CMLL 5/18/2024 Arena Coliseo
Shockercito & Ultimo Dragoncito vs. Minos & Pequeno Violencia
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A legdrag? |
PV = Pequeno Violencia, UD = Ultimo Dragoncito
Minos front facelocks UD then armdrags him. UD side headlock throws him then is put in a headscissors. Minos rolls out of it and both tag out. PV wristlocks Shock then Shock trips him into various leg holds. Shock pulls on PV's hair then armdrags him. Shock legdrags him twice then armdrags him using the ropes.
PV kicks UD from behind then Minos stomps on UD. UD is stomped by both opponents in the corner. UD takes corner lariats then Minos knocks him out of the ring with a headbutt. Minos nails Shock from behind then stomps him with PV. Shock is held upside down and dropkicked by PV. UD is then nailed from behind by Minos.
UD is stomped on the corner then held for shots from PV. UD is double tripped then hits a double lariat on Minos and PV. UD armdrags PV then flying headscissors Minos. Shock and PV miss dropkicks on each other. PV kicks him in the leg then bullies him around. Shock springboard armdrags PV then Shock armdrags Minos off the casadora. Shock flying headscissors Minos out then UD does a nice tope con hilo through the ropes on minos.
Shock is popped up by PV and armdrags him. Shock springboard plancha's PV outside. UD then taps Minos our with an octopus. Shock top rope diving hurricanrana's PV then spinning back racks him. Shock submits PV to win the match.
Thoughts: It was an okay opener here. The heels did a good job beating up on the faces and the faces gave us a few dives before going home. Shocker's legdrags were techniques I hadn't seen before.
Enfermero Jr., Forneo & Sangre Imperial vs. Capitan Suicida, Diamond & Electrico
Enfermero Jr = En, Elec = Electrico, Forn = Forneo, Dia = Diamond
1st Fall - Elec and Sangre go at it. Elec takes him down, rolls him then Sangre fujiwara armbars him. Sangre front facelocks him then armdrags him. Elec holds on and armdrags him. Sangre hiptosses him then Elec flying headscissors him.
Enfermero and Cap get in. En trips him and is armdragged twice. Cap hurricanrana's En, trips him and does a standing corkscrew splash. En then kicks his handshake attempt away. Dia and Forn get in.
Forn flying headscissors him then does a step-up back kick. Forn tope con hilos him outside then Elec springboard crossbodies Sangre. Elec armdrags him over then springboard elbow drops him. Cap spinning racks En and submits him. Diamond's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - Elec and Sangre go at it. Sangre flips him over by the neck. Elec rolls Sangre into a spinning headscissors. En back elebows Elec. Elec slingshot headscissors En out then handsprings into a satellite armdrag on Forn. Sangre and Dia go at it.
Dia tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. Diastep up enzugiri's Forn then headscissors En. Dia does a nice armdrag from Forn's shoulders. Cap an Sangre fight. Cap handspring reverse topes Sangre. Cap silly strings on En into a headscissors on Sangre. Cap is flipped into a headscissors on En. Cap hurricanrana's Forn out.
Elec spin kicks Sangre in the gut then flips over his back into a hurricanrana on En. They botch a spot and Elec suplexes Sangre. En suplexes Dia on the ramp after pulling him out.
Sangre corner lariats Cap then cartwheels into a basement dropkick on him. Forn running headkicks Cap. En then gets in and ties up both of Cap's arms, submitting him to win the fall.
3rd Fall - En goes over Dia and fakes an injury. The heels then nail Dia from behind. Dia takes running corner attacks then is spinebustered. Sangre dropkicks Dia in the crotch. Forn kicks Elec from behind. Elec takes attacks in the corner. Cap takes a basement dropkick from En. En slaps him and Cap goes out.
Dia is triple teamed then is popped up into a hurricanrana on Forn. Dia headscissors En then walks up the buckles and blind moonsaults onto Forn outside. Sangre tope con hilos Dia. Elec asai moonsaults onto Sangre outside then Cap top rope diving hurricanrana's En. Cap toyota rolls En and wins the fall and match.
Thoughts: The first two falls were good but both were longer. The third fall slowed down and lost a lot of the pace it had going for it here. Electrico was really good here doing some creative flying spots.
