Saturday, May 8, 2021

WWE 205 Live 4/30/2021

WWE 205 Live 4/30/2021

August Grey and Jake Atlas vs The Bollywood Boyz

Sunil headlocks Grey early. Grey does a nice leapfrog and they  do a stand off after a little sequence. They tag out and Samir is pushed out of the ring on a roll-up attempt by Atlas.

Grey throws Samir chest first into the buckles. Sunil and Atlas both get tagged in and Sunil hits a nice crossbody. Sunil atomic drops Jake then spinning heel kicks him. Samir comes off the top and diving elbows Grey then Sunil neckbreakers Jake. Sunil then hits a top rope elbow on Jake for 2.

Sunil gets pushed into Samir in the corner and knocjs him down. Atlas superkicks Sunil hard in the face then Grey hits his rope walk twisting crossbody for the win.

This match didn't pick up at all until the finish and was honestly boring until the end.

Grey and Atlas run into Daivari and Nese on the ramp. They talk trash and both move along.

We get Raw highlights and an NXT highlight from this week which ate up a decent bit of time.

Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese vs Ever-Rise

Nese hits Martel with some hard forearms and a hard back elbow early. Nese takes control over Martel for a bit and Ariya continues it. Martel fights back with a couple of forearms but is knee'd and goes down. Nese does some sit ups in the ring while Martel is down.

Ariya chinlocks Martel and hits a dropkick for 2. Ariya takes a cheap shot on Parker and knocks him down and then Martel finally gets some offense in with a DDT on Ariya.

Nese knocks Parker off the apron as Martel goes for the tag. Nese drapes Martel's neck over the ropes then outside to inside asai moonsaults him. Ariya then top rope frog splashes him but Parker pulls out Martel from the pin. Martel back body drops Nese then finally tags out to Parker. Parker throws Ariya in, trips him then slingshot elbows his back. Parker dropkicks both opponents then gory bomb's Nese. Parker goes for the tag but Martel is now not there for the tag.

Nese puts Parker on top but Parker does a twisting superplex from the 2nd rope for 2. Nese nails Martel in the throat then Martel fights off a double team before being reverse ddt'd by Ariya. Martel is on the 2nd rope and Nese rolls into a shotei uppercut. Ariya iconoslams Martel then Nese 450's Martel for 2 from the top.

Ariya mounts Martel with punches and Nese does the same. Martel makes his opponents collide nto each other and tags out. Martel puts Nese in a fireman's carry and Parker comes off the 2nd rope with a blocksbuter on Nese while he is in that position. Martel powerbombs Nese and puts him in a boston crab but Ariya breaks it with a superkick. Parker then superkicks Daivari.

Nese then hits Parker with a peach sunrise for 2. Nese goes for the hammerlock lariat but is tripped then Parker jumps off of Martel's back to elbow Nese. Nese cartwheels on the apron and hits Martel, then he takes a double stungun for the Ever-Rise win.

Martel took too much abuse here and him not getting pinned after it hurt the match. Nese also not getting pinned after some of the big offense he took hurt the match. The match is one of the few 205 Live matches though that got a lot of time.

Overall thoughts: It's 205 Live. It's never must see. This was no exception here but both matches felt like they got enough time this week, which is unusual.

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