Thursday, May 16, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5/15/2024

AEW Dynamite 5/15/2024

Last week's show is here:

They have a counter here for 1 hour until the Swerve/Cage match.

Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson vs Jeff Cobb and Kyle Fletcher

Jeff and Kyle jump Mox as he arrives. Bryan then runs down and sends Kyle into the rails. Cobb is sent into the rails as well. Bryan dropkicks Jeff against the rails and Mox chokes Kyle with a shirt. Bryan hits punches on Cobb then Mox knees Kyle against the rail.

The match then officially starts. Bryan hits chest kicks on Cobb and corner dropkicks him. Mox hits corner punches on Cobb. Cobb has his legs split then Bryan figure fours Cobb.  Kyle beats up on Mox in the corner. Mox hits forearms and chops on Kyle. Mox corner lariats Kyle.

Mox bites Kyle then superplexes him. Mox armbars Kyle and Cobb breaks it. Kyle is laid on the top rope and Bryan flying knees him. We go to PiP break and return. Mox and Kyle trade forearms. Mox takes shots from Kyle in the corner. Cobb takes a rebound german from Mox.

Bryan top rope dropkicks Cobb then hits chops and kicks on him in the corner. Bryan running elbows Cobb. Cobb is pulled over the top, Cobb ducks and Bryan topes Kyle. Cobb uranages Bryan down and misses a standing moosault. Cobb hits a tour of the islands backdrop. Kyle and Mox trade forearms and facekicks. Mox legkicks, forearms and headbutts Kyle. Kyle leg lariats him.

Mox lariats Kyle then cutters Cobb. Mox takes corner attacks then Kyle tombstones Mox for 2. Bryan flying knees Cobb then high kicks Kyle. Mox death rider ddt's Kyle and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a cold match with Jeff Cobb being here for no real reason and losing like he usually does. I hate the "match before the match" stuff that was done here that was stolen from NJPW. The match was fine.

Konosuke Takeshita germans Mox then forearms him. Bryan is double teamed then CC comes out to help.

We get a video on Swerve.

Adam Copeland comes out and is nailed by Brody King with a lariat. Adam is beaten up by House of Black. Adam takes a curb stomp. Black says he doesn't know why Adam tries to keep up with his facade of who he thinks he is. Black says to take Adam's wedding ring. Kyle O'Reilly comes to help out and is dropped by Brody. Kyle takes a spinning high kick outside then takes a triple team in the corner.

We see footage from NJPW Resurgence and they say Eddie was injured. The Elite say Eddie is about to lose everything. We see them beating up Eddie too.

The Elite do a promo. They say Anarchy in the Arena could be 4v3 now unless they want to forfeit. The Bucks say they took out Tony, Omega and Eddie. They say they run this place and they are The Elite and we are not. Okada says he will destroy Dax and does some weird thing where he kisses his finger and says "mwah, b!tch".

FTR are interviewed by Renee. Cash says The Bucks aren't their EVP's. Cash says they aren't forfeiting and said they maybe found a 4th. Dax says namecalling isn't nice and said Okada is maybe The Elite's b!tch.

AEW Tag Title Eliminator - The Young Bucks vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal

MJ = Matt Jackson

Sydal kicks MJ and jumping knees him. Sydal rolls him up. Daniels and MJ go face to face. Daniels slaps MJ then pounds on him. Daniels flips out of a backdrop and rolls up Nick. MJ takes kicks and an STO. Sydal standing corkscrew moonsaults MJ for 2.

Sydal takes a high kick from Nick. Nick kicks Daniels off the apron then top rope double axe handles Sydal. We go to PiP break and return. Sydal hits kicksto fight off a 1v2. Sydal hits a double hurricanrana. Daniels gets in and hits a death valley driver on Nick.

Daniels hits a ddt + flatliner combo. Daniels then uranages a Buck before being superkicked. Sydal is thrown over the rail. Daniels is eye poked by Nick. Nick blocks a top rope hurricanrana. Daniels then takes a Tony Khan driver and is pinned.

It just was what it was with Daniels and Sydal losing as expected here. It was a lot less flippy than The Bucks' usual offerings.

The Bucks get on the mic after. They said Daniels spoke down to them and put their hands on them. They say he should know better and said he is trying to screw things up as they try to clean up toxicity. They said Daniels is fired They said they got him a sweet severance package and a check for the next 30 days. He said they even arraigned for him to be escorted out by security immediately. They thank him for 5 years of work.

