Monday, May 31, 2021

AEW Double or Nothing 2021 5/30/2021

AEW Double or Nothing 2021 5/30/2021

Here's what I have seen so far:

Serena Deeb vs Riho

Deeb won this with the tequila sunrise. They somewhat went with the story of Riho having a bad knee but Riho didn't sell it that much and Deeb didn't really focus on it much. They hit each other hard and the crowd loved it but when you do the injured body part storyline, you have to focus on it.

We had a fan fest video package where they used WWE music, which was odd.

Battle Royal

Lio Rush is the surprise participant which I don't think anyone had. Naturally, he loses in his debut. I really hope he is not done with MLW as MLW has done a fantastic job with him. There was a bad sequence here where Rush was taking on HFO by himself and winning and Hardy was just standing there observing instead of nailing him.

Christian was the heavy favorite here but lost. Christian has had one of the worst debut runs of anyone I can think of as they have just done everything wrong.

As for the Jungle Boy win, well I'm always in favor of pushing new talent.

Cody Rhodes vs Anthony Ogogo

AEW is not the place for boxing gimmicks. Ogogo's punches had been protected strong but Cody got hit with multiple punches and was able to pick up the win anyway. AEW's time honored tradition of making the heels lose in their first big match continues as Ogogo joins the likes of Brodie Lee, Brian Cage and Lance Archer. Ogogo wasnn't too bad here for his real match. This went too long and they kicked out of too much.

Miro vs Lance Archer

Miro won with the camel clutch after Lance passed out from the pain. Neither guy needed to take the L here and I figured if anyone was going to lose, it would be Archer. Where does Archer go from here? I have no idea, but it's harder to buy him as a threat with every loss.

I didn't really care for the Jake spot but they did some alright hoss vs hoss stuff here.

Sting and Darby Allin vs Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page

Sting took a suplex on the ramp and no sold it, then he did a dive off of the stage which was cool. They did the Bam Bam/Spike Dudley spot here with Page gorilla pressing Darby into the crowd. You would think this would be it for Darby, but he was able to get some offense in and make the hot tag to Sting. Page like John Silver should not be doing spots like that as those spots should be saved for the bigger guys. They did a neat spot here where Darby and Page were both in submission holds near each other then started attacking each other while in it. Sting ended up winning with a sharpshooter on Sky. Sting's team had to get the win here but what do Page and Sky do now? The gorilla press spot just was unforgivable.

Kenny Omega vs Pac vs Orange Cassidy

Kenny reversed a crucifix for the win. This was going into hour 3 and they had a long match here. It was no DQ and nobody thought to grab a weapon or have anyone help them out until the end of it even though it is perfectly legal. You can justify the faces not getting help but why wouldn't Kenny or Pac(who knows if he is a face or a heel anymore)?

Don Callis screwed OC by getting involved when he was about to win it then Kenny started hitting Pac with belt shots and won it. They did some big moves here, then the match would stop for 30-60 seconds, then they would switch someone else and go to another big move. OC did a pockets spot that actually made sense for a change, but then he kept his hands in anyway and dove on Pac while Kenny was down after a super german suplex. The selling wasn't really here and while some of the OC winning tease spots worked, the rest didn't.

Mark Henry was brought out and announced as a trainer and an analyst. I'm not real sure what Mark offers in that role as he was never a great worker. I'm surprised to see him jump from WWE as they seemed like they had a good relationship, but that wasn't really the big surprise that we were expecting.

Stadium Stampede

MJF came in with a limo then the Inner Circle repelled down the tron in a cool entrance.  They did every spot you could imagine in the first SS so there was little left to do here. It's probably time to retire this match for a while. I didn't really like this at all. It felt like a good 20 minutes before we saw S&O and FTR fight once we went to Jericho/MJF. Why was FTR chilling in the bar during a match? Don't they want to win or hurt their opponents? The Spears thing with the lights was dumb and him throwing the bolt cutters was dumb. Why wouldn't he just put them on Sammy's throat or something until he quits and get the easy win? And why wouldn't he just beat the crap out of him with stuff while he was tied up? As I called ahead of time, S&O were piledrivered through tables Friday but were no worse for wear here and somehow a one armed Jericho beat the crap out of MJF. There just lots of logic issues here and they really needed to show us some picture-in-picture video so we could see what everyone was up to.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/28/2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/28/2021

Last week's show is here: 

The Uso's are talking in the back and Jimmy is ready to go for their match tonight. Roman and Heyman walk in. Roman wants to know what is Jimmy's end game. Jimmy said he wants the gold and wants the whole family to have gold. Roman isn't very excited and wishes they good luck, then tells Jey they will need good luck. Roman asks Jey if Jimmy is talking for him now. Jey confirms to Roman that he is with him even though he is teaming with Jimmy tonight and Roman says he should tell Jimmy that.

The Street Profits come out to talk. Ford says tonight is the clash of the titans with them vs the Uso's. They mock the Uso's old entrance with the haka and facepaint. Ford says Roman lives in Jey's head rent free. The Uso's then come out.

Jimmy says the best tag team in the world is back. Jey threatens Ford if he talks bad about Roman any more. Jey says this isn't a dream match but a nightmare and Jimmy says this will put them one step closer to becoming champs for the 7th time. Jey and Jimmy then tell them "welcome to the Uso penitentiary" and the match is up next.

The Uso's vs The Street Profits

Dawkings backdrops Ford onto Jimmy. Ford cartwheels and backflips into an armdrag on Jey in the corner then yells "USO" at Jimmy. Jey then gets backdropped for 2. Dawkins drops down then Ford hits Jimmy with a dropkick. Dawkins then hits a nice dropkick on Jey and they clothesline both over the top. Jey then gets thrown into the time keeper's area and Jey is thrown over the announcer's desk.

We go to break and return. Jey trips Ford then throws him into the rails. Roman and Heyman are seen watching from the back. Jey does a sliding chinlock to Ford. Ford fights off both and hits Jimmy with two enzugiri's. Ford goes for the tag but Jey pulls Dawkins off the apron. Jimmy then pop-up samoan drops Ford as we go to break.

Back from break and they double lariat each other soon after. Dawkins makes a come back on Jimmy. Ford then does an insane flip dive over the post onto Jey on the outside. Jimmy hits Dawkins with a big superkick for 2. Dawkins hits a double underhook twisting neckbreaker for 2 then spinebusters him. Ford misses a big frogsplash from the topas Jey saves Jimmy. Dawkins then comes off the steps and shoulders Jey. Jimmy then superkicks Ford for the win.

This ended up being a pretty good match as it went on. The Uso's winning was the right call here though I don't know if The Street Profits losing was the right call. Ford's dive was insane and the hightlight. This went over 15 minutes.

Megan Morant interviews Roode and Ziggler. Roode has the oddest ears. You really have to see them. Roode promises that tonight will be different than Backlash and Ziggler says they will win the titles back.

Natalya and Tamina vs The Riott Squad

We are joined in progress on this after a break. Liv hits a hard back shoulder to Natalya and the Squad does a messy double team move that looked like crap. Ruby uses her legs to ram Nat's head into the buckles.

Natalaya tries to double sharpshooter both opponents but can't. Tamina nails Ruby in the back hard and then she falls hard forward and land shard on the bottom rope on her throat. Tamina blocks a top rope armdrag from Ruby and headbutts her. Liv hits a side codebreaker on Nat on the floor that probably hurt her more than Nat. Tamina then hit a superfly splash on Riot for the win. As usual, this had the trademark diva's sloppiness and this was a short one.

Pearce and The Uso's talk in the back. Jimmy says he wants the winner of the tag title match tonight and Pearce agrees. Jey doesn't look happy as Jimmy leaves.

Camella is interviewed. She brags about some of her accomplishments and says while Bianca's career might be a fairly tale, she will end her haipply ever after.

Carmella vs Bianca Belair

Bayley jumps over the rail with a mic and then sits at the commentary desk. Bianca hits some corner spears and then has her throat bounced off the ropes. Carmella hits a big satellite headscissors and swings out Bianca. Carmella charges at her outside but is shouldered down.

Bayley calls Bianca a cheat then Bianca gorilla presses Carmella into the ring. Carmella comes back through with a facebuster on the apron. Bianca hits a real nice backbreaker then knocks her down with a shoulder tackle. Carmella crossbodies Bianca but she rolls through then fallaway slams her. She does her handspring int othe ropes and moonsaults onto Carmella for 2. I think something broke on Carmella's bra right before she headscissor chokes Bianca over the ropes. she then slaps Bianca and pounds on her.

Carmella superkicks her in the head for 2 as she hangs off the apron. Bianca hits a kiss of death for the win. Bayley gets mad and jumps on the announcer's desk then starts laughing at her. Bianca looked pretty good here hitting all of her offense.

The Mysterio's are interviewed. Dom says when one of them hurt the other hurts too. They said winning the tag titles was euphoria and nobody can top them.

Seth comes out and calls out Cesaro. He is wearing a wild green blue and purple suit with leaves on it. We saw clips of him attacking Cesaro last week. Seth claims to play audio of Cesaro from the hospital and it sounds like a whale or something. He kept going on after this about who knows what and this was a really bad promo.
Kevin Owens vs Apollo Crews

Owens rushes AC then cannonballs him in the corner. Owens then swantons him off the top for 2. Owens hits a stunner and Azeez nails him on the pin attempt for the quick DQ. This barely went 2-3 minutes before the interference. Owens gets checked on after.

Heyman brings Jey to Roman in the back. Roman isn't happy about not being told about all this. Roman says that as soon as Jimmy comes back, Jey got relegated to the opening match. Roman says he doesn't want Jimmy to go back to where people have to ask "which one are you, again?". Jey said he hadn't thought about it like that and Roman said maybe he should.

Rick Boogs is playing guitar. He says he has come to rock with Shinsuke Nakamura. He then does his intro for him.

Chad Gable vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Otis powerslams Nak before the bell rings. Gable hits some belly to belly suplexes for 2. chad armbars Nak over the ropes and armthrows him into the buckles. He goes for the moonsault but Nak moves and spin kicks him.

Gable goes for chaos theory but Nak escapes it and flying kicks him for the quick win. Corbin then takes his crown back and says the crown belongs to him. Boogs then nails Corbin from behind and Nak gets the crown back.

Owens is seen coughing in the back. He begs Pearce for another match with Crews. Pearce agrees and says they will fight for the IC title with Azeez banned from ringside.

