Friday, May 31, 2024

WWE Smackdown 5/31/2024

WWE Smackdown 5/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

Nick Aldis is in the ring and welcomes us to the show. He says there's no better feeling than when of your top draft picks comes through in the clutch. He then brings out Nia Jax.

Nia says let's get the facts straight and says it's a fact that she is Queen of the Ring. She says she gets a title shot at Summerslam. She says she is commanding Bayley's presence in her ring right now.

Bayley comes out and is nailed from behind by Bayley and Chelsea Green. She is thrown into the rails. Piper low crossbody splashes her in the ring. Green gets on the mic and says by the time Summerslam arrives, Piper Niven will be champ. Nia says she doesn't give a d@mn who the champ is as she will annihilate her regardless.

AJ Styles goes up to Nick Aldis in the back. He says he wants to address his future. He won't tell him ahead of time as he wants to do it in the ring tonight.

Naomi checks on Bayley in the medical trainer's room. Naomi asks if she is okay and says Green and Piper aren't getting away with this. Bayley asks if she is good to fight tonight and is told she is and they said they will fight Green and Piper tonight.

Tomasso Ciampa vs Austin Theory

We see an inset from earlier in the day. DIY asks Nick who the #1 contender's to the tag titles are. Waller says they are begging for shots and it's embarrassing. Ciampa yells back and Nick sets this match up.

Austin backs him up and is shoved. Ciampa chops and boots him. Ciampa running back elbows him. Ciampa hits corner punches on Austin then nails Waller too when he gets on the apron. Austin hits oblivion on Ciampa.

Austin hits back elbows. Ciampa misses a crossbody then is bridging neckbreakered on the floor. We go to break and return. Austin slingshot rolls in and is dropkicked. Ciampa hits punches and chops then flying lariats him. Ciampa reverse ddt's him.

Austin back body drops him and superkicks him in the back of the head. Austin hits ataxia for 2. Ciampa blocks a TKO on the knee. They trade shots and facekick each other at the same time. Austin back elbows him then takes a running knee.

Waller yells at the commentators and takes credit for Theory's standing. Theory asks him why he says that. Ciampa pushes Austin into Waller and rolls him up to win it.

Thoughts: It was a bit of a longer match than I expected. It was rather even and back and forth. Nothing was wrong with it but I thought it was an average match.

Nick Aldis talks to Blair Davenport in the back. Naomi comes in and says she and Bayley want a match vs Chelsea and Piper. Blair says she's rubbing her the wrong way. Naomi says she would normally introduce herself. Blair says she's Blair Davenport and says she has no doubt she will know exactly who she is. Nick sets the Bayley and Naomi tag up for tonight.

LA Knight comes in. He says AJ's not really retired, is he? Nick says he doesn't know. LA asks where Logan Paul is and Nick tells him to take a seat.

LA Knight is asked what he talked about with Nick Aldis. LA says there's not much to tell her and said Nick didn't have much for him. LA says Nick told him Logan Paul isn't here this week. He says he's here though and says he will make the answer he wants. He says the wants the US Title.

Carmelo Hayes goes up to him. He says LA is always doing the talking but never doing anything. Melo says Logan knows ball and LA isn't it. He says if Logan wants to talk the talk, LA's the guy. But if he wants to walk the way, he's him. LA calls him trash.

Andrade vs Apollo Crews

We see Angel go up to Andrade in an inset. He said he put a good word in for him to Santos. He said they are ready to welcome him into Legado Del Fantasma. Andrade says thank you but no thank you.

Crew back elbows him and takes a leg lariat. andrade backdrops him. Angel comes out, Andrade is distracted and kicked in the back of the head. Crews moonsaults him off the apron. We go to break and return.

Andrade top rope crossbodies him. They trade forearms and Andrade flying forearms him. Andrade kips up and meteora's Crews in the corner. Andrade is enzugiri'd while on the 2nd rope and Crews gorilla press drops him. Crews hits a standing moonsault for 2. Crews is distracted by Angel and Andrade spinning back elbows Crews. Andrade hits a double underhook twisting neckbreaker and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a midcard workrate match as you would expect. It was shorter but okay for what it was.

Legado comes out after to join Angel, who is thrilled about the win. Andrade walks their way and walks through them. Santos stares down Angel and Angel tells him to hold on.

Bloodline talk in the back. Solo tells Loa to do everything in his power tonight. Paul Heyman comes up to Solo. He says he's been doing a lot of thinking about how he can better serve him while he's in charge. Paul says there was a lot of violence in Bloodline while Roman was around. He says that was to preserve family and said there was a lot of council before he did that.

Paul says Solo is recruiting some very violent men in Bloodline. He says he sees random acts of violence but no strategy. Paul says the strategy has to be that when Roman comes back, they have Cody Rhodes in check. Solo says they get Cody in check and he doesn't even know it.

Paul asks who we is. Kevin Owens' music hits. Solo says he has a strategy for him and its to go out and fix Owens, now.

Angel asks Andrade what happened and said he just embarrassed him. Crews then jumps Angel and yells at him. Security then breaks it up.

Kevin Owens talks in the ring. He said he went to Saudi Arabia to make sure he had Randy Orton's back. He said Orton had his back over the years and wanted to make sure Solo Sikoa and his crew wouldn't ruin Randy's chances at KOTR. Owens says Orton isn't KOTR but didn't really lose. He says he knows Solo and his crew are here though.

Paul Heyman comes out. He said he has served as the wise man for Roman Reigns and now Solo and Bloodline. He says there's a mutual interest that he hopes he can serve. Owens tells him to get in the ring and get to the point.

Paul says there's not a person here who wants Roman more than he does as the crowd chants for Roman. Paul says Roman has great respect for Kevin. He says Solo has no respect for Kevin and is recruiting criminals in Bloodline. Paul says they did background checks on these people and didn't want them in there. Paul says he's picking fights with these people. He says they aren't people, just bloodthirsty, sadistic thugs. He says they aren't looking for a reason to take him out, they are looking for an excuse to take him out.

Paul says if you keep calling Solo's name, they will do something really bad about it. He says he is asking and pleading with him to back off The Bloodline.

Kevin says he doesn't trust him and isn't falling for it. He said Paul went from Brock to Roman and is using Solo as his next cash cow. Kevin says he doesn't know what this act is about. He said he fought Bloodline for four years, with them throwing him off of things and hitting him with a golf cart. He said that was Roman's Bloodline. He says the new Bloodline are Solo and two guys he doesn't wanna know. He says he will do whatever he can to get them out of his world. Kevin says he doesn't want or need Paul's help.

Paul says maybe he's not trying to help him, maybe he's just trying to save him. Paul talks about trying to redeem himself and asks why he doesn't understand what he's up against. He says he's a Hall of Fame wiseman and mocks him not listening to him. Paul then throws the mic and hits Kevin with it.

Paul is scared and says he's sorry. Kevin backs up Paul then Bloodline come out. The Street Profits then come out behind Owens. Tama says let's go and the 6 men fight. Solo and Kevin fight in the crowd and fight to the back as the other 4 fight in the ring. Tama and Loa are thrown out and Dawkins tope con hilos them.

Thoughts: Paul was great here. I didn't like Bloodline getting knocked out of the ring though as they need to be protected hard for the hype they are getting.

The Street Profits vs The Bloodline (Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa)

Ford hits corner spears on Tama. Dawkins hits shots on Tama. Tamna takes a backdrop for 2. Ford kicks Lowa from the apron then Tama knocks him off the apron. Loa throws Ford into the rails then throws him in. Tama pounds on Ford then low lariats him twice while he's seated.

Loa powerslams Ford then suplexes him. Tama slingshot swantons Ford and kicks him in the back. Tama euros Ford. Ford ducks a lariat and tags in Dawkins. Dawkins hits lariats on Tama then flying back elbows him. Dawkins corkscrew splashes him in the corner then enzugiri's him.

Dawkins leapfrogs Tama then takes a big lariat from Loa. Loa backdrops Dawkins and throws him out. Dawkins' head is banged off the commentary table. Tama jumps off the steps and lariats Dawkins, who is irish whipped into him.

We go to break and return. Dawkins takes a double headbutt then Tama pounds on Dawkins from the mount. Tama scrapes him with his heel. Dawkins forearms Tama . Tama elbows him in the head then takes an exploder.

Loa and Ford get in. Ford club flurries Loa then hits a straight punch. Ford hits kicks and superkicks Loa. Loa no sells it then Ford hits a big lariat. Ford flapjacks Tama. Loa flips Ford then Ford step up enzugiri's Tama. Loa is corner splashed. Loa takes a doomsday device blockbuster for 2.