Amapola, Metalica & Olympia vs. Kira, La Maligna & Sanely
Metal = Metalica, Ama = Amapola, Olym = Olympia Mal = La Maligna
1st Fall - Mal and Olym go at it. Olym takes her down then trips her. Mal grabs the hair and rolls her. Olym slaps her then Mal trips her. Mal armdrags her. Olym armdrags Mal. Mal flying dropkicks Olym.
Olym goes up and over her then dropkicks her. May flying lariats Olym then headscissors Metal. Sanely dropkicks Mal and boots her. Sanely takes her shirt off (yes, she had her gear on underneath) to a big pop. Sanely basement dropkicks Metal then Ama short arm clotheslines Sanely.
Sanely cartwheels over Ama then armdrags her. Kira flying headscissors Ama out. Kira goes to dive but Olym kicks her hard in the face. The faces miss dropkicks and are thrown down. The heels do dives off the top and pin Mal/Sanely to win the fall.
2nd Fall - The ring card girl comes out with the 3rd fall sign when it's not. Olym pulls on Mal's hair then kicks her in the leg. Olym handstand pendulum bronco busters Mal in the corner. Mal is pulled down backwards off the 2nd rope by Ama. Metal dropkicks Kira.
Mal takes a double spinebuster then various setnons. Metal legdrops Mal. Metal spinebusters Sanely then she is double stomped on. Sanely takes a double boot. Mal goes after Metal. Mal takes a double lariat then does a double armdrag. Sanely top rope double crossbodies the heels. Kira walks up the ropes and moonsaults into a double armdrag on the heels. Sanely puts Ama in a seated kimura submission to submit her then Mal pop-up powerbombs Metal to pin her. Maligna's team wins the fall.
3rd Fall - Kira has her hair pulled by Olym on the ropes. Metal hits Olym on a failed double team nd they are pushed into each other. Kira springboard hurricanrana's Olym with the help of Metal. Kira spinning headscissors Metal then rolls up Ama. Kira 2nd rope asai moonsaults Ama for 2. Ama perfectplexes Kira. Sanely splashes and crossbodies Ama in the corner for 2.
Olym squats with Sanely on her back then samoan drops her for 2. Mal stretches Olym then Metal breaks it up. Mal dropkicks Olym out then is pulled out by Metal. Metal is thrown into the post. Kira tornillo topes outside onto Metal and her own partner. Olym top rope dives out onto Metal and Mal. Sanely top rope crossbodies Ama then Ama spears her. Ama does a bad blue thunder on Sanely and wins the fall and match.
Thoughts: It wasn't too good with a lot of sloppy moments. It also just went too long. Kira had her working boots on though.
Espiritu Negro, Volcano and Rey Cometa vs Cancerbero, Luciferno and Virus
Vol = Volcano, Cancer = Cancerbero, Luci = Luciferno
1st Fall - Rey and Cancer go at it. Cancer kimuras him they stand off soon after. Cancer armdrags Rey. Rey headlock takeovers Cancer then handstands out of his headscissors. Rey armdrags Cancer. Virus and Negro get in. Negro rolls and trips Virus. Virus ties up his legs and Negro goes for the pin. They get back up and square off.
Virus trips him then is armdragged. Luci and Vol go at it. Vol hiptosses Luci then Cancer boots Vol. Vol flips off of Cancer then armdrags him. Virus hits chops on Vol. Vol trips him and elbow drops him. Rey and Negro do stereo dives on Luci and Cancer and both score pins to win the fall.
2nd Fall - Rey boots Luci then Luci shoulders him over. Rey headscissors him over and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Virus. Rey handsprings and flips into a spinning headscissors on Cancer. Rey runs the apron and diving hurricanrana's Cancer.
Negro runs up the ropes and armdrags Luci. Cancer stomps on Negro. Negro 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's Cancer. Negro then walks up the buckles and armdrags Virus. Vol and Cancer go at it. Vol shoves him over then slams him. Vol slams Luci and then Virus as well. Vol goes up to the 2nd rope and is slammed down, shaking the ring. Cancer throws Rey off the 2nd rope then Luci sentons Rey to pin him. Negro takes a leg lariats on the ropes and is pinned.
