Monday, November 12, 2012

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/12/2012 Review

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/12/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

They opened up with a video on the veterans since it's Veterans Day. 

 John Cena vs CM Punk is tonight.

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler
Orton did a really nice slingshot suplex with really good bounce. Ziggler hit about 4 straight elbows on Orton. Orton was going for the RKO when Alberto came down. He quickly knocked him off and got a roll-up for the win. ADR, Ricardo and Dolph beat on him until Kofi evened the score. 

Teddy Long then came down and said this would restart as a tag team match.

Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler
Dolph did an awesome SAITO special(from Toryumon) headstand headlock. Kofi got the hot tag along with Dolph and Randy took over on ADR. ADR got Kofi with a enzugiri for the win after Ricardo distracted Kofi. This was okay but very short and pretty much meaningless. Ricardo then supposedly said on the mic in spanish that ADR is the new apex predator.

Vickie Guerrero came out with Dolph. She called out AJ Lee. Vickie pulled up a phone message with AJ saying she was sorry about what happened last night with Cena. She said she didn't say it. Vickie then played one with AJ saying she lost control and another with AJ wanting Cena. AJ implied that Vickie got into Cena's phone and fixed the messages. Cena then came out and hit Dolph.

Cena and AJ talked in the back. Cena said she shouldn't get upset over something that wouldn't happen. And then she said, wouldn't? Cena then changed it never.

The Big Show vs William Regal
This was just a squash with Show winning with a chokeslam. Nothing to see here. Show went for a knockout punch but Sheamus came down and cleared Show out of the ring.

#1 Contender's match - Kaitlyn vs Layla
Kaitlyn hit a reverse DDT for the win in under 1 minute. Nothing here at all.

Jerry the King Lawler came back. He talked about his life being like "It's a Wonderful Life". He said it was great to be back then CM Punk came out.

Punk said if Lawler didn't leave, he'd beat him to death. Punk said it was in bad taste and called Lawler a real life zombie. He said going face to face with him led to the heart attack. WWE is gonna get it for this one. Punk said shame on Lawler for taking away the spotlight with his heart attack. Punk mentioned tying Diesel for the 9th longest title reign. Punk told him not to croak before the PPV. This was indeed in bad taste. Heyman then teased having a heart attack. Man, this is awful. I really want to shut this crap off. I truly think that this is the most digusting angle I've seen and probably worse than the Eddie angle where Orton claimed that Eddie went to hell instead of heaven.

Foley then came out. He said the fans would pick the 5th man on his team and said he would be the special enforcer tonight.

Punk was in the back yelling at Heyman to fix things.

Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs The Primetime Players, Primo and Epico
Cole said that Titus was invited to train with the Ohio State football team this weekend. Ricardo came out and gave a letter to Rosa that she was happy about. Clearly, this was the best time in the last week to do this. Rey hit a big Asai moonsault to the outside. Titus did an awesome Gorilla Press into a backbreaker. Kidd came in with Young and hit a big blockbuster.  Rey ended up hitting a 619 on Young with Kidd hitting the 450 for the win. Good match with a japanese style dive sequence near the end with everybody flying and doing cool moves.

Heyman met up with Brad Maddox in the back and took him to talk somewhere.

We got a vignette with Johnny Curtis dancing as Fandango.

Dolph met with Miz in the back and talked about his win tonight. Miz aid he didn't see it but saw him losing to Orton and getting slapped. Dolph said Miz was never Team Ziggler material. Foley then came in. They signed Team Rhodes Scholars vs the winner of the vote and Kane.

Miz asked to be in Team Foley even though they don't like each other. Miz tried to sell him on it by saying it would be awesome to beat Team Ziggler. Foley said he would put him on the ballot but didn't like his chances.

The choices for the ballot are Miz, Santino and Ryder.

They announced R-Truth vs Antonio Cesaro for the US title.

Cesaro talked about Truth and the USA being a joke.

Tensai vs R-Truth
Truth hit a big dropkick on Tensai and landed on his head. King made fun of Cesaro's outfit and Cesaro said King speaks Memphis. R-Truth won with his leg lariat in a quick match.

Truth said "knock knock, europe". Crowd says, "Who's there?". He then said, "Europe in my face". King said Truth was speaking a little Memphis there.

$1,000,000 Contract for Brad Maddox if he wins - Brad Maddox vs Ryback
They backed up an ambulance near the rampway, just in case. Ryback hit a nasty triple powerbomb with Brad getting his head banged off the mat each time. This was all squash with Ryback hitting a shellshock for the win. Ryback put Brad on a stretcher then flipped him backwards. He then hit him with a running shoulder on the outside. Ryback then slammed him into the back of the ambulance. Ryback threw him in and the ambulance drove away.

David Otunga vs Sheamus
Regal, McGillicutty and Aksana watched this from the back.  This was all squash and lasted about two minutes. Sheamus hit the white noise then the brogue kick for the win.

Sheamus got on the mic and said that would happen to Show at Survivor Series(which I will be covering on this blog). They showed Show beating up Regal in the back and giving out a knockout punch.

DB ran into Kane in the back wanting to wish him luck mockingly. Kane said he didn't have a new partner, but said we have a new team mate. DB said if he was asked to team with someone new, he would have refused. DB was dejected here. DB then tried to get him to say no to this to Foley but Kane left.

Team Rhodes Scholars vs Kane and The Miz
This was obviously rigged. Nobody picked him over Ryder. Not very interesting here with DB pretending to support the team even though he's against it. DB went after Miz and Miz through him into Cody. Kane then hit a chokeslam for the win on Cody. Miz and DB fought over Kane after.

John Cena vs CM Punk with Mick Foley as the Special Enforcer
This is for the ProWresBlog championship as CM Punk won the title defeating Sheamus in a champion vs champion match on RAW a while back. Every match with the champion becomes a title match, so this is for the belt. Official rules are here:

Cena talked into the camera during his entrance and said somtthing about Ohio State and "It's time to go to war". Cole brought up that if Cena can win the belt, he will be an 11-time champion. They started this then had a long commercial break.

Punk missed a top rope Macho Man elbow and then Cena missed a 5-knuckle shuffle. Punk hit the anaconda vice right in the middle of the ring. Punk went for a diving clothesline off the ropes but Cena hit the STFU. Heyman jumped in but Foley took him out. Cena then hit the STFU but Punk got the ropes. Punk triped to run but Ryback stopped him. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment to win the match and the ProWresBlog Championship!

Ryback and Cena then stared each other down and both grabbed the title belt from each end. Punk then climbed up bewteen the two and the dropped the title, before doing a tug of war with it. Punk jumped up on the apron again looking worried.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that interesting of a show with the Punk angle involving Lawler being one of the worst angles WWE has ever done. I couldn't wait for this to end. The only things I really liked on the show were the Ryback match and the 8-man tag.

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