Dawkins throws Loa into Tama then spinebusters him. They say Loa tagged in Tama during it. Ford top rope splashes Loa then Tama flatliners Ford and pins him to win it.

I really liked the match as they were aggressive and stiff with each other and really put over that they had a beef with each other. They just aren't following up the hype well with Loa and Tama. They have to be destroying people, making them bleed and sending them away on stretchers. They shouldn't be going 50/50 with people if you want us to buy that they were international mercenaries.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair talk in the back. Indi Hartwell goes up to them. She says they are going to Raw to hurt more people like Candice LaRae. Indi says LaRae is stuck at home due to them. Bianca says LaRae started it and she finished it. Jade says she will put Indi on the shelf like she did LaRae if she wants. Indi says that is not what she meant.

Michin is interviewed about AJ possibly retiring. She says AJ hasn't been speaking to her crew. Nia Jax comes in and asks why they are talking about AJ. She said everyone should be talking about her reign. She tells Michin not to step to her then Michin does. Nia says Michin will regret that.

Naomi and Bayley vs Piper Niven and Chelsea Green

Bayley back elbows Green then flurries on Piper. Piper backs her up into the corner then splashes her there. Bayley backdrops Green then Bayley sliding lariats Green. Naomi split drops Green. Green is double lariated over the top. Naomi topes Green outside then hits mounted punches. Bayley forearms Piper off the apron. 

We go to break and return. Piper lariats Bayley. Naomi slaps Green. Bayley hits forearms on Green then Green rams her into the buckles. Bayley escapes Piper's shoulders and slides between her legs. Piper misses an elbow drop and Naomi/Green are tagged in. Naomi bangs Green's head into the apron with her knees then top rope crossbodies Green.

Naomi dropkicks Piper off the apron. Naomi dropkicks Green in the corner and kicks her in the head. Naomi hits a split-legged moonsault for 2. Naomi tornillo plancha's both opponents outside. Naomi goes up top and is pushed off. Green superkicks Naomi for 2. Bayley is sent into the post by Piper.

Naomi hip attacks Green for 2 then Piper sentons Naomi. Piper puts Green on Naomi and Green pins her.

Thoughts: I was surprised to see Green get the rare pin here. They tried here but some of the shots barely hit, if they did at all. Bayley continues to feel like a non-factor since winning the title. 

LA Knight goes up to AJ Styles in the back. LA says if the rumors are true, respect. Cody Rhodes shakes AJ's hand and AJ says something in his ear. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows hug him. AJ says they did it all with him and tells them to come out there with him tonight.

 AJ Styles comes out. He said Nick Aldis told him that he has to go to the back of the line if he wants another shot at Cody Rhodes. AJ says he just can't do  that at this point in time in his career. He said he's been doing this for two decades, blood, sweat and tears all over the world. He said his son graduated high school and he got to be there. He said they had a graduation party and clarity hit him in the head. He asked how many of these did he miss?

He said instead of being "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, maybe he stays home and is a phenomenal father. He said he couldn't have done it without Gallows and Anderson. He said they are his brothers. He then wants to do a too sweet. They hug. He said he asked Cody if he wouldn't mind coming out when he called him and said now is the time.

Cody Rhodes comes out. AJ says before he does what he has to do, he had one of the greatest matches he ever had against him. He said this still the house that AJ Styles built. He said he called him out here to hand him the keys. He said AJ sent him a text message after their match saying, "I'm all good, little bro". Cody says thank you to him. They shake hands and hug. Cody raises AJ's arm then AJ lariats him. AJ hits mounted punches and stomps him. AJ throws Cody into the steps then bangs his head off the post. AJ hits a styles clash off the steps to the floor.

Thoughts: AJ turning on Cody wasn't too surprising. Maybe this will be a feud that helps Cody get some direction going.

Overall thoughts: The Bloodline tag and Paul Heyman's segment with Kevin Owens were the best parts of the show. It was a good show overall with nothing bad on it.

WWE NXT Level Up 5/31/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/31/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Uriah Connors vs Cutler James

They lock up. UC backs him up in the corner. CJ throws him off the waistlock. CJ side headlocks him. UC grabs him by the hair and trips him off the ropes. CJ gets mad and UC boots him out of the corner. CJ catches UC's 2nd rope crossbody and slams him.

CJ hits another slam then gorilla press drops him. CJ misses a corner spear and goes into the post. UC armbars him under the top turnbuckle connector. UC stomps on CJ's shoulder and double chops him.

UC chops and boots him. UC armlocks him then back elbows him. UC puts a wristlock on CJ. CJ armdrags him. CJ blocks a chop and back elbows UC. CJ hits a corner spear then running lariats him. CJ torture rack slams him for 2.

CJ throws him across the ring and misses a splash. UC rolls him out of the ring then topes him. UC top rope elbow drops CJ and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match. James is doing well for having so few matches but I don't see main events in his future. UC was fine here.

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe are interviewed. They say they are the pound for pound the strongest and most explosive tag team. They say this is an even matchup and say their value has gone up. Igwe says the catch clause is tricky but it doesn't matter who steps up as they will be thrown down.

Kendal Grey vs Stevie Turner

Stevie is wearing her hair down here and it seems longer and darker than usual.

Grey waistlocks her and Stevie pulls the hair to put a side headlock on. Stevie side headlock takeovers her and armlocks her. Grey wristlocks her then runs up the buckles and armdrags her down. Grey armlocks her then does a nice fireman's carry takeover.

Stevie side headlock takeovers her. Stevie hits forearms into Grey's back then punches and boots her. Steview knees her in the gut and throws her back. Stevie neckbreakers her then kicks her head on the ropes. Grey chinbreakers her then hits running back elbows and euros. Grey does a nice belly to belly suplex.

Grey misses a dive off the ropes. Stevie then hits the stroke off of it and wins it.

Thoughts: It didn't get a done of time and wasn't anything special. It was so hard to tell these two apart here as they look real similar. 

No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Charlie Dempsey) vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Igwe and Borne lock up. Borne is backed up and they lock up again. Dempsey cravates Igwe and Igwe powerslams him. Dempsey takes a double shoulderblock.  Tyson hits a nice euro on Dempsey then backdrops Borne. Igwe double stomps Borne's arm off the buckles then side headlock takeovers him. Igwe kicks Borne in the head.

Tyson gets his knee stomped into the mat then Dempsey hits leg kicks on Tyson. Dempsey kneelifts him then hits a dragon screw with a bridge. borne hits punches on Tyson then Dempsey top rope stomps Tyson's leg into the mat. Dempsey single leg crabs Tyson.

Borne stomps on Tyson's leg then ankle locks it. Dempsey ankle locks Tyson then does a nice heel hook out of the single leg crab. Tyson shoves Dempsey off with his boot. Dempsey ankle locks him again. Tyson boots him and tags in Igwe. Igwe has a nice hot tag hitting a dropkick and slamming Borne.

Igwe jumping forearms Dempsey then shoulderbreakers him. Igwe splashes Dempsey for 2. Tyson throws Borne out then is pulled out with him. Dempsey germans Igwe and wins.

Thoughts: The heels mostly worked Tyson's leg here but sadly, it ended up having nothing to do with the finish. They had Kemp grab Borne's leg at the end while Igwe had him and they pushed it like they were cheating but it was kind of weak since Borne wasn't the legal man anyway. I would have liked the leg work to play into the finish since Dempsey's team won anyway. Igwe and Dupont continue to look good with real explosive offense. The match wasn't bad.

Overall thoughts: This one went the full 30 minutes. It was just so-so here with nothing being particularly great. I wouldn't recommend this one.


AEW Rampage 5/31/2024

AEW Rampage 5/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

TNT Title Qualifier - Penta El Zero Miedo vs Konosuke Takeshita

Penta does his taunt in KT's face. KT shoulders him over. Penta armdrags KT and they stand off. KT flying clotheslines him then running facekicks him. Penta goes up and over and hits a backcracker. Penta is pulled off the apron then back body dropped onto it. KT mounts him and hits some shots.

KT snapmares him and kicks him in the back. Kt hits mounted punches and bites him. They trade chops for forearms. Penta superkicks him then KT forearms him down. KT facelocks him then brainbusters him. KT poses while choking Penta with his foot.

We go to PiP break and return. Penta is on the apron and headscissors him in. Penta hits sling blades then tope con hilos him outside. KT backrolls, headscissors him then hits a wheelbarrow german. Penta hits a made in Japan for 2.