Rey is praying in the back and Dom says something to him.

We go to break and return and Rey is down and in pain.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship - Rey Mysterio and Dominic Mysterio (c) vs Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler

Roode and Dolph get on the mic. They say this should be a forfeit if Rey can't compete. We see Dom in the back with Pearce and refs and he said Rey stepped up for him at Backlash(when Rey worked most of the match 1v2), and he will step up for him here.

The match starts 1v2. Dom gets dropkicked by Dolph. Dom gets beat down early and tries to make a tag but Rey isn't there. Dolph is wearing an odd USA colored braid in his hair. Dom comes back with some punches and puts both guys on the floor. He then plancha's both.

Dom goes for the 619 but Roode leg sweeps him. DZ evades a 2nd 619 attempt and hits a fameasser for 2. The heels double hiptoss Dom into a neckbreaker/powerbomb combo. Rey finally comes out and the heels get distracted. Dom rolls up Roode for the win. The heels looked like goofs here for not being able to win the 2v1 and being beat so easy. This was a waste of everyone here and a copy of the Backlash match.

The Uso's come right out and they face off with the Mysterio's as Roman watches.

Overall thoughts: Not a great edition of SD as there were tons of short matches with bad finishes and the main was not what we were promised.

WWE 205 Live 5/28/2021

WWE 205 Live 5/28/2021

Last week's show is here:

This is one of Tom Phillips' last shows as he got released this week. I will always remember him messing up the call on a headlock early in his career.

Tom Phillips and Nigel McGuisness are the announcers.

Asher Hale vs Tony Nese

Ther go to the mat early and Hale gets backdropped hard. They trade strikes and Hale hits some hard kicks. Nese comes back and grabs his head, then jumps over the top to drop his throat over it. Hale gets back at him though with a hard chest kick flurry. Hale hits more kicks then takes a spin kick to the face for 2.

Nese gets flatlinered into the 2nd rope then Hale kicks the rope while Nese's face is on it. Hale sits up top and tapes a palm strike, then Hale lariats Nese over the top and falls out with him. They trade chops and Hale hits more forearms. Hale german's him and buzzsaw kicks him for 2.

Nese misses a 2nd rope moonsault then takes a high kick. Hale then throws him over his back and chokes him for the win. I liked Hale's kicks here but this match didn't have a ton of story or selling to it and it wasn't anything too special.

Ari Sterling vs Ariya Daivari

They mentioned how they have very similar first names early. Ari rolls Ariya into the ropes chest first and tries to roll him up. He goes onto the apron and is legswept, then holds his knee. Ariya then chopblocks him on the floor and throws him into the boards. Ari comes back and hits some bad corner punches, then is pulled down from the buckles. He then bangs Ari's knee off the post.

Ariya puts him in the figure four and Ari punches out. Ari then hits a pele kick and knocks him down. Ari hits some leg sweeps then flipping legdrops the back of Ariya's head as he is bent over. Ariya sits up top and Ari runs and does a flipping hurricanrana to bring him down. Ari gets Ariya out then sitting moonsaults him from the inside 2nd rope to the outside. They go back in and Ari wins it with a spiral tap.

Ariya tried here but I didn't like Ari having his leg worked over then doing all kinds of flipping moves.

Overall thoughts: It's 205 Live. You know the deal. I didn't think either match was that great and fell to a lot of the usual indy issues with a lack of selling.

AEW Dynamite 5/28/2021

AEW Dynamite 5/28/2021

Last week's show is here:

This is airing on a Friday at 10PM. Since it likely isn't going to do well in the ratings, they didn't bother putting on a big show.
AEW has a new stage set up for tonight. It makes it look more full and kind of feels like a 1990's tv show set up.

Darby Allin with Sting vs Cezar Bononi with Pretty Picture

Cezar hit some awful strikes early and threw around Darby, slamming him onto the stage. He was trying to pin him and it looked silly as Cezar is like twice his size but can't hold him down. Darby hit more offense that was really hard to buy and won this one easy with a coffin drop.

Darby calls out Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page to fight right now. Sky mocked him for it. He said at the PPV, it would be the end of one legend and the birth of two more. Pretty Picture then jumped Darby and Sting and Sky/Page joined in. As expected, The Dark Order came out to save them.

They bring out Paul Wight to officiate a weigh-in between Cody Rhodes and Anthony Ogogo. Paul says there will be no shenanigans and this will be "a serious weigh-in". Paul acted lik their dad trying to force them in the ring. Cody came out with something like 10 different people with many trainees.

There was fireworks going on in the background somewhere here that they mentioned. Cody weighs in at 218 and Ogogo weighs in at 219. QT says Ogogo has the victory in his hands because he is heavier and says he will win. Both of them posed and tried to get people to chant for their country. This segment went on way too long and felt like time filler.

They do a package on Stadium Stampede. They show clips from last year's match.

We cut to the back with Hobbs and Christian Cage going at it near a fenced in area. Hobbs gets speared into some boxes and the refs have to break it up.

Adam Page vs Joey Janela

Why? Janela ran at Page off the apron and was fallaway slammed on the apron. JR said Page was challening the Wild Samoans off that move in an odd line. Janela's green underwear is hanging out and Taz rightfully rips him for it.

Page got his mouth busted open and Janela tried to german him into the bottom buckle but they missed. Janela hit a nice diving elbow from the top. Page then got his head busted open and hit a buckshot lariat for the win. This wasn't any good and I can't believe Page ended up bleeding over this. This was little but filler.

Taz says Brian Cage wants to come say hi and Cage comes out. Page says he knows Team Taz is going to jump him and calls them out. Page mocks Cage, asking if he needs help to beat him up. Page dares Cage to leave Team Taz out of it at the ppv. Cage says he doesn't need their help and says nobody is better than Cage. Well, except for Darby and Mox who beat him clean.

Mox and Eddie are burying the Young Buck's shoes. Mox calls them "Rod and Todd Flanders"...then the promo just cuts out and we go to black before they finish the sentence. We come back from the black out and the promo continues.

Mox says he wants and needs the tag title belts. Eddie calls all the people in the back quitters for not being out there and going for it in an odd line. He tells the Bucks that the pressure is coming.

Tony Schiavone invites Orange Cassidy out but Pac comes out instead. Pac kicks him out. Pac's accent was really funny here. He calls out Kenny and Don Callis appears on the tron. Don calls him violent and aggressive and says he wants nothing to do with him. Kenny tries to jump and gets caught. The Good Brothers join in and get the edge on Pac then the Lucha Brothers come out to even the odds. Kenny goes for the OWA on Pac then Best Friends come out to interrupt it for some reason. Makes no sense since if Kenny takes out Pac, OC has an easier chance of winning. OC gives Kenny and envelope with the contract all ripped up that Kenny gave him. Then he hits an orange punch. Pac smartly then tries to beat up OC but he takes an orange punch too.

Tony interviews Jade Cargill in the back. Matt Hardy then comes out and makes his pitch, then Mark Sterling says Jade has accepted him as her manager. Mark threatens to sue him if he tries to interfere with his client. He says while Matt charges 30%, he only charges Jade if she wins. This Jade looking for a manager storyline has been awful and hasn't made much sense. I don't really see what Mark can do for Jade and the pair goes together like ice cream and motor oil, but at least the search for the manager she didn't want is over.

Kilynn King vs Jade Cargill with Mark Sterling

These two are bigger than most of the men on the roster. Even though Jade does nothing for me personally, she really is the total package as she is big, looks and acts like a star and has personality. Jade does a nice flip over the ropes and over King's back into a spinebuster.

King gets thrown out hard and Mark throws his card at her. Jade wins this with a glam slam. The crowd was dead and this was not very interesting.

Jake Roberts and Lance Archer do an interview. He says he doesn't want Dante Martin to win as he wants Miro. He says he will be the new TNT champ.

TNT Championship - Miro (c) vs Dante Martin

Dante has new white and black gear. Miro does some nice pounding on him in the corner and throws him high on an overhead throw. Dante hit his double jump springboard moonsault. He was thrown over the ropes onto the ramp and flipped over the rope, then he came back and did a springboard dropkick.

Miro then hit a pump kick and a camel clutch soon after to win. I was really surprised this was short and to the point.

Jake and Archer come out. Jake says Miro's fairy tale comes to an end at the ppv. He says something in gibberish and says it translates to "shut the hell up". Miro tells Archer to come fight him then Archer and Miro go at it as the refs come in to stop it. This wasn't done too well.

Tony is with Bryce in the ring and they are here to honor Shida being champ for over a year. They present her with a new title belt that is visibly a lot bigger than the older one and is an upgrade. They say it has been Shida's dream to defend the title in front of fans and Shida says she is happy she will get the chance to. She says the title is for the fans then Britt Baker comes out. Britt says the last year was Shida's year. She said she isn't going to be the face of the women's division, but the face of a new era. She said the last era was about 3:16, but this era is about DMD.

Sammy did his usual dumb stuff with the signs during a break.

The Dark Order - Evil Uno and Stu Grayson vs Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky

Stu does a springboard out of nowhere and ddt's sky on the apron. Uno sideslams Page and Stu springboard elbow drops him. Stu then slingshot senton's Page on the apron and is swept on his shoulder on the apron. Sky then slingshot cutter's him.

Stu does a flip bump off of a shoulder from Page. Page then iconoslams Stu. We come back from break with Stu hitting a uranage on Sky and doing his double backflip kick on both opponents. Uno hits a hurricanrana and an end of days. Page gets pushed by Uno's feet into a belly to belly on Sky, then the D-O does the cannonball and 450 combo for 2.

Sky got Page out of the Fatality, then they picke dup the win with a razor's edge. This wasn't anything too special and the outcome was obvious. Page says the same thing will happen this Sunday on the mic and then Darby and people in Sting masks come out. Sky beats up some of them and Sting is revealed to be one of the people in the masks. Sky then runs for it. Anyone remember when they did that one in TNA?

Eric Bischoff comes out. He said he was doing this 25 years ago with the NWO then brings out the Inner Circle, saying they might be as good as them. Jericho says he had a change of heart about Bischoff and thanks for him for being here. I don't really buy that one. They show clips of some of the IC's deeds which I probably wouldn't do since they are trying to push them as faces now. I guess we're supposed to cheer them for beating up all of the people we are supposed to like?

Santana says if they lose and are forced to break up, they wouldn't want to have to do it any other way. They all put over the Inner Circle and kind of do a restrospective. They all hug after Jericho says he loves them. MJF appears on the tron at the stadium as they pose.

