Saturday, May 11, 2024

AEW Collision 5/11/2024

AEW Collision 5/11/2024

The last Collision show is here:

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli) vs Top Flight

Bryan headlock takeovers Darius then is put in a headscissors. The reverse happens to Darius and they stand off. Bryan armdrags Darius. Darius cravates him. Bryan shoulders him over and is armdragged. Darius shoulders him over and backslides him for 2. Bryan misses a spin kick and they stand off.

CC euros Dante in the corner then Dante headscissors him over. Dante corner clotheslines CC. Top Flight do an unusual double team suplex then Dante hits a slingshot swanton. CC chops and euros Darius in the corner. Darius is laid on the top rope then Bryan top rope knee drops Darius.

Darius takes a surfboard from Bryan then CC running euros. Darius hits forearms on CC then Darius is thrown shoulder first into the post. We go to PiP break and return. Darius and Bryan trade chops. Darius double boots him out of the corner then plants off the top buckle and pele kicks him. Dante gets in and forearm flurries CC. Dante springboard crossbodies CC for 2.

Dante flips over CC, hits a jumping knee then topes Bryan. Dante enzugiri's CC from the apron then Dante hits a top rope frogsplash for 2. CC giant swings Dante then sharpshooters him. 

Darius hits chops and forearms on Bryan and CC. Darius tornado ddt's CC then topes Bryan. Dante double springboard moonsaults CC for 2. Bryan flying knees Dante. Darius chops Bryan, is high kicked then takes a running euro from CC. CC pins Darius.

Thoughts: It was your usual BCC match where they have a longer match with a team they are going to beat. It was fine for what it was but nothing memorable or super interesting. CC's running euro at the end looked real stiff. 

Bryan Danielson gets on the mic after. He says to give it up for Top Flight and says they are what AEW is all about. Bryan has the crowd chant AEW. He says he loves AEW. He says The Elite don't represent AEW anymore. He said Tony Khan has been here at every show and said they want to run the company but they aren't even here. He says he wants to fight in Anarchy in the Arena because he loves AEW. He says he will do anything to protect it.

Thoughts: I'd love to know the kayfabe explanation for why The Elite want to run Dynamite but not the other shows. I'd also love to know who is running the show if The Elite and Tony aren't.

Will Ospreay vs Lee Moriarty

Man, this is random. They do some mat wrestling and Lee is backed up on the ropes. They take each other over and stare down after Will misses a head kick. Lee is flipped over Will's back off a lock up. Will bridges then monkey flips Lee. Lee holds on and monkey flips him. Lee boots the arm then Will flying headscissors him out. Will plancha's him outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Lee twists Will's head with his feetand cravates him. Will handspring back corkscrew kicks him. Will back body drops him. Will running facekicks him then springboard forearms him for 2. Will hits Kawada kicks then Lee does a double underhook twisting drop on him.

Lee enzugiri's him then hits a corner lariat. Will superkicks Lee's head into the buckles then spinning torture rack bombs him for 2. Shane Taylor gets on the apron and Will superkicks him. Will hook kicks Lee. Lee side steps an os cutter and does a border city stretch. Will flying back elbows him then does a stormbreaker to win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match than I had experected here. They did some technical wrestling early then Will pretty much got all off the offense in after.

Roderick Strong holds his title up at Will after on the apron. Shane Taylor then nails Will from behind and stomps him. Shane drops Will with a punch.

They announce Tam Nakano vs Willow Nightingale for the TBS Title at an upcoming Stardom show.

We see clips of Mercedes Mone throwing out the first pitch at Fenway Park.

The Gates of Agony and Brian Cage vs Evan Rivers and The Voros Twins

Cage pops up and head kicks Evan. Cage release germans Evan. A twin is thrown in and Kaun running lariats him. Kaun then hits an alabama slam. Toa does a high spinebuster on a twin. Evan takes a Cage lariat then is held by Kaun for Toa punches. Evan is thrown into a Cage sitout powerbomb and pinned.

