Thursday, November 8, 2012

WWE NXT 11/7/2012 Review

WWE NXT 11/7/2012 Review

 Last week's show is here:

Kassius Ohno vs Trent Barretta
This is a rematch from two weeks ago where Ohno beat up Barretta after the match. See it here:

Kassius Ohno beat Trent Barretta with his spinning forearm in a good match. This was pretty much what you'd expect with Trent doing his flying and then Ohno countering with shots. Fun match. Rating:*1/2

After the match, Ohno went for another shot but Trent ducked it and got him out of the ring.
"Every tattoo tells a story. I can tell you stories of broken heart, broken dreams of all the places I've been" - Corey Graves
"But why waste time telling you about them, when I can get right in your face?" - Corey Graves
"And show you" - Corey Graves
Corey Graves is Sterling James Keenan, a former wrestler from IWC and the northeastern area. He has been really good for years and is really the complete package. It's really cool to see hometown guys make it big and I'm excited for him, even though he's been on NXT before.

Big E. Langston vs Memo Montenegro
Memo Montenegro is making his debut and is Alberto Del Rio's brother.
"Five, five, five" - Big E. Langston
Big E. Langston beat Memo Montenegro with his big ending finisher. He then hit another one on Memo before Vickie came on the tron.
"You think that what you did last week was funny? Well, I've declared that it's open season for you and I have offered $5,000 to any superstar who will put you on the shelf." - Vickie Guerrero
"Well, I'm as broke as the 10 commandments, but I certainly wouldn't try to get that five grand." - William Regal, who wrestles and announces but is still broke...somehow.
I'm not really impressed with the $5,000. That would have been laughable in 1984.
Chad Baxter came down and got beat up quick.
"I'm awake now and daddy I got my wings. Wake up, wake up. Wake up people and realize this lie you've been living in man. I want you to come with me, take my hynd and give your life to me. Let me be your breath and eren together we will climb this rotten mountain and we will peer down at these fools as we watch them turn to ash." - Bray Wyatt
"Jason, I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted to help you. I mean, you're no match for me, Jason. Jason, I'm a monster and I am never alone." - Bray Wyatt
Jason Jordan vs Luke Harper aka Brodie Lee
Brodie Lee is from the Chikara Wrestle Factory and was a big star in Chikara and in some of the indy promotions in USA.
Luke Harper beat Jason Jordan with a black hole slam in a not very impressive match. Lee/Harper doesn't work a big fancy move style or anything and without alot of time in a match, it's tough to get his style over.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, let me welcome the first son of the Wyatt Family, Luke Harper." - Bray Wyatt
Byron Saxton tried to interview Roman Reigns, but Reign's kicked him out early.
"When you are the man, all you have to do is wake up. Thegi's nothing I haven't seen, there's nothing I cannot do. I am the man, whether you are with me or against me it, it's irrelevant. Because everbody wants to be Roman Reigns." - Roman Reigns
Bo Dallas eliminted Drew McIntyre with a spear out of nowhere.
Bo Dallas then eliminated Justin Gabriel with a spear out of mid-air right after.
Seth Rollins then watched from the stage.
The finish
Jinder Mahal beat Bo Dallas with the camel clutch. Well, this was a waste of time. Mahal already had a rematch clause and he gets a rematch anyway. Stupid. I didn't really like the pushing of Bo Dallas either. He's not even close to being there yet and there's so many things he needs to improve on.

After the match, Jinder put Bo in a camel clutch then Rollins came down and they got into it.

Overall thoughts: Pretty good show. We got some new characters and they are starting to push people and get them going somewhere. All of the matches were fine though the main would have been much better if it were Drew and Gabriel. Not a bad way to spend an hour but not must see.


  1. and how low has corey graves have gotten since then ?! XD

    the beginning of the wyatt family ?! I can't believe how much marking out I'm having right now !

    roman reigns looks very fine in a suit, but very weird since we got used to him in the shield's outfit.

  2. I still like Corey Graves a lot but if you want high work rate and indy style matches, Corey Graves will always disappoint you. It has never been his style. He is the complete package though. He has had good matches, he can talk and he has a good look.

    1. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ! WHOA !!!

      you're talking about the same corey graves that I watch every week on IMPACT, right ?! the one with the worst haircut, jeenz and tattoes on the whole roster, right ? the ones that never said anything important or entertaining at all and doesn't have ANYTHING other than that stupid "stay down" tattoe, right ?! the one that is the absoloute most boring wrestler in NXT and you said that his match with rick victor a few weeks back was the most boring NXT match ever, right ?!!!

      I think corey got NOTHING of that complete package ... like, nothing at all. like, he's awful at EVERYTHING !

      but each got his own opinion ... I don't know ...

    2. You have to see him back when he was Sterling James Keenan in the indies and IWC. He was really a lot and totally different.

    3. actually, every time I heard someone say "oh, look at this guy here (when he was in the indies). he's the future ! he's a future wwe superstar ! he's going to be something !", I turned around, shaked my head and sighed ...

      I really see nothing in him. I don't know if it's just my taste or that he's really actually terrible at everything and everyone in NXT even knows it and it shows in the way they interact with him or the way he's booked.

      he's what you get if cm punk and r-truth had a son and let him be raised by gene snitsky (if you know what I mean).