It is revealed that MJF has Dean Malenko tied up to football pole there then the Inner Circle run after them. They get jumped from behind by The Pinnacle and thrown around the stadium. FTR piledrive S & O off a stand onto tables. This should put them out for a long time but they will be fine by Sunday I'm sure. The Pinnacle close by saying they are always on top.

Overall thoughts: Not a good one here. They were clearly filling time and stalling before the PPV and had a pretty weak line-up. The stuff they did do didn't really make you more excited for the PPV which isn't good on a go home show.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

WWE NXT 5/25/2021

WWE NXT 5/25/2021 

Last week's show is here:

Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai vs Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart

Shotzi climbs on RG's back and is thrown down. She tries it again from the front and is thrown down. Ember gets popped up and hurricanrana's RG. RG lifts up Kai for a double stomp on Ember. Shotzi comes in and does a sling blade facebuster on Kai for 2. Ember trips Kai into a Shotzi elbow then standing moonsaults her.

Shotzi puts Kai in a sharpshooter but RG pulls Kai out of the ring. We go to break and return with Kai and Shotzi each hitting each other with moves. Ember comes in and diving kicks RG then hits a nasty spinning forearm. RG is on all fours and she pendulum knees her and 2nd rope codebreakers her. RG then hits a big facekick on Ember, then throws her up into a Kai enzugiri.

Shotzi crossbodies RG off the top and Kai mule kicks her. Ember then puts a neat stf type of move on Kai but is sliced hard by RG. RG tries to single arm powerbomb her but is hit with a cutter. Ember holds up Kai upside down and Shotzi slides and does like a cutter for the win. RG then nails both opponents after. RG powerbombs Shotzi into the boards and post, then drops her over the rail.

This wasn't a bad match at all with some cool spots and the faces being decent.

TT and Ciampa do a promo. They said they made a mistake in calling out MSK. They said their will be a 3rd match between them and the Vets to decide who wins it since htey both won a match. TT said he will enjoy breaking their limbs.

We get a short video on Dunne/Fish, with Fish showing how Dunne injured him.

We see Finn and Kross/Scarlett arriving on the big screen in the arena.

Bobby Fish vs Pete Dunne with Oney Lorcan

Fish rushes after him to start and hits a kick combo. Dunne comes back with a nasty forearm. Dunne works him over a bit and is caught in a fujiwara armbar. Fish puts him in a hammerlock and bounces that arm off the ropes. He then forearms him hard and boots him hard outside of the ring.

We go to break and return with Dunne working his leg. Dunne slaps his back and hits some footshoves. Fish then comes back with a dragon screw. Dunne then runs and jumps up for some reason into a spinebuster. Dunne then pulls his fingers apart and jumps on his arm. Dunne goes after him outside but is back body dropped onto the floor. Fish then running knee's him into the boards.

Back in the ring and Fish hits like a capture suplex while Dunne is hanging off his body into the ropes. Fish hits some knees to Dunne's gut and Dunne comes back with a german. Fish then hits a jumping knee. Dunne wins it soon after with a bitter end. This one was all over the place with no real direction. Fish shouldn't have lost his first match back here.

Lorcan pounds on Fish after. Lorcan stands on Fish's recovered arm over the apron then kicks him in it.

Mercedez Martinez does a promo on Raquel. She said she learned from her loss and is on the road back to the title. Boa is then seen looking on from a room.

Hit Row is at the studio. They say it is time for Hit Row to go gold as they want some titles. Swerve says all eyes are on the main event, then Top Dolla says they are also looking at MSK and LdF. Adonis says he will slap Kushida back to the future.

Mercedez Martinez vs Zayda Ramier

ZR spin kicks her early after running into the buckles and moonsaulting over her. MM comes back with a spinning forearm and double arm suplexes her three times. MM spinesbusters her for 2 then throws her as she is on the top rope. She running knees her and hits a falling version of the schwein for the win. All squash here.

Red lights turn on and we see smoke from Tian Sha and Xia Li's crew. MM somehow gets marked on her hand.

Ted Dibiase talks to Toni Storm and Robert Stone's crew in the back. TD throws money at Stone and his girls try to pick it up.

We see Kross warming up on a punching bag.

Million Dollar Faceoff with Ted Dibiase and Cameron Grimes

Grimes wants to know why he's been doing all the stuff he's been doing to him. Grimes says he has been looking up to him and says he has learned that with money, he can treat people terribly and they will still like him. Grimes says it's true that you should never meet your idols.

Ted says he likes him and they have more in common than he thinks. Ted says he has put him through hell because he sees a little of himself. Ted says he is looking for that one individual who has the million dollar legacy. He says it isn't about money or humiliating people with money, it's about in-ring performance. Ted says he has that but Grimes has lost his focus since he got rich.

Music then hits and LA Knight comes out. He tells him to stop searching because he is the man Ted is looking for. Grimes calls him nickle and dime and says this is a convo between millionaires. Knight said he isn't a millionaire and with him, he can take the million dollar legacy up to new heights. Ted says he knows who Knight is and Ted said Knight can become a megstar. Ted puts him over and Grimes interrupts. He says Knight is jacked but he is no Cameron Grimes and says this is a million dollar faceoff and Knight shouldn't be here. He threatens to kiss his @ss to the moon. Knight hits him from behind and hits a snapmare driver or a bad cutter. Ted then says "kid, you're just never gonna get it, are you?". He then laughs and pats Knight on the back.

I liked this segment though I would have liked the Ted/Grimes part to go a little. We will have to see where it goes. I would put Ted with someone who can't talk though.

Franky Monet is in the back and gives her dog to some of the make-up artists.

Indi Hartwell is desperately looking for Lumis. She runs into Ever-Rise Live doing a taping. Drake Maverick then comes in and said he saw Dexter in a room hours ago. Indi goes into the dark room and it is covered in pictures of bloody hearts and Dexter being stabbed in the heart.

Franky Monet vs Cora Jade

Franky's entrance robe is very fluffy. Monet bangs her head off the mat then off the buckles. She running double knees her into the buckle then hip attacks her into the ropes. Monet gut kicks her and knocks her down. Jade comes back with forearms then does a satelittle into a russian leg sweep. She then takes a hard spear and takes a glam slam for the win. Monet weighs more than she used to and was vocal here, but not particularly that impressive.

The Grizzled Young Vets do a promo on Ciampa and TT. They said they came to NXT for the tag titles and said they are done with them. They said they aren't done with MSK though as they say they are the leaders the division needs.

We see clips from the media of Bronson Reed winning the N-A title. Then we see him and Kushida doing a photo shoot.

We then get an Imperium video. Walter says they will continue to keep this sport great. He tells them that they have to beat Breezango and mentions cutting Alexander Wolfe.

Bronson Reed talks in ring. He said it took 14 years to get here and good luck taking it from him. LdF then comes out. Escobar pretends to cry over the speech. He said he was born to be champ and the business belongs to him. He said North American means Mexico and the North American title belongs to him. LdF try to surround him but MSK come to save him.

Regal talks about the main event. He says we will have a match with Dunne/Gargano/Kyle for the #1 Contendership to the NXT title. He said the winner of that gets their shot at In Your House.

WWE NXT Title - Karrion Kross (c) vs Finn Balor

Finn is thrown out early but comes right back in. He gets Kross out and we go right to break. They trade holds during the break without anything real interesting happen. Back from break and Kross hits a big slam and takes control for a big. Finn reverses a move then starts working his lower back.

Kross is a lot bigger here than usual and appears to be juicing. Finn puts him in a crossface and rolls him into a double stomp. They go outside and Kross gets wrapped in the apron and stomped on.  We then go to our second break during this which is awful.

Back from break and Kross is in control. Finn slices him for a 1 count then they go face to face. Kross bangs the back of Finn's head off the boards then razor's edges him into the boards. Finn comes back with a ddt and a sling blade, then he clotheslines him over the top and flip dives him. Kross comes right back and backdrops him on the announcer's table.

Back in and Finn double stomps him then shotgun dropkicks him. He misses the top rope double stomp and eats a german suplex. He takes naother but rolls up Kross for 2. Finn starts pounds on the back of the neck of a downed Kross but the ref pulls him off. Kross goes to Scarlett and Finn chokes him. Kross powerbombs Finn out of a triangle choke.

Kross hits 2 forearms to the back of the head then stompson his head. Kross then chokes him out for the win.

The two breaks hurt this one. There wasn't that much selling or story and these two just don't mesh that well. This had the usual slow and not so epic feel that a lot of NXT main events have to them. 

Overall thoughts: This one wasn't too special though nothing was bad.

Friday, May 21, 2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/21/2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/21/2021 

Last week's show is here:

They had all the champions out except for Roman in a parade of champions to start the show.

Sonya comes out and announces that they will be performing in front of live crowds again soon. Apollo Crews interrupts and complains about the odds being stacked against him tonight in the four way. Roman gets his own seperate intro.

Paul Heyman comes out for Roman. He says it's not a parade of champions but a parade of title holders. He says Reigns is a champion, not a title holder. Bayley comes out. She said she held the company on her back and should be thanked for it. She rips through the various champs. Bianca gets annoyed and comes out to the ring to go face to face with her and challenges her to take her title. Nia Jax and Shayna then jump Bianca and Tamina and Natalya come out to help.

Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler and Bayley vs Bianca Belair, Natalya and Tamina

This was made during the break. The heels control Tamina early. SB kicks her. Bayley and Tamina go at it and Tamina hits a nice vertical suplex then tags out. Later on Bianca gets a hot tag and goes at it with Shayna. She hits some corner spears and backflips over her form the 2nd rope. She hits a hard way spinebuster then dives on all 3 opponents outside.

We go to break and return with Bianca getting her knee worked over by Bayley. Bianca sold her knee after the dive onto the 4 girls. Bianca tags out to Tamina and she hits some shots on Bayley and bangs her head off the top rope hard. Natalya catapults Bayley into a Tamina superkick. Tamina headbutts SB and everyone starts hitting signature moves/finishers. SB taps Natalya for the win. This was alright but was definitely rushed.

Big E gets interviewed. He said he would leave no doubts that he is the rightful IC champ tonight.

We get another Aleister Black video. He called of us sick and dying animals living in filth. He said it is time to cull the herd.

