WWE NXT Takeover Stand and Deliver Night 2 4/8/2021
Night 1 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2021/04/wwe-nxt-takeover-stand-and-deliver.html
Regal and security met Adam Cole as he arrived, then security surrounded O'Reilly as he entered too.
Samoa Joe asks Kross with Scarlett about his injury. He said he came here to be a champ and not get lost in the shuffle. He calls Balor arrogant.
Samoa Joe interviews Finn Balor. They bring up them fighting at Takeover before. Finn says he has proven he can stand and deliver. Finn said he will bring Kross into deep water and drown him. He said he doesn't like being called the underdog when Kross is the unproven one.
Breezango vs Killian Dain and Drake Maverick is the pre-show match for tonight.
Shotzi and Ember are interviewed. Shotzi laughs at them losing the tag titles tonight. Ember said they will TCB(take care of business) and steal the show.
They showed clips from the press conference. Jordan Devlin said he would leave nobody in doubt about who the ace is. Santos Escobar says lucha runs in his veins and lucha created the current cruiserweight style, then Devlin said the current cruiserweight style started in Ireland.
We see Devlin handing Regal his cruiserweight title in the back for the ladder match.
#1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Titles - Breezango vs Killian Dain and Drake Maverick
Breezango come out in pirate gear with swords and hats. Breeze gets in the ring with his hat and Dain throws it out. Fandango loses his hat on a hip toss. Fandango fails on a sunset flip and Maverick dances over top of him. Drake then puts the pirate hat on Dain.
Dain tags in Drake and throws him at Fandango, then Fandango tilt-a-whilr backbreakers him. Breeze still has his entrance jacket on and Fandango suplexes Drake. Breeze then drops the leg on Drake and keeps control.
Drake is hung up on the ropes and double kicked. Dain finally gets in an crossbodies Fandango. He uranage's him and flip sentons him. Dain gets control of both opponents and fallaway slams them. Drake comes off the top into a superkick then Dain takes double superkicks.
Fandango sits up top and Drake hurricanrana's him off. Dain then powerbombs Drake onto Fandango for the win. Dain puts the pirates hat on Drake after.
This wasn't that good. I didn't ike the goofy stuff to start and it didn't really pick up until it was about to end.
Regal is interviewed in the back. He said night one was incredible and night two will have different people showing good good they are. Regal said he is doing everything he can to keep Kyle and Cole away from each other and said Cole is not fined for putting his hands on him.
Kyle O'Reilly was interviewed by Samoa Joe. He said it is different since UE broke up. He said he didn't recognize himself anymore and said he needed to get away from the gang mentality. He said he will fight without honor tonight and said he has what it takes to beat Adam Cole. He said he will beat him as soon as possible.
Samoa Joe then interviews Adam Cole. He said this is personal and says it is a fact that he was the backbone of UE. Cole said it is possible that they team up again, if he apologizes and understands what a fool he was. He said Cole has a beating coming first though.
WWE NXT Cruiserweight Title - Ladder Match - Santos Escobar vs Jordan Devlin
Escobar has a cool mask and cape for his entrance, somewhat based off of his old mask. They flurry each other to start and Devlin armdrags him. Devlin uranage's him then standing moonsaults him. Devlin then asai moonsaults him on the outside.
Devlin grabs a ladder and hits Escobar with it, then Devlin goes head first into it after climbing it. The ladder is put in the corner and Devlin takes a hard irish whip into it and on the floor. Escobar double knees Devlin into the rails and the barricades outside. Escobar dropkicks the ladder into Devlin's face.
Devlin takes some ladder shots to the gut then Escobar gets his head banged off the ladder. Devlin is catapulted into the ladder, catches himself then drops down and ddt's Escobar. Escobar then topes Devlin into the ladder outside. Escobar is then back body dropped onto the ladder.
Devlin comes back with a nice combo and a nice punch then takes a flying knee. Devlin then spanish flies him as he charges into him. They fight on top of the ladder and Devlin hits a big moonsault off the top of it. Devlin goes for the title and LDF comes out. They push him off the ladder and he takes a big fall over the ropesd to the outside. LDF then pounds on him and sends him int othe steps.
