Thursday, April 15, 2021

AEW Dynamite 4/14/2021

AEW Dynamite 4/14/2021 

The Young Bucks do a promo to start. They said they turned on Mox because they went with friendship. They admit they have changed and have been too content lately. They said they will show a newer, better version of themselves.  

Mike Tyson is interviewed and said he is delighted to be the special enforcer for Jericho vs Dax Hardwood tonight. MJF goes up to Mike and says The Pinnacle is mad at him. Tyson said he is mad at them too. MJF reminds Mike that Jericho is his enemy and tells him not to cheat, but to be on the right side of history. He makes fun of his face tattoo and hands him a blank check with his name on it. Tyson rips it up then spits it at him.

AEW World Tag Team Championship - The Young Bucks with Don Callis vs Pac and Rey Fenix

The Bucks have much less colorful gray and white gear. Pac and Matt trade wristlock counters early Nick escapes a tiger feint kick on the apron by back flipping to the floor. They both think of dropkicking each other then Nick just dropkicks him. Rey is backflipped and then catches Matt with a hurricanrana on the way down. Pac and Fenix then both hit dives.

Matt is double kicked in the knee then double superkicked and double dropkicked. Rey tries to walk up the ropes but is knocked down. Nick slingshots in and facebusters Rey. The Bucks double hiptoss Rey into a double dropkcik. The Bucks then hiptoss him into the ropes but he bounces back and dropkicks them. Pac then gets tagged in and beats up on Matt.

Everyone fights ouside and The Bucks double powerbomb them on the apron edges. We do a picture-in-picture break where the Bucks have the control. Back from break and both Bucks are thrown over the top. Matt Jackson does a fake mock tag for Pac which was just stupid insider humor.

Pac comes back with a big clothesline on Matt. Pac tags in and Rey hits a big crossbody on Nick. Rey runs up the buckles, kicks Nick, drops down to the 2nd rope then hurricanrana's him. He then handsprings into the ropes and cutters both Bucks.

Rey double stomps the back of Nick's head while he is in the wheelbarrow position and Pac blue thunder bombs Nick. Pac german's Nick after he bounces back from the ropes. Pac german's Matt after Rey runs the ropes to kick Matt in the head, then Rey dives on Nick.

Nick gets sat on the top rope then he rebounds off of it into a canadian destroyer. Matt and Pac traded forearms and they fought on the apron. Rey and Nick hit poisonrana's on their opponents on the outside floor. Rey then rolled over the barricade into a cutter on Nick on the floor. Back in and Pac superplexes Matt then Rey top rope frogsplashes Matt for 2.

Pac hits a black arrow on Matt, but that's not the finish either. Nick 619's over the top rope to come back with a lariat on Rey. Rey springboards off the top and is caught with a superkick. Then Matt takes off Rey's mask and throws it and the Bucks with win double superkicks.

This was awful. They sold nothing and did so many dangerous moves that didn't mean squat. This opener also went well over 25 minutes, which sucked. It's a lot to sit through just to start and then it tires you out from everything else. Have you ever been to a restaurant and gotten your main meal first and your appetizers last? That's what happened here.\

The Bucks talk to Don Callis after.

Marvez interviews Adam Page with The Dark Order. Page goes to get egg rolls and Silver tries to move his injured shoulder.

The Inner Circle and Mike Tyson were interviewed. Jericho called The Pinnacle "The Pineapple". He said he apologized to Mike for his actions after the Pinnacle turned on him. Jericho said he asked Mike to come down and watch their backs. He also asked Mike to call it down the middle. Mike said he would as he is fair and wished him best of luck. Well, at least they explained that lapse in the story.

Red Velvet vs Jade Cargill

Red doesn't let her enter before she starts flurrying her. Jade comes back with a pumping knee. Red hits a stiff and wild high kick to the face and helps Jade over the top. Red then hits a nice tope on her outside.

Jade throws Red into the barricade then fallaway slams her into the crowd. Kilynn King in the crowd was trying to tell her to stop. Jade delay vertical suplexes her. We went to break with Jade in control and Red came back as we returned. Jade speared the post on accident. Red does a nice flying clothesline and standing moonsaults her.