We see clips of Nakamura driving around and taking pics with Corbin's crown. Corbin said Nak doing this was the most disrespectful thing he has ever seen. He said he will grind Nakamura into the canvas with his boot and take his crown back, then have it polished. He then calls out Nakamura.

Eric B., the air guitar guy from NXT is back. He says his name is Rick Boogs and has a guitar. He said he came to rock with Nakamura. He plays Nak's theme on his guitar in a cool moment.

King Corbin vs Shinsuke Nakamura with Rick Boogs

This begins after break with Corbin nailing a hard shoulder then lariating him outside the ring to inside. Corbin turns a high kick attempt into a powerbomb. Corbin ties up Nak in the ropes then pounds on him and does Nak's foot choke taunt. Corbin ducks a corner charge and hits a hard landing german suplex. Corbin hits deep six for 2. Boogs starts playing guitar and Nak reverses Corbin and wins with a roll-up. Lame ending obviously. We'll have to see where they are going with Boogs and Nakamura here. Nak isn't really a guy who needs a partner but this is certainly and upgrade for the M.I.A. Boogs.

Jimmy Uso goes up to Sonya in the back. Jimmy says him and Jey are ready to get back to tagging and they want The Street Profits. Sonya makes it for next week and Jimmy is cool with it.

Kevin Owens does a promo. He talks about how he will win tonight and says he will be a 3x IC champ.

Roman, Jey and Heyman are in the ring. Roman says he will let Heyman celebrate him. Heyman brags about Roman and talks about all of his big wins. Roman tells Paul to get him Jimmy Uso then Cesaro comes out. Cesaro's arm is in a sling. Cesaro said he was getting annoyed by Roman and challenges him again. Seth Rollins then jumps Cesaro. He throws him into the steps. Seth pretends to leave then runs back down and attacks Cesaro. He curb stomps the shoulder of the injured arm on Cesaro. Seht then does it again into the steel part of the ramp.

We go to break and return. Seth says he doesn't know what happened and yells and chokes Cesaro on the stretcher.

Robert Roode and Ziggler come out. Roode said Rey did all the work at the PPV. He says take your son to work day is over and he will prove he doesn't belong here.

Robert Roode vs Dominick Mysterio

Roodes gets on him early and hits some suplexes. Dom hits a crossbody from the top for 2 and is thrown on a tornado ddt try. Dolph bothers Dom during a 619 attempt. Roode rams his shoulder into the post and eats a 619. Dom then frog splashes him for the win in a very quick match.

The Uso's talk in the back. Jimmy says he is ready to team with him next week. Jey isn't happy that he made a tag match without him. Jey says he needs to talk to Roman about it.

Jey talks to Roman. Jey says we got a match next week and Roman asks who is "we"? He says him and Jey are "we". He hten says something in his ear.

The Street Profits do a promo. They make fun of the Uso's and seem hyped for the match.

Sami Zayn is interviewed. He calls Kayla Braxton a corporate hack. Sami says he will never forget the conspiracy against him but will win the title tonight.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Apollo Crews (c) vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn vs Big E

E/Crews and Zayn/KO split off and fight to start. E hits a high leapfrog and a back elbow on Crews. Zayn pounds on Owens. E beats up on Crews and Sami. He puts them next to each other on the apron then splashes both. Owens then flip dives on Crews as we go to break.

Back from break and E is hammering on Crews. Crews hits a nice dropkick then E goes into the steps. Owens then gets his head hit off the steps. Crews moonsaults off the apron onto E, then Crews and Sami fight on the rail. Sami moonsaults off th rail onto Crews then is ran over by K-O.

Owens swantons Sami from the top but E breaks it up. Owens takes a hard lariat from E then E takes some germans from Crews. Crews tries to pin E but Owens sentons him. Sami then exploders Owens into the corner then michinoku driver's him for 2. Sami hits a twisting brainbuster on Zayn from the 2nd rope but Crews and E break it up.

Owens takes a death valley driver from Crews on the apron then E spears Crews through the ropes to the floor. We go to break and return. E belly to belly's Crews and Sami. E runs into a big boot from Sami then Sami takes a sick fisherman's neckbreaker. Crews goes for a capture suplex on Sami but then E comes up and german's Apollo while he does it. Owens then frogsplashes E.

Owens hits a big release german on E then cannonballs E and Crews. Sami then release half nelson suplexes him and hits a blue thunder bomb for 2. They end up fighting outside and Sami is thrown over the rails then half-nelson suplexes Owens on the floor. Sami runs into an E uranage and E hits the big ending on Crews for 2 as Azeez pulls out E. Azeez is put into the post by E.

Some of the lights get turned off and Aleister Black arrives from smoke. Black gets in the ring and spinning high kicks E, who does a nice sell and Crews wins it.

This wasn't smart or anything but it was very action packed from start to finish. The selling wasn't really there but the moves sure were and they really beat up each other over this. There was no lack of effort here in this spotfest.

Overall thoughts: Decent show overall with the main having all four guys working hard and the rest of the show being fine enough.

WWE 205 Live 5/21/2021

WWE 205 Live 5/21/2021

Last week's show is here:

Ari Sterling vs Asher Hale

Ari tries to counter a snapmare but blows it. Ari is put in a wristlock and uses the ropes to flip out of it. ?hale drops down and Ari headsprings over him then he cartwheels over him. Ari goes outside to inside with a headscissors from behind. He spinning heel kicks him and Hale moves on his inside to outside moonsault. Hale then hits a running knee from the apron on him. Ari gets thrown into the rails.

Ari takes a hard neckbreaker over the knee then is put in a straightjacket choke. Ari gets out and takes a dropkick to the knee. Hale works the knee and figure four's his legs before dragon screwing them. Ari comes back with elbows then flips into a legdrop on a bent over Hale. Ari tries to hurricanrana him in the corner but his leg gets out and Hale hits a nice indian deathlock with a bridge. Hale PK's him hard then double stomps the knee, but Ari comes back with a pin attempt.

Ari hits something like a pele kick. Then he puts him in a sideslam and flips forward for the win. Not great but they tried to work and sell the leg here and they did an okay job of it.

Ikemen Jiro and August Grey vs The Bollywood Boyz

Grey shaved some of his beard and looks totally different. Jiro's got a watermelon jacket on today.

Samir and Grey go to the mat early with Samir hitting a bunch of armdrags. Grey has to deal with a BB drop down and leapfrog and ends up taking a back elbow. Grey then leapfrogs Sunil and Jiro forearms him. Jiro then asai moonsaults Sunil for 2.

Grey gets his arm worked on and Sunil drops it over the apron. Grey takes another 2v1 that ends in a bulldog from the 2nd rope for 2. The Boyz mess up a double team and Grey gets the hot tag. Jiro comes in and beats up up on Sunil with blazer punches. Jiro does a slingshot sitout moonsault for 2. Jiro rolls out of a missed swanton but takes a spinning heel kick from Sunil. Sunil holds up Jiro and Samir hits a back elbow from the top for 2.

Samir and Jiro go at it. Jiro does a springboard reverse headscissors then a flying knee for the win. This wasn't too bad at all with Jiro really shining here. They are trying to neuter Jiro here by getting rid of his entrance but he's still able to shine and is way above this. The BB's got too much offense in and I have to imagine some of the regular 205 Live guys are mad as the new guys are getting matches that they would have normally been in. 

Overall thoughts: It's hard to recommend 205 Live because it's usually just two matches but I did like this. It wasn't great or must see but not bad for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

AEW Dynamite 5/19/2021

AEW Dynamite 5/19/2021

Last week's show is here: 

Christian vs Matt Sydal

Christian shoulders down Matt early and they stare down. Matt hits a nice snapmare and they stare down again. Christian hits a big slap then is hurricanrana'd. Matt tries to springboard but gets kicked in the leg and falls down in an odd way. Christian dropkicks him through the ropes.

Christian hits a 2nd rope twisting euro uppercut then he headbutts him in the shoulder. Christian then backbreakers him Christian tries for it again and is hurricanrana'd then spin kicked. Matt then meteora's him off the top and lariats Christian while he is on his knees. Matt spinning heel kicks him and Christian comes back with some kind of backbreaker.

Matt gets the back of neck bounced on the top rope then Christian spears him for 2. Matt jumping knees him but Christian gets his knees up on his standing twisting moonsault. Christian then wins it with an unprettier. This was a fairly good match with Christian working the upper shoulders then hitting the unprettier which affects it.

Taz starts yelling at Christian after and tells him he will pay and Sydal will too. Ricky Starks then comes out. He says the f-word and calls out Team Taz. They then jump both from behind. Adam Page makes the save and eventually succumbs to Team Taz. Cage powerbombs him. Surprised the Dark Order didn't come out.

The Varisty Blonds' do a promo and mention the dark side of the ring. Julia Hart is with them. Griff says the Bucks aren't the same Bucks they met years ago. They say they won't stop until they are the tag champs.

Mox and Eddie Kingston did a promo. Eddie said one of the Acclaimed is a rapper and the other is his friend. Eddie said he doesn't get the superkick party thing. He says he doesn't throw them so can he go to it? They do a jump cut then Mox says he wil beat the breaks off of them.

The Acclaimed said they are mad. They said they are ranked higher and Mox and Eddie need to go through them.

The Acclaimed vs Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley

Moxley now comes out to the correct version of Wild thing since he is doing Onita cosplay. Max says Eddie looks like a box of newports and brings up Renee Young's oral sessions. Bowens goes to do his part on the mic and gets nailed.

The faces double shoulder Max. Eddie hits a delayed vertical suplex on Max and Max dragon screws Eddie while he sits on the top. We go to p-i-p break where the heels have control and Mox breaks up Bowens' submission on Eddie as we return.

Mox gets the hot tag in and slaps around Max then he rebound release german's Max and lariats him. Max then takes a piledriver. Acclaimed hit a suplex/crossbody combo for 2. Mox is thrown int othe rails outside and Bowens is thrown Max's chain. The ref catches it and Max goes with the boombox instead but Mox ends up hitting him with it. The do a double team wheelbarrow ddt and Mox wins it. It went a little longer than it needed to.

Dean Malenko is with Jericho in the back. Jericho gets interviewed quickly. Dean tells Jericho that he still has 4 more holds than him but Jericho says he forgot a few.

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky get interviewed by Tony in-ring. Sky says he loved Sting when he was a kid. He says Sting isn't the same guy he used to be. He then tells him to step aside or he will put him down. Page kicks out Tony and brags about throwing Darby down the steps. He takes credit for Darby losing the TNT title too. Page says he will be the nail in Darby's coffin then Sting comes out.