Escobar goes for the belts but Devlin throws a ladder at him. Devlin then hits a spanish fly off the ladder. Devlin is headbutted off the ladder and lands on another ladder, breaking it in half. Santos then grabs the ladder and wins it. It started off a little slow and the first half wasn't too good but then it picked up near the end of the Devlin moonsault, the Devlin bump to the outside and the ladder spanish fly.
Escobar then poses with LdF and his kid on the ramp.
MSK were interviewed in the back. They are very happy about having the titles. They said they are looking forward to facing Dain and Drake and beat them once already. They then pick who will in the big matches tonight.
NXT Women's Tag Team Championship - Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon (c) vs Indi Hartwell and Candice LaRae
LaRae is wearing a female warrior outfit for her entrance. Shotzi and Ember come out in a tank. Ember is wearing a tail and an animal mask and Shotzi is wearing giant ponytails.
Shotzi pounds on LaRae to start then LaRae sentons her back. Indi takes back over and LaRae continues it. Shotzi is hung over the 2nd rope and face kicked by Indi then LaRae stands on Shotzi. Shotzi comes back with an enzugiri on LaRae and hot tags to Ember. Ember beats up on both and hits some nice punches then a bad taunt on LaRae.
They fight up top and do a tower of doom spot with a top rope german and a superplex. Indi powerbombs Shotzi who german's LaRae then who superplexes Moon. Ember is then popped up into a sitout powerbomb. Ember tags out and Shotzi crossbodies both Way members hten spinning ofrearms and tiger suplexes Indi. Ember holds the ropes open and Shotzi does a dive and almost hurts herself. Ember then flip sentons to the outside.
The Way hits a bad 3D on Shotzi and Moon cutters both Way members at the same time from the buckles. Shotzi then sentons Indi for the win. Like the opener, it was a little slow early then things picked up near the finishing stretch, which was the high point of the match. It is still the women though and they aren't on the level of the men and had their usual sloppy moments here.
We see Balor and Kross in the back. Kross is punching a bag in black and white.
WWE NXT North American Title - Johnny Gargano (c) vs Bronson Reed
Johnny Gargano is wearing Iron Man inspired gear for his entrance. Reed sneaks up on Johnny during his ring announcement.
Reed has control early and Johnny slingshot spears him from the ramp. Johnny tries to plancha Reed but is caught, then Reed gets pushed into the table. Reed misses a butt drop and Johnny splashes him from the 2nd rope for it. Johnny puts Reed in the cobra clutch, but Reed gets out. Johnny then tries a crossbody or something off the 2nd rope and is powerslammed.
Reed body blocks him, splashes him and hits a twisting chokeslam. Reed is put on the 2nd rope and takes a backcracker. Reed hits kind of a small jumping suplex. Johnny comes back with a weak reverse hurricanrana. Johnny then hits la mistica into the Gargano escape but Reed hits the ropes. Reed grabs Johnny on the ramp and razor's edges him over the top rope into the ring.
Reed misses a top rope splash and takes a superkick for 2. Theory distracts Reed and Reed gets crotched on the top rope chain. Johnny goes for a hurricanrana an they blow the spot, then Reed powerbombs Johnny. On the outside, Reed throws Gargano onto Theory then he topes Theory. Johnny goes for a slingshot move but takes a samurai driver for 2.
The two superkick each other and Reed tries a moonsault but Johnny moves. Johnny then hits two slingshot ddt's for the win. I wasn't a real big fan of this. Johnny got too much in and they did too many moves here. They really didn't work the big man vs little man story much at all.
Danny Burch, Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan are show watching in the stands. Burch's arm is in a sling.
WWE NXT Championship - Finn Balor (c) vs Karrion Kross
Kross is wearing a gladiator outfit and Finn has a giant X on his chest. Kross throws Finn across the ring early and gets Finn's paint on his head. Finn slaps Kross as not too long after, Kross ends up spearing the post. Finn then armlocks him.
Kross comes back with corner shots. Finn gets put into the tree of woe and is stomped then takes a running knee. Finn armbars Kross and Kross tries to slam Finn off but has his shoulder rammed into the mat. Finn works on Kross's arm more and starts working his liver after spin kicking it.