KT hits a big lariat for 2. Penta canadian destroyers him on the apron. KT blue thunders him for 2. Kt is headscissored into the ropes and KT stunguns him. KT hits a big forearm and a pumping knee for the win.

It was a long opener and I hated it. It was just indy crap with canadian destroyers on the apron not even being enough to take down Takeshita.  

The Learning Tree are interviewed. Bryan Keith is with them. Jericho says he's sure the crowd missed him on commentary. He said he had an unprovoked attack from a young man whose brain isn't fully formed yet. He said The Learning Tree is too valuable to be left exposed at the desk like that. He said he's stepping down as the Rampage commentator. He said he will spend more time on Dynamite and Collision. He said he's stepping down a s#1 on TV but knows he is still #1 in our hearts.

Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett do a promo. Mike says Las Vegas sucked as they are down on their money and Strong lost his title. Taven complains about getting kicked out of ringside at DoN. Strong said he was supposed to be the 10th man in the casino gauntlet on Dynamite. He says he's mad and frustrated and wants to take it out on Lio Rush. He says he's coming for Swerve and Will after.

Satnam Singh vs Peter Avalon

Singh lets down and tells him to pin him. Singh then throws him up in the air when he's on him. Singh chokes him and throws him down against the mat. Singh bearhugs him and wins it in a quick squash.

Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony do a promo. Kaun says sometimes you scorch everything to the earth to start a new. Cage says to burn it all down to the ground and leave no man untested. Cage challenges any 3 men to come down and face them. Hechicero comes in. He talks in Spanish and says his group will be passion and magic. Toa then talks in Spanish and says we will see Saturday.

AEW Women's Title Eliminator Match - Toni Storm vs Viva Van

Viva takes her down with her leg. Viva goes for the armbar. Toni double chops her. Viva rolls out of a lariat and shimmy's then Toni hip attacks her. Toni hip attacks her off the apron.

We go to PiP break then full break. Viva hits chops, forearms and double chops on him. Toni does a wind up forearm on Viva and Viva stunners her over the middle rope. Viva slingshots in and spinning heel kicks her for 2.

Toni backcrackers her while she's on the 2nd rope and fisherman suplexes her. Viva upkicks her then hits knees to the face. Viva axe kicks her for 2. Toni dropkicks her then hits a corner hip attack. Toni then hits a storm zero piledriver and wins it.

Thoughts: It was one of those longer AEW matches with a jobber. Viva tries but she's really just not great at anything. She's not bad but there's just nothing that sticks out at the moment. The crowd treated Toni like a face here and she hammed it up almost to the point of comedy at times. 

 Saraya and Harley Cameron fake clap for Toni's win. They have trouble remembering Mariah May's name. Harley says it's pathetic how bad May wants to be Toni. Saraya said if May wants to be like Toni, she will beat the sh!t out of her. Harley says it won't be May next week and Saraya says it will be June.

Kyle O'Reilly vs Jordan Cruz

Kyle rushes him with a forearm then hits kicks to the chest. Kyle hits knees to the body then running knees him in the gut. Kyle chest kicks him down. Kyle armbreakers Cruz the hammerlocks him. Cruz knees him in the corner and is double legged. Kyle hits mounted punches and taps him out via armbar.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash with Kyle winning as expected.

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie do a promo. Johnny said they came here to find the best wrestlers in the world and challenge him. He brings up Claudio Castagnoli and says he is issuing a challenge to him on Collision tomorrow. He tells him to let him know.

Rey Fenix vs Isaiah Kassidy

Zay wristlocks him and Rey ha toruble escaping it. Rey dropkicks him then Zay armdrags him. Zay spin kicks him. Zay springboard hurricanrana's him but Rey cartwheels out. They trade chops and forearms. Rey hits kicks then takes a poisonrana. Rey then germans him.

We go to PiP break and return. Rey spin kicks him and hits chops, then takes forearms. Zay boots him in the corner and misses a splash. They both get on the ropes and Rey hurricanrana's him when he's on the 2nd rope. Zay gets his feet caught on the ropes during the move.

Rey lifts him like a backdrop and gutbusters him. Zay springboard cutters him over the top rope. Zay tope con hilos him outside. Tay hits a ddt for 2. Zay hits mounted punches then Rey hits mounted punches. Zay canadian destroyers him for 2. Zay misses a top rope swanton. Rey ropewalk kicks him then springboard frogsplashes him for 2. Rey then wins with a nasty tiger driver '91 variation.

They did way too much as expected and didn't sell much. It was a high-flying, indy style match as expected.

Overall thoughts: We had 2 indy style matches, a longer women's match with a predictable outcome and a squash. I wasn't a fan of this one and wouldn't recommend it.

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/30/2024 Episode #66

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/30/2024 Episode #66

Last week's show is here:

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Viva Van

Athena backs her up into the corner then pushes her down. Vivan bridges then rolling armbars her. Athena holds on and powerbombs her outside of the ring with it. Athena clubs on her andgordbusters her. Athena superkicks her and bangs her head off the mat.

Athena slaps her then is armbarred again. Athena is pulled out and comes back in to forearm Viva. Athena then wins.

The finish was weak here with Athena winning with a simple forearm. This did nothing for either girl and was a waste of time.

Proving Ground Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) vs Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts

Nick is beat up by both opponents. He takes double boots and kicks. Taven chops Nick then Nick headbutts him down. Nick hits shots in the corner then Taven 2nd rope dropkicks him. Nick wants a tag but Watts tells him he's got him.

Nick skins the cat and takes a springboard kick. Mike hits forearms and chops on Nick. Nick hits a double clothesline then slams both opponents. Nick jumping elbow drops Mike. Nick takes a death valley driver into a running knee. Nick is then pinned.

This was a real great way to put the new Watts and Comoroto team over with them getting beat to the point that Watts didn't even get in. This was just a squash.

Watts yells at him after and asks if he wants this. He asks him if he likes feeling like a loser.

Serpentico vs Brady Roberts

They shake hands. Serp rolls and kips out of a wristlock. Serp headscissors him and hits superkicks. Serp then flatliners him for 2. Serp is back body dropped to the apron. He slingshots in and lands on Brady's knee.

Brady neckbreakers him. Brady flying knees him from the side and release northern lights suplexes him for 2. Brady does a surfing pose on him. Serp running chops him then headscissors him out of the corner. Serp superkicks him and slingblade bulldogs him.

Serp hits a top rope swanton and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match here and wasn't anything special. Serp got a rare win here and did a top rope swanton, which I don't know if I saw before. I don't really know what the point of this was though since Serp will never be anything more than a jobber. 

Marina Shafir is dressed up like a librarian and interviewed. She asks Lexy to ask her why she's the problem. She says it's because she said so. She said she has gone toe to toe with the top talent in the company and they can't solve her. She said most people run, hide and lie from their problems. She says she's not like most people. She said what happens when you don't care of a problem and says it gets worse.

Thoughts: This was something different. Considering her current low standing though, it's probably an upgrade.

Red Velvet vs Kel

Kel lost a bunch of weight since I saw her last and has improved her look. She's 6 foot and looks it. Red stomps her foot before the match then stomps her hand on the handshake. Red hits kicks to the leg and Kel blocks moves. Red leg lariats her.

Red hits stomps in the corner and foot chokes her. Kel does a pump kick that barely hits, if at all. Red flying shoulders her then double knees her on the ropes. Red corkscrew kicks her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here. They put over Kel's size a lot in this one. It wasn't that great and Kel missed one of the only moves she got.

Red Velvet dances after then Athena's music hits. Billie Starkz appears in the ring behind Red and nails her. Billie boots her. Red hits some forearms and takes a kick. Red's head is then banged off the Women's TV Title.

Zak Knight vs Sebastian Wolfe

Zak wears a winter jacket, a vest and a button down shirt out. He takes a while to get ready. Zak headbutts him off the handshake then hits mounted forearms. Zak hits chops, punches and stomps in the corner.

Zak suplexes him then Wolf gets a side kick in. Zak lariats him and pulls him up from the pin. Zak running punches him and wins it.

Thoughts: Zak looked good here, showing off some aggression. This was just a squash.

Lee Johnson vs Aaron Solo vs Action Andretti

Lee lariats Solo over the top and AA tries pin attempts on Lee. Lee armdrags him then AA headscissors him. Solo takes a double hiptoss. Solo is knocked out of the ring by both then AA flying headscissors him. AA dropkicks him. Solo hits a big back elbow on AA.

Solo stomps on AA. AA sunset flips Solo in a botched spot then Solo dropkicks Lee, making him ddt AA in the process. Solo suplexes AA then hits a top rope double stomp on AA for 2.