Darby attacks the heels from behind and they beat up the heels. Sting then taps out Sky with the scorpion deathlock. Well, I guess that's the end of the feud since Darby got his revenge.

The Dark Order come out as Page and Sky try to leave, but they exit through the crowd. Where were they during Page's beatdown?

The Pinnacle are at a restaurant. MJF says Chris is so funny. MJF says he always gets the last laugh. Dax said the Pinnacle should be chasing all the titles instead of dealing with Jericho. Dax says Jericho is making a mockery of wrestling and idd so at Stadium Stampede. Spears then grabs the waiter and says he wants his drink, hitting his head off the table. MJF says it will be Jericho's last match if they do Stadium Stampede and says when you are in the Pinnacle, you are always on top.

Hikaru Shida vs. Rebel (Not Reba) w/ Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D

Rebel fakes an injury to start and is stomped. Rebel does jumping jacks and poses then eats forearms. Shida puts on a glove like Britt does. Britt distracts the ref and Shida then Rebel hits Shida with a crutch. Rebel throws her from the suplex position for 2. Shida does a weird sitout kneebreaker and wins with the stretch muffler in a quick one. Britt attacks her after and curb stomps her on the title.

OC is in the trainer's room with Best Friends. Omega goes up to him with Callis. Omega says they need OC as the mascot of AEW, not the champ. They try to convince OC to sign a contract for a match down the line when he is healthy and he rips up the contract for it.

The Inner Circle come out. Oritz says he wants to fight Pinnacle. Sammy agrees and says this won't end until they do Stadium Stampede. Jericho said he isn't sure if it's worth it to put them breaking up on the line if they lose at Stadium Stampede. Jericho says the Inner Circle accepts the challenge for Stadium Stampede. Who wants the match and who doesn't has been all over the place at this point and has been confusing.

Jade Cargill is interviewed and Mark Sterling comes in. He says he wants to work for Jade, not have her work for him. He says this is Team Jade and he wants to help her take the brand to the top. Jade yells at him for interrupting and tells her goodbye.

NWA World Women's Championship Match: Serena Deeb (c) vs. Red Velvet

Deeb pounds on her to start with a flurry then euro uppercuts her. She twisting neckbreakers her. They trade flurry strikes. We go to p-i-p break with Deeb in control. When we return, Red starts to make her comeback. Red standing moonsaults her. Deeb guillotines her through the ropes and is tossed off the apron. Red then moonsaults her off the apron. Back in and Red gets a close count with a pin attempt.

Reed moonsaults off the top but Deeb puts her knees up then folding powerbombs her for 2. Deeb puts her in the tequila sunrise. Red is able to get out then she puts it on again for the win. This was fine though Red isn't getting enough air on her moonsaults and risks botching it.

Pac is interviewed. He said he is tired of getting passed over in this company. He said something else but I couldn't make it out.

Anthony Ogogo vs Austin Gunn

Austin gets a bunch of offense early then is gut punched. Gunn gets his mouth busted open and Ogogo hits another gut punch. Bryce the ref wants to stop the match. Ogogo pop-up punches him for the win. Well, at least Ogogo wasn't bleeding as that would have looked awful for his debut. It was what it needed to be.

Cody and Arn check on Gunn. Ogog grabs the US flag and throws it at Cody.

SCU does an interview. Daniels is asked what his future holds. He shakes Kaz's hand, says something in his ear and walks off. Kaz says Daniels deserves to take the path he chooses. Kaz says he lost part of himself with the loss last week. Kz says he will get his revenge on the Bucks or die trying. He says he is a bomb that can't be stopped and says "that's the gospel according to Frankie Kazarian".

Miro comes out and thanks Jesus for protecting him then for giving him power to destroy people. What? Miro says he wants a challenge for next week and Lance Archer comes out. Jake tries to hold him back. Archer says he will walk out TNT champ when they fight. He says he will put him on the ground and make him his Bulgarian b*tch. Miro agrees with his phrase that everybody dies but says Archer dies first. The big problem with this program is that someone has to lose and neither should.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) with Brandon Cutler vs. The Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) with Julia Hart

Matt Jackson is wearing something very odd on his head. Griff kicks Nick in the chest to start then Matt is 2v1'd. The VB's then hit dropkicks on the Bucks at the same time and do their pose. Griff holds up a Buck for a Pillman dropkick. The Bucks get back in control and throw Pillman onto the stage. Matt then walks the ropes with Nick's help, almost trips and double stomps Pillman's back. Then they do their pose.

We go to p-i-p break and return with Pillman doing a run up the buckles twisting crossbody on a Buck. Griff gets a hot tag in and beats up on both Bucks then splash/lariats both in the corner. He then lariats both and dives over the top on them.

Pillman takes a superplex and Griff takes a running kick to the chest from the apron. The Bucks take turns kicking Pillman's back and he swings one of the Bucks' boots into the other's head. Pillman is put in a sharpshooter and sprayed in the eyes with spray. Griff eats a big superkick and The Bucks get one of their spray bottles taken then they get another and spray Hart with it. One of the Bucks then wins it with a sharp shooter in an odd ending, since they never win by submission.

The Bucks celebrate with Cutler and Callis then Mox and Eddie come in. They fight with the Bucks and both put sleepers on them. Eddie then steals the shoes of the Bucks.

Overall thoughts: I didn't have a lot of issues with this one. The worst offenders of AEW weren't in wrestling roles this week. It had some issues but was fine.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

WWE NXT 5/18/2021

WWE NXT 5/18/2021

Last week's show is here: 

Toni Storm vs Zoey Stark

Zoey dropkicks Toni out early then plancha's her. Zoey is on the apron and is pulled down landing hard on her butt. She is then thrown into the steps and Toni butt bumps her into there. TOn then vertical suplexes her for 2. Toni stretches her over her knee.

Zoey comes back with an enzugiri and we go to break. It's picture-in-picture and Zoey takes a hard fall out and they do a strike exchange as we return. Zoey superkicks her and sliding lariats her for 2. Zoey half-nelson suplexes her for 2. Toni hits a tiger driver for 2. Toni then wins it with a nasty over the back driver.

This wasn't too bad but the commercial really came at the wrong time and hurt this.

The lights go out after and Franky Monet comes out. She plays with her dog and that's it.

Santos Escobar isn't here as LdF are interviewed. Wilde and his partner are waiting for their shot against MSK. Ciampa and Thatcher then come in. They said they haven't beat them or MSK and challenge them for tonight. TT says something in bad spanish and Ciampa translates it as "challenge accepted" for tonight.

We see clips of Cameron Grimes' arriving. He tries to pay off Jake Atlas to park his car but Jake says the spot is reserved for Ted Dibiase. He then throws money at him.

LaRae and Indi are at a health spa. Indi says she gets tired of Lumis always popping up and staring at him and calls him a loser. It's revealed that Lumis is the one massaging her then leaves.

We get a segment with Karrion Kross and Finn Balor reviewing their last match. Pat MCAfee and Paul Heyman give their take. Paul says Roman Reigns is going to be watching and says it is too close to call.

Jake Atlas vs Cameron Grimes

Grimes tells them to cut his music. He calls for Ted Dibiase and shows a video package of him on the monitor. We see clips of Ted getting beaten up by various people and getting hit with slop. Grimes laughs at him and a Dibiase chant breaks out.

Jake ducks a lariat and Grimes does a funny sell on a dropkick. We immediately go to break. Back from break and Jake is in control. Jake hits a bunch of kicks and hurricanrana's him off the 2nd rope. They trade strikes with Grimes hitting a lot of kicks. Jake slaps him and we see Dibiase arrive in a limo in the back. Jake pump knee's him then spinning clotheslines him for 2.

Grimes does his standing counter spanish fly then Dibiase's music hits. He arrives on the camp then Jake rolls him up for the win. Dibiase laughs and leaves. Grimes goes after him and tries to open his limo. Ted then rides off.

It was cool to see Ted but I was expecting a little more than what we got. The match wasn't anything too special but Grimes' dropkick sell was like a fish out of water.

Bronson Reed says it is 14 years after his first match. He says this is the biggest match of his life.

Pete dunne is interviewed. He said he doesn't care if he doesn't gert the respect he deserves. He said he has never had a bad match and says everyone who wrestles him leaves the ring different. The interviewer says he wrestles like a UFC fighter and that couldn't be much futher from the truth. Dunne says it's time to go after the NXT title after conquering the UK.

Alexander Wolfe with Imperium vs Killian Dain with Drake Maverick

We see Wolfe getting cleared to wrestle from earlier today. Wolfe has a pretty bad look right now that just doesn't fit the character at all. Wolfe slaps Dain in the back of the head and gets punched. Wolfe then face kicks him. Dain hits some big euro uppercuts and corner splashes him. Aichner gets on the apron and Drake tries to stop him but Dain has to do it. Wolfe then german's Dain.

A chair gets thrown in and the ref tries to toss it. Wolfe picks it up and gets peared for the Dain win in a very quick match. Wolfe tries to do the Imperium pose but gets beaten up by Barthel and Aichner. He then takes a powerbomb + euro uppercut combo.

RG and Dakota Kai get interviewed. Kai says they want the NXT tag titles again. Ever-Rise comes in. RG asks who they are then someone puts their sign over the monitor with the NXT image. Martel asks if RG wants to take a swing at him and she slaps him and knocks him down. Parker calls it a sucker punch.

Legado del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza) vs Tomasso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher

TT throws his jacket at Wilde during his entrance. Wilde gets thrown into the boards early then TT cravate's him. Raul takes a big boot from Ciampa. Raul gets his nose busted open then hits some hard chest kicks on TT.

We go to break and return with Ciampa hitting lariats on both LDF members. He then double lariats them but they come back and split his legs, then double dropkick him. We see Raul getting cleaned up during the break. Raul tries to spear Ciampa in the corner but goes into the post hard and goes outside. TT gets in and belly to belly's him and Wilde. Raul and Ciampa go at it and Raul shining wizard's him.

Raul hiptosses Wilde into the ropes for a splash on Ciampa. A little later Wilde flip dives onto TT but when he goes back in, he gets caught with a draping ddt over the ropes. The Grizzled Young Vets come out and hit their finisher on Ciampa on the apron. LdF then does an enzugiri/russian leg sweep combo for the win.

