Thursday, December 27, 2012

TNA Impact Wrestling 12/27/2012 Review

TNA Impact Wrestling 12/27/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

Tonight is Open Fight Night.

Bully Ray came out:

Bully Ray Hogan wanted to call out Hulk to talk. Hey this is Open Fight Night, not Open Talk Night.

Hulk didn't come, but Brooke did.
Brooke said that Hulk knew about them. Bully didn't understand how. I guess he didn't watch Impact last week. Bully seemed confused as they argued up the ramp.

Austin Aries then came down:
He said he should be the champ and he got screwed last week. He said he's not mad at Roode because he did the same thing. He said they are even and called out Roode for tonight's main event.

Samoa Joe came out:

He challenged Big Ace's and called him a mopad riding b!tch. He said he would unmask Big Ace's.

Samoa Joe vs Big Ace's

Joe got the win with a rear naked choke. Not much going on here. A rather quick squash for Joe. After, he tried to unmask Big Ace's but Ace's stopped that when they all ran in.

Jessie got into an argument with Robbie E in the back and called Robbie T a girl. Robbie E challenged Jessie to a Bro-Off:

King talked in the back with York:

King talked York to pay attention to him when he beats RVD. He might get a title shot.

Robbie E vs Jessie in a Bro-Off:

He called Jesse a fake Robbie E.
E said there were 3 rules:
1 Every Bro for themselves Bro
2 Everything you do has to end in a Bro
3 ?(He didn't say)

Robbie danced while Jesse posed.
Robbie said that there were 2 problems. It's bro's and not hoes and the second problem which he called problem #3 was that he was DQ'd for ending it in dude instead of bro. That is legitimate as Jesse did say "dude".

Robbie E declared himself the winner via DQ. However, Robbie T interrupted. He posed with E in a gorilla press then danced to shock both men and I suppose win.

Rob Van Dam came to the ring:

He called out York.

RVD vs Christian York

RVD won with the frogsplash in basically a squash. York got a little in during the beginning and Taz didn't know the name of any the offense he got. RVD then hit his flying moves and took it home. Decent and quick match. Almost every move in this match happened off the top rope.

Devon was in the back saying what they would do would work.

Chris Park talked about how good he is and how his grandpa fought George Hackensmidt.
Danny Davis liked Park snapping last week and said it is good for him.

Daniels talked to Kaz at the TNA merchandise booth in the back:
Kaz said he wanted to make sure their merchandise wasn't there while Kurt Angle's shorts were. They then threw them in the trash and said they had one more surprise.

Roode said he knew Aries would call him out and we will win the title:

Daniels came out:
He called everyone a bunch of ham sandwiches and said "I have a rear that makes the girls cheer". He called out AJ, saying he knew they didn't really mean one last time.

Kaz then came out in AJ's gear:
"You beat me wiin the frickin Styles Clash. That's my move." - Kaz
"I'm just a redneck from Gainsville, Georgia." - Kaz
"We want AJ" - Fans
"I'm right here. I told you I wasn't going anywhere." - Kaz in response
Daniels said they wouldn't fight one second last time and gave permission for the crowd to worship them now. Kaz was spot on with his AJ impression.

Chavo and Hernandez came out and challenged Kaz/Daniels:

Chavo and Hernandez vs Daniels and Kaz:

Chavo won with a frogsplash. Good match here with lots of quick action. Kaz was ripping off AJ's moves and the heels bumped for the faces. Hernandez hit a huge over the top rope dive. Rating:**3/4

Hardy was interviewed and he said he didn't really respect Roode or Aries in tonight's match:

Taz's keys to victory were poise for Roode and pace for Aries keeping a fast pace.

Ace's tried to bribe Ken Anderson with girls to help them out:
He said he needed time to think about it.

Gail Kim came out:

She said her title reign was ended by a fluke loss last year and called out Ms. Tessmacher

Gail Kim vs Miss Tessmacher

Gail gets stinkfaced
"If she's a possum, she's a hot possum." - Taz on Gail
Gail Stinkface's Tessmacher

Tessmacher humps Gail
"Oh yeah Gail, uh uh uh" - Tessmacher

Gail won with the Eat Defeat. This was all about being as un-PG as possible and I don't think the match part really mattered. It wasn't that bad but I know I was wondering, what trashy thing will they do next?

Bobby Roode vs Austin Aries

No winner here. Hebner fought with both guys in ring and yelled at them. They both kicked him in the nuts to get double DQ'd. After the match they fought for a chair until Hardy came in and cleared house. Fun match with both guys trying to outcheat each other. Little wrestling with mostly cheating, but it was entertaining.

Overall thoughts: The show was okay. Taz was awful but some of the matches were decent. Tessmacher/Gail was an un-PG as possible.

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