Thursday, December 13, 2012

TNA Impact Wrestling 12/13/2012 Review

TNA Impact Wrestling 12/13/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

 Final Resolution is here:

"Where I come from, a deal is a deal." - Bobby Roode
"Ace's and 8's, I want answers and I want them now." - Roode
Roode came out and was upset about Ace's screwing him and causing him to be without the title.
Devon said someone gave them a better deal, but wouldn't say who.
Hardy and Storm came down and said they didn't care about who paid who and jumped Ace's.
"The pidgeon's are all cooped up and ready to come out." - Velvet Sky
Velvet Sky said she was ready to return and get the Knockouts belt.

Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky
Velvet Sky won with a sit-out pedigree. Very fast match so it wasn't bad. Decent enough stuff from both girls but still not great or anything. They played that there was still issues between these two.
Kurt told his crew they are alone tonight and gave them 5 hour energy in an akward moment. He said "it will knock your socks off".

Daniels and Kaz were asked about helping Ace's but they blew it off saying Roode was their friend.

Robbie E and Robbie T vs. Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff
Wes got the win for his team after a high cross body. The Robbie's were pretty decent and the faces were alright too. Quick match here with a quick pace. The faces celebrated the big upset efter before Kurt got clipped by an Ace's guy with a baseball bat to the knee, putting him down. Angle is fighting Devon for the TV title next week, so that's the reasoning for it.
Shots from TNA's ShopTNA Christmas commercial

"ah, f***" - Angle
Joseph Park visited Danny Davis at OVW. Park wasn't training hard and only had his suit to train in. If you want to see Danny Davis when he wrestled, check out my review of one of his matches teaming with Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty:

Tara went to Brooke Hogan to say she would choose her opponent tonight, and Brooke said no.

"You may still be champ later tonight, but I'm gonna knock you square on your @$$" - Kenny King to RVD
Jeff Hardy and James Storm vs. Aces and Eights
"You wanna know who paid us off? Austin Aries." - Devon
Hardy got the win after a twist of fate on Big Ace's (my name for the guy who teamed with Doc). The finish was wrong. 2 people from Ace's interfered AND Ace's didn't get DQ'd! Stupid. However, Ace's messed up the run in and the faces countered to win. Good match here with very nice heat and a long control segment. Rating:***
"Did you hear that? How could he do that?" - Roode
"Hey, you're in the same boat." - Hulk
Aries and Hulk talked in the phone in the back with Roode going nuts, missing the fact that he paid off Ace's as well. Hulk didn't really buy it, correctly bringing up that Roode did the same thing.

AJ Styles came out to talk.
"I don't know where the next step is. I have forgotten about #1, AJ Styles." - AJ Styles
"I'm out here to tell you this. This has nwthing to do with you, the impact zone, this has nothing to do with Dixie Carter, this has nothing to do with impact wrestling. This has everything to do with AJ Styles." - AJ Styles
"I'm tired of being the corporate janitor and cleaning up every TNA mess. I'm tired of doing the right thing, so from now on, I'm going to be doing my own thing." - AJ Styles

"AJ's leaving? I sent him packing! I sent him packing! This is just like christmas." - Christopher Daniels

Kenny King vs. RVD
the finish
King beat RVD after reversing his cross body and pinning him with his feet on the ropes. Very fast paced and pretty good. Lots of flying and kicking and a pretty good and exciting match. King sold the win really well. Rating:***

Hulk and Bully argued in the back. This was the same stuff as usual. They called each other their shoot names and Hulk looked like an overprotective jerk again. I can't wait for this to be over.

Bully Ray vs. Jesse

Bully won with the Bubba Cutter. Pretty good match here with hard chops from Ray and both guys showing some emotion. After the match, Ray did Stan Hansen "wooo" poses:

"Yes, I was the man who trumped Bobby Roode's offer to the Ace's and 8's." - Aries
"You're the man that says money talks, well Austin Aries' money sings, sings to the Ace's and 8's." - Aries
"You see Hulk Hogan, you had me fight your battle for you. And after I did your dirty work, you tossed me aside to hop on the Jeff Hardy bandwagon. That's why I've been doing everything I've been doing here. I've been stirring the pot. I've been pushing the buttons." - Aries
"Austin, if you wanted a shot, you just had to ask." - Hardy
"Are you sure? I'd probably have to climb a ladder or some sort of jungle gym. Have some dragon slayer match." - Aries
"Next week, Championship Thursday, right here." - Hardy
"I don't do what you want on your timeline. I do what I want when I want to." - Aries

They then fought to end the show with Jeff getting the advantage.

Overall thoughts: Pretty good show with some decent wrestling. The Brooker/Bully stuff still sucks though.

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