Monday, November 25, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 11/24/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 11/24/2024

Copa Mujeres Revolucionarias Match - India Sioux vs. Zeuxis vs. Reyna Isis vs. Skadi vs. Tessa Blanchard vs. La Catalina vs. Kira vs. Persephone vs. Hera vs. Olympia

Z = Zeuxis, Pers = Persephone, Cat = La Catalina, Olym = Olympia

Reyna and India lock up. India is taken down then she trips Reyna. Reyna front facelocks her. India rolls Reyna into a pin attempt and a crucifix. India trips her.

Kira and Olym get in. Olym tries to roll out of a wristlock but Kira rolls with her. Kira indian deathlocks her then armdrags her. Olym cartwheels out of a wristlock then does an armdrag and armlock. Kira armdrags her back.

Olym armdrags her and shoulders her over. They headflip up together and stare down. Skadi and Pers get in. Pers drops her with a superkick. Skadi knees her on the ropes and Skadi euros her. Skadi rolls and poses.

Z and Tess go at it. Tess flying headscissors her. They high kick each other down and roll out. Hera and Cat go at it. Cat kicks her form the apron then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Hera walks up the ropes and flips into an armdrag on Kat. Hera stomps on Cat then 2nd rope springboard splashes her.

Cat flying knees Hera. Z hits Cat from behind and kicks her in the leg. Cat dropkicks her out. Kira top rope moonsaults outside onto opponents. Hera and Kira go at it. Hera asai moonsaults her and Skadi breaks up the pin. Sakdi corner lariats Hera then Kira gets on her shoulders and splashes Hera. Hera is pinned and eliminated.

Olym and Skadi go at it. Skadi crossbodies her. Skadi is hit on the ropes and Olym powerbombs her for 2. India and Z go at it. India rolls her up for 2. India 2nd rope diving headscissors her out.

We go to break and return.   Olym catches Cat and squats her. Olym backrolls her and hits a dropkick. Olym gets hit from behind in the corner by Cat and Cat electric chair drops her. Olympia is pinned and eliminated.

Pers and Kira go at it. Kira springboard headscissors her. Kira rolls Pers up for 2. Pers boots her. Pers pendulum double knees her on the ropes. Tessa and Reyna get in. Tess cutters her and takes a codebreaker. Reyna hits headbutts then dropkicks her while she's on the 2nd buckle. Kira comes back in and hurricanrana's Reyna for 2.

Kira rolls her up for 2. Reyna double underhook suplexes Kira and pins her for the elimination. Kira is eliminated.

Skadi comes in and boots Renya. Reyna's partners lariat her over on accident then Skadi lariats 2 of them over. Skadi is triple stomped on by her opponents. Skadi takes corner attacks. Z corner meteora's her and pins her. Skadi is eliminated.

Z and India go at it. India pulls her down by the hair then headscissors her with help from Reyna. India is double hiptossed into the ropes and double armdrags off of it. Z high kicks Reyna then India tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her. Reyna crucifixes India. India la rosa drivers Reyna and pins her. Reyna Isis is eliminated.

Pers rolls up India for 2. India dropkicks Pers in the butt for 2. Pers sitout powerbombs India and pins her. India Sioux is eliminated.

Tess and Pers fight. Tess hits punches. Tess is double teamed. Tess shotgun dropkicks Pers. Z rolls up Tess for 2. Tess cutters Z then ddt's her for the pin. Zeuxis is eliminated.

Pers and Tess go at it. Pers superkicks her. Cat hits flying lariats on Pers. Cat basement dropkicks her and bangs her head off the buckles. Pers running boots Cat then pounds on her. Tess hits shots on Pers. Cat hip attacks Pers on the ropes then Tess slingshot splashes Pers.

Cat facekicks Tess on accident. Pers backslides Cat with a bridge and pins her. La Catalina is eliminated.

Tess cradles Pers for 2 then rolls her up. Tess backslides Pers but Pers rolls through it and boots her. Pers tries to pin her using the ropes but the ref breaks it up. Tess codebreakers Pers while she's on the 2nd buckle for 2. 

Pers throws Tess back. Tess high kicks her then Pers germans her. Pers pins Tessa and wins the cibernetico.

Thoughts: It was a decent cibernetico. They didn't botch much here but also weren't super spectacular. It got a lot of time and was fine. I do wonder who much of this one we missed though due to the break. As usual, the people I would have liked to have seen more of like Kira, Olym and Skadi got eliminated early.

CMLL World Trios Title Match - Los Infernales (Averno, Euforia & Mephisto) (c) vs. Los Depredadores (Magnus, Rugido & Volador Jr.)

Av = Averno, Euf = Euforia, Meph = Mephisto

Mag and Av start us off. They trade arm holds. Mag is thrown over by the arm and they stand off. Av takes him down off the double knuckle lock. mag armdrags him and they stand off. Av trips him and takes a spinning headscissors. They try pin attempts and stand off again.

Meph and Vol go at it. Vol flying headscissors Meph. Rug and Euf get in. Rug hurricanrana's him out then is pulled out by the heels and stomped. Rug is sent into the post. Vol gets double teamed by the heels in the ring then takes corner attacks. Euf facekicks Vol.

Mag is bridged on the apron edge and Av dropkicks him down to the floor. Rug is triple teamed by the heels then pulled out onto the floor. Vol is popped up and kicked by the heels then he gets triple stomped on.

Euf headbutts Mag out of the ring. Vol hits a handspring double back elbow on the heels then flying headscissors eufo out. Vol's team hits triple stereo topes outside. Meph takes a 619 from Mag then Mag rolls and cutters him. Euf gets in and Rug comes in to flying headbutt him. Rug flying headscissors Euf and Av. Vol flying headscissors Av and Euf then he is popped up into a hurricanrana on Euf. Vol's team gets triple nearfalls on a triple pin attempt.

Euf tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Vol. Mag corner lariats Meph then corner meteora's him. Euf pumphandle slams Mag for 2. Rug armdrags Euf for 2. Rug chops Av when they get in. Av begs off then hits an angel's wings for 2. Vol rolls into a code red on Av then Rug and Mag hit hurricanrana's for 2.

Meph and Euf are sent into each other. Rug is popped up into a double dropkick on them. Rug and Mag then do stereo topes on them. Vol is popped up but hurricanrana's Av for 2. Vol toyota roll's Av for 2. Vol flying headscissors Av out then slingshot headscissors him outside.

Rug is popped up onto Eufo on the ropes. Euf 2nd rope powerbombs Rug while Meph 2nd rope angel's wings Mag. Euf and Meph pick up stereo pins to win the match.

Thoughts: It was a solid main here. It wasn't anything great or super memorable but they did what they were supposed to. We got a few dives out of this though no one went too crazy. The two teams worked pretty well together and I was fine with this. I wasn't too surprised to see the heels win this.

Overall thoughts: We only had two matches here but both were fine and both got enough time. Neither was must see but I had no complaints at all about this show. I would give this a 6 out of 10.

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