Solos is on the buckles and takes a step up enzugiri. Lee tope con hilos Solo then takes a seated moonsault from AA outside. AA springboard twisting enzugiri's Lee. AA handspring double back elbows both opponents then hits a standing moonsault on both opponents.

AA hits chest kicks to both opponents. AA high kicks Lee. AA shotgun dropkicks him into the corner then hits a split-legged moonsault. Solo throws out AA and goes for the pin. AA springboards and is caught with Lee's superkick. Lee lifting reverse ddt's Solo.

Thoughts: It was an okay three way here. We got a few highspots before it ended. There was nothing wrong with it and it was fine for what it was.

The Premier Athletes (Ari Davari and Tony Nese) vs The Bollywood Boyz  (Gurv and Harv Sihra)

Mark Sterling gets on the mic before it starts. He says this is a big week for athletes in Canada. he says the premier team will beat a couple of losers from Vancouver.

The Boyz get nailed before it started. Ari hits a slam on Gurv. The Boys hit a double elbow drop on Ari then a double hiptoss and double elbow drop on Nese. Ari takes a double lariat over the top. Nese is then sent over the top. The Boys go to dance and get nailed.

Ari sends one of them into the buckles chest first then the Athletes double pound on Harv. Nese stomps on Harv then Ari hits elbow drops on Harv. Nese butt drops Harv's leg then running back elbows him. Harv tornado ddt's Ari.

Gurv gets in and hits shots on Nese. He atomic drops him and spinning heel kicks him and Ari. Harv springboard crossbodies out and The Boyz dance. Gurv hits a top rope elbow drop on Nese for 2.

Gurv hits shots on both Athletes then superkicks Ari. Nese hits an uppercut and a pump handle fire thunder driver to get the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent throwaway match here. The Boyz got some offense in before being put down as expected.

Mark Sterling rips up a Bollywood Boyz sign in the ring after. The Boyz then get beaten up 4v2 after. The Infantry come out with chairs to make the save.

The Workhorsemen vs Top Flight

They shake hands. Anthony Henry was fired but Tony got ripped for firing an injured guy so he's now unfired.

Darius waistlocks Henry. Henry trips him then is wristlocked. Henry side headlocks Darius then shoulders him over. Darius uses the ropes to armdrag him then is armdragged. Darius backslides him then rolls him up for 2. Darius armdrags him and armlocks him.

JD comes in and punches and chops Darius. They trade chops. Dante gets in and moonsaults off of JD while he is standing. Dante headscissors him then hits a jumping knee on Henry. JD rebound lariats Dante outside.

JD slingshot sentons Dante then chops him. Dante is tripped into JD's knees. JD holds him there for a double stomp from Henry. Henry flips Dante and Dante tags out. Darius gets in and hits shots on both opponents. Darius bulldogs JD through the ropes then flatliners him off the bottom rope.

Dante is lariated over the top. Dante takes a ddt on the floor outside then JD low blows Darius. JD flying single legged dropkicks Darius. Henry is sent into JD then Garius hits a combo tornado ddt + reverse ddt. Dante gets in and forearms Henry. Dante jumps off of Henry's back to hurricanrana JD. Dante flips over Henry's back and topes JD. Dante springboard topes Henry.

Darius tornado ddt's JD off of Dante. Dante hits a sit-out half-nelson slam on Henry and wins it.

Thoughts: I thought it was a good tag with both teams getting some offense in and the faces making their comeback to win it. Top Flight had one of their better showings here.

Overall thoughts: The top three matches were fine but this was nothing must see as usual. The world champ was nowhere to be found as usual but they did further some programs at least. I wouldn't recommend this one.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

TNA Impact 5/30/2024

TNA Impact 5/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Chris Bey vs Ace Austin

Ace is backed up in the corner. Ace side headlock takeovers him. Bey legsweeps him then flying shoulders him. Bey is thrown and Ace is thrown into the corner. Ace trips him and kicks him in the back of the head. Ace springboard armdrags him then rolls over his back with an armdrag. Bey headscissors him and dropkicks him. Bey back elbows him.

Ace back body drops him then northern lights suplexes him twice. Ace chinlcoks him. Ace throws him out and kicks him from the apron. Bey lariats him then hits kicks. Bey misses a kick off the ropes and is spinebustered.

Ace lariats him and dropkicks him. Ace russian legsweeps him and legdrops him for 2. They trade forearms. Ace knees him then Bey corkscrew enzugiri's him. Ace kicks him off the ropes. Bey hits a cutter. Ace goes for a bridge pin and is crucifixed and pinned.

I didn't think they had the best chemistry and it was hard to get into the early part of this match. The crowd was not real loud for this one and it was just tough with no face or heel alignment here.

Ace hugs him after and they hold the ropes open for each other.

Steph De Lander vs Xia Brookside

Xia waistlocks her and is thrown off. Steph pulls her down off the lock-up. Xia hurricanrana's her out of the corner and Steph fallaway slams her off her crossbody attempt. Steph hits mounted forearms. Steph corner splashes her. Xia back elbows her then spinning headscissors her into the buckle.

Xia teases a punch and Steph goes out to stall. Steph tries to get a chair from under the ring but PCO is under the ring and has the chair. Xia dives at Steph and PCO moves Steph and catches Xia. Steph asks what he is doing.

Steph is arguing with PCO then is rolled up. Xia gets the win.

Thoughts: The match wasn't much and really only existed to push the PCO/Steph thing. I am curious as to where that combo goes as it is something different.

They argue after and Steph says he made her lose the match. PCO holds one of his fingers up and shows her a piece of paper with a heart and her name on it. Xia claps for this and the crowd chants for Steph to take the paper. Steph does and PCO celebrates.

We see footage of Jordynne Grace appearing on NXT and telling Roxanne Perez that she is her challenger.

Laredo Kid does a promo. First Class walk up to him. They said they want to congratulate him on getting to defend his title next week on the 20th Anniversary of Impact. AJ says Kid is fighting him. Kid asks if it's official and Swann says it will be when he asks Santino for a match. Kid asks why would he do that? First Class then nail Kid. Security breaks the fight up.

This was stupid but funny.

Kon is looking for Santino in the back. He runs into Jake Something and Deaner. Deaner tells him to watch where he is going. Kon asks if he will do something. Deaner says this isn't the place. Jake pushes him and asks when and where. Kon says they will settle it next week and tells him to stop listening to Deaner. He said he used to do that and it didn't work out for him. He says it might not work out to him either. Jake tells Deaner to stay out of this.

Sami Callihan vs Jonathan Gresham

The ref is wearing mask and gloves as instructed by Santino. The two stare down. Sami says thumbs up, thumbs down. JG tries to bite the thumb. JG tries to bite him again. Sami pulls on JG's fingers then JG does it to him. JG tries to bite the fingers.

Sami bites him then throws him over the top. Sami chops him outside. He grabs the camera and says this is Death Machine TV and get ready for a break. JG then grabs Sami and pulls on his nose. 

We go to PiP break and return. They are still fighting outside and Sami chops the post when JG moves. JG forearms him. They fight on the apron and Sami short piledrivers him on the apron. They both crawl inside of the ring then hit each other on their knees. JG tries to spin ink into his hand and Sami blocks it. Sami's hand then gets covered in the ink and he is asks the ref what it is. The ref is scared to get near him thne Sami is sunset flipped and pinned.

Thoughts: This is an unusual gimmick and they are figuring it out as it goes along. This was a slower and weird match that had little wrestling in it. It really wasn't that entertaining and would have been more effective if it was shorter.

The System says they have better things to worry about than Joe Hendry.  They say he's a cheap imitation and are worried about Matt Hardy and The Nemeth's getting involved. Moose says he will take care of Matt and leaves. They say they can't believe Gia dyed her hair like a Nemeth brother (she has blonde hair now).

Frankie Kazarian comes up to Gia and asks who he is. He makes her say, "The King of TNA".

I skipped the Gail Kim segment.

Steve Maclin vs Mike Santana

They wristlock each other. Steve back elbows him and side headlocks him. They shoulder battle. Santana hits chops then flying headscissors him. Steve drops Mike face first onto the apron. Steve jumps off the apron and elbow drops Mike on the floor.

Steve kneedrops Mike's back then uranage backbreakers him. Mike backrolls into a cutter on him then enzugiri's him in the corner. Mike hits doi fives for 2. Steve lariats Mike in the back of the head then corner spears him while he's in tree of woe. Steve hits a nasty fire thunder driver for 2.

