Tuesday, May 14, 2024

OLL Impacto 5/5/2024 Episode 1

OLL Impacto 5/5/2024 Episode 1

This is Orden Lucha Libre. They are from Chile. They are on a very nice TV set here.

Kathy Contreras welcomes us to the show. Don Pepex, Diego Aranis and Nicolas Matus are our commentators.

Fatal Four Way Qualifier - Eric Fox vs Chaky

They call Fox a murderous child. Chaky is called "El Rey Payaso" and wears a crown to the ring. He has a clown mask. 

Chaky side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Fox leapfrogs then flying lariats him. Fox hits a corner lariat, a snapmare then a basement dropkick. Fox chops him then Chaky running facekicks him in the corner. Chaky asai moonsaults him for 2 then suplexes him for 2.

Chaky hits kicks to the body then baseball slides him in the corner for 2. Chaky backdrops him for 2. Chaky does a nice figure four variation and poses. Fox gets some shots in then corner lariats him. They trade running shots in the corner then Chaky superkicks him. Chaky poisonrana's him then misses a rope walk SSP. Fox pumping knees him then sitout powerbombs him for the win.

Thoughts: It was an indy, junior heavyweight style match. The action was fast paced and they hit their stuff clean, but there's wasn't much of a story or face/heel work here. Both guys moved pretty well here.

Mr. George comes out. I believe he's the GM of the show. The crowd boos George. He's a heel and callsthe crowd apes. They run a detox cream commercial during this on the screen. George brings out wrestlers who are part of a group called SII (Suprema Innovadora Inteligencia). The wrestlers are Seven, Rachel, Pandora and Adonis. George says they are wrestling superstars and are the Supreme Innovative Intelligence. 

Sinner is brought out by one of the commentators to shill an energy drink. Sinner kind of has a viking look to him with facepaint.

Fatal Four Way Qualifier - Dylan Fabrizio vs Jin Kyle

Dylan says he has arrived and said Mr. Chile has arrived on the TV screen. He says he is ready for everything and is everything. He says hes not afraid of his opponent. He says he will take him out.

They lock up and Dylan clean breaks him. Jin shoves Dylan's face a little on the break. Dylan hammerlocks him and Jin ropebreaks. Jin side headlocks him and takes an armdrag and a slam. Jin slides out and Dylan goes after him. Dylan punches him outside.

Jin uppercuts him inside then running suplexes him for 2. Jin corner lariats him then running back elbows him. Jin kicks him in the back then basement dropkicks him in the corner. They trade chops then trade punches and forearms. Jin slingblades him for 2.

Jin chinlocks him and Dylan hits a nice dropkick. Dylan underhook suplexes him for 2. Jin doe a nice pump kick for 2. Jin grabs a chair from the commentators and brings it in the ring. The ref takes it and Dylan rolls up Jin for 2. Dylan tombstones Jin and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a little odd here. One would think Dylan is your cocky heel here but instead he was treated like a face and ended up winning. Dylan actually does seem to have some talent to him as he is decent looking and has personality. It was a slower paced match here with some rest holds. It was just average.

Dylan does a promo after. He said he feels incredible. He says he is going to do great things and says he will be known by everyone as Mr. Chile.

Los Nuevos Heroes come out as they put over sponsors. They put themselves over and talk about what a privilege it is to have them on the show. They seem to flirt with Kathy Contreas then Azagoth comes out with a torch and facepaint. Az says blessed are those who thirst and hunger for violence.  He puts over how wrestling is back on Chile TV. He says he will not tolerate idiots coming to disrespect the show. He says Heroes are marked with the curse of the underworld. He said wherever they go, the shadows of the underworld will try to curse them. He said he has a surprise and said the underworld lives and reigns forever. Kathy then poses with Az.

Thoughts: This segment was great. Azagoth is a great character and promo and Kathy was really funny posing with him and being dismissive of Heroes. 

A wrestler named Lemmy Wulf is interviewed. He says he is here following his destiny to become the next champ. He says he is confident and has traveled all over Chile. He says a new champ will be crowned next week. The crowd was real into him.

Fatal Four Way Qualifier - Lemmy Wulf vs Pashenko vs Sinner

Lemmy is the "Final Boss of Lucha Libre". Sinner comes out before the match starts and the announcers basically say this has turned into a triple threat.

Pashenko and Wulf butt heads. Sinner boots both then Pash nails Sin. Wulf lariats Sin. Pash and Wulf trade punches. Sin is caught off a crossbody by Pash then Wulf boots both over. Wulf stomps Pash in the corner then stomps his arm.

Wulf corner lariats him then Sin hurricanrana's Wulf. Pash running back elbows Sin then stomps Wulf. Pash pounds on Wulf in the corner then Wulf double underhook suplexes him. Sin spin kicks Wulf then Wulf chops him. Sin flips out of a snapmare and is chopped. Wulf slams Sin.

Pash pounds on Wulf then hits a big lariat. Sin is thrown out then Pash corner stomps Wulf. Sin hits Pash from behind and hits leg kicks. Sin 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Sin does a stiff flying forearm in the corner on Wulf. Sin 619's around the post to kick Wulf.

Sin asai moonsaults Wulf then Pash sitout powerbombs Sin. Wulf and Pash trade lariats and Wulf lariats him down. Wulf package backbreakers Pash for 2. Sin breaks it with a superkick to Wulf. Sin high kicks Wulf and then does a nice suplex. Sin goes up top then is distracted by Taylor Wolf outside and his buddy. Wulf nails Pash with a move that we can't see and pins him while Sin is distracted.

Thoughts: The camera crew missed the finish here though it didn't look like a great finish anyway. It was your usual three way with only 2 people going at it at a time. The finish killed the crowd. Sin's an indy style wrestler who flies and does lots of kicks and Pash/Wulf are two heavyweights. 

Lemmy Wulf does a promo after. He asks why Taylor Wolf cost Sinner the match. Wulf says he was prepared and says he will be the next OLL champ.

Overall thoughts: The production was pretty good here with a great set that made everyone look like stars. Kathy Contreras is a fun host who has some personality. I thought Azagoth was the highlight of this show even though he didn't wrestle. The wrestling was a lot better than you would think, though it was indy. There weren't any botched moves and everyone looked seasoned. I wouldn't really recommend it but it was something different and I probably would watch another episode of it.

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