Bobby Fish gets interviewed. He says Dunne and Lorcan put him out at Wargames and says they have a debt to be paid. Fish says that Dunne brags about nobody wanting a match with him, but he does. He says Dunne started it and he wants to finish it.

We come back from break and Indi and LaRae are at the health spa. LaRae's credit card fails as there is an unpaid expense. I'ts supposedly a bill from a florist. Indi finds out that the flowers that were given a few weeks ago were supposed to be for her. She then yells "he still love sme" and the segment ends. Beth calls Dexter and Indi "Index".

Johnny and Theory do a promo. Johnny says he stops the unstoppable and beats the unbeatable. He says he is untouchable and will show Bronson why.

Aliyah with Robert Stone and Jessi Kamea vs Sarray

Sarray wants a handshake but Aliyah cheapshots her and pounds on her. Sarray hits an armdrag on her from the ropes and dropkicks her. Kamea trips Sarray and throws her by her hair. They trade forearms and Sarray spin kicks her then slow german suplexes her. Sarray dropkicks her form the top then dropkicks her through the ropes. She hits a very stiff exploder suplex and wins it in a quick one.

Ember and Shotzi do a promo. They say this is far from over with The Way and told RG and Kai not to forget about them. They are working on the tank and said they will TCB. Shotzi then howls. I thought this was decent.

We get a Diamond Mine promo with someone doing some MMA training. They will be debuting soon.

Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari vs Hit Row - Top Dolla and Ashante "Thee" Adonis

This is Top Dolla's debut. Nese gets flapjacked then is thrown across the ring by TD. TD slams both opponents at the same time then Ariya flurries on Adonis. Adonis hits a high dropkick. Adonis superkicks Nese then TD hits Ariya with a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker for the quick win. Top Dollar had a good debut here hitting some big man moves.

Hit Row talks after. They do some rhyming lines. Scott says he doesn't care who wins, but he wants whoever wins the Gargano/Reed cage match tonight.

Regal is interviewed in the back. He says LdF are the #1 Contenders for the tag titles and will face MSK in 2 weeks. Regal says he is bringing in new cruiserweights and announces Shotzi/Ember vs Kai/Raquel next week.

We get a quick package for Franky Monet. She debuts next week and Dibiase/Grimes have a million dollar faceoff. Kross and Finn also meet for the NXT Title.

WWE NXT North American Title - Steel Cage - Johnny Gargano (c) vs Bronson Reed

Johnny tries to hold his title in Reed's face but is pushed back. Johnny rushes for the door and gets stopped. Johnny tries to leapfrog Reed but is just swatted down. Johnny is then thrown into the cage. Reed presses Johnny and his face against the cage and tries to splash him against the cage, but johnny moves.

Johnny tries his slingshot spear but is caught and ddt'd. Johnny chopblocks Reed then moonsaults him from the top rope. Johnny then takes a big samoan drop. Reed tries to climb out but Theory interrupts him and Reed gets crotched.

We go to picture in picture break with Johnny in control. Johnny presses Reed's head against the cage. Back from break and Johnny dropkicks Reed's head in the cage and Theory bounces into the cage from the outside. Reed gets a powerslam in and catapults Johnny into the cage. Reed then samoan drops Johnny from the 2nd rope.

Reed tries to climb out but Johnny stops him and bangs his head off the cage. Johnny then sunset bombs him from the top rope. Theory tries to pull Johnny out but Reed pulls onto Johnny's leg then butt drops him. Thepory holds the door closed on Reed then is knocked off. Reed takes a superkick but comes back wit ha nice punch. He tried to powerbomb Johnny but Johnny jumps up to the top rope and poisonrana's him. Reed tries to go through the door but Theory slams the door on him.

Johnny then DDT's Reed when he jumps from the top. Reed is on the 2nd rope and Johnny tries to climb the cage over top of him but is powerbombed from almost the top of the cage. Reed has to fight off Theory and Johnny on the top and knocks both down. Reed splashes Johnny from the top twice and wins it.

Reed gets sparklers after.

They did too much which Gargano is a master at and the selling wasn't quite there. Johnny did tons of stuff from the top and it just didn't mean that much. Theory getting involved was a good way to cover Reed likely being able to get out easy. 

Overall thoughts: Pretty much the usual NXT show with a bunch of passable to decent matches and not a whole lot going on otherwise. Dibiase and Grimes' thing was the only real disappointment of the night.

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/17/2021

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/17/2021

Last week's show is here:

Bobby Lashley arrives with a bunch of women. He better hope his wife and kids don't see that one.

MVP brings out Bobby. He talked about Bobby's win last night and said he thinks Bobby hurt his fists from punching Braun and Drew in the face so many times. MVP issues an open challenge on Bobby's behalf and Drew immediately comes out. Braun got pinned last night not Drew and the announcers mention this, but Drew has now lost twice to Bobby. I don't really see the justification for him to be getting another shot.

Drew accepts the challenge and MVP said he didn't let him finish - it was an open challenge to anyone except Drew and Braun. MVP tells him to go to the back of the line and Lashley tries to deck him but Drew gets a shot in instead and MVP holds Bobby back outside.

They do a graphic after and announce the open challenge still is on.

AJ Styles with Omos vs Elias with Jaxson Ryker

They waste no time going at it and AJ dropkicks him. Elias comes back with a suplex but AJ hits a backbreaker. AJ gets stuck under the bottom buckle and takes a hard baseball slide out. Elias gorilla presses him onto the apron outside. AJ clotheslines him over the top then plancha's him with a forearm. Ryker goes over to AJ then Omos is there and he backs off.

We go to break and return with AJ taking a huge backdrop then a nice spinebuster. AJ hits a nice enzugiri then pele kicked him after a combo. He then did a neckbreaker over his knee for 2. Elias comes back with a jumping knee and a twisting suplex for 2. They trade chops and AJ goes for the phenomenal forearm but Ryker pulls him off the apron. Elias gets DQ'd over it. Omos chases Ryker up the ramp while Elias throws AJ over the steps. Omos then chases him off and comes to AJ's aide.

This was a decent match and AJ was basically working face here. I don't know if they intended to turn AJ face, but he basically is now.

Alexa Bliss does a quick promo and says she and Lily are dying to meet Tamina and Natalya.

Johnny Gargano does a promo from behind a cage on Bronson Reed. They do a nice comic book graphic for it.

We see clips from last week of Orton RKO'ing the New Day. Riddle and New Day then talk. Riddle apparently sent them a letter and his two-headed snake is missing. Orton then comes in and is looking for Pearce. Orton takes the snake thing as a shot on him and Riddle apparently lied about Pearce wanting to talk to Orton to get him here. Riddle wants Orton to apologize to the New Day for the RKO's last week. Orton says it won't happen. He says he isn't sorry and Kofi calls him a big angry snake who doesn't know how to apologize. Riddle tries to explain Orton and Kofi says Riddle might eat an RKO himself someday. Orton then threatens to RKO Kofi and Kofi challenges him. They agree. They have a weird stare down and Orton walks away. This segment was all over the place. This story isn't doing anything for anyone and I wish it were dropped.

Bliss announces that Natalya and Tamina are here to play with her and Lily. Natalya says its Tamina's first title in WWE and Tamina wants to leave as she is creeped out. Bliss says the doll wants to know their favorite color. Natalya says pink and Tamina says black and blue, which will look great on her face if she does anything weird. Bliss says Lily liked how Tamina beat up Reginald. Tamina says she will beat up Reg again if he gets inb the way. Bliss then starts talking about how Lily likes to collect bugs and teeth and they leave. Alexa says they will be watching their match and wished them good luck with creepy eyes. Like the Orton/Riddle storyline, there is no saving any of this. I can't even recommend suggestions to fix it because it's just that bad.

Angel Garza vs Drew Gulak

Drew goes after him early, hitting a hard slap and an exploder. Drew puts him in an abdominal stretch and Garza fights out. Garza puts him in a reverse ddt position and bounces him off the ropes and flips him over. Garza hits a nice right hand then double underhook backbreakers him. Garza then hits a facewash and a wing clipper for the win. Sucks for Drew here as I don't really see why he needed to get squashed by a low level guy like Garza. But at least he made Raw.

Garza shoves a rose in Drew's mouth after. 

R-Truth is hiding behind a wall and says he can't see anything when he closes his eyes. Kevin Pattrick says he is just here to talk to him. Tozawa is seen crawling down the stairs in a sneaky way. Truth thinks Lashley's open challenge is for him and calls him "Ricky Bobby". Tozawa then rolls him up to win the title and runs for it as Truth gets mad.

We get another Eva Marie video where she calls herself a role model and wants to see other people have everything they want too.

Randy Orton with Riddle vs Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods

Woods blows the trombone in Orton's face. Kofi messes up a back leapfrog and Orton takes a butt hard in the face. He goes outside and Kofi follows but they go back in. Kofi then hits some leapfrogs. Woods says "legend beats legend killer" on the outside. Kofi puts his body on the top rope and bounces for a splash on Orton. Riddle cheers Orton on outside like a complete retard as Kofi is pounded on. Kofi runs up the ropes and dropkicks Randy in a nice spot.

Kofi hits a dropkick then is powerslammed as Woods plays his trumpet. Orton is distracted and rolled up in a lame finish to a match where the in-ring wasn't the focus. Riddle and Woods argue after and Orton leaves instead of beating up everyone. Riddle follows and Woods grabs him but gets pushed by Riddle.

Pearce, Sonya, Lana, Naomi, Dana and Mandy talk in the back. They argue over who gets the next shot. Charlotte Flair comes in and said they blew their chances. Sonya says they will figure it out after the tag title match tonight and Sonya kicks everyone out except Flair. Flair wants a 1v1 title match with Rhea and says she deserves it because she didn't lose at Backlash. She definitely did.

Rhea comes in looking like a nightmare. She says she wants new competition and says Flair is yesterday's news. Flair says she will beat her then be the new women's champ. Rhea says she will watch Asuka/Flair.

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship - Natalya and Tamina (c) vs Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler with Reginald

Nia runs over Natalya to start then running hip attacks her in the corner. Shayna hits a pumping knee to Nat and stretches her. Nia bodyblocks Nat hard and Nat comes back with a spinning lariat. Nia slams Tamina and goes up top but is superkicked off.

Alexa Bliss comes out on the apron and makes fire shoot out of a post while Reginald is there. Shayna gets held up and is lariated by Tamina for the win. This was a very short match with an awful ending. The fire thing was awful.

Reginald is holding his eyes hard outside.

