.

Mace distracts Braun and T chopblocks Braun. T takes over and takes a messy back body drop from Braun. Drew gets in and hits some lariats on Mace then belly to belly suplxes him. Drew kips up and rips off Mace's mask, which should be a DQ.

Mace slaps Drew then Drew backhands him and beats him with the mask for the DQ. T belly to back suplexes Drew, then Braun knocks T down and takes off his mask. Braun then slaps him with the mask in his hand. This wasn't too good and the DQ's and lackthereof just didn't make much sense.

The Miz with Maryse vs Damian Priest

Miz goes outside to kiss Maryse and Priest suplexes him in. DP pounds on him in the corner Maryse grabs DP's leg and Miz takes the advantage off of it. Dp is thrown into the rails. Miz pounds on DP then boots him in the head.

Miz continues to keep control here and Miz kicks him in the back multiple times. DP comes back with bad kicks and flapjacks him. DP springboard flips on Miz inside. Maryse gets on the apron for another distraction and holds Miz's feet on the ropes for a pin attempt. DP then hits a cross rhodes for the win. this really wasn't too good and DP took way too much offense from the Miz, who just weeks ago couldn't touch Lashley.

Sheamus comes out and brags about being the US champ. He talks about possibly being a fighting champ who defends all the time and issues an open challenge. Humberto Carillo comes out.

Sheamus vs Humberto Carillo

Humberto gets jumped from behind and thrown out hard outside. Sheamus throws him into the rails and the post. He then chest clubs him. He rams Humberto's back into the post then brogue kicks him. Sheamus grabs him by the head and says he isn't in his league and leaves him laying.

Charlotte Flair vs Asuka

Rhea Ripley joins the ocmmentary booth as they start. Asuka tries to hip attack her but gets caught in the ropes and kicked. Asuka neckbreakers her on the apron but both land poorly.

We go to break and return with Asuka dropkicked her off the 2nd rope. Asuka hits a german suplex and a sliding kick. Asuka hits a rolling triangle but Charlotte pounds out of it. They botch a running codebreaker.

They traded shots on their knees and Charlotte speared Asuka for 2. Charlotte tries to do a chopblock but is caught with a grounded chickenwing. Charlotte puts the figure eight on Asuka but Rhea breaks it up. Charlotte and Rhea pull at each other and Asuka crucifixes her for the win in a lame finish to what wasn't a real great match.

Charlotte hiptosses the ref after then stomps him and pounds on him.

Overall thoughts:
I wasn't a huge fan of this one. The Bliss/Fiend stuff continues to suck, Charlotte beating up on men isn't something I'm interested in seeing and the handicap match stuff wasn't very good.