CMLL 5/17/2024 Arena Mexico
Atomo, Chamuel & KeMalito vs. Los Micro Malditos (Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II) & Tengu
Ke = KeMalito, Ten = Tengu, Cham = Chamuel, Gem = Either one of the Gemelos Diablos
Ten and Ke start us off. Ten takes him down and they roll some on the mat. Ten wristlocks him then Ke back elbows him. Ke snapmares him over. Gem and Cham get in. Gem trips him and flips over his back. Cham armdrags him and they roll on the mat. Cham rolls out of a wristlock and trips him, then is armdragged.
Atomo and Gem go at it. Gem headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags him. Atomo hiptosses him and is armdragged. Atomo is triple stomped by the heels. Atomo takes corner attacks for 2. Gem hits Cham from behind then Cham is triple stomped. Gem then does a funny dance. Cham takes a double spinebuster then a double bulldog. The Gem's legdrop him. Ke is triple teamed then double flipped backwards.
Ke headscissors Ten and then a Gem. Ke tilt-a-whirl armdrags another Gem then spingboard dives outside. The gem's do stereo dives outside. Gem and Atomo go at it. Gem springboard twisting crossbodies him then flying hurricanrana's him. Gem top rope diving armdrags Atomo then cannonballs him off the apron.
Cham is dropkicked out then a Gem does a tope con hilo on him through the ropes into the rails. Ke is thrown into the ref. He low blows Ten then rolls him up and wins it.
A Gem and Cham have words after then the heels beat up the faces. Gem then takes Ke's mask off.
Thoughts: It was a fun mini's tag, but when is that really not the case? The Gem's were pretty good here and I liked the one's tope con hilo through the ropes outside.
La Catalina, Lluvia & Sanely vs. Persephone, Reyna Isis & Zeuxis
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Lluvia got injured off of this |
L = Lluvia, Z = Zeuxis, Per = Pesephone, Cat = La Catalina
1st Fall - Sanely and Per go at it. Per trips her then Sanely armdrags her. Per side headlocks her. Per hooks the arm with her leg and armdrags her. Sanely is triple teamed in the corner then Per does her handstand pendulum double kneepress in the corner. Cat tkes a knee, a sunset flip then is rolled into a running knee from Z. Reyna is double gorbudstered onto Cat.
Reyna codebreakers L then Per spinning fisherman's neckbreakers L. Z corkscrew moonsaults off the top onto L and pins her. L is out after it and they shockingly continue the match.
2nd Fall - Sanely takes corner attacks then is dropkicked in the crotch area while seated on the 2nd rope. Per flatliners Cat then Z meteora's L. Sanely bulldogs Z out of the casadora and pins her to win the fall.
3rd Fall - Reyna is thrown in from the ramp into the ring. Reyna and go at it. Reyna flying double chops her. L bangs Reyna's head off the buckles then tramples on her in the corner. L basement dropkicks Reyna in the corner. Sanely goes up and over Reyna. She armdrags her twice and L is taken out of the match by a ref. This is now a handicap match though there is no stoppage. Sanely crossbodies Reyna in the corner then Sanely basement dropkicks Z.
Sanely jumps off the top and armdrags Z. Sanely armdrags Per. Sanely tries to trip Per on the ropes, misses but they roll with it anyway. Per hangs from the top and Sanely double kneedrops her from the ropes. Reyna pulls Cat down by the hair and stomps on her. Cat is thrown odwn then Reyna top rope splashes her. Z package piledrivers Sanely. Reyna has Cat pinned, the ref doesn't care, then Reyna and Z get double pins to win it.
Thought: It was a disaster with missed moves and Lluvia getting hurt. Lluvia was out of it here and they continued the match for some reason after getting her up. Lluvia then had to be escorted out before it ended.
Los Divinos Laguneros (Blue Panther & Hijo De Blue Panther) vs. Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Stuka Jr.
HB = Hijo de Blue Panther, HS = Hijo de Stuka Jr.
1st Fall - HB and Stuka go at it. Stuka trips him and HB wristlocks him. Stuka rolls, headflips and armdrags out of it. Stuk wristlocks him. HS gets in. HS hammerlocks HB. HB cartwheels out of it and wristlocks him. Blue gets in and he and HB do flying chops. Blue is stomped on 2v1 then chopped.