Red goes for a moonsault and misses most of it as Jade didn't move properly. Jade then drops her face first to win. This was a lot better than it should have been as it was short and sweet but they did mess up the moonsault near the finish. I still liked this though.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker and Rebel. They were talking abotu the rankings with a chart there and Britt said she would be moved up since Red just lost. She said she will be on Elevation on Monday and we would finally get a role model as women's champion.

Matt and Pac traded forearms and they fought on the apron. Rey and Nick hit poisonrana's on their opponents on the outside floor. Rey then rolled over the barricade into a cutter on Nick on the floor. Back in and Pac superplexes Matt then Rey top rope frogsplashes Matt for 2.

Pac hits a black arrow on Matt, but that's not the finish either. Nick 619's over the top rope to come back with a lariat on Rey. Rey springboards off the top and is caught with a superkick. Then Matt takes off Rey's mask and throws it and the Bucks with win double superkicks.

This was awful. They sold nothing and did so many dangerous moves that didn't mean squat. This opener also went well over 25 minutes, which sucked. It's a lot to sit through just to start and then it tires you out from everything else. Have you ever been to a restaurant and gotten your main meal first and your appetizers last? That's what happened here.\

The Bucks talk to Don Callis after.

Marvez interviews Adam Page with The Dark Order. Page goes to get egg rolls and Silver tries to move his injured shoulder.

The Inner Circle and Mike Tyson were interviewed. Jericho called The Pinnacle "The Pineapple". He said he apologized to Mike for his actions after the Pinnacle turned on him. Jericho said he asked Mike to come down and watch their backs. He also asked Mike to call it down the middle. Mike said he would as he is fair and wished him best of luck. Well, at least they explained that lapse in the story.

Red Velvet vs Jade Cargill

Red doesn't let her enter before she starts flurrying her. Jade comes back with a pumping knee. Red hits a stiff and wild high kick to the face and helps Jade over the top. Red then hits a nice tope on her outside.

Jade throws Red into the barricade then fallaway slams her into the crowd. Kilynn King in the crowd was trying to tell her to stop. Jade delay vertical suplexes her. We went to break with Jade in control and Red came back as we returned. Jade speared the post on accident. Red does a nice flying clothesline and standing moonsaults her.

Red goes for a moonsault and misses most of it as Jade didn't move properly. Jade then drops her face first to win. This was a lot better than it should have been as it was short and sweet but they did mess up the moonsault near the finish. I still liked this though.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker and Rebel. They were talking abotu the rankings with a chart there and Britt said she would be moved up since Red just lost. She said she will be on Elevation on Monday and we would finally get a role model as women's champion.

Anthony Ogogo with The Factory vs Cole Carter

This is Ogogo's debut. They've done a crappy job of building him up. Ogogo hits a gut shot early and that ends it which looks very silly after canadian destroyers weren't good enough to win matches earlier.

We get a package on Miro. He says Kip has disappeared since Arcade Anarchy and he is moving on without him. Uh, okay. Why?

Special Enforcer: Mike Tyson - Pinnacle and Inner Circle are banned from ringside - Dax Harwood with Cash Wheeler vs Chris Jericho with Sammy Guevarra

The Pinnacle and Inner Circle are banned from ringside here except for Cash and Sammy.They make a big deal out of Tully leaving.

Jericho flurried on Dax to start. Jericho goes for a chair and Tyson takes it off of him. Dax goes to give him a high 5 but then slips his hand away. Dax grabs a bat and Tyson takes it away. Dax is thrown into the rails and they fight in the seating area.

Jericho hits some chops and a clothesline and Dax goes to have his stitches looked at with the doc at ringside. He uses this though to get the advantage and Jericho stabs him with a pen. Why this wasn't a DQ, I'm not sure. Jericho has his shoulder thrown into the post then he is thrown into the rails.

We go to picture-in-picture break with Dax in control and arguing with Tyson. We return and they are trading chops. Jericho hits a lionsault for 2 and Dash tries to sneak in, but backs off. They trade nice forearms Jericho is bounced off the top rope then powerbombed.

Dax goes for a top rope headbutt but Jericho moves. Jericho puts the lion tamer on him and Cash nails Jericho. Tyson goes after him but Sammy beats him to it. Dax hits a brainbuster for 2 and Jericho code breakers him. The Pinnacle and The Inner Circle fight on the ramp. Cash grabs a bat to nail Jericho but Tyson stops him with a punch. Sammy distracts Dax and Jericho hits a judas effect to win as the fight continues.

