Saturday, February 6, 2021

WWE 205 Live 2/5/2021

WWE 205 Live 2/5/2021

Last week's show is here: 

Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari vs Sunil Singh and Matt Martel

They showed the Bollywood Boyz and Ever-Rise burying the hatchet on social media. They said this signals the birth of Bolly-Rise. They all shook hands. I'm not sure how much I buy this one with 205's limited roster.

Sunil appears to be the face here every though he is usually the heel. Sunil armdrags Nese twice and armlocks him early. Ariya moves out of the way and Martel nails Singh on a double team attempt. Airya's team double suplexes Sunil. Sunil throws Nese over the top and tags out to Martel who chops and dropkicks Ariya. He then throws Nese in and belly to belly's him. Martel then belly to belly's Ariya. Sunil hits an elbow off the top on Ariya, which Nese breaks up.

Martel lariats Nese over the top rope and Ariya scorpion deathdrops Martel, which Sunil breaks up the pin attempt on. Nese throws Sunil into the barricades. Ariya grabs some brass knucks and Martel ducks the shot, but the ref sees it and takes it. Nese then sneaks up from behind and does a running knee to Martel for Ariya to pick up the win. Quick match here and there was only so much they could do with the lack of story and the time.

We some clips from NXT with the 205 guys.

Jake Atlas vs August Grey

They have about 10-12 minutes for this. They get off to a slow start with some basic holds. Grey tries to slam Atlas while he is in the cravate, but Atlas holds on and rolls with him to keep it on. They battle over a backslide and Atlas goes for a standing moonsault but Grey moves and he lands on his feet. They trade punches and Atlas pulls Grey's arm across his throat on a neckbreaker.

Atlas tries to legsweep Grey but he jumps over it then hits some hard corner chops. Atlas hits Grey with a face kick then drops an elbow on him for 2. Atlas standing moonsaults grey then german suplexes him. Atlas hits a lariat for 2. Grey superkicks him and clotheslines him over the top, then dives on him. The announcers said Atlas going into the table took out their monitors. Grey then did his walk the ropes twisting crossbody and wins it. The ref counted 3 when they weren't supposed to since Jake didn't really kick out. Grey looked surprised at the result. Nese and Daivari then attacked both guys. The announcers say its due to their vendetta against newer members of the 205 Live roster.

Ariya holds Grey's arm then lariats him which puts him down. Then he poses on him to close the show.

Overall thoughts: As usual, 205 Live only having 30 minutes really hampers what they can do in every aspect. It is usually not great and there's not much they can do to make it better because they just don't have enough time. I don't want 30 more minutes of wrestling each week, but if they had an hour they could do so much more.

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