Thoughts: This was just a short squash. It's rather pointless at this point but it beats an Orange Cassidy match or something I like less.

Tony Schiavone wants to interview Cage and The GoA after. Tony asks why they turned on Swerve. Cage says it's not Swerve's house anymore and said he explained why they did what they did. Cage says Swerve and Nana are selfish. He said all they did was take and left them high and dry. Cage said they are looking for the leadership and guidance of the new showrunners, Matt and Nick Jackson.

Swerve's music hits. Swerve appears from behind. He chokes Kaun with a chain and pulls him out of the ring. He pulls Toa out too. Swerve then release germans Cage then hits a house call kick. Swerve top rope double stomps Toa. Swerve double stomps Kaun from the apron. Swerve wraps a chain around Kaun's neck and kind of hangs him then Toa pounces Swerve outside. Toa yells something at Nana in the camera. Toa runs at Swerve but Swerve picks up a cinder block and Toa goes into it. Swerve chairs Toa's head against the steps. Cage backs up and goes up the ramp, looking at Swerve, before he gets laid out too.

Thoughts: This was a hotshot angle here. The hosses getting beaten up destroys any good will the squash garnered them and was a bad call. It made them all look real weak but making hosses look bad is the norm in AEW.

Swerve Strickland does a promo. He said he tried to be a company guy. He said people told him he has gone soft and said people tried to take advantage of him. He said he brought Mogul Embassy into this world and will take them out. He said he didn't take out Cage and said they will face each other in his home town on Dynamite.

Daniel Garcia vs KM

KM knees him in the gut and hits forearms. KM yells at him and DG hits forearms. KM short arm lariats him then does DG's dance in a funny moment. Tony says it's the worst dance he has ever seen and Nigel says to get your dollar bills out.

DG hits shots on KM then hits stomps in the corner on him. DG stands on him in the corner. DG hits corner punches then humps his face. DG delay backdrops him then taps him out with a grounded dragon sleeper.

Thoughts: It was ridiculuous that DG beat the much bigger KM. I'll never understand the never ending Daniel Garcia push.

Some fan jumped in the ring during this segment. They immediately cut away.

Dax Harwood vs Tommy Billington

Tom is The Dynamite Kid's nephew. He had been teaming with Mark Billington, but Mark hasn't wrestled yet in 2024 and may be injured. Tom comes out to Rule Brittania.

Dax is backed up in the corner then armdragged. Dax headlock takeovers him then side headlocks him. Dax shoulders him over. Tom hits headbutts and Dax headbutts back. Tom armdrags him but Dax hangs on and hammerlocks him. Tom monkey flips him but Dax holds on and hammerlocks him.

Tom kips up, headlocks and side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Tom knocks him over. Dax goes out and Tom teases jumping off the top. Dax gets back in and shoulders Tom over. Dax running back elbows Tom. Dax chops him. Tom fights out of the corner then Dax short arm lariats him. Dax suplexes him and lariats him. Tom dropkicks him then crossbodies him over the top rope.

We go to PiP break and return. Tom tope rope planchas Dax then top rope dropkicks him. Tom suplexes him then top rope elbow drops him for 2. They fight on the buckles. Tom headbutts him down then Dax superplexes him.

Dax hits germans then Tom hits germans back. Dax dragon suplexes him then Tom cradles him for 2. Tom back rolls him for 2. Tom takes a slingshot ligerbomb and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. Tom lived up to his name and already is a good wrestler. Like Dynamite though, he is small which will hurt him. I don't really get why they debuted him here with no hype or anything and I don't really get why they had him lose.

We see The Elite talking after Dynamite. Okada said he challenges Dax. Jack Perry said he was one of four pillars last year and still has a bruised eye from Kenny and says he never felt more miserable. He said he's the keystone of AEW and said Team AEW is dead. The Young Bucks talk to Christopher Daniels. They yell at him for getting in their business. Daniels is told to put his headset back on and yells back. The Bucks said they gave him this job and he said he earned this job. Daniels said he will bet Matt's @ss if he talks like that to him again.

