TNA Impact Wrestling 9/6/2012 Review
I usually don't review Impact. There's usually too much talking and I was never going to like anything Vince Russo produced. However, now that he's out and people are pimping this as a decent show, I thought I'd give it a go. Excuse me if I am a little rusty here on some of the storylines, because I really haven't been watching. No pics and stuff because this is live.
Lots and lots of video packages to start this thing off.
Bound for Glory Tournament Series Rankings:
Storm - 73 points
Joe - 68 points
RVD and Bully Ray - 55 points
Jeff Hardy 49 points
Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe
The crowd was pretty into this and the announcers put this over well. This was actually a pretty sweet match. Hardy needed a submission to stay in this tournament due to its point value so they had him work Samoa Joe's arm. Hardy ended up winning here with a submission so it's gets a thumbs up from me. So: sensible booking + hot crowd + meaningful result = thumbs up.
Austin Aries and Hulk Hogan talked about Aces and 8's in the back. Hogan gave Aries advice on to what to do with Aces and 8's.
Magnus came out during Joe's interview with Christy Hemme. Magnus totally looks like Billy Gunn from the wide shots. He ended up attacking Joe from behind.
Hulk Hogan talked with the TNA locker room asking for someone to lead the company in the tag team division. Kid Kash and Gunner, the Robbie's, Chavo/Hernandez and AJ all campaigned for the tag title shot. Hogan told AJ that "he was eliminated".
Brooke Hogan talked with Tara in the back and told Tara that she's going to wrestle on Sunday. Gail and Victoria then agreed to a match tonight.
Gail Kim vs Tara with Taryn Terrell as the ref
Gail looks really different these days. It's hard to believe that these two have been fighting each other for almost 10 years now. That's almost unheard of for women in American promotions. Tara got the win with a nasty widow's peak. This was too short to get a good feel on it but the crowd was hot on it.
Bruce Prichard discussed the Aries/Ryan match in a package. They showed Ryan drilling Al Snow with an awesome punch and him annoying Al from the crowd.
Al Snow talked with Joey Ryan in the ring. Snow challenged Ryan and Ryan said, "It's not the 90's anymore and no one wants to see your *** in spandex". Snow then decked Ryan.
Bully Ray warned Joseph Park to be careful and to watch where he sticks his nose.
Bully Ray vs Rob Van Dam
RVD's selling kinda blew this for me. He was selling the knee well then hits like 3-4 top rope moves completely making that point of the match useless. They kept this at a good pace and the crowd was into it so it wasn't bad, but I would have liked more selling. Ray won this when he caught RVD in mid-air with the Bubba Cutter.
James Storm - 73pts
Samoa Joe - 68pts
Bully Ray - 62pts
Jeff Hardy - 59pts
Austin Aries held the guy responsible for assisting Ace's and 8's in a room in the back. He had him in handcuffs. Aries put pliers in his mouth trying to make him talk. Hogan walked in and said he wanted a shot as well and took it. Ace's and 8's called Hogan before he went for the guy's eye. They offered to make a trade for the guy who tried to break Aries' arm for the hostage that Aries took. Hogan told Aries, "Let him live until the end of the show".
James Storm came out. He called out his possible opponents out of Hardy/Joe/Bully and went to pick his opponent for No Surrender. He chose Bully Ray. He said that Bully stopped him from glory last year and this year, he would stop him.
Magnus was in the back again stirring trouble. This time talking down RVD and saying that he wasn't what he used to be. RVD and Magnus ended up having a pull apart brawl in the back.
TNA World Tag Team Titles: Kazarian and Christopher Daniels vs Hernandez and Chavo Guerrerro Jr.
This was a fun little match. Chavo was really motivated in this and did a great job as a face. Hernandez hit his usual spots. The crowd was hot for all of this and they just seemd to do everything at the right time. Daniels and Kaz won by hitting Hernandez with a belt in the gut and then Kaz rolled him up for the win. Hogan came out after and made Daniels/Kaz vs AJ and Kurt Angle at the PPV. Definitely check out this tag match if you can. It was about ***.
Aries came out with his hostage from Ace's and 8's. He said he wanted the man who tried to break his arm in a fight at the PPV on Sunday. Ace's and 8's came out and then beat up their own guy. Aries did a dive onto the armbreaker and they fought. They then closed the show with Aries and arm breaker fighting in the ring.
Overall thoughts: This was a pretty solid show. I liked the tournament theme and I'm definitely interested in Ace's and 8's. There were also few stupid things on this show plus a good tag match, so I'll give it a thumbs up.
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