3rd Fall - Virus punches and stomps on Rey outside. Luci hits punches on Vol in the corner. Vol takes a 3v1 then is double back body dropped. Rey and Negro take back body drops together then a triple elbow drop. Cancer drops down on Vol and is splashed. Rey and Negro hit stereo springboard armdrags then do stereo tope con hilos. Vol spinebusters and legdrops Cancer. He then handspring splashes Cancer and pins him to win the fall and match.
Thoughts: It got boring here and I was happy when it was over. Volcano moved well here and almost all of his stuff looked good, which helped the match out. I liked the double back body drop spot here and Vol's back body drop bump was nice.
Los Gemelos Diablos (Gemelo Diablo I & Gemelo Diablo II) & Kraneo vs. La Fuerza Tapatia (Esfinge & Fugaz) & Valiente
Fug = Fugaz, Es = Esfinge, Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo, Val = Valiente
1st Fall - Gem and Val go at it. They roll on the mat and Val tries pins. They chop each other. Gem's leg is tied up, he is rolled and then they stand off. Es and Gem lock up. They wristlock each other and Es armdrags him. Es flying headscissors him out. Kraneo and Fug go at it. Fug tries to suplex him but can't. Kraneo misses a butt drop off a sunset flip. Fug runs up the buckles and is swept, landing on his neck.
Val is triple teamed then takes corner lariats. Kraneo running hip attacks him in the corner and Val is pinned. Kraneo's team wins the first fall.
2nd Fall - Es takes a doomsday device. Fug is thrown in by Kraneo. Fug is corner splashed by Kraneo. Val takes a double team then is double gorilla press slammed and double elbow dropped. Kraneo splashes Val. Es hits gut punches on Kraneo then Es takes a double boot from The Gem's. Fug headscissors a Gem then pump kicks the other Gem. Fug and Val dropkick Kraneo then Es springboard dropkicks him. Fug counters a crossbody with a spanish fly on a Gem and pins him. Fug then wins the fall.
The doctor comes to check out Fug and Fug is stretched out.
3rd Fall - The techs have to do this 3v2. Val springboard crossbodies Kraneo then armdrags him. Val takes a double boot then double armdrags The Gem's using the ropes. Val top rope diving hurrivcanrana's a Gem out. Es flying headscissors Kraneo then superkcks him while he's down. Es superkicks both Gem's.
Es monkey flips Gem then Val topes Kraneo. Es is put in reverse tree of woe and double basement dropkicked. Es is then pinned. Kraneo bronco busters Val and Val is pinned. Kraneo's team wins.
Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected and Fugaz got injured, which sucked.
Volador Jr. vs Soberano Jr.
1st Fall - Vol springboard hurricanrana's in then topes Sob. Vol isn't paying attention and Sob top rope tornillo's him to win the fall.
2nd Fall - Sob beats up Vol between falls then drops him on the apron. Sob step up enzuigiri's him then basement dropkicks him on the inside. Sob sleepers Vol up top then makes a female fan kiss him outside. Sob stomps on Vol, goofs around and is pinned while taking off his shirt.
3rd Fall - Vol flying headscissors him out then slingshot diving hurricanrana's him outside. Vol springboard crossbodies Sob inside then is thrown down on a spinning headscissors. Sob handsprings and is caught with a backcracker. Vol runs at Sob on the ropes and is flipped down to the floor. Sob fosbury flops him outside. Sob top rope tornillos inside on Vol for 2.
Vol superkicks and backbreakers him for 2. Sob corners a hurricanrana for 2. Vol superkicks him then is popped up into a knee. They kick each other at the same time and both go down. Vol goes up top and gets crotched on the top rope. Vol boots him out of the corner then rolls into a code red for 2.
Sob blocks a hurricanrana then hits a styles clash on Vol for 2. Sob knees him in the head then Vol is monkey flipped into a canadian destroyer on Sob. Vol then gets the win.
Thoughts: It was a disappointing match. The first and second falls were super short and then the 3rd fall was super slow and they didn't do a whole lot.
Overall thoughts: I really only liked the opener here. The women weren't too impressive. Fugaz got injured in his match. And they really didn't try that hard in the main and wasted a bunch of time at a slow pace. I don't recommend this one.
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