Christopher Daniels does a promo. He said it took a lot of sacrifice to get to his successes. He said he hasn't forgotten where he came from and said he's been here since Day 1. He said The Young Bucks want to make things about themselves than the whole company. Daniels said they talked down to him and he says he's not standing for it. Daniels said he has to find a partner and face them in a tag match on Wednesday. He says he will pick Matt Sydal. He said they know what it is to be successful. He says The Bucks' title of EVP won't matter in the match. He said someone will get punished and it's not who they think.

FTR do a promo. Dax said he has been doing this for 20 years and never fought a match as dangerous as Anarchy in the Arena.  He said he has to fight Okada, who may be the best wrestler of all time. He says this isn't young boy crap and says this is hwere the best wrestel. He said Okada has never fought anyone like him.

Thunder Rosa vs Robyn Renegade

They lock up. Rosa armdrags her then RR does it back to her. Rosa sits on the top rope and RR mocks her. Rosa boots her over then armdrags her. Rosa dropkicks her then chops her. They go out and Rosa gets kicked.

We go to PiP break and return. RR knees her then double stomps Rosa as she hangs over the middle rope. Rosa hits lariats then codebreakers her. Rosa dropkicks her against the bottom rope. RR does some pumphandle move that looks like it hurts her as much as Rosa. RR goes up top and misses a moonsault. Rosa double stomps her back then Rosa sits on her back and camel clutches her. Rosa submits her and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match here. Rosa didn't look too bad but the outcome was always obvious on this one. 

Rosa said she brings the best out of every woman in the division and says she's here now.

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie are interviewed. Taya said she's excited to be here. Johnny said this town is full of Vanlosers (they are in Vancouver). He says he's issuing a challenge to Pac and said he will do something no one else here can do and that's win. They then kiss as Lexy makes faces.

Hook is hanging out near the dumpster and talks about Chris Jericho. He said he had his hesitations about Jericho. He said he told him he knew who he was. He says Jericho p!ssed him off but it doesn't surprise him. Hook says Jericho doesn't know who or what he can be. He said he can't wait to show him.

AEW TNT Title - Adam Copeland (c) vs Kyle O'Reilly

They shake hands and Adam armlocks him. Adam side hedlocks him. Kyle goes up and over then side headlock takeovers him. Kyle side headlocks him and takes him over 2 more times. Kyle works the arm then sliding knees it. Kyle is sent into the buckles shoulder first. Adam gutbusters him then hits forearms to Kyle's spine. Adam drops him on the top rope gut first then knocks him off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Kyle is knocked off the buckles. Adam goes for a top rope elbow drop but Kyle armbars him. Adam crossfaces him and Kyle ropebreaks. Adam gutbusters him. Kyle goes into the ropes then rebound lariats him.

Kyle hits knees to the body then legsweeps him. Kyle corner forearms him then backdrops him. Kyle legbars him and kicks his leg. Kyle drops him down on the apron by the arm. Kyle top rope knee drops Adam's back then armbars him. Kyle is pulled down backwards off an armbreaker.

Kyle facekicks him. Adam misses a spear and is rolled up backwards. Adam puts him in a grounded choke. Adam bulldog chokes him then Kyle turns it into an armbar. Adam stomps him in the gut then Kyle cradles him for 2. Adam gutbusters him. They fight on the buckles and Kyle arm ddt's him off the buckles. 

Adam hits forearms. Kyle is kicked in the gut and does down. Adam goes for the spear and is caught in a guillotine choke. Adam lifts him up and ddt's him. Adam spears him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower match. The match made sense and was creative with some of the limb work but it was not exciting at all and the crowd even booing Adam at times. I wasn't a big fan of this and was happy when it ended. This match ended late and actually went into Rampage's air time. And if you had this show DVR'd but not Rampage, you would have missed the finish.

Overall thoughts: It was a typical Collision for the most part. It had a lot of random matches or matches with little build, a lot of one-sided matches and it was nothing must see. I wouldn't recommend this.

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