Steve is dropped off the top then Mike frogsplashes him for 2. Mike is back body dropped to the floor. He comes back in and superkicks Steve then tope con hilos him outside. Steve then topes him. The Rascalz then come down and beat up both guys.

Thoughts: I thought they did too much here and didn't sell enough. It had a weird flow to it and didn't really start to click until the interference ended it.

Jody Threat talks to Lars and Dani. She says she doesn't know what happened. Lars said the first rule in a fight is that there is no such thing as a fair fight. He said he talked to Santino and set up Dani Luna vs Tasha Steelz. Dani says it's not for her, it's for Spitfire. She says let's do it if is what we need to become tag champs again.

We see Leon Slater and Ali arguing in the back. Leon says Mustafa Ali fears Mike Bailey. Champagne Singh accepts a match between the two for Ali.

Mustafa Ali vs Leon Slater

Ali offers a handshake and Leon slaps it away. Ali side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Leon rewind kicks him then handspring back elbows him. Ali gets him on the ramp. Ali is thrown into the ropes from the ramp and goes down to the floor. Leon flips off the ramp onto him.

We go to PiP break and return. Leon hits corner punches then is dropped down face first. Ali stomps on Leon then foot chokes him. Champagne Singh chokes Leon.

Ali high kicks him from the apron then rolls in to a cutter on Leon. Leon criss crosses him with a cutter.  Ali is pushed through the ropes then Leon plancha's him. Ali then topes him. Ali misses a 450 and takes a blue thunder. Ali uranage lifts him into a german.

Ali misses a corner hip attack then is rolled up. Ali rolls him up. Ali tries for like an os cutter but is caught is with a neckbreaker. Ali hits a 450 and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a high flying, fast paced match. It was fine but not particularly great. Ali got the win here as expected. 

Moose threatened a worker as he looks for Matt Hardy.

Joe Hendry gets on the mic. He says Eddie called him a joke and said he doesn't have what it takes to beat The System. He said he's not that worried about The System and is more worried about his digestive system. He said he gets squeamish when a middle aged man is wearing a faux-hawk in 2024. He says to chant "We believe" if you have a case of the Eddie Edwards.  Joe says they believe in him.  

Joe Hendry vs Eddie Edwards

Nic and Ryan Nemeth come out before this starts to second Joe.

Eddie boots Joe in the gut. Joe runs through Eddie's chop and shoulders him over. Joe delay suplexes him for 2. Eddie eye pokes him and forearms him in the back. Eddie hits a blue thunder and we go to PiP break.

We return and Joe hits shots on Eddie's gut. Eddie lariats him for 2. Eddie hits chops and back elbows him. Joe hits lariats then fallaway slams him. Eddie goes to stall outside and Joe running lariats him. Joe stomps him in the corner. Eddie misses a corner charge and takes a cutter for 2. Joe euros him and gets lariated.

Eddie is up top and Joe runs up the buckles and 2nd rope fallaway slams him for 2. Eddie enzugiri's him on the buckles. Eddie superplexes him then hits a double underhook powerbomb for 2. Eddie runs at him and takes a spinebuster. Joe then wins it.

It got close to 15 minutes and was an average match for the most part. Nothing wrong with it but it wasn't that good. Joe's over right now so it makes sense to push him some and see where it goes. I was surprised we didn't see something break out with the System and Nemeth.

Moose is looking for Matt Hardy. He says he knows he's here. Matt appears and they fight. Moose gets his head banged off a box then Matt is thrown into a rollaway door. Moose chairs him in the gut. Moose puts the chair around Matt's neck and pushes him into the wall. Moose then chairs the chair around Matt's neck. He tells him to tell him how that tastes. Matt is left laying to end the show.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that good of a show. None of the matches really stood out that much and the angles are just not hitting the spot right now. I wouldn't recommend this one.

All Japan Pro Wrestling 5/29/2024 Super Power Series 2024 Day 1

All Japan Pro Wrestling 5/29/2024 Super Power Series 2024 Day 1

I skipped the intergender match here.

Marino Saihara & Yui Tenshoku vs. Nagisa Shiotsuki & Natsuki

Yui is in the green and black. Nagisa is in the blue and white.

MS and Nat start us off. They lock up and Natsuki is backed up on the ropes and double chopped. MS hiptosses her then Nat springboard diving armdrags her. Nat hits a low dropkick and lays her on the middle rope. Nagisa and Natsuki stand on their opponents on the ropes.

MS is booted, legswept then takes a double elbow drop. MS slams Nat then back body drops her for 2. Nat dropkicks MS. Nagisa gets in and trades chest forearms with MS. MS STO's her and then armbars her. Nagia codebreakers MS then hits a corner dropkick. Nagisa hits machine gun chops then MS chops her.

MS hits a wild twisting alabama slam on Nagisa's chest. Yui slams Nagisa three times for 2. Nagisa backcrackers her and low dropkicks her. Yui takes a kick + dropkick on the ropes then takes a double chop from Nagisa for 2. Yui rolls up Nagisa for 2

Nat top rope flying knees Yui then double stomps her for 2. Nat kicks Yui in the leg then Yui hits forearms. Yui dropkicks her then gori specials her. MS racks Nagisa at the same time and samoan drops her. Yui then flips Nat onto Nagisa. Nat flying knees Yui.

Yui judo throws Nat off the top rope then Yui gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Yui michinoku slams Nat for 2. Nagisa does a tequila shot style move on MS for 2. Nat high kicks Yui then cuty specials her for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't bad for the level of talent involved. It was perfectly fine for being a dark match. Natsuki was probably the best one of the four here.

Hokuto Omori & Kuma Arashi vs. Ren Ayabe & Shotaro Ashino

No horse mask for Omori today. Kuma and Sho start us off. Kuma does his bear yells and gets a good pop for it. Kuma wristlocks him, gets reversed and headscissors him off a side headlock takeover. Sho stops him from doing his bear yell.

Ren and Omori get in. Omori clean breaks him on the ropes and Ren just messes omori's hair up on the break. Omori hits forearms then running forearms him over. Omori is thrown off the top and Ren slams him.

Sho works Omori's arm then Ren double axe handles it. Ren bangs Omori's head off the buckles then hits forearms. Ren slams Omori for 2. Sho single leg craps Omori and Omori ropebreaks.

Omori flatliners Sho then Kuma sentons Sho. Kumra racks Sho and then throws Sho at Ren. Kuma misses a 2nd rope senton then takes Sho's running euro. Sho hits karelin's lift then Ren running facekicks Kuma. Ren flying neckbreakers Kuma then Ren running facekicks Kuma for 2.

Kuma crossbodies Ren. Omori and Ren trade forearms and Omori suplexes Ren. Sho blocks a dotwer of doom spot and Kuma ends up powerbombing Omori. Sho germans Kuma then Ren full-nelson slams Omori. Ren dropkicks Omori for 2. Ren spinning falcon arrows Omori and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just an undercard match. No one did anything too crazy here and Omori/Ren lost to no real surprise. It was fine for an opener but far from anyone's best.

Sho puts Kuma in a choke outside after.

Kuroshio TOKYO Japan vs. Yuma Aoyagi

Jiro dances around and plays with the crowd during his entrance as usual. Yuma comes out and Jiro tries to take his head off with a chair and misses. Jiro is sent into the post ddt's on the floor and sent into the rails. Jiro slams the ringside rail door on Yuma's arm. Jiro kicks the arm.

They get in and Jiro kicks the arm more. Jiro pulls on it and tries pin attempts. Jiro kimura's him and does an AT lock. Yuma ropebreaks. Jiro hits jacket punches then Yuma flying forearms him. Yuma hits flying corner forearms then top rope crossbodies him.  Yuma does his guillotine + armlock and Jiro ropebreaks.

Yuma drops Jiro with a forearm and they trade shots. Jiro kicks him in then is backdropped for 2. Yuma rock bottoms him for another 2 then top rope elbow drops him. Yuma armbars him off the pin attempt.

Jiro kicks him in the arm and flips him off. Jiro buzzsaw kicks him twice and superkicks him while he is down for 2. Jiro misses a shining wizard and Yuma ends up dropkicking the ref whne Jiro moves.

Jiro and Yuma try chair shots. Yuma throws the chair away, Jiro low blows him then chairs him. Jiro hits a flying step up enzugiri and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was different from their prior matches. Nobody was screwing around here and Jiro was about getting some revenge here. Jiro did armwork that went nowhere, but he was real heelish towards Yuma. I'd still give this one a thumbs up despite the issues as they progressed the Yuma vs Jiro feud.

