Friday, May 17, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/16/2024 Episode #64

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/16/2024 Episode #64

Last week's show is here:

Proving Ground Match - Kyle Fletcher vs Mentallo

Kyle knocks away Ment's handshake then nails him from behind. Kyle hits chops and forearms in the corner then running back elbows him. Kyle poses on him then delay suplexes him for 2. Ment is forearmed on the ropes. He dropkicks Kyle in the knee and baseball slides him in the head. He kicks Kyle off the apron then 2nd rope moonsaults him outside.

Ment top rope guillotine legdrops the back of Kyle's neck for 2. Ment hits some shots then Kyle spinning facekicks him. Kyle dragon suplexes him then corner kicks him. Kyle brainbusters him for 2. Ment rolls him up off the casadora and buzzsaw kicks him. Kyle leg lariats him then does a piledriver variation to win it.

Thoughts: This match hurt Kyle here as he legit had trouble putting away Mentallo, a complete nobody. They gave Mentallo a decent bit of offense here but the outcome was obvious. They pushed Mentallo as an old Kenny Omega rival who was important to his career.

Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh vs The Dark Order (John Silver and Evil Uno)

Jay and Uno argue. They trade forearms then Uno shoulders him over. John gets in and tells Singh he wants him. Singh gets in and John goes up to his stomach. John hits leg kicks then dropkicks him in the knee. Singh facekicks him. Jay gets in and stomps on John. Jay hip attacks him on the ropes.

John gets on Singh's back with a choke. Singh chokes Uno while in the choke. Jay superkicks Uno to free Singh. Jay hits a lethal injection on John and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here. It made Silver look even smaller than he is and really wasn't that serious. I don't know who Singh knows, but he's been on this roster for a long time despite never really wrestling. 

The Iron Savages do a promo. Jacked says when you are flexing, it's hard to be humble. He says they are going to start taking spots from everyone else. Jacked says are not going to be the stepping stone savages and will be the roadblocks of ROH. Boulder says they are massive and have the highest T. Bronson says Jacked and Boulder are peak male performance. He says our opinions mean nothing and says they will start working for themselves. Jacked says they are taking everyone to titty city.

Anna Jay vs Tara Zep

They lock up and Zep is thrown back. Anna suplexes her then chokes her. Anna chokes her on the ropes then spinning heel kicks her back in the corner. Anna hits a gori bomb for 2. Anna then grounded chokes her and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short squash that did little to help Anna. It was the same squash she's been doing for the last 4 years.

Skye Blue vs Rachael Ellering

Skye kicks RE's hanshake away. RE side headlocks her then Skye side headlocks her. RE shoulders her over. Skye hits shots to the body then RE shoulders her over. RE gutwrench suplexes her. Skye gets her knees up on RE's senton then footchokes her in the corner.

RE's head is banged off the buckles then throws her out. Skye beats her up outside. Skye cartwheels and RE lariats her off of it. RE running euros her and pulls her down backwards. RE hits a northern lights bomb for 2.

RE hits chops on the ropes and sentons her for 2. They trade pin attempts and RE spinebusters her for 2. Skye ducks a clothesline, superkicks her and hits code blue to win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match and was real simple and average. 

Angelico and Serpentico do a promo. Ange asks if you can imagine what it's like to have a nightmare but you never wake up. They said that's been their life for the last 2 months with them getting beaten up and Serp getting his mask stolen. They talk in spanish. Serp says let's take in good vibes. Ange says this is not over and is about to get ugly. It wasn't the greatest thing, but at least it is something and continues the Ange/Serp vs Griff/Cole feud.

Top Flight (Darius Martin and Action Andretti) vs Jon Cruz and Levi Night

Levi is dressed up like a Young Buck and dances off the handshake. Ian calls Darius "Dante". Darius headflips and armdrags Levi. Levi starts a dance off a handshake and is superkicked while gyrating. They legsweep each other and DM dropkicks him.

