WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12/14/2012 Review
Last week's show is here:
Big Show vs R-Truth
Sheamus and Cesaro were at the booth.
"Hey Champ, you can speak 5 languages. Can you speak donkey? Then you can talk to Josh." - JBL to Cesaro
"Why would I want to talk to Josh?" - Cesaro |
Cesaro went to get a cheap shot on Truth and Speamus stopped it. |
Big Show beat R-Truth with the knockout punch. This was about a 6-minute squash. Nothing really interesting here and the result was never in doubt. The focus was on Sheamus and Show trying to goad each other into a fight. After the match, Show tried to get Sheamus to hit him again and when Sheamus got up, Cesaro pushed him into Show.
"Hahaha, you hit me! I'm telling Booker." - Show |
"Sheamus has clearly violated the no-contact clause by hitting me, which means the chairs match at TLC is called off." - Big Show
"You gonna try me with that weak stuff?" - Booker
"Where I'm from, we got a saying. If ya scared, just say ya scared." - Booker |
"Please stand up and remain silent and please show the proper reverance for the magnificent, the marvelous, the mustachio'd, Cody Rhodes." - Sandow |
We got another Cody's Mustache chant. They announced the end of the apprentice search as Sandow said "it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack".
The Uso Brothers vs The Rhodes Scholars
"Did you know Damien Sandow graduated highschool at the age of 12? And he was the valedictorian? He had a perfect 1600 on his SAT's." - Josh |
Damien Sandow got the win while holding the tights. They only got about 3-4 minutes here and no one showed much at all. Just a simple and quick match here.
"It says it right here, if there is any physical contact, the chairs match is off." - Otunga |
"I say we do this publicly in the ring." - Otunga |
"We have no choice but to take this to WWE headquarters, which only happens to be 20 minutes away. Not only are we going to demand that the championship match be called off, but that Booker T be removed from his position of GM on Smackdown." - Otunga |
"If you get this match called off, there's nothing stopping me from kicking your arse right now." - Sheamus |
"The contract is still uh valid in my opinion too." - Show |
The Shield jumps Orton |
Kaitlyn vs Aksana
Kaitlyn won with a gorilla press into a gutbuster on the knee. This was all headlocks and rather boring. A pretty big waste of time with no one showing anything.
"Medical staff has confirmed to me that Randy Orton has seperated his shoulder." - Matt Striker |
There was little to this except Hell No promising to use tables, ladders and chairs on The Shield and taking out their aggression on them. The Shield interrupted during this:
"If you wanna find out what happens when you threaten the shield, look at Orton." - Dean Ambrose |
"Why wait til Sunday?" - Kane
"Finally, something we agree on." - Dean Ambrose |
Ryback came down to even the score and the Shield retreated. Typical WWE. Heels can never be anything but weak pansies.
The Great Khali, Hornswoggle, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs Primo, Epico and The Prime Time Players
"Darren Young a bit of the Harpo Marx of the team." - JBL
"Another reference we will have to google." - Josh |
The pin |
Tyson Kidd got the win for his team in a mostly comedy match. Natalya decked Rosa for no reason at all and the focus was on Hornswoggle and Khali. Not that good. The heels got beaten up after the match.
"That wasn't exactly Gotch-Hackensmidt, but you got a victory out of it." - JBL |
Watch for the chair falling after Kofi's pyro |
Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio
"I take that Rosetta Stone just so I can talk to Alberto." - JBL |
Kofi got a pin after he reversed a backdrop and ADR loses again, for the second time this week! Decent match, similar to what we've been getting from Kofi lately. Didn't really stand out though and nothing too special here. After the match, Wade Barrett attacked Kofi but got kicked:
Regal and Sheamus met up backstage. Nothing of note here, just Regal telling him to keep calm and don't hit Show.
Sheamus vs Antonio Cesaro
Antonio Cesaro beat Sheamus by countout when Big Show distracted Sheamus. Show laid Regal out on the ramp then hit him with a chair. As for the match, it wasn't as good as it should have been. It was short and the crowd was pretty rough all night. Cesaro looked good but the match would have been equally as fine with anyone in there as Sheamus didn't really do much of note.
I didn't like the ending angle here as it just happened too late. If they would have did this last week it might have added to the show, but here they just kind of threw it in without much story to it.
Overall thoughts: I'm glad this one is over. WWE go-home shows have been really weak lately and this was no different. All of the heels looked like weaklings which didn't exactly hype me for the PPV. The last two matches were fine but nothing we haven't seen done better this week. They went through a couple of angles here in no time at all with no build, making me wonder what they have been doing the previous weeks. Overall, I'd say skip this one. It was a long and mostly boring show.
Stay Tuned for TLC on Sunday, Saturday Morning Slam on Saturday and Nonito Donaire vs Jorge Arce on Saturday!
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