Jiro and Yuma talk on the mic after.

MUSASHI, Rising HAYATO, Seigo Tachibana & Seiki Yoshioka vs. Dan Tamura, Fuminori Abe, Hikaru Sato & Naruki Doi


MS = Musashi

MS and Dan start us off. MS clean breaks him then Dan shoulders him over. Seiki and Doi get in. Doi eye rakes him then takes a flying dropkick. Doi spinebusters him and running swantons him. Abe gets in and slaps Doi on a failed double team.

Seigo gets in and punches Abe. Abe spin kicks him then kicks him in the back. Dan gets in and backbreakers Seigo. Dan then crabs him.
Sato hits kicks on Seigo then water wheel drops him. They trade forearms then Seigo ddt's Sato. Seigo slams Dan on Sato. Abe and Rising go at it. Abe kicks him in the back and they trade forearms for slaps. Rising running back elbows him.

Rising teases a dive and goes to pose but Dan knocks him over. Dan and Seigo then trade forearms. Seigo throws him out then Doi trips Seigo on a dive attempt. Abe slaps Doi again on a failed double team then MS exploders Abe. MS hits a tope con hilo outside then Seiki asai moonsaults outside. Rising then springboard plancha's outside. Rising springboard legdrops Abe's neck.

Rising misses an asai moonsault. Abe running forearms him then is dropkicked. Abe hits a nice dropkick then regalplexes him for 2. Abe baseball punches Rising then does an octopus. Abe pulls onto the arm and taps Rising out.

It was a decent juniors tag here with us getting some dives before they went home. There was nothing wrong with this.

Seigo and Dan continue to fight after and Dan chokes him outside.

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title Match - EC3 (c) vs. Ryuki Honda

They play the NWA Champion's theme that they used in the 70's and 80's before this. Honda comes in through the crowd.

They shake hands and Honda gets a big chant. They lock up and EC3 clean breaks him. EC3 wristlocks him then Honda side headlocks him. Honda shoulders him over. EC3 side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Honda hiptosses him then shoulders him over.

Honda hits forearms outside and bangs his head off the apron. EC3 is sent into the rails then choked on the rails. Honda counts along with the ref like usual. EC3 corner splashes Honda then flying back elbows him

EC3 stomps on Honda. Honda comes back with forearms then EC3 does an STO variation. EC3 chinlocks him then chokes him on the ropes. EC3 lariats him in the back of the neck on the 2nd rope. EC3 backdrops him for 2 then Honda backdrops him. Honda forearms him over.

Honda corner lariats him then hits a spinebuster for 2. EC3 hits a thesz press then Honda spears him. Honda knocks him over with a lariat for 2. EC3 kicks him coming off the 2nd rope then Honda germans him for 2. 

EC3 bridging ddt's him over the 2nd rope then Honda back body drops him. They each hit lariats and EC3 knocks him down with one. EC3 rams Honda's head into the mat for 2 then jay drillers him. EC3 then gets the win.

It wasn't that interesting. EC3 sadly moves like Honma does. He's slower and his stuff just doesn't look good at all which brings down everything. They didn't get a ton of time and they didn't go for an epic match here. 

AJPW World Tag Team Title Match - The Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) (c) vs. Odinson & Parrow

They all shove each other and fight to the outside. Parrow beats up Jun in the seats and chops him there. Rei pushes Odin down the steps and they trade forearms outside. Odin is sent into the rails and Jun's head is banged off the apron.

Jun takes a kick to the chest, headbutts Parrow then is suplexed on the floor. Parrow trips Rei then Odin knee drops Rei on the back of the neck and chin. Odin corkscrew euros Rei in the back of the neck then flying euros him. Parrow splashes Rei in the corner then Odin full-nelson slams Rei. Odin does an attitude adjustment on Parrow onto Rei.

Parrow drops elbows on Rei. Odin forearms Rei, knees him in the back and pulls both of his arms back. Odin corkscrew euros Rei's back again. Parrow fallaway slams Rei. the nstands on him in the corner. They trade chops then lariat battle. Parrow knocks him over with a weak move.

Rei slaps Parrow and Jun hits parrow from behind. Odin and Jun trade shots. Jun spears him. Odin dropkicks him and is tripped into the ropes for a Rei knee. Rei knocks over Parrow outside and Jun jackhammers Odin for 2.

Odin takes running corner attacks and a double hiptoss for 2. Rei headbutts Parrow. Jun is pushed off the top then Odin hits a neat backdrop move on Rei. Odin and Parrow hit a super collider and the Saito's drop like bricks. Parrow takes a double chokeslam.

Jun fights off the 2v1. Rei slaps Odin and Jun lariats Odin hard. Odin takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it could have been but it was still fun. The super collider was just wild and Odin getting a doomsday device isn't something you see everyday. Parrow didn't bring a whole lot to the table on this one. If nothing else, it was good to see some different opponents for The Saito's, especially some people who are their size.

Jun eats donuts of some sort after. Naruki Doi then comes out and seems to join with them.

Triple Crown Title Match - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Kento Miyahara

They lock up. Kento is backed up on the ropes. Yuma wristlocks him and they trade hammerlocks. Yuma side headlocks him then Kento armlocks him. Kento headlock takeovers him, Yuma headscissors him and they stand off.

Kneto hops him and is knocked off the apron. Yuma flying knees him off the apron. Yuma hits forearms then Kento is sent into the rails. Yuma hits forearms outside and tries to throw Kento in, but Kento falls down. Kento is sent into the rails then Yuma goes over the rails. Yuma blocks a running facekick, springboards off the rails and takes a facekick in the air. Kento hits headbutts outside then ddt's him on the floor.

They get back in. Kento dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Kento facekicks him and Yuma goes face to face with him. Kento hits a headbutt then takes a belly to belly suplex. Yuma corner forearms him and double underhook suplexes him for 2.

Kento facekicks Yuma off the buckles. They fight on the apron and Kento is dragon suplexed on it. Yuma hits forearms on Kento and Kento just stares at him. They trade forearms and Kento hits knees to the head. Kento curbstomps him and Yuma no sells it. They trade more forearms then Yuma germans him. Kento then brainbusters him.

Kento superplexes him then hits a pmping knee. Yuma facelocks him and does a grounded tazzmission. Kento then ropebreaks. Kento hits a big lariat then Yuma hits flying knees. Yuma germans him. 

Kento flying pumping knees him. Yuma dropkicks him then is lariated. Kento hits another flying pumping knee then another for 2. Yuma flying knees him from behind. Yuma straightjacket germans him, hits a flying knee then hits his gimlet. Yuma then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a good main. I think it needed something more to get to the next level and it could have used more selling from Kento. I was a bit surprised Yuma won this one though also not surprised in some ways. 

Yuma seems to form a new group with Ryuki Honda, Ren Ayabe and Rising Hayato after.

Overall thoughts: AJPW put out a nice card with this one, bringing in some foreigners and having a big Triple Crown match to close the show. I thought the show was good overall. The main was easily the match of the night.

Dramatic Dream Team 3/17/2024 DDT Judgement 2024 ~ 27th Anniversary 5 Hour Special ~

Dramatic Dream Team 3/17/2024 DDT Judgement 2024 ~ 27th Anniversary 5 Hour Special ~

I haven't seen much DDT this year. I don't like comedy wrestling and with Honda, Dino and Harata around, there's potentially 3 matches sometimes on the card I don't want to see which doesn't leave a lot left. It's also just been hard to squeeze it in with all of the other stuff I watch and Takeshita not being around also made me lose some interest.

Here's what I saw:

Soma Takao vs Tsubasa Suzuki

This is the debut match of Tsubasa Suzuki

Soma takes him down and side headlock takeovers him. TS headscissors him and they get up. Soma shoulders hi mover then TS hurricanrana's him. Soma slaps him then stomps on him. Soma snapmares and legdrops him. Soma slaps him then crabs him. TS ropebreaks.

TS hits a nice dropkick then tope con hilos outside. TS springboard dropkicks him. TS running euros him for 2. Soma 2nd rope dropkicks him and kips up. Soma 2nd rope kneedrops him for 2. TS hits forearms then is forearmed down. TS roearms an running forearms him.

Soma sits on the top rope and TS jumps up to hurricanrana him in one motion. TS misses a phoenix splash and is superkicked. Soma superkicks him for 2. TS rolls him up then Soma running forearms him. Soma hits a ki krusher and wins it.

It went a little long for being a one-sided match. It was a good debut for Suzuki here. He's agile, young and decent looking but on the downside, he's short. It's DDT though and it won't matter.

