Sunday, May 19, 2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 4/19/2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 4/19/2024

Bryce Maddox says he's been trying to come back and says The Diamond Exchange have been targeting him. He thought Odin Davenport was his friend but he turned his back on him. He said he's by himself and back where he started. He said Odin thought he'd close the case by cashing in the bounty. He says the target isn't on his back, it's on Odin's. 

We see Alexander Pressley get speared and pinned by Dusty Williams last week. Myles then beats up on him after for it. 

"Showtime" Aiden Johnson vs Brick Bronson

AJ = Aiden Johnson

Brick wristlocks him. AJ rolls forward and backwards then wristlocks him. Brick waistlock takedowns him then headlock takeovers him. AJ punches him in the gut and shoulders him over. Brick hits a nice hiptoss then armdrags him. AJ then goes out to stall.

AJ knees him in the gut then clubs on him. AJ hits corner spears. AJ boots him in the gut and hits a punch into a spinning lariat. AJ slams him then hits elbow drops. Brick hits some punches then hits a sky high. Brick slamd and legdrops him for 2.

Brick side headlocks him then AJ eye rakes him and hits punches. AJ lariats him then samoan drops him for 2. AJ yells at the crowd. Brick hits a nice lariat then dropkicks him. AJ is thrown out to the floor. AJ gets on the apron and pulls Brick's throat down on it. Brick death valley drivers him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. AJ did some heeling here and Brick made his comeback and won it. All of their offense looked fine and they didn't have any botches or anything.

Jimmy Rosendorf talks. Alexander Pressley then interrupts. He said everyone he has a match won, nobody sees it. He said he's been thrown into the dumpster like trash. He says he refuses to be treated like this. He says he will find his way and has an idea that we will see soon enough.

Cody Knight vs Brien Adam

Kevin Kantrell is at ringside and holds his title up at Brien. They exchange words. Brien really does resemble LA Knight. Brien is backed up in the corner. Kantrell is on commentary and mocks Brien's deceased father and says he never held the world title there. He says he will choke him with the headband if he wears it out there.

Brien armlocks him and takes him down. Brien kneedrops the arm then armdrags him. Brien armdrags him into another armlock. Cody hits big chops in the corner then Cody lariats him. Cody's manager Chris Turner chokes Brien over the middle rope. Cody stands on Brien.

Brien hits a boot to the gut then legdrops him over the neck. Brien goes up top and Kantrell asks if his dad is watching. Kantrell says his dad is dead and will never see him wear the title. Brien tells him to shut up then is facekicked by Cody. Cody full-nelson slams Brien and wins it. Kantrell then says "on a positive note, his dad didn't see that". He then says his job is done.

Thoughts: It was a slower match here. Brien didn't get a ton in. Kantrell was a real jerk here. Cody had a nice lariat and big boot and maybe has potential to do something if he can work on his look a little.

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches here. Both were fine though not must see. I wouldn't recommend it but it wasn't a bad effort.

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