The work was good here, but there should have been at minimum two different disqualifications here. I have no idea what Tyson was here for since he seemed to have no actual authority in the match was just essentially the 3rd person in the match. The Pinnacle and Inner Circle also came out during this and nobody cared even though earlier Tully was forced to leave. Jericho then says Tyson is now a member of the Inner Circle.

Marvez interviews Omega, Callis, The Good Brothers and The Bucks. They kick out Marvez. Don says the Bucks coming back in is just the beginning of the story. The Bucks accept a match with the Butcher and the Blade. Don says we are getting the old Bucks and Omega and said we should be ready to be surprised again. Don then superkicks the camera man after the Bucks tease doing it. The Bucks were doing this when they were faces, so I don't see what the big deal is. That's an easy assault charge as the announcers talk about a fine or a suspension for him.

Thunder Rosa does a promo. She said she wants the AEW and NWA Women's titles.

Kris Statlander vs Amber Nova

Amber looks like a star and better not be here to job. Kris boops the ref on the nose for some reason.  Kris then boops Amber on the nose and forearms her down. She then powerslams her and gorilla presses her. Kris flipping senton's Amber then running knee's her. She hits a high kick to the shoulder then a cradle tombstone for the win. Amber deserved better than this.

Team Taz is interviewed. Starks said they shouldn't wait to hear whether Christian Cage is joining them or not. Taz says they will go out tonight without Starks or Brian Cage as they fight amongst themselves.

Tony Schiavone interviews Christian Cage. Taz and his crew comes out. They ask if Christian is in or out. Christian says Taz admitted that Team Taz is a dumpster fire. Christian says he is here to win titles and not fix Taz's problems. Christian makes a short joke and says no. Hobbs goes in and takes a shot at Christian and Hobbs knocks him down with a knee. Christian goes for the kill switch, is distracted by Hook then body blocked by Hobbs. Hobbs throwns Cage into the apron and rails. Hobbs then bangs him into the steps and stands on his head into the steps. I guess they have given up on Christian vs Omega since no one was really interested in it but Hobbs vs Christian is a problem since you would want to protect both men, but someone must lose.

They do a video package for Tay Conti vs Hikaru Shida. Neither can really speak English and this is a short package.

Hobbs vs Cage is signed for next week along with Starks vs Page and Trent vs Penta.

Falls Count Anywhere - TNT Championship - Darby Allin vs Matt Hardy

Hardy doesn't come out with his posse for some stupid reason. He grabs a chair to start though and nails Darby in the back as he tries to springboard coffin drop him. Never turn your back on someone with a chair, Darby. Matt chairs his back again. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky watch from the stands.

Darby fights back but takes a neckbreaker. Darby then gets his head banged off a chair and takes another chair to the back. Darby has the chair around his neck and pushes it into Matt's chest. He then chairs Matt. Hardy's crew then comes out and beats up on Darby. The Dark Order and Sting then come out and even up the score. We go to picture-in-picture during this which sucks.

Darby is forward suplexed onto a trash can during the break and Butcher is thrown into the side of the stage. As we return from break, Darby is thrown over steps into the rails and really flies on it. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky try to join in but Lance Archer stops them for some reason.

Archer and Sting go face to face but Archer ends up leaving. Sting hands Darby a bat and leaves and Hardy hits a twist of fate on Darby with a chair. Darby is thrown into a tv monitor in the back. Hardy climbs a ladder and legdrops Darby through a table for 2. Darby finds Sting's bat again and starts hitting Matt with it. Darby really hits him in the gut with it and then nails the tv monitors with it. Matt is put on the announcer's table and Darby climbs a high pillar and coffin drops Hardy for the win.

This was a mess with millions of things going on the whole time taking attention away from the match. They really brutalized each other hard here and there is just no way Darby is going to be bale to do this for long. He's taking way too much punishment and it is just a matter of time until he gets hurt. They also have way too many factions right now who are all seemingly in this giant battle royal of feuds that are impossible to keep track of.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this one. The opener was too long which hurt half the show. There were logic issues up and down the show and it just felt like this whole promotion is engaged in endless faction wars.

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