Tuesday, November 20, 2012

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/31/1990 Review

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/31/1990 Review

Last week's show is here: http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2012/10/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-3241990.html

Next week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-471990.html

"Alright Jesse, enough flip-flopping around. Who's it gonna be? Hulk Hogan or the Ultimate Warrior?" - Vince McMahon
"I'm a broadcast journalist. I don't do impressions, I win either way! It's a toss up hahaha." - Jesse Ventura
"Wow, big boy in there." - Vince McMahon
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Darryl Nickel
"This afternoon, Piper, Wrestlemania, you don't have to worry about who you are. Whether you a guy, a girl, whether you black or whether you white because you're gonna be black and blue when I get through with you." - Bad News Brown
"Bad News, you wanna rumble eh?" - Rowdy Roddy Piper
"Here you go Bad News, this ones for you." - Roddy Piper
"He's a crazy man!" - Jesse Ventura
"You see Bad News, Roddy Piper just don't die, he multiply." - Roddy Piper
Roddy Piper beat Darryl Nickel with a sledgehammer in a quick squash. This was all for building the Roddy Piper vs Bad News Brown match. The announcers pushed this like Piper finally went nuts and that he was preparing for a street fight. It was entertaining and one of the better squashes.
Roddy Piper then kissed a kid in the audience! I wish Heenan would have been around for that one.
"It was back to back hits on the Bushwhackers." - Greg Valentine on the R&B guitar attacks on the Bushwhackers last week
"And this Sunday it's gonna be a new hit - A Hunka Hunka Honky Love." - The Honky Tonk Man
Bob Allen vs Earthquake
"Is that Steve's illegitimate son or did he give him the name?" - Jesse Ventura
"This guy wrestles about as good as Steve Allen performs." - Jesse Ventura
"Hercules, let me tell you something. I wouldn't get in the ring with this because when you do, you'll be changed for the rest of your life." - Earthquake
"Ooooh, I got that one at 7.4" - Jesse
"Wow, I'm impressed." - Vince
"I wish that it really was Steve Allen." - Jesse
"You don't mean that!" - Vince
Earthquake beat Bob Allen with the earthquake sit down splash. This was a very very easy squash for Quake. He hit a slam, a belly to belly and a sit down splash for the win. After the match, Earthquake hit another splash and Bob Allen got stretchered out.

Demolition  - Demolition Ax and Demolition Smash vs The Conquistador and a jobber
The Conquistador's are back and running wild. Watch out Demolition!
So it was Steve Urkel under the Conquistador mask all this time...
"Demolition, time is near. This Sunday afternoon at Wrestlemania you know we still your masters." - Haku
"YEAHHHHHH" - Andre the Giant
Demolition won here with the Demolition Decapitation. No contest here at all as the Demo's got the easy win leading to Wrestlemania 6. However, The Hart Foundation came down...
"Wait a minute, what's going on here? Hart Foundation..." - Jesse Ventura
"We are here to issue a public challenge to the winners of the WWF Tag Team Championship match at Wrestlemania 6." - Jim Neidhart
"We want the winners and we want the titles." - Bret Hart
"It seems they're putting the cart before the horse. They better worry about the Bolsheviks at Wrestlemania." - Jesse Ventura
"I'm comin' for you, tough guy." - Jim Duggan to Dino Bravo
"So what I mean to tell ya Snuka is, the end might not come real quick, but it's gonna come." - Ravishing Rick Rude
"Hi Rona Barrett from Hollywood here. It's about time someone showed Jesse Ventura the difference between a broadcast journalist and a true investigative reporter. Who knows, maybe even the Body has a skeleton in his closet." - Rona Barrett
Mr. Perfect vs Louie Spicolli
Mr. Perfect beat Louie Spicolli in under 10 seconds with a Perfect Plex.

"Hulk Hogan, you will know that I am the chosen one. Then Hulk Hogan, as you surrender your strengths, I will face the challenges that lie ahead with the power of the two that has become one." - The Ultimate Warrior
"Me and all my little Hulksters predict that this will be the last sunset for the Ultimate Warrior."
"As I rode towards the sands of the Pacific Ocean and hit the water in the wide glide man, I buried the tire. I buried the front foot until the Harley putted to a stop and then on the solo seat, I leaned back and looked toward my God in heaven and as all your mythological gods ran cover for cover.."
"I screamed, what is the destiny of Hulkamania? As my god looked down in my eyes, he said Hulkster, you were born to rule. Hulkamania will never die. Ultimate one, once I heard that brother, that's all I needed to carry me through these last few hours." - Hulk Hogan
"As far as the darkness, it'll never mix. My people will never follow you. But at Wrestlemania 6, when I beat you in the center of Skydome, you will then become the Ultimate Hulkamaniac and you will be on my side." - Hulk Hogan
Jake The Snake Roberts vs The Black Knight
"Ted Dibiase, you'd like to forgive and forget but you don't forget your past because it will betray your future and come Wrestlemania, you are mine." - Jake the Snake Roberts
"He twisted the mask on him, he can't see." - Jesse Ventura
Jake The Snake Roberts beat The Black Knight with a DDT. The Black Knight actually got in some offense like an eye rake and an elbow or two, which is far more than anyone else has gotten. He ended up eating a short-arm clothesline and a DDT for the Jake win.

The Brother Love Show with Macho King Randy Savage and Sensational Queen Sherri
"Let your imagination run wild with possibilities in the first mixed tag team match in WWF history." - Macho King Randy Savage
I'm sorry I couldn't give you more quotes here. I had no idea what anyone was saying since the crowd was hot, Sherri was screaming and the music was loud.
"What we gonna do tonight baby?" - Dusty Rhodes
"Big Boss Man, I know you heard this phrase before. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Well Brother, you comitted the crime and you gotta step in the ring with Akeem." - Slick
"Big Boss Man, you're alwsys passing sentences on people. This time I pass one on you. GUILTY AS CHARGED." - Akeem
"Akeem, keep listening go that lying scumbag Slick. He's leading you down a path of destruction. You can't keep pushing people around just because you're bigger than they are. Come Wrestlemania 6, you're gonna find out when you push the law, the law pushes back real hard!" - The Big Boss Man
"Over the years I've written many hit songs, but I'm so excited for Wrestlemania 6, I can barely compose myself!" - Steve Allen
"Hi I'm Robert Goulet and at Wrestlemania, I'll be opening for one night only, actually one song only - the canadian national anthem at Wrestlemania." - Robert Goulet
The Orient Express - Sato and Tanaka vs Omar Atlas and Dale Wolfe
"Orient Express, at Wrestlemania 6, The Rockers are gonna take care of you." - Shawn Michaels
The finish - Wait? The Orient Express have a finisher?
The Orient Express beat their opponents when they used a double team double throat thrust. Very quick squash here but it was okay for what it was. I love Sato's hook kicks.
"It's time to showdown. It's time to put up or shut up. No more talking." - Demolition Ax
"We're gonna do what we always said we'd do, we're gonna win and kick your stinkin' teeth in." - Demolition Smash
Overall thoughts: It's put up or shut up time and all roads lead to Wrestlemania 6. Piper's squash was good and there was alot of good build to the upcoming show. There was also some build for afterwards with the Hart Foundation challenging for the titles. Good build show, but not that good wrestling wise. This is also one of the longer episodes of Superstars as there was about 54 minutes even with commercials. Stay tuned for the big one,Wrestlemania 6!

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