Thoughts: Why did have this match when they could have just fired him the second he spoke up to them? Why wasn't Sydal fired too?

Jack Perry raises a toast then pours it on Tony Schiavone, calling him a stooge.

Toni Storm, Mariah May and Luther are interviewed. Toni hugs May and says she will take Harley Cameron to the woodshed. She thanks Deeb for knocking her out so she doesn't have to listen to her sob story.

House of Black does a promo. Black has Adam's wedding ring. Black says he knew there was a part of Adam that still existed when he challenged him to a barbed wire cage match. Black says when he beats him, Adam needs to bend a knee to The House of Black.

Hook vs Jobber

Hook catches the jobber and suplexes him. Hook hits crossface shots then wins with a redrum in no time.

Hook said he's not here for this, he's here for Jericho and the FTW Title.

Chris Jerich comes out with Big Bill. Jericho said he's glad Hook called him out here as he loves being on Dynamite so much even if he has to share the spotlight. Hook says he wants all the spotlight on Jericho getting beaten by him tonight. Jericho says it's not a fighting moment but a teaching moment. He said he wants to teach him that the world doesn't revolve around him.

Jericho says the FTW Title is the For The World Title, not the For The Hook Title. He said when you lose a title, you have to work your way up again. Jericho said Hook will have a qualification match on Collision and maybe will get a chance to face him again. Hook says that sounds good and asks him if he knows what else sounds good? He then hits Jericho with the mic. Bill hits Hook and Hook takes a 2v1. Katsuyori Shibata then flying face kicks Bill and makes the save. Jericho got busted open from the mic shot.

Swerve Strickland does a promo. He says Washington's boy brought home the title. He said The Mogul Embassy bit the hand that fed them and got put down. He said he was the one that got put in the coffin but will put Christian in the grave. Swerve tells the fans to welcome Brian Cage to his house.

Swerve Strickland vs Brian Cage

Swerve flying double knees him and hits punches. Cage hits corner lariats then Swerve shoulder throws him. Cage is pulled over the top. Swerve topes outside and is caught. Swerve boots him off the apron then double stomps his arm off the apron. Cage's arm is banged off the rail and wrapped around the post.  Cage's arm is brought down over the top rope. Swerve rolls into a flatliner for 2.

They trade chops then Swerve punches the arm. Swerve's head is banged off the buckles. Cage does a dangerous gorilla press into the ropes on Swerve. We go to PiP break and return.

Cage superplexes Swerve off the buckles for 2. Cage is put into the buckles then Swerve boots the shoulder. Cage lariats Swerve then Swerve hits euros in the corner. Swerve 2nd rope euros Cage in the neck. Swerve catches Cage and suplexes him for 2. Swerve rolls into Cage's jumping knee. Swerve is on Cage's back and rolls him into an armbar. Swerve is buckle bombed then takes an F-5 for 2.

Swerve rolls him up for 2. Swerve headbutts him. Cage is seated on the apron and superkicked. Swerve then slingshot double stomps him. Swerve 450's him for 2. Cage double powerbombs him for 2. Swerve spin kicks him then Cage superkicks him. Swerve takes a sky high for 2. Swerve cranks Cage's arm then does a house call kick to win it.

This was entirely too long and maybe the longest match Cage has ever had in AEW. It was obvious Cage had no chance of winning this yet it went on and on. I couldn't wait for this one to end.

Swerve brings in chairs after. Christian and Mother Wayne come out. Nick Wayne then low blows Swerve. Killswitch boots Swerve. Nick has a family photo of Swerve's family then hits Swerve with it. Swerve bleeds. Christian said Swerve embarrassed Nick last year and now he's forced to embarrass him. Christian asks if Swerve's daughter is proud then rubs the photo in Swerve's face. He said he took Swerve's blood tonight then takes his title at Double or Nothing.

Thoughts: Considering Swerve invaded Nick's house and was going to use a chair on Cage, I really don't even think Christian was the bad guy in this one.

The announce a new youtube show called "A Meal and A Match". They show clips of Eddie Kingston eating with Renee and RJ City.

Hook and Katsuyori Shibata are interviewed. Hook says the odds aren't stacked up too hard against him and said he will be where he needs to in order to get his hands on Jericho. Shibata says he wants another shot at Jericho took. Hook said he will face him to get decide who gets Jericho. Samoa Joe walks in. He asks Hook who he is. He says Hook is falling in the same trap again. He said if they stop playing themselves, they might be dangerous around here. Shibata says Joe is too large to be wearing a floral pattern.