We go to break and return with Sheamus talking in the ring. Sheamus is mad that Ricochet took his clothes and put them on last night at Backlash. Ricochet is then interviewed. He said he had fun with Sheamus' clothes and admitted that he stole them this morning in the locker room. Ric goes to get the clothes and puts them on. He then mocks Sheamus' accent.

Ricochet comes out and Sheamus charges at him but is tripped. Ric then dropkicks him.

Ricochet vs Sheamus

Ric flurries on Sheamus early and takes a hard lariat. Ric gets a little more in and is slammed. Sheamus falls out after an enzugiri. Ric plancha's him but has his back ran into the post then he is thrown over the rail.

We go to break and return with Sheamus in control. Ric hits a bunch of forearms and takes a hard knee into the gut. Ric hits a bunch of hard forearms then backbreakers him. Sheamus goes up top and Ric spanish flies him...of course only for 2. Ric comes back with more forearms and a springboard lariat followed by a running SSP. Ric goes for an asai moonsault but Sheamus gets his knees up.

Sheamus gets his leg caught over the top rope and takes a neckbreaker. Ric goes up top and Sheamus rolls outside, so Ric dives on him from up there. Ric springboard 450's Sheamus for 2. Ric goes for a 2nd rope springboard and takes a pump knee. We had a weird moment as the fake sounds piped in a 3 count but it was only for 2. Sheamus then hits a big pumping knee and wins it.

This went too long and they kicked out of too much. It would have been a good one if they cut this out about half way.

Sheamus puts his hat and jacket on and says he might challenge Bobby tonight.

Mace and T-Bar do a promo in the back. They said beating up Drew was a loan and now it is time to be paid back by Bobby. They flip a coin to determine who gets Bobby and said his title will be gone tonight. I had forgotten all about these guys and them going after Drew. It looked and sounded decent though it was a little hard to make out what they were saying.

Asuka vs Charlotte Flair

Flair evades kicks early and takes a dropkick and a butt bump. Flair's head hangs over the apron and she butt bumps it. Asuka stands on the apron and gets leg swept then Rhea comes out. We go to break and return. Flair hits some chops then cartwheels into a kick on her.

Asuka fights back and lariats her but takes a lariat for a slow 2 count. Flair bangs Asuka's head off the mat on a headscissors then rolls her and she takes a hard fall on her head. Asuk comes back and bounces her with a release german then she running butt bumps her and bulldogs her. Asuka then sliding knee's her for 2. Asuka charges at Flair and takes a hard kick to the chest. Flair accidentally back elbows her and Asuka goes down.

Asuka stops a top rope spanish fly attempt then Asuka dropkicks her off the top for 2. Asuka tries some submissions but can't really sink any in. Flair kneebars Asuka through the ropes then bangs her head off the announcer's table. She goes face to face with Rhea then face kicks Rhea as she is on the apron. Flair goes for the figure four but is rolled up for the win.

I thought this was a pretty good match. They were really aggressive with each other and it felt like they were really trying to win this one. It felt like a real contest and they matched up well together.

John Morrison is walking around backstage. He said he feels dead inside when talking about The Miz and said he is dedicating tonight's match to his memory. John really made it sound like Miz was dead.

Lumberjack Match - Damian Priest vs John Morrison

We had a lumberjack match last night with Miz and Priest where zombies pulled Miz out of the ring. I'm not sure why we are doing this again here with Jomo.

Jomo gets beat up by the lumberjacks early. Priest hits like a corner stomp and Jomo goes out. Jomo is thrown back in the ring by Nikki Cross. Morrison does a capoeira kick on the apron but Priest punches his leg. Jomo throws Tozawa into the ring. Morrison then jumps over the rails and does a caopeira flip back in. He then goes in the ring and takes a sloppy sitout side chokeslam.

We go to break and return. Jomo hits a hard springboard enzugiri. DP goes out and is thrown in. DP picks him up  for a flapjack and slams him down then hits a dominator for 2. DP gets stomped by more lumberjacks outside and T-Bar and Mace argue with other lumberjacks. DP is whipped into the ropes and decides to do his run up the 2nd rope dive onto Mace and T-Bar. Cedric ALexander then runs through the ring to dive on Shelton.

Jomo gets superplexed from the top to the outside onto lumberjacks and Morrison slips up the ropes. The lumberjacks throw both men in. Priest hurricanrana's Morrison off the top then hits a cross rhodes for the win. This went really long and even with wrestlers out there, it really just felt flat. I have no idea why DP dove on Mace and T-Bar. I really hope this is the end of that feud.

DP does an interview and says it is time to move on from Miz and Morrison. He said he might accept Bobby's challenge tonight and be WWE champ.

Bronson Reed does a promo on Johnny Gargano. He said Johnny is trapped in the cage with him and he will be the new N-A champ.

We do another Eva Marie promo. She said it takes a whole team of people to make her look good. She says she wants to be a hero, not play a hero. She said a star's purpose is to show other people the way.

Shelton Benjamin is interviewed. He says he won't waste time talking about Cedric and says he wants to talk about challenging Lashley tonight. Cedric then comes in and claps for him. Cedric says Shelton will always be worthless and then Shelton decks him hard into boxes.

MVP and Bobby come out and want to know who will accept the open challenge. Kofi accepts the challenge.

Open Challenge - Bobby Lashley vs Kofi Kingston

Before it starts, MVP said he never mentioned that the title was on the line. Boy, talk about a bait and switch. He said Kofi isn't on Bobby's level but it goes on anyway. Bobby hits a hard chokeslam on him but Kofi comes back with kicks. Kofi dropkicks him off the apron and baseball slides him. He then dives over the ropes on him.

We return from break and they are back in. Bobby delay suplexes him. Bobby bearhugs him but Kofi gets out. Kofi hits a counter into a ddt and takes a high flatliner. They fight up top and Woods starts playing the trumpet to bother Bobby. Kofi then drop down ddt's Bobby on the 2nd rope. Bobby doesn't really sell it though and hits a dominator from the side. Bobby rams Kofi's head into the post from the fireman's carry position.

Woods gets kicked out. MVP tries to get a cane shot in while he is but Drew disrupts it. Drew then cane shots Lashley in the throat and Kofi wins it.

The match wasn't bad or anything but the finish felt like a sore loser move from Drew. The bait and switch here on this not being a title match sucked.

Overall thoughts: A bad Raw as usual. The stuff with Bliss and Riddle/Orton all sucks. Drew was a sore loser here all night long and the bait and switch in the main event sucked. Asuka/Flair was the best match of the night easy.

Monday, May 17, 2021

WWE Wrestlemania Backlash 5/16/2021

WWE Wrestlemania Backlash 5/16/2021 

This is what I saw so far of the show:

WWE Championship - Bobby Lashley (c) vs Braun Strowman vs Drew McIntrye

Bobby tries to work with Drew early and they end up hitting a cool delayed vertical suplex on Braun. Braun dives off the apron onto both guys in a cool spot. Braun then hits Bobby with a big chokeslam. Drew crossbodies both guys from the top then overhead belly to belly's Lashley and throws Braun into the post. Drew then hits another crossbody on Bobby from the top. Bobby hits a big spinebuster on Braun and rams Drew's head into the post. Braun then stiffs Bobby with a surprise steps shot.

Bobby suplexes Drew on the ramp then Drew ends up throwing him through an LED board. Drew then is thrown down the ramp and Braun runs him over. Drew then hits a cool michinoku driver on Braun then catches his Strowman express on the outside with a belly to belly. Drew then gets powerbombed through an announcer's table.

Bobby comes back in and spears Braun for the win in a very lame ending to a wild match. This was all cool spots without little selling. While it was exciting, it didn't have a ton of logic to it. Still very interesting though and Braun really took some major bumps here.

Roman and Jey argued before the match in the back. Roman questioned his loyalty.

WWE Universal Championship - Roman Reigns (c) vs Cesaro

We know Jimmy Uso is getting involved. We will have to see when. Cearo gets the edge early and hits a springboard uppercut. Cesaro gets thrown out and lands on his arm and they focus on it. They trade strikes. Roman hits a samoan drop a little later for 2 and Cesaro comes back with a pop-up uppercut. Roman goes outside and Cesaro does a corkscrew plancha on him. Cesaro then running euro uppercuts him hard into the rails.

Cesaro crossbodies him from the top for 2. Roman takes back control and hits a big lariat on Cesaro. roman starts pounding on Cesaro and hits many knees on him in the corner. Roman talks trash and bullies him around. Cesaro eats more arm shots then spinning lariats Roman, but hurts his arm more in the process.

Cesaro pumps up and flurry stomps Roman. He then deadlift suplexes him in from the 2nd rope for 2. Cesaro's arm gives out on a neutralizer and he takes a Fujiwara armbar. Cesaro comes off the 2nd rope and eats a superman punch for 2. Cesaro's arm gives out again on a pop-up uppercut then Roman puts him in the king crab hold. Cesaro slams Roman out but gets put in it again and is choked out for the Roman.

The ending was disappointing and no Uso involvement was downright shocking. It was a pretty good match with Cesaro doing a lot of stuff he doesn't usually do and selling a lot. The finish even tied into the armwork which was a good touch.

Jey Uso gives Roman one of those Hawaiian style necklaces after then beats up Cesaro. Seth Rollins then came down and stared down Roman. Seth then started beating up on Cesaro. He hit Cesaro with chair shots then tied his arm in the chair and hit it off the post. He then curb stomped Cesaro on the floor.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/14/2021

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 5/14/2021 

Last week's show is here:

Jey Uso comes out to talk. He said he had to handle some family business with Jimmy Uso then brought out Roman. Roman says he likes Cesaro and he is good, but Roman is the tribal chief and Cesaro can't fulfill those roles.

He wanted to talk about Jimmy then Jimmy came out. Jimmy said Jey is acting like Roman's b!tch and is wearing a shirt that says "Nobody's B!tch". Jey is wearing a new "Right Hand Man" shirt and Jimmy says he has one for him too. Jimmy says he doesn't think Roman can beat Cesaro.

Jimmy says he can't fill Roman's shoes, but if he and Jey win the tag titles and Roman loses his title, it would make them heads of the tables. Roman says that's not how it works and that's not who Jimmy and Jey are. Roman says if Jimmy thinks he can be the man, do it. Roman tells him to defend his title for him against Cesaro tonight or at least show that he can beat him. Jimmy then challenges Cesaro.