Kross comes back with a kick to the gut but Finn does a cut to take him down. Kross northern lights suplexes him then flips over for another and powerbombs him. Finn comes back with a double stop and a kick. Finn then puts him in an abdominal stretch and sling blades him.
Kross then comes back with a lariat and saito suplexes him. Kross goes for his forearm to the back of the head but Finn hits a backwards kick and takes control. Finn then hits the top rope double stomp but Kross gets out at 2 and sleepers him.
finn hits another double stomp, then strikes his ribs and puts him into a grounded octopus stretch. Kross gets out and pounds on the back of Finn's head and release german suplexes him. Kross then saito suplexes him and running forearms him to the back of the head twice and wins it. I wasn't a real big fan of this one. Finn was working the arm early then just gave it up to work on the liver. They didn't sell that much and kept just moving onto the next sequence without too much thought put into it.
We get the video with the dog again for Franky Monet.
Santos Escobar is interviewed with LdF. He said Devlin kept coming back and called himself the emperor of lucha libre.
Raquel Gonazlez was show in the crowd.
Non-sanctioned match - Kyle O'Reilly vs Adam Cole
Kyle has new theme music and gear and security guards line the ramp. Cole also has new gear and theme music and the guards stand between them in the ring.
They flurry on each other to start and Cole takes face kicks in the corner. Cole comes back with a pump kick and then goes over the top. Kyle planchas him and armbars him on the floor. Kyle is thrown into the barricades, then Cole is catapulted into them.
A char is set up outside and Cole is back body dropped onto the floor. Kyle goes up top and takes a hard fall down onto the apron and then splats on the floor. Kyle then is whipped into the barricade and goes head first into the pillar. Cole pushes the edge of the chair into Kyle's head into the ring. Cole then neckbreakers Kyle onto a chair and neckbreakers him over his knee.
Cole talks trash and they trade forearms. Kyle hits a jumping knee and runs into a pump kick. Kyle then comes back with a kick combo. Kyle backdrops Cole through a chair then Cole rolls out of the ring to break a leglock.
Cole sits on the chair on the outside and Kyle dropkick/stomps him on it. Kyle then punches a chair into Cole's face. Kyle grabs a chain from the outside but is neckbreakered on it. Kyle then puts the chainr on hi book and Kawada kicks him. Cole comes back with a figure four with the chain. They then punch each other and break the figure four.
Kyle runs the ropes and Cole clotheslines him with it, then he backcrackers him with it. Cole sets up two chairs next to each other, back to back. Cole germans Kyle then shining wizards him while he is on one of the chairs.
They fight on the steps outside and Kyle chokes Cole before kneeing him. Kyle face kicks him and they end up fighting on top of the announcer's table. Cole gets brainbustered on the table but it doesn't even budge. Cole is back up not too much later though and nails him with a tv monitor.
Cole grabs a tool box and finds a pair of pliers. Kyle then comes back with a clothesline. He wraps Cole's arm in the chain then armbars him and then triangles him. Cole gets out though by hitting Kyle with a tire iron in the gut. They both sit on chairs and hit each other. Cole low blows him and superkicks him. Cole puts a chair around Kyle's neck and the ref tries to stop him, so he nails the ref.
Cole hits the panama sunrise off the 2nd rope but the ref is out. On the ramp, Cole throws a chair at Kyle's head. They bang each others heads off the barricade. They go back ont othe ramp and Kyle puts him a guillotine choke and both go through the ramp. Cole is back up from this in no time though and kicks through the side of the stage to get to him. Cole then brainbusters Kyle on the steps but Super Kyle kicks out of it.
Kyle rolls out of nowhere to put Cole in a leglock. Cole punches him with a chain to get out. Kyle counters a panama sunrise into a neckbreaker over the knee and hits a hard knee to the back of the head of Cole...for a 2. Kyle low blows Cole up top and wraps a chair around his leg. He then knee drops Cole through the legs of a chair and wins it.
This sucked. It went on forever and they kicked out of everything. They sold very little and it went somewhere around 40+ minutes.
Cole was put on the stretcher after and Kyle has all kinds of nasty welts all over him.
Overall thoughts: Not a good one. They just did way too much stuff all night long, the matches weren't even as close to being as good the night before and the main was an awful indy match.
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