HB flying headscissors HS. Blue spinebusters Stuka then HB top rope splashes Stuka. Blue nudos HS and taps him out. Blue's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - Stuka hits shots on Blue then Blue lariats him over. Blue sunset flips Stuka then HB sunset flips HS at the same time. HS is pushed into Stuka and HB does a nice armdrag on him. HB tilt-a-whirl armdrags Stuka out. HS pulls HB out and sends him into the rails. Blue goes into the rails as well.
HS spin kicks Blue. Blue is snapmared then takes a magic killer. Blue is pinned. HB is spinebustered then HS top rope splashes him off the catapult position HB is pinned and Stuka's team wins the fall.
3rd Fall - Blue tries to fight off a double team but is double stomped. Blue is double tripped then double kicked. Stuka spin kicks HB. HB is half-nelson slammed on HS's knees. Blue hits a double facebuster and knocks HB out. Stuka running boots Blue then takes a jerry bump outside. HB handsprings off the apron outside and hurricanrana HS out. Blue then cannonballs off the apron onto Stuka.
HB does a nice headscissors onto HS, sending him onto Stuka. Blue and HB are dropkicked out then take stereo topes. HB is spinebustered by Stuka. Blue is taken down too then HS top rope splashes both. HS is thrown over the top by HB on a failed monkey flip. The Panthers then do stereo dives together off the buckles.
Stuka is thrown into HS then Stuka is powerslammed. Blue dives off the ramp onto HS then HB top rope planchas Stuka to pin him.HS flying lariats HB then lebell locks Blue. He taps Blue out. It's down to HS and HB here. HB pop-up powerbombs HS. HS is knocked out of the ring then HB tope con hilos him. HB top rope splashes HS for 2. HS does a nasty blade runner style ddt and pins him to win the match.
Thoughts: This was a really good tag here. Blue Panther at the age of 63 was out of his mind here doing all kinds of dives and giving 100% effort. This really easily could have been a mailed in low-effort match but The Panther's went all out here and really made this quite the spectacle. This was easily one of my favorite matches of the year so far and is a definite lucha must-see.
Mexican National Heavyweight Title Match - Star Black (c) vs. Akuma
Akuma waistlocks him. Star headlocks him then Akuma throws him down. Akuma stomps on him and rolls him on the mat. They each try pins. Star is taken down then spinning headstand headscissors out of it. Star armdrags him off the casadora then Akuma hits a nice spear. Akuma lariats him over the top and lays him on the rail outside. Akuma runs the apron, slips but still flying kicks him.
Star does a nice handspring backflip into a reverse tope. Star then tope con hilos him. Star jack knife pins him for 2. They fight on the apron and Star spanish flies him off the apron to the floor. Star then topes into a splash on him on the floor.
Star legdrops him in the ring for 2. Star goes for a 2nd rope moonsault but Akuma gets his feet up. Akuma sitout powerbombs him for 2. Star spears the post when Akuma moves then Akuma topes him outside. Akuma ties up Star's legs and pulls. Star flapjacks Akuma and camel clutches him.
Star takes a muscle buster for 2. Akuma misses a corner charge and takes a top rope reverse tope. Star then wins with a handstand backslide.
Thoughts: It was a solid match here with Star looking great as he usually does. I could have done without the spanish fly spot off the apron through. The rest of the match was good enough to make up for it though.
Copa Jr. VIP 2023 Semi Final Cibernetico Match - Averno vs. Volador Jr. vs. Dragon Rojo Jr. vs. Guerrero Maya Jr. vs. Niebla Roja vs. Soberano Jr. vs. El Hijo de Octagon vs. Star Jr. vs. Villano III Jr. vs. Brillante Jr.
Seeding Battle Royale
Vol gets nailed by everyone as he enters and this thing has already broken down. V3 is thrown out first. Vol flying headscissors Averno and Averno is hiptossed over the top. Maya and Star are sent out next. I think Sob goes out next and the teams are set.
