TNA Impact Wrestling 9/27/2012 Review
Last week's show review is here:
Hogan came out and said that Bound For Glory was three stinkin' weeks away. He also announced it was Championship Thursday. He brought up Devon leaving TNA and said he handpicked Joe, Magnus, Anderson and Garrett Bischoff to find a new TV champ. He then announced Storm/Rude in a street fight at Bound for Glory with a special ref, King Mo.
He then brought up Ace's and 8's. He said Ace's and 8's wanted him and "stinkin' gut me". Hogan said he's going to Ace's and 8's clubhouse.
Sting came back. He said he has Hogan's back and will visit Ace's with him.
Kurt Angle vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Christopher Daniels
Daniels is "one half of the world tag team champions of the world" according to Hemme. Daniels did a disturbing crotch rubbing entrance. Daniels tried to stay out of the ring but the other two dragged him in. Daniels and Kaz got everyone outside of the ring then trash talked them and basically switched positions with them. Tenay mentioned something about it maybe being a three way tag when they return from commercial.
We came back with the ref ejecting everyone not in the match. Angle was getting the better of everyone with lots of suplexes. Angle hit a bit Angle slam on Daniels and got rolled up by Chavo when going for the ankle lock. Chavo hit the amigo's and Angle ended up running into him. Daniels then hit a quick STO out of nowhere to get the win on Chavo.
Hogan had Garrett, Anderson, Joe and Magnus in the back. Magnus and Joe argued with each other about who should get the shot. Joe said that none of them belonged in the ring with Joe.
Hogan eliminated Magnus after Magnus talked about how the TV champ should know about social media.
Brooke and Tara talked in the back and Brooke said there will be consequences for last week's actions. Tara kept getting calls and saying ,"hey baby" during this. She also mentioned having dinner with "George and Stacy". Brooke said that Tara will have a match next and took Tara's phone.
#1 Contender's match: Tara vs ODB with Eric Young
Way to punish Tara by putting her in a #1 Contender's match. Eric Young came in, did a cartwheel and tried to kiss Taryn Terrell. I think ODB got even bigger implants. ODB did a bronco buster to Tara. ODB then went to the outsider and spanked Tara. They got back in and Tara got clotheslined and fallaway slammed. Tara went back out of the ring holding her knee and tried to get touchy with Eric Young. Young did a hands in the air motion showing he didn't touch her. Tara came back in and threw off the knee brace. ODB saw this, got faked out and rolled up for the win. Not a good match here. They spent more time going in and out of the ring than anything else.
Bruce Prichard talked to Al Snow in the back and told him that he either needs to be a director or a wrestler. He said Snow was unprofessional for putting his hands on Joey Ryan. Taz then came in and they discussed Evan Markopolous. Snow said that Evan had alot of balls for going to Killer's school at 13.
Someone asked Bully Ray questions and he said don't bother him. He then asked how good he looked when he held the TNA title over his head. He also said, "don't follow me".
Hogan discussed again with Anderson, Garrett and Joe. Garrett said he could hang with them and they both laughed. Hogan said it's not Garrett's time and gave Joe and Anderson the shot at the TV title.
Roode and Aries talked in back. Roode said he and Ray will fight Aries and Hardy tonight. He said he's pulling for Hardy. He said he's never beaten Aries and that Aries is better than Hardy. He asked if he really wanted Hardy to have the title and spotlight. He wished Aries good luck and Aries said luck is for losers and he can keep it.
TV Title: Samoa Joe vs Mr. Anderson
Anderson did his usual mic routine. They both went for their finishers early, but no dice. Anderson got the advantage early, pounding Joe from the top position. He then lifted Joe up twice for his rolling Samoan drop. Joe ended up getting the choke. Anderson went for the ropes then Joe smartly hooked his leg around Anderson's arm. Joe eventually choked Anderson out for the win. This was a good match. I liked the battle for Anderson to get out of Joe's choke and the stuff before it was good. This was a little short though. Joe wins the TV Title.
Hogan and Sting talked in the back and someone asked Hogan to sign a document. He went for it then got maced along with Sting. Ace's came through and put Sting and Hogan in the back of a white van. They also threw a hood over Sting's face. Ace's took the camera back thee and said, "Don't worry, we'll take plenty of pictures".
They then did the results of Evan Markopolous' Gut Check with Taz, Bruce Prichard and Al Snow. Evan said he didn't put in his best effort last week because he lost, but he's back here tonight. Taz gave him a YES and said he still had alot to learn. Bruce gave him a NO, because he says Evan needs more time. Evan then had 30 seconds to get Al to give him a YES. He brought up Al being in SMW right when he was born. He said he's gonna be like Ladainian Tomlinson and run the ball right to the endzone. Snow said that Evan has passion, guts and desire. However, he says Evan is 18 and not ready yet so he gives him a NO. The crowd booed this. I don't know if this was really the right call or not. Evan is pretty young and he seems likeable, but I do agree that he's not there yet even with 5 years experience.
They then aired a clip from the new Ninja Turtle's show, which isn't even on Spike as it's on Nickelodeon.
They showed Sting and Hogan with hoods on in a dark place. One of the Ace's guys said something but like usual, I couldn't understand it. Ace's said that they were having fun until Hulk locked them out of the building. Ace's said they like Hogan and Sting. They showed Joseph Park tied down and taped up to something. Ace's asked Hulk to pick two of his toughest guys to fight two of Ace's at Bound for Glory. Hogan and Sting volunteered, but they said no. Ace's said if they win at BFG, they get full access, but if they lose, they go away.
James Storm cut a quick promo on Roode and said he's not worried about King Mo and just wants to kick Roode's teeth down Roode's throat.
Bobby Roode and Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy and Austin Aries
The faces got the early advantage sending Roode to the outside with Ray, getting a big response from the crowd. We came back from the break with Hardy getting in a big splash on Roode, then immediately cut back to commercials. I absolutely hate that. Hardy then crashed hard from the top rope due to Roode. Aries then got thrown into the steps due to Roode a little later. Taz said that his back hit so Ray started to work it in a bear hug when Aries got back in. Aries had a chance for the tag but didn't make it for some reason. He then went for it again but then turned away from it. Everyoone got in the ring right after this and Ray issed and hit Roode with a clothesline. Aries worked both guys with huge dropkicks. He then did a suicide dive on Roode on the ousite then came in and got a dropkick on Ray. Hardy then tagged himself in and hit a swanton on Roode for the win. Good match here with really quick work from Aries.
Ace's released Hogan/Sting and held them off with a switchblade. Sting then yelled, "We're comin! and I'm bringin' somebody with me". Sting then untied Hogan to close the show.
Overall thoughts: Two decent matches here, some storyline advancement and not much else. This wasn't a super important episode of Impact and definitely could have been skipped without any issues.
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