Saturday, May 18, 2024

NWA JCP SE 5/17/2024 Season 4, Episode 5

NWA JCP SE 5/17/2024 Season 4, Episode 5

Last week's show is here:

KC and AJ Cazana do a promo. AJ says they found themselves in the tag tournament and said they found themselves "The Southern Sucks" (The Southern Six). AJ says he's going to slap Kerry Morton's hairdo off his head. KC says they better think twice before lighting strikes. They say they will be dead to rights if they step to them.

Ricky Morton does a promo. He says the scars on his head came from the NWA. He thanks everyone for coming out and says they are all about professional wrestling. 

There was an intergender match here that I won't be watching.

NWA JCP Southeastern Tag Team Title Tournament First Round Match - The Country Gentlemen (AJ and KC Cazana) vs The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor)

AJ backs up Kerry in the corner then throws him. Kerry grabs the arm then is slammed. Alex gets in and is chopped down by AJ. Alex takes a double team then KC dropkicks KC. KC powerslams Kerry then slams Alex. Kerry trips KC from the outside then KC is double teamed in the corner.

Kerry suplexes KC for 2. Alex back elbows KC and Kerry chokes KC on the ropes. Kerry snapmares KC then fist drops him. Alex stomps KC in the corner. Kerry stomps KC's hand. KC is thrown into the buckles, jumps onto them and hits a twisting crossbody. AJ is hot tagged in.

AJ beats up the heels. Alex is laid over the top rope gut first. AJ corner splashes both opponents then spinebusters Kerry. Alex takes a hart attack from the 2nd rope and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short but decent tag with the heels beating up on the faces then the faces making their comeback to win.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 matches here and one of them was an intergender match that I didn't cover. The Southern Six vs the Country Gentlemen was short and decent but not must see. I don't recommend this one.

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