Torneo Cibernetico
Roja legdrops V3. Oct and Sob get in. Sob side headlocks him and is taken down. Oct flying snapmares Sob then Sob suplexes him. Oct cradles him off the suplex attempt. Star and Brill go at it. Bril headscissors him off the ropes then walks up his knee and headscissors him. Brill dropkicks Star out and tope con hilos him.
Roja handsprings off the ropes then headscissors Averno while on his shoulders. Roja dives out and hurricanran's him outside. He then is then stomped on by the other team. Oct rotation armdrags Star. Oct tries a springboard twisting armdrag and botches. Oct tope con hilos on Star outside then both guys get stomped on by people outside.
Rojo and V3 go at it. V3 superkicks him then springboard la silla's Rojo. V3 botches an assisted armdrag. V3 does a springboard rope walk drop down asai moonsault outside. Maya springboard armdrags Brill then hits tilt-a-whirls on Oct and Roja. Roja gets injured and heads to the back. Bril botches a hurricanrana off the ropes. Brill handstand walks and backflips into spinning headscissors on Sob. Averno is stuck on the 2nd rope and Brill top rope double stomps him. Brill is group stomped outside by people. Vol springboard hurricanrana's Averno and is caught on a dive then dropped on the rail.
Oct tornillos outside then V3 spinning shoulderbreakers him. V3 does a handstand on the buckles into a seated moonsault on Oct. Oct swinging northern lights suplexes V3. Oct fights off the 2v1 then is popped up onto the buckles. Averno hits a 2nd rope angel's wings on him and pins him. Hijo de Octagon is eliminated.
Brill does a springboard double dropkick then tope con hilos with Rojo. V3 slams Vol then then handstands on the buckles into a seated moonsault on him. Vol gets his feet up on V3's moonsault and then pins him. Villano 3 Jr is eliminated.
Maya dropkicks Rojo then rolls him up for 2. Rojo powerslams Maya thne legdrops him for 2. Rojo is armdragged off the top by Maya for 2. Maya chops Rojo then Maya takes a slingshot powerbomb from him. Rojo double stomps him then top rope double stomps him for 2.
Star stomps on Brill and double teams him with Sob. Vol sunset flips Sob then pops up Brill into a double dropkick. Vol and Brill do stereo dives out with Brill doing a tornillo. Maya hurricanrana's Rojo for 2. Maya reverse topes Vol for 2. Maya neckbreakers Vol over the knee for 2. Maya goliath bird eater neckbreakers Vol for 2.Vol backbreakers Maya and pins him. Guerrero Maya Jr. is eliminated.
Sob fosbury flops on Vol outside. Averno tope con hilos outside onto someone then Rojo flying lariats Star. Rojo corner dropkicks Star. Star is popped up into a hurricanrana on Brill. Star powerbombs Rojo then Sob top rope splashes Rojo. Sob suplexes Rojo then styles clashes Brill onto Rojo. Brill and Sob trade forearms. Brill dropkicks Sob. Brill springboard crossbodies Sob for 2. Sob fire thunders Brill and pins him. Brillante Jr. is eliminated.
Sob 2nd rope moonsaults Rojo while he's seated on the 2nd rope. Rojo evades a double team and rolls up Sob to pin him while Averno isn't looking. Rojo rolls up Averno for 2. Averno hits an angels wings on him and pins him. Dragon Rojo Jr. is eliminated.
Vol flying headscissors Averno then Star stomps Vol. Vol takes a double powerbomb for 2. Averno angles wings Vol for 2. Vol is popped up and hurricanrana's Star. He then toyota rolls Averno and pins Averno. Averno is eliminated. Star springboard codebreakers Vol. Vol superkicks him and backcrackers him for 2.
They go up top and Star hurricanrana's him off the top for 2. Star superman punches him. Vol canadian destroyers Star for 2. Vol hangs from the top rope and takes a double dropkick. Star springboard double stomps him and pins him to win.
Thoughts: I was surprised Star won here. It wasn't as good as it could have been. The first half had a bunch of botches, mostly from Villano, that made it hard to get into. I also thought it dragged on some. It was still okay of course but not great.
Overall thoughts: The top 3 matches all delivered and the Panthers/Stukas tag was really good. I also liked the mini's match. This was a good show.
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