Toni Storm vs Harley Cameron

HC headlock takeovers her. Toni headscissors her, shoulders her over and headlock takeovers her. HC hits knees to the gut. Toni hits a Thesz press and pounds on her. Toni hip attacks HC off the apron. Serena Deeb is on the ramp. Toni is distracted then is sent into the steps. Toni's head is banged off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Toni goes up and over then backcrackers her while she's on the 2nd rope. Toni ddt's her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. HC hits soul foot then running leg lariats her for 2. Toni double arm sitout chokeslam bombs her for 2. Toni hits a storm zero on HC and wins it.

Thoughts: It had an obvious result here as there was no way Toni was losing. It was an average match with no real thrills to it.

The Undisputed Kingdom and Will Ospreay are interviewed. Will says the world's eyes are on him but there's a sour taste in his mouth. He talks about them watching as Shane Taylor beat him up. Will said Strong is too comfortable as champ. He says Strong is playing poor mind games. He says he doesn't respect him and said Strong has always looked down on him. Strong says he doesn't respect him and never had. He said he's so talented but he's such an idiot out of it. He says Will is still the little child that he has been and always has been. He said he overcame a neck injury and doesn't quit. He said he knows who he is and says he's a fraud, a coward and a child. Will said he was buried by him and said he is the best wrestler in the world.  He said he will show everyone why he is in the best and is on another level.

Mercedes Mone and Willow Nightingale have a contract signing. Willow says she respects her and asks if she respects the TNS Title. She said it celebrates a legacy and has a legacy built on fighting, hard work and dedication. She says she's the face of TBS. She says her title matters to her and said she won't let her take it away.

Mone says to say hello to your CEO. She says money changes everything isn't just a catchphrase, it's a fact. She says she was changing the game forever while Willow was just training. She said she broke down the door and broke glass ceilings. She said Willow wouldn't be here without her. She says she's a great champion but there's a difference between being great and the greatest of all time. She says Willow should look at the new face of TBS. She said beating Money was the best part of Willow's career and losing to her will be too. Willow said she walked away a champ the last time they wrestled and Mone didn't walk out at all. Money slapped her then Willow doctor bombs her through a table.

Thoughts: I didn't like Mone getting sent through the table here because she's supposed to be this big star but at least this thing finally advanced a little and something happened.

AEW Continental Title - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Dax Harwood

Dax side headlock takeovers him. Okada headscissors him and they stand off. Dax shoulders him over and Okada slides out to avoid a sharpshooter. Dax hits chops then Okada throws him into the post.

We go to PiP break and return. Dax hits punches then spinebusters him. Dax is sat on the top rope and Okada dropkicks him down to the floor. Okada face kicks Dax. Okada hits euros outside then bridging ddt's him on the floor.

Dax hits germans. Okada face kicks him and Dax hits a nice punch. Dax dragon suplexes him. They hold onto each other and trade forearms. Dax blocks a dropkick then takes a bad looking fall in the corner. Okada hits an over the back neckbreaker on the knee.

Dax superplexes him. They trade headbutts on all fours then get up and trade forearms. Dax spinning lariats him then Dax tries a pin attempt for 2. Dax tombstones Okada then misses a top rope headbutt. Dax sharpshooters him. Okada grabs the title then low blows Dax. Okada then hits a rainmaker and wins it.

Thoughts: The finish was lame here. It was an okay match but I don't get why this had to have an overrun. Was this that important?

The Elite jump Cash after. Cash and Bryan Danielson come down to help and get beaten up. Darby Allin then comes in and hits The Elite with a skateboard. All 8 men fight and the heels back off.

Thoughts: I'm surprised to see Darby back. I don't think it's a good idea to have him do a cage match after just coming back from injury. As I said when this storyline got started, as this continues to go on, more and more people will have to get involved which will kill the point of the storyline. I have no idea why Mox didn't come out to help Bryan. I'm curious as to why The Bucks wouldn't fire all of these guys since they fought with them like Daniels.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show here with everything getting a lot of time. I didn't think it was the most exciting show and I wouldn't recommend this one. As expected, the logic with The Young Bucks being able to fire people already doesn't make much sense.

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