Thursday, November 15, 2012

WWE NXT 11/14/2012 Review

WWE NXT 11/14/2012 Review

Last weeks show is here:

"Am I hearing things or did you just call me a nobody? If I'm a nobody, how about a rematch tonight?" Bo Dallas
"If I'm such a nobody, why don't you put your title shot on the line? I'm a nobody. I'm so easy to beat, unless you're scared that I'll be the one beating you unmercifully?" - Bo Dallas
"Your on." - Jinder Mahal
The Ascension vs Yoshi Tatsu and Percy Watson
"We've seen alot of odd tag teams lately in WWE and these two are a part of that category." - Tony Luftman
Conor O'Brien got a haircut
The Ascension beat Yoshi Tatsu and Percy Watson with a running total elimination called "The Fall of Man". Not a bad match. This was pretty quick and the crowd wasn't that into it, but Tatsu is always good to see.

"Hey Lay, I really like your hair." - Aksana
"Really, you do?" - Layla
"Yes because your bad hair makes mine look so good." - Aksana
"I'm not going to be called ugly by Eastern Euro Trash." - Layla
"I'll see you out there later on tonight and then maybe, I'll take out the trash." - Layla
"Corey Graves calls himself the Savior of Misbehavior. He's a fan of the underground music scene that you find in nightclubs. He's kind of the guy that your girls want." - Tony Luftman
"A former job of Corey Graves is body modification specialist. I wonder what that meants." - Tony Luftman
"I have no idea. I've certainly never modified my body." - Jim Ross
Corey Graves vs Oliver Gray
"A former judo champ and lumberjack from England. Mostly a country boy." - Tony Luftman
The finish - The Fuller Leglock
Corey Graves beat Oliver Gray with a Fuller Leglock (ala Robert Fuller and Ron Fuller) for the win. I liked Graves' strikes but he didn't get to show too much. They dumbed down his offense to make it more WWE like, which means more elbows and stomps.
"I am Big E. and the E stands for end. An end to anyone who stands across that ring from me and if you don't believe me, I'll give you a reason, better yet 5 reasons." - Big E. Langston
"Almost like a drive-by by Camacho." - Jim Ross as Camacho tries to collect the bounty
Layla vs Aksana
"Well this is a seductive waste of time." - Jim Ross
Layla beat Aksana with a right high kick. Aksana wasn't that bad here. They worked around her limitations and Layla carried it. Not bad at all but not as good as Layla usually is due to Aksana.
"If you're looking for more, please come find me. I'm out here with all my friends." - Bray Wyatt
"I'm the king of the world and if you're looking for me, look towards the sky and look for the buzzards. Follow the buzzards." - Bray Wyatt
Roman Reigns vs Chase Donovan
"This is what some in the WWE have dubbed a can't miss prospect. He is impressive beyond belief." - Tony Luftman
"Lebron James is often thrown around with Roman Reigns. The Lebron James of Wrestling."  - Tony Luftman
Roman Reigns beat Chase Donovan with the Ore Ga Taue (backdrop into a back first slam). Roman Reigns is all hype at this point while showing absolutely nothing. They need to remember what happened last time they tried this with someone from the Anoa'i family - the crowd chanted "Die Rocky Die". I've never seen anyone get talked about so highly on air as this guy. Reigns had Byron Saxton announce "The Thoroughbread Roman Reigns" three times until it was to his liking.

#1 Contender to the NXT title - Jinder Mahal vs Bo Dallas
"Bo baited the hook and put it in the water and guess what he got? A large mouth Jinder Mahal who took it hook, line and sinker." - Jim Ross
Jinder Mahal beat Bo Dallas with the camel clutch. Not that bad but not that good either. Jinder is only as good as his opponent and Bo isn't that good so there wasn't much hope for this one. Unfortunately, we will be seeing alot more of these two.
Jinder attacked after the match and Seth Rollins came out for the save.

Next weeks show will have Bray Wyatt and Paige.

Overall thoughts:  Nothing great except for Bray Wyatt. Atleast we got some new faces here and they got some storylines going on. I could totally do without Jinder or Bo though.

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