Jon and AA get in. Ian says Jon is in great condition here in a weird comment. Jon plays with the crowd then trips over the bottom rope. AA jack knife pins him then backslides him for 2.  Jon takes a double team in the corner and has his back double stomped. Jon takes a double suplex then AA handspring back elbows Levi. DM lariats Levi over the top.

Levi kips up and leg lariats DM for 2. Levi disco dances and backbreakers DM. Jon nails DM in the ribs then hits body punches. Levi slams DM and dances before doing a legdrop. Levi hits mounted punches.

Jon elbow drops DM then chinlocks him. DM plants off the top rope and pele kicks Jon. AA hits forearms on Levi then flying back elbows him. AA neckbreakers Jon, kicks Levi off the apron then plancha's both opponents outside. AA 2nd rope moonsaults Levi for 2. Levi takes a double superkick.

Jon is shotgun dropkicked into a german. Levi takes kicks from both opponents and is double pendulum dropped backwards for the pin.

Look, I appreciate them having a longer match than a shorter match but Top Flight struggling to take down Levi Night and Jon Cruz here does little to make them look good.  These guys are small and look harmless. Levi at least has a clue and has a gimmick.

Proving Ground Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) vs Jason Geiger and London Lightning

JG and Mike go at it. Mike boots and forearms him. Mike chops him down then JG goes for the choke then the armbar. JG takes him down with a leglock. JG avoids a double team and LL gets in. LL hits punches and boots on Taven. LL atomic drops Taven, dropkicks him into Mike then spinebusters him.

LL jawbreakers Mike then is popped up into a forearm for 2. LL takes boots from Mike then is suplexed for 2. LL takes corner attacks then is death valley drivered. Taven running knees LL for 2. JG gets in and suplexes Taven. JG butterfly suplexes Mike then germans Taven for 2.

LL hits shots on Mike then is thrown out. Mike spinning forearms LL off the apron. Taven nails JG from behind then JG takes a powerbomb + zigzag combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a reverse squash here with the winners taking more offense than they were given before pulling it out in the end. ROH is clearly behind London Lightning and is not treating him like a typical jobber.

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Nicole Matthews

They say Nicole wrestled for 20 years and has fought all the big women's stars. The crowd cheers for Nicole.

Athena side headlocks her then Nicole doe sit back. Nicole headlock takeovers her and is headscissored. Nicole side headlocks her. Nicole hammerlocks her then cravates her. Nicole trips Athena and Athena rolls her from the front facelock. Nicole cradles her.

Athena trips her then forearms her. Athena slingshot tornillos her for 2. Athena footchokes her and forearms her back. Nicole hits elbows to the gut then is running forearmed in the corner. Athena ties up Nicole's arm and pushes down on her head.

Athena goes for the choke and Nicole tries a bridge pin. Nicole hits lariats then northern lights suplexes her for 2. Athena forearms her then diving codebreakers her off the 2nd rope. Athena baseball slides her off the apron. Athena then hits a top rope diving cutter and wins it.

Athena crossfaces Nicole after. Queen Aminata superkicks Athena and headbutts her out of the ring to stop it.

Thoughts: They put Nicole over like she was the second coming here and some superstar that had beaten everyone. They did that well here, but the issue is will it lead to anything more? I doubt it. And if she is all that, she really shouldn't be on here, she should be on the main roster fighting with all these people. It was a somewhat competitive squash but Athena won in the end as usual. Billie Starkz and was not out here for this one.

Overall thoughts: A really lame edition of ROH with only main roster wrestler vs main roster wrestler match and the rest being shorter matches or squashes. At least the tag, women's and tv champ were on here but as often is the case, the world champ Mark Briscoe was nowhere to be found. There wasn't a lot going on storyline wise either with Queen vs Athena being set up here and a promo for the Serpentico/Angelico vs Cole/Griff feud. I wouldn't recommend this.

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