Soma walks Suzuki to the back after and Dino tries to kiss Suzuki

Ilusion, Rukiya & To-y vs. Kazuma Sumi, Yuni & Yuya Koroku


Yuya and Ruki go at it. They do some amateur wrestling. Yuya side headlock takeovers him and is headscissored. Ruki side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Yuya armdrags him then 2nd rope forearms him. Ruki boots Sumi in the gut then Sumi hits a nice dropkick on him.

Ruki slams Sumi. Ill slingshot swantons Sumi then does a double underhook suplex on him. Ill then does a dragon sleeper variation on him. Toy chops Sumi then corner dropkicks him. Sumi hits chops and dropkicks on Toy. Toy suplexes him for 2. Sumi 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's Toy.

Yuni springboard dropkicks Ill and flying headscissors Ruki. Yuni rolls into a cutter on Toy then Yuni moonsaults outside. Yuni rolls Ill into a pin attempt then superkicks Ill. Yuni hits a buzzsaw kick then Ill dropkicks him.

Ruki and Yuya trade forearms. Ruki rolls him into a suplex for 2. Yuya air raid crashes Ruki. Toy comes in and flying kicks Yuya. Toy flips on an enzugiri on him then hits a half-nelson slam for 2. Sumi tornado ddt's Toy then Yuni does the same to Toy. Sumi and Yuni miss plancha's outside then Yuya misses a top rope moonsault inside. Yuya is backdropped then takes some wild spinning drop on his chest. Toy pins Yuya.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced and fun juniors match. It was absolutely what you would want in this spot and they did a good job flying around and keeping things interesting.

Gorgeous Matsuno & Toru Owashi vs. Keisuke Ishii & Shinichiro Kawamatsu

SK is wrestling in a suit. Ishii and GM go at it.GM stares down SK as he chest forearms Ishii. GM takes a big chop and is hurting. Toru won't tag in on his tag. GM flying forearms Ishii and goes up top. He takes forever and Ishii gets up. GM then gets down from the top. Toru and SK get in.

SK takes him down and runs the ropes to shoulderblock him. Toru eye rakes him. GM hits boots on SK then Ishii knees GM in the gut. GM flying shoulders SK down. Toru does a headlock takeover + headscissors takeover. Toru and SK chop each other. SK takes off his suit jacket then is facekicked. SK suplexes Toru.

GM hits chest forearms on Ishii and is hit in the chest. Toru hits a double shoulderblock on his opponents GM flying forearms Ishii and Ishii doesn't budge. GM 619's Ishii then GM hadnspring elbow drops Ishii. Ishii double knee drops GM for 2. Ishii hits a fire thunder variation on GM and wins.

Thoughts: It was all comedy here with GM being too weak and slow to do much of anything and getting beaten up by Ishii.

DAMNATION T.A (Daisuke Sasaki, KANON & MJ Paul) vs. Schadenfreude International (Antonio Honda, Chris Brookes & Masahiro Takanashi)

Honda falls off the 2nd buckle while he poses and hurts his knee. He gets on the mic and talks then gets nailed. Damnation jump the faces and 4 of them go outside. DS dragon screws and figure fours Honda. DS takes a step up enzugiri then is held so Hpnda can pose on his back. Paul airplane spins Honda and bangs his feet off of CB's and MT's heads. Kanon slams and fist drops MT.

MT takes shots from Paul and DS. DS neckbereakers him for 2. DS eye rakes MT then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. MT goes for the crossface then DS puts it on him. DS is tripped and held for a CB double stomp off the buckles. CB snapmares and sentons DS for 2. CB 2nd rope dropkivcks DS and sentons Kanon's back at the same time.

DS cradles CB and uses the ropes to try and pin him. DS low blows CB then ddt's him. Paul samoan drops CB then stf's him. CB and Paul trade chops for forearms. Paul hits bolo punches. CB jumping knees him and enzugiri's him before getting caught with a thesz press.

Honda gets in and trips on the 2nd rope. Honda armbars Kanon. Honda's team all hit stereo bionic elbows together. Honda tries to run the ropes but hurts himself then trips on an asai moonsault attempt and goes down. Honda gets on the mic and everyone just stops wrestling. He sings "happy happy happy" and then sings about his male parts. Honda eye pokes 2 opponents, a partner and himself due to Kanon. Honda takes a top rope elbow drop + dominator combo.

CB enzugiri's DS then slaps MT. Kanon dropkicks CB out then Honda rolls up Kanon by surprise. Honda gets 2 more pin attempts then takes a grounded cobra twist. Honda then taps out.

Thoughts: It was what I expected - a match that would have been fine except for Honda's comedy. I didn't like Honda stopping the match here to screw around on the mic. 

Sanshiro Takagi vs. Ken Ohka

Ken has a cool entrance here coming out with his Ganbare Pro roster cheering for him.

They tade forearms. Ken shoulders him over and is german suplexed. They go out and ST throws him into the post. ST slams Ken then chairs him. ST foot chokes Ken then chairs him. ST beats him with the chair seat then crabs him. Ken is thrown out then facekicked off the apron.

Ken is deadlift 2nd rope superplexed in. ST is on the buckles and takes headbutts and a superplex. Ken hits forearms and a rolling fireman's carry. Ken runs into a guillotine choke and ST gets a 2 count off of it. ST hits a big lariat on Ken. Yumehito Imanari comes down and gives ST the middle finger.

ST powerbombs Ken. They trade slaps and Ken suplexees him. Ken hits a stunner then they trade more slaps. Ken headbutts him then running lariats him. Ken running spears him and wins it.

I thought it was a decent match actually. Takagi beat up and bullied Ken. Ken the made his big comeback and won. Ken looks like a normal guy but he really performed well here and really seemed to understand the underdog face role.

Ken does a fiery crying promo after and Takagi read something off a script to him.

Shuji Ishikawa & Yoshitatsu vs. Kazusada Higuchi & Yukio Naya

Naya and Yoshi go at it.  Naya chops him and Yoshi side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Naya knocks him over. Shuji and Kh go at it. They shoulder battle and KH flying shoulders him. The four go outside and fight. KH is sent into the chairs. Shuji jumps off the rail outside and doublestomps KH. Yoshi sends Naya into the post.

Shuji and KH trade forearms for chops. Shuji hits a headbutt flurry and knees to the gut. Yoshi snapmares KH and pulls his arms back. Yoshi russian legsweeps KH then single leg crabs him. KH dropkicks Yoshi.

Naya gets in and corner splashes Yoshi. Naya elbow drops him then trades forearms with Yoshi. Yoshi step up enzugiri's him then backcrackers him. Shuji running shoulders Naya in the corner then 2nd rope double stomps him. Shuji corner lariats Naya then Naya corner splashes him. They trade forearms. Naya hits chest kicks then knees him twice.

KH 2nd rope elbow drops Shuji for 2. KH hits chops, a palm strike to the chest and a russian legsweep to Shuji. He then facelocks him with a claw. Shuji takes a running corner lariat and shoulder then is double shouldered over. Yoshi takes a double chokeslam. KH powerslams Shuji for 2. Shuji backdrops KH for 2.

Yoshi and Naya trade. Yoshi facekicks him and codebreakers him. KH and Shuji lariat battle then KH running lariats him down. KH running headbutts Shuji for 2. Shuji fire thunders KH for 2. Shuji running knees KH for 2. Shuji hits splash mountain on KH and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good heavyweight tag here. They used Yoshi well here and they kept the focus to the heavyweights beating each other up. It really was a best case scenario type of match here and I liked it.

DDT Extreme Title Painful Jungle Death Match - Shunma Katsumata (c) vs. Hideki Okatani

They have vines around the ropes and some kind of board with barbed wire and a toy snake in the grass in the middle of he ring. I believe there's gusset plates, barbed wire and skewer sticks on the buckles.

Shun is hiptossed onto the barbed wire board then has his head pressed into it. Oka misses a corner charge and goes into barbed wire twice and Shun does as well. Oka is dropkicked into maybe a safety pin board in the corner. Shun stands on Oka's body, pushing it into the pins. Shun's busted open and puts a gusset plate into Oka's head.

Oka is thrown into the barbed wire board with the toy snake and is bleeding everywhere. Oka and Shun go into the barbed wire buckle. Shun is flapjacked and bulldogged onto a gusset plate buckle for 2. Oka throws a skewer stick buckle at Shun then drops Shun on it.

Oka pours tacks out then Shun backslides Oka onto tacks. Oka 2nd rope russian legsweeps Shun onto tacks. Oka northern lights suplexes Shun onto tacks. Oka then gets tacks stuck in his head. Shun is hit with a trash can covered in vines.

