Saturday, April 9, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 4/8/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 4/8/2022

Guru Raaj vs Javier Bernal

JB does a headlock to start and he holds it for about a minute straight. JB sunset flips him and Raaj comes back with a dropkick. Raaj collides with him at the ropes then hits a nice snap suplex. A little later, JB hits a dropkick and some leg kicks, then a russian leg sweep. He then sliding lariats him and hits a codebreaker for the win.

This was 4 minutes long. It felt super long, which is really saying something and they filled the time with some basic stuff. I thought it was very boring.

Ivy Nile vs Thea Hail

This is Thea's WWE debut. Hail wears a long red and gold cape and Ivy can't help but smile and laugh at her mannerisms. They trade armdrags early. Thea uses the ropes to flip out of a wristlock and gets flipped on a caught kick. They botch something and Ivy does a roll into a fireman's carry then drops her hard, and I mean hard, on the top rope.

Ivy fallaway slams her then kips up. Ivy superman punches her then running kicks her for 2. Ivy then diamond dusts her and snap suplexes her. Thea hits some double axe handles to the chest and dropkicks her. They botch a back roll into Ivy's dragon sleeper and that ends it.

Thea didn't really get a ton in here and botched a couple of the things. Stuff like that should kind of be expected in people's first matches.

Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward vs Channing Lauren and Troy Donovan

Channing and Troy are making their WWE debut's here. It seems like they are going to be a team. Troy was in IWC as Cole Karter and he has a traditional babyface look. CL armdrags Andre and signals that he's a loser. Chase rolls out of a wristlock and bends down to trip him as CL bounces back. Andre then calls that a "teachable moment". Chase russian leg sweeps him and does the Chase U stomps.

Bodhi sunset flips CL to get in. Troy armdrags Bodhi then rolls into a Bodhi armlock. CL knees Chase from the apron and gets decked for it. Troy then pounds on Chase. CL and Troy double back elbow Chase. Troy slams Chase for 2 then Troy backdrops him. CL misses a slingshot senton in and Chase rolls CL into a tag. Bodhi gets in and hits football tackles on CL and really knocks him over on the last one.

Bodhi slams Troy onto CL then splashes both as they are piled up. Bodhi hits a nice powerslam on Troy. Bodhi puts CL on his back with a Gori Guerrero Special then Chase rolls over Bodhi's back and hits a flatliner on CL for the win.

This was Bodhi's best match so far in WWE and the crowd liked him. He wasn't bad here at all as the face and helped make this a decent one. Channing didn't really blow anything here and was fine and Troy was fine, but he didn't get to do too much. This was totally fine.

Overall thoughts: I only liked the main here but wouldn't recommend going to see this. Thea wasn't too good in here debut and the opener was boring.

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