GLOW Disk 11 Part 2
"Hollywood has created a bowling league for troubled youth. She wants to take them off of the streets and put them into the alleys." - Sir Miles Headlock |
"You mean to take the crown off her that easily?"
"I mean to take her head off that easily." - Ninotchka on taking Tina Ferrari's title |
"I've wanted to wrestle since my teens, that's why I'm here from New Orleans. When you see Sugar in the ring, you know I'm sweet but I also sting." - Sugar |
Sugar (debut) vs Attache
Sugar is the original Dementia in a wig. She is not a dude, which some might find surprising.
Sugar won with a superplex and a very weak splash. I would never trust anyone from GLOW with a superplex (or a piledriver). Attache was really over here like usual. She's the most over person in GLOW.
Some drunk dude gets down |
"Leather and Lace is still our gear. When people see us, they stand and cheer. There ain't no wrestler that we fear, so if you wanna fight, we'll be here." - The Soul Patrol |
The Soul Patrol vs Little Egypt and Amy the Farmer's Daughter
"You want me to cheer for the girl that lives with the pigs?"- Ninotchka
"Hog Hollow is just the name of the town. It doesn't mean pigs live there." - Miles Headlock
"Atleast I know one little piggy that lives there." - Colonel Ninotchka |
"Does Little Egypt really ride a camel? I wonder where she parks it." - Colonel Ninotchka
"Probably in the Camelot." - Sir Miles Headlock |
The Soul Patrol won with a bodyslam. This wasn't good and not as horrific as other matches. It was mostly all about the Soul Patrol cheating and using weapons. The crowd really likes them some Soul Patrol though.
"Doctor, I think I got insomnia. What should I do?" - Tina Ferrari aka Ivory
"Don't worry, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it." - Dr. Fiel or Dr. Grope |
"What's the best way to listen to David McLane's announcing?" - Angel
"Through earplugs." - Attache |
"If you worked for laundry all day, would you become ironing bored?" - The California Doll |
"You're going to see Kitty's Killers vs Stallone's SweetHearts going up the escalators." - David McLane
"We have 7 heats in this event. 3 one-on-one and 4 tag team matches. The first 6 heats are worth 3 points a week and finale, Matilda the Hun vs Mt. Fiji is worth 7 points." - Susie Spirit |
Envy trips. Do I even need to tell you what a bad idea this is to have these girls run up and down escalators? |
Attache cheats by running up the sides of it |
Envy beats The California Doll
Attache gets DQ'd for not running up every step against Debbie Debutante
Sara blocks Egypt |
Sara and Mabel beat Little Egypt and Tammy Jones
Spike and Chainsaw beat Scarlet the Southern Belle and Tara the Southern Belle
Palenstina beats Olympia
Tina Ferrari and Ashley Cartier beat Hollywood and Vine when apparently the heels iniated contact on the escalator and got DQ'd.
Susie Spirit announced that Mt. Fiji was from Samoa. Shouldn't she be, you know, from Fiji? Stupid.
Mt. Fiji beat Matilda the Hun
After two events |
"You spent all day talking to a man named Quasimodo? Did you know him?" - Col. Ninotchka
"No, but his name rang a bell? Keep it up Vladimir and I will transfer you to a special unit - Intensive Care." - Colonel Ninotchka |
Hollywood and Vine with Oseato (Apartheid) symbols |
"I don't believe it. That's the flag of the South African Neo Nazi party." - Sir Miles Headlock
"Don't get upset Mr. Chowderhead, it is only political point of view." - Colonel Ninotchka.
"It's one point that no one should ponder." - Sir Miles Headlock |
"On the tour, the roughest land, I'm looking forward to shaking your hand. In the arena don't you hide, I'll be looking for you at ringside." - Mt. Fiji |
Apartheid Death Match - Two out of Three Falls - Matilda the Hun, Hollywood and Vine vs Mt. Fiji, Little Fiji and Americana
"This match is dedicated to the superior white races from around the world." - Matilda the Hun |
Little Fiji, Americana and Mt. Fiji won the first fall when Americana got a sunset flip on Hollywood.
"This is what I like about wrestling. All fun with nobody getting hurt." - Colonel Ninotchka
"Didn't you see the pain on Mt. Fiji's face?" - Sir Miles Headlock
"I meant, nobody I like get hurt." - Colonel Ninotchka |
The screen then crapped out for the rest of the show. No kidding. I heard through the commentary that the heels took the second and the faces took the third. The first fall of this was actually pretty decent. Matilda and Fiji slapped the crap out of each other. The rest was all headlocks.
At the end there was a few minutes of GLOW 100, which I will review in the future in full.
Overall thoughts: I don't have too many thoughts on this aside from saying that none of this would fly today. I'm pretty sure WWE would be kicked off their networks if they showed the main event. Aside from that, the escalator races were stupid and dangerous. GLOW was begging for disaster with someone either getting seriously hurt or getting something stuck in one of the escalators, which would have been ugly.
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