They trade forearms. Oka spinning back elbows him. They get on the buckles and Oka is knocked down a few times. Oka 2nd rope double underhook suplexes him. Oka comes off the top and drops the barbed wire buckle onto him. They trade forearms.

Shun gives Oka skewer sticks and they put the sticks in their own heads. They forearm each other and trade forearms. Oka single leg dropkicks him and double underhook suplexes him for 2. Shun high kicks him and does a wrist-clutch death valley driver for 2. Shun superkicks him then top rope splashes a barbed wire board into him to win.

Thoughts: They definitely did too much here and I didn't like them sticking sticks in their own heads. It just defeats the purpose of the spot and shows it doesn't hurt that match. The finish was also problematic as Shun splashed a barbed wire board into Oka but of course rammed his own body into it in the process. It was a better effort than most Freedoms matches but it failed logically.

Kenta Kobashi comes out to do commentary for the next match.

KO-D Tag Team Title Match - New Period (Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai) vs. Burning (Tetsuya Endo & Yuki Ino)

This should be really good. I can't wait to see what Ino and Honda can do with each other.

Ino and Honda start us off. They shoulderblock battle and knock each other over. Yuma and Endo go at it. Yuma side headlocks him. Endo blocks a flying knee and Yuma armdrags him over. Endo running back elbows him. Ino lariats Endo on a failed double team then is dropkicked out.

Honda and Endo trade forearms. Honda does his legchoke on the ropes spot and counts a long with the ref. Endo takes a double shoulder for 2. Yuma sleepers Endo. Honda gets in and Endo springboard forearms him. Ino slams Honda and Yuma when he gets tagged in.

Ino corner splashes Honda then suplexes him. Ino chops Honda. They trade forearms and lariat battle. Ino lariats him over then Honda lariats him over. Yuma hits forearms on Ino then belly to belly suplexes him. Yuma and Ino attack each other on the ropes then Ino slams Yuma. Ino misses an elbow drop on Yuma then knocks him off the apron.

Ino lariats Honda over on a double team then Endo flying space tiger drops both opponents outside. Yuma hits a nice dropkick on Endo then double underhook suplexes him. Endo superkicks Yuma, handsprings off the ropes and is caught with a german suplex. Honda corner lariats Endo then spinebusters him for 2.  Honda does a facelock on Endo.

Endo takes corner forearms and lariats. Yuma accidentally jumping knees Honda then Endo double pele kicks them both. Ino diving double clotheslines both opponents off the top. Endo handspring back corkscrew kicks Honda for 2. Honda superplexes endo and Endo no sells it. Endo exploders Honda then Yuma hits a big dropkick on Endo. Yuma flying knees Ino then takes a big spear. Honda and Ino spear each other at the same time and bang heads in a nasty spot. Honda suplexes Ino.

Honda hits a big lariat on Endo then running lariats him for 2. Endo drops down and Ino hits a big spear on Honda for 2. Endo spinning torture rack bombs Honda. Endo top rope ssp's Honda for the win.

Thoughts: One of the problems with a stacked card like this is that there is no way everything can get enough time. What we got here was a real strong 16 minutes of wrestling. We had some cool spots and a nice mix of flying and power wrestling. It was action packed and real exciting but it really needed more time to be a classic. They made about the most you could out of the time they had and I really want a rematch of this one. It was a great match and it's just a shame we didn't get a longer version of it. 

Endo has words for Honda after and Honda gives him the middle finger. Jun Akiyama is called out by Endo for something after.

DDT Universal Title Match - MAO (c) vs. Takeshi Masada

TM top rope dropkicks Mao as soon as he is introduced. He stomps on him in the corner and throws the ref to the side. TM kicks Mao in the back several times then running facekicks him. Mao cutters TM over the ref. Mao running facekicks and running shotei's Mao for 2.

TM hits a step up enzugiri and Mao dropkicked him in the back. TM corkscrew enzugiri's him off the buckles. Mao package piledrivers him and hits chest kicks. TM slaps him then hits a nasty kick to the eyebrow. Mao hits a slap combo then hits Kawada kicks. Mao superkicks him.

TM hits shots then is headbutted. Mao corkscrew kicks him and wins by knockout.

I'm not sure of the storyline going into this but these two had a beef and beat the crap out of each other. It only went 4 minutes but they really got a lot of out of it and established their hatred of each other well.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Yuma Aoyagi

KT wristlocks him and Yuma reverses it. Yuma side headlock takeovers him and side headlocks him. KT hits a big forearm on the ropes. KT shoulders him over. Yuma back elbows him, KT runs the ropes fast and flying lariats him. KT slams him then 2nd rope sentons him.

Yuma dropkicks KT out and bangs his head off the post. Yuma is sent into the post and thye trade forearms outside. Yuma euros him down then ddt's him on the floor. Yuma chinlocks him then elbow drops him. Yuma corner forearms him then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Yuma piledrivers him for 2. They trade forearms. KT hits doi fives on him then Doi's sliding kick. KT tope con hilos him outside. KT running facekicks him then blue thunders him for 2. KT is put on the top rope and dropkicked. They fight on the apron and KT is backdropped on the apron.

Yuma suplexes him for 2. Yuma top rope elbow drops him for 2 then does a guillotine + armhold. KT flips out of a german and pumping knees Yuma. Yuma guillotines him and is caught with a brainbuster. Yuma rock bottom's him.

KT hits a big lariat. They forearm each other. KT germans him for 2. Yuma spin kicks him, gets forearmed then hits another spin kick for 2. Yuma fisherman suplexes him for 2. KT wheelbarrow germans him then spinning forearms him for 2. Yuma back rolls him into a bridge then KT flying knees him. KT pumping knees him for 2. KT spinning falcon arrows him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was dumb for KT to win this since he's barely around and it's not enough that people like Yuma are gonna do jobs in other companies. Someone like Ueno would have benefited a lot more. It was a good by the numbers type of main. They didn't do anything too wild or amazing here but they gave you enough to be satisfied and there were no issues with it.

KO-D Openweight Title Match - Yuki Ueno (c) vs. HARASHIMA

HS = Harashima

Ueno side headlocks him and they shoulder battle. Ueno knocks him over then they go into the stands. HS has his head banged off the wall. They fight in the aisle in the seats and trade forearms for chops. Ueno ddt's him on the floor. Ueno then jumps off the step structure and hits a moonsault.

They trade shots outside and go back in. Ueno corner hip attacks him and HS gets his knees up on Ueno's move from the corner. HS wraps around the post to kick him. HS stomps on him inside and does a grounded cobra twist.

HS double footpresses him down while Ueno is laying on the 2nd rope. Ueno suplexes him then hits a corner lariat. Ueno and HS fight up top. Ueno is dropped gut first on the top rope. Ueno slingshot double knee drops him then leg lariats him on the ropes. Ueno tornillo plancha's outside.

HS gets his knees up on Ueno's top rope splash then falcon arrows him. Ueno gets his knees up on HS' springboard splash. They trade forearms and HS hits chest kicks. Ueno half-nelson suplexes him then shining wizards him. Ueno top rope splashes him for 2. 

Ueno misses a double jump moonsault and takes a john woo. HS running facekicks him. HS hits a 2nd rope poisonrana. Ueno rolls out and HS throws him back in. Ueno then tope con hilos him as soon as he gets in. HS poisonrana's him on the floor. Ueno basically no sells it and shining wizards him.

HS springboard double stomps him then hits a fireman's carry gutbuster. Ueno straightjacket germans him and then running lariats him. HS hits a rolling overdrive for 2.

Ueno double jump moonsaults and is kicked in the face off of it. Ueno sleepers him. Ueno hits forearms on his knees and kicks him in the chest. They slap each other. HS spinning high kicks him and is dropkicked for 2. Ueno dropkicks him then HS pumping knees him. HS hits a running pumping knee for 2.

HS buzzsaw kicks him then is dropkicked off a springboard. Ueno does a forward rolling ddt and wins it.

It was the usual indy garbage with Ueno. He did way too much as he usually does and didn't sell any of it, completely ruining this one. It's not really surprising, but it's a shame.

Overall thoughts: The show was over 5 hours long and DDT filled it up with some good looking matches. The only bad thing was that because there were so many matches, not everything had the time it needed to be as great as possible. The show really had everything with comedy, cruiserweights, heavyweights, interpromotional matches, debuts and deathmatches. Whatever you could want, this had it in some form or another. It was a great show and definitely recommended.