Ring of Honor TV Episode #490 2/6/2021
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2021/02/ring-of-honor-tv-episode-489-1292021.html
Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and showed the Vincent segment with the Beer City Bruiser from last week.Quinn McKay interviewed the Beer City Bruiser and brought up Bruiser's history with Vincent. Vincent put a dart in his back and pulled a tooth from his mouth. Bruiser said for wounds to heal, you have to make peace with the demon who caused it. Brawler came in and wanted to know what that was all about. Bruiser said he was done being second and done being everyone's little b!tch. He said there are no friends in wrestling and he is tired of going nowhere. Brawler said "that's not how we do things here".
Quinn brought up that Taven and Vincent can't be in the same ring with each other so Vincent is terrorizing him this way.
Tracy Williams did a promo. He said The Foundation exists to show wrestlers that they can succeed on in-ring work only. He said Rhett Titus joined with them and is a new wrestler. He said Cheeseburger is under-utilized. He said he won't give CB an easy ride. He said CB has teamed with Liger and performed at the Tokyo Dome. He said he won't take CB lightly and won't take it easy on him.
Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman are the commentators as usual.
Pure Rules - "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams vs World Famous CB
Ian calls him Burger and said it will be hard not to. Caprice said this is like when you are a kid and you get a nickname but grow out of it and that's not who you are anymore. Even if CB is rebranding himself, his problem is that he is really small and that limits what you can do. CB gets side headlocked on the mat and back bounces out of it. We go to break soon after.
We come back at 5:08 and they call CB "Burger" again. CB stands on Tracy's back for an abominal stretch then does a double reverse armbar on Tracy's back. Tracy burns a rope break to get out of it. Tracy traps CB's arm then backdrops him and butterfly suplexes him for 2. Williams reallly sinks in an armbar, basically sitting on CB's arm and CB hits the ropes. Tracy then does it again but lets go. CB monkey flips him into a hammerlock and they roll around with it on before Tracy burns his 2nd rope break.
Tracy hits a doctor bomb for 2 at 12 minutes and then piledrivers him to win.
Thoughts: I wasn't that into this match and this one really felt like it went a long time.
CB and Tracy shake hands after.
Brody King did a video package. He was mad at rush for scrwing him out of the title, then he said if Rush's crew wants to get violent, he has some violent friends. One of the Briscoes said he would whoop their @sses back to Mexico. PCO said they would rest in hell and Rush's crew responded back. I liked this segment with the cuts and both teams getting to say something in a short period of time.
The Briscoe Brothers, PCO and Brody King vs Flip Gordon, Rush, Bestia del Ring and Dragon Lee
They all stare down in-ring to start. Rushes teases going in then tags out. Brody then tags out too. Flip leapfrogs and hits a nice dropkick. Mark is on the top rope and Flip tries some kind of springboard but is thrown down onto the ropes. Jay throws out Flip and Rush's team throws Flip right in. Flips gets thrown back in. They have some female commentator doing half-spanish and half-english here and it really doesn't work. The announcers keep trying to interact with her in both languages and it is really annoying.
Flip gets thrown out then thrown back in again. PCO hits a pumphandler driver onto Flip then headbutts him. Flip goes out again and is thrown back in. Flip gets a springboard sling blade in and all of Rush's crew reaches for the tag then takes their hands back out. The Briscoe's hit a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo and Rush's crew finally gets involved because now they care about not losing for some reason. Everyone brawls in and out of the ring. Mark gets thrown into the barricade and King takes a chair to the knee. The ref didn't see it or didn't care. Rush grabs a cord and nails Brody with it but the ref doesn't care.
Rush's crew 3v1's Brody and Flip watches outside. King gets bridged over the apron and held up, then Lee dropkicks King down. PCO gets triple chopped in the corner and knocks down Rush and his dad with lariats. He hits Lee with rapid backhand chops, then does the same to his partners. PCO then does a flip dive on the outsideo nto Flip. PCO does a running emerald flowsion and Bestia kicks Flip out of the ring. PCO and Bestia trade shots then Jay and Bestia trade shots. Flip does a springboard dropkick onto PCO and King lariats him.
King hits a muso on Lee and is pulled off the top. PCO and Flip dive on Bestia and Rush. Mark then runs up the rope into a flip onto his partners and some of his opponents. Rush gets put on a table and PCO tries to flip on him form the top. Rush moves and PCO takes a hard fall down. The ref then throws this one out.
Overall thoughts: Not a real good episode. The main could have been good but had issues and 12 minutes of Cheeseburger isn't really something I'm not into.
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