Cesaro comes out and accepts the challenge. He says he will beat Jimmy tonight and Roman on Sunday.

Tamina and Natalya warm up in the back.

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship - Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) with Reginald vs Tamina and Natalaya

Nia hammerfist pounds on Tamina to start and Tamina fights off SB. SB gets catapulted into a Tamina samoan drop. Reginald gets on the apron and is kicked out. Tamina and Nia flurry on each other outside then Tamina is samoan dropped into the barricades. SB then kicks Natalya in the face.

We go to break and return with Nia hitting a nice slam on Natalya. Tamina is still down outside. Nia hola up Natalya for a side slam and SB pumping knees her. Tamina then slams SB onto Nia. Tamina makes a nice little comeback onto SB. Tamina fights up top with both SB and Nia then SB ends up getting german suplexed on the floor.

The fight up top continues. Nia samoan drops Natalya then Tamina superfly splashes Nia for the win. It went a little longer than it needed to but it was actually a decent match for the girls with a lot of action and iwthout the usual sloppiness.

Natalya and Tamina are interviewed in-ring. Natalya says it is never too late to be fighting for your dream and she is proud of Tamina. Tamina says thank you to everyone and is really emotional here. The girls then get fireworks in a little segment.

Azeez and Crews are walking in the back with Azeez carrying the giant metallic q-tip of doom.

Paul Heyman is interviewed in the back. He says he doesn't know if Jimmy can beat Cesaro tonight but Roman will defeat Cesaro on Sunday.

Commander Azeez Nigerian Medal of Honor Ceremony

Apollo Crews has a ceremony for Commander Azeez. Azeez is on a pedestal. He says Azeez has helped him bring honor to Nigeria. He gives Azeez a medal for his loyalty and bravery - the Nigerian Medal of Honor.

Big E interrupts this beautiful ceremony and says this is a sham. E says Apollo still has to feel his power and we are now into something like month 6 of this feud. Sami Zayn then comes out and says crews has his title. Azeez flips his podium. Kevin Owens then comes out after Zayn then gets nailed by Crews and Azeez. Azeez goes over the top. Owens misses a superkick on E that is sold anyway then he stunners Zayn. E hits a big ending on Owens then Azeez pulls out Crews.

We see clips of the Dirty Dawgs and the Mysterio's from last week.

Rey Mysterio with Dominic Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler with Robert Roode

Slow start here. Ziggler gets tossed outside then Rey slides across the ring to splash him as he lays on the floor. We go to break and return. Rey misses a springboard crossbody and splats on the mat. Dolph hits a reverse slam. Rey runs the ropes and gets a hard back uppercut. Dolph then puts him in the bow and arrow. Rey does a nice swinning ddt from DZ's shoulders.

Rey misses a corner splash then hits a top rope la silla. DZ evades a 619 attempt then hits a fameasser for 2. Rey then ends up running into a superkick on another 619 attempt and takes a 2 count. Dolph goes for a slam but Rey rolls him up for the win. Dom then nails Roode, who tries to attack Rey. The first half was really slow here but it picked up in the 2nd half.

Cesaro is interviewed. He said he has dreamed of competing for the title for a long time. Cesaro says Jimmy needs to decide who he is and says he knows he can beat Jimmy and Roman.

Bianca comes out and we go to break. Back from break and the Mysterio's are interviewed. Rey said they can feel having the tag titles and are ready to make history. DZ says Dom doesn't belong in this business and tells him to beat it. Roode ays Rey got lucky tonight. Roode calls him Baby Dom and Dom says they will call him Baby Champ on Sunday.

Bianca is interviewed in the ring by Cole. We see clips of Bayley and Bianca's altercation from last week then Bayley comes on the tron. Bayley says she is far away and says she will take back the title on Sunday. Bianca says Bayley is mad because at Mania, she won the title and Bayley got beat up by the Bella's. Bayley says Bianca is craving for attention and Bianca's fairy tale doesn't end well and ends for good on Sunday.

King Corbin polishes his crown in the back. Nakamura says his kingdom(King of Strong Style) and Corbin's kingdom(King of the Ring) crash tonight and he says only one will survive - his.

Corbin does an inset promo. He said he can hand out beatings no matter what he wears and says while Nakamura got a taste of what he can do last week, he gets the whole feast this week.  

King Corbin vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Nak hits a spin kick early then gets hit with an uppercut and knocked off the top. Corbin hits a nice knee to the gut then rolls him into an elbow flurry. I think that's a new move for him. Nak comes back with a cool flying kick to the chest.

Nak hits a rolling armbar and then gets pinned while on the bottom of it in an odd ending. This was very short but action packed.

Corbin puts on his crown and is high kicked then hit with a kinshasa. Nak grabs Corbin's crown and wears it. Nakamura was kind of a sore loser here.

Sonya and Pearce argue then Crews comes in with Azeez. He says he demands consequences for being attacked. Pearce says he is trying to figure out which one of them crews faces instead. Sonya says if they aren't careful, Pearce might make him face all of them at once. Pearce then says he will do a fatal four way next week against E, Owens and Zayn. Crews is naturally mad and Pearce tells Sonya not to undermine him.

Nakamura is showing playing with the crown in the back in front of a mirror.

We get another Aleister Black segment. He talks about "The Lesson". He says he chose greatness and says he could help us, but he won't. We saw some animated footage here.

Jimmy Uso is interviewed. He says this wasn't his idea and he would have rather had his first match back as a team with Jey. Jimmy says Roman doesn't need Jey and Jey doesn't need Roman either. He says if Roman wants to see what he can do with Cesaro, let's get it.  

Cesaro vs Jimmy Uso

Cesaro hits a nice dropkick early and poses. Jimmy tries to leapfrog but is caught in a powerslam.  Jimmy fakes an injury, then superkicks Cesaro in the gut and samoan drops him. He then pounds on him. Cesaro then comes back with a deadlift suplex. Jimmy then spins into an enzugiri. He tries a hip attack in the corner but Cesaro evades it and rolls him up.

Cesaro misses a corner charge and is lariated over the top. Jimmy then tope's him as we go to break. Back from break and Cesaro spinning clotheslines him. Cesaro goes for a springboard uppercut but Jmmy superkicks him.

Jimmy goes up to and eats a euro uppercut then is superplexed. Jimmy goes outside and Cesaro runs the apron into a cannonball on Jimmy. He then runs at him and euro uppercuts him near the rail. Roman then jumps in and beats up on Cesaro for the DQ. This was a decent match here with Jimmy doing a lot of the stuff his brother does, though he didn't show us anything of his own. It's good to see that Jimmy can maybe be another guy who is thrown there from time to time and be able to perform.

Cesaro is thrown into the post and over the table. Jimmy accuses Roman of making this all about him then he leaves. Roman follows him and says nobody cares about this exhibition. Jimm says this time it isn't about Roman as Jey and Cesaro fight in the right. Roman then superman punches Cesaro. Cesaro hits some uppercuts back then Jey pounds on Cesaro. Jey tells Jimmy to come in then cesaro ends up nailing both Uso's. Cesaro hits a neutralizer on Jey while he stares at Roman twice. They argue and Roman leaves.

Overall thoughts: A pretty good episode of Smackdown with a couple of good matches. The Jimmy/Jey/Roman stuff is good and I like seeing Cesaro as the top face.

Friday, May 14, 2021

WWE 205 Live 5/14/2021

WWE 205 Live 5/14/2021

Last week's show is here: 

Ariya Daivari vs Asher Hale

We get a "Where is Tony?" chant and the announcers bring it up and says he is in the next match. Tony is usually out with Ariya.

Asher headlocks him early and comes off the rope with a headlock takeover. They talk about Asher having a lot of influence from MMA and Jun Akiyama. Hale is kicked in the gut early and dropkicked.

Asher leg sweeps him and strike combos him, then follows with a leg lariat. They say Asher is part of a new wave of 205 Live stars. Ariya goes outside and Asher running knees him off the apron. Asher flips over the ropes and over Ariya's back but is caught with a flying forearm. He ties up Asher in the ropes and punches him.

Asher tries to backdrop out of a sleeper but Ariya holds it. Asher powerslams him for 2. They trade shots and Asher hits two exploders. Asher then hits a northern lights and tries an armbar but Ariya tries to pin him. Asher hits a tornado ddt for 2. Arya comes back with an iconoslam and frogsplashes him for 2. Asher avoids Ariya's hammerlock lariat then bridges him and pins him.

They didn't sell enough here and they did a little more than they should have for a 10 minute match. I would have liked to have seen them just stick with more strikes.

We get a rare backstage segment with Bolly-Rise. They have a camera set up and stare talking about Jiro and Asher. Martel compares Jiro to a gyro. Martel asks if the Boyz watch Ever-Rise Live and pimp the show. 

We see clips of Kushida vs Escobar from NXT, which I covered here:

Ari Sterling vs Tony Nese 

The crowd starts off with a "Where's Daivari?" chant. Kudos to them for caring. Ari does a nice backflip out of a wristlock. Nese then is thrown into the buckles and backflips over Ari. Ari then twisting headscissors him down, then slingshot headscissors him down again.

Aria slingshot sentons Nese over his back then he does a twisting flip onto him. They go outside and Nese puts the ring apron around Ari's head and gets a shot in. Nese then throws him into the barricades.

They go back in and Ari hits a neat enzugiri then lariats him hard over the back of the neck. Nese then comes back with a hard spin kick to the head after rolling out of a sunset flip. A little later, Nese is sitting on the top rope and Ari flip hurricanrana's him while standing in the ring. Ari hits a stiff clothesline that Nese didn't seem to see coming, then Nese was knocked off the apron. Ari then did a sitting moonsault to the outside on Nese.

Ari came back in and took a palm strike but Nese missed his 450. Nese is bent over and Ari flipping legdrops his head. Nese comes back with a running knee then a peach sunrise for 2. Nese starts pounding on him and Ari comes back with a jumping knee. Ari then powerbombs him for 2. Ari goes for something up top but can't get it then Nese german's him into the buckles and running knees him for the win.

Really surprised to see Nese get the win here since he isn't protected usually. Ari didn't need to lose here and it hurt whatever momentum he had going into this. We'll see what happens next week I guess but Ari does seem to have a special something to him. As usual, they did too much here and as the match progressed, they sold less than they should have.

Overall thoughts: You know the drill. It's 205 Live and you get two matches that aren't too special and that was the case here. Ari losing was odd but at least Hale won as expected.