Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Stardom 10/12/2024 Stardom in Komatsu 2024

Stardom 10/12/2024 Stardom in Komatsu 2024

Saori Anou vs Ranna Yagami

Ran waistlocks her and Anou wristlocks her. Ran snapmares her then Anou facekicks her. Ran is thrown by the hair then Anou chokes her wiht her leg. Anou rolls into an indian deathlock on her then axe kicks her back.

Ran dropkicks her and runs into a facekick. Anou bridges on a figure four. Anou bullies her around. Ran hits chest forearms. Ran chest kicks her then running dropkicks her for 2. Ran hits some bizarre rocker dropper type of move then armbars her.

Anou dragon screws her and chest slaps her. Ran dropkicks her then hits a running kick in the corner. Ran kicks her in the back for 2. Ran slaps her then does a leg lariat for 2. Anou fisherman suplexes her for 2 then top rope dropkicks her. Anou northern lights suplexes her with a bridge for 2.

Ran high kicks her then takes a german. Anou picks up the win.

It went a little longer than it needed to and wasn't anything special. Ranna had no chance of winning here and lost. Her offense could have looked a bit better at times but Anou was on point. 

Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Sayaka Kurara & Yuna Mizumori) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki)

SK = Sayaka Kurara

Yuna and Mei go at it. Yuna shoulders her over and Mei kips up. Yuna catches her crossbody and slams her. They try pins and stand off. Miyu and SK get in. SK hits forearms then corner dropkicks her. Miyu ddt's her and dropkicks her in the back. SK takes a double basement dropkick then a bunch of corner dropkicks from Mei.

AZM boots SK around. SK fights back with forearms and is knocked down with forearms. AZM slams SK. SK dropkicks AZM. Aya gets in and takes an elbow on the ropes. Aya pulls AZM and Miyu into each other and hits chest kicks. They botch a spot then Aya dropkicks AZM.

Aya chest kicks Miyu down then hits a spinning heel kick on two opponents in the corner. Aya slams AZM for 2. Yuna shoulders over AZM and misses a dive off the buckles. AZM then armbars her off of it. Yuna rolls AZM into a lariat.

AZM suplexes Yuna. Mei crossbodies Yuna for 2. Yuna takes a double bsement dropkicks on the ropes then hits her own flying shoulderblock. Yuna splashes Mei for 2. Yuna and Mei trade forearms and they lariat each other on the ropes.

Yuna takes a triple basement dropkick in the corner then a running headhunter from Mei for 2. Mei takes a double basement dropkick and a sliding lariat. Yuna half-crabs her and Mei ropebreaks.

Mei is flipped over by all 3 opponents. Yuna cradle shocks Mei and they trade pin attempts. Yuna crucifixes her for 2. Mei hits a dropkick on Yuna and Yuna no sells it. Yuna lariats Mei over.

Mei gets out of an electric chair and rolls Yuna up into a pin to win.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced match here. It was too fast for its own good at times as they had trouble keeping up and hitting things clean.

Mei and Yuna talk on the mic after and seem to set up a match.

STARS (Hazuki & Saya Iida) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Waka Tsukiyama & Xena) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe & Saya Kamitani)

Xena and Iida shake as Hate hangs out outside of the ring. Iida and Xena shoulder battle and trade chops. Haz and Waka get in. Waka hits dropkicks and chest forearms. Haz dropkicks her over. Haz does faceash kicks then is tripped by Hate outside. Kamitani then finishes off the facewash kicks.

Kamitani throws Waka by the hair and Waka takes a double boot on the ropes. Kamitani axe kicks Waka. Momo chest kicks Waka down then Waka flatliners her while seated on the 2nd rope. Xena double undehrook suplexes Momo and corner splashes her. Xena hits a bulldog + lariat combo. Xena and Waka do hip attacks on Hate. Xena hits a double lariat on Stars.

Xena lariats Momo over for 2. Xena high kicks Momo then triangle kicks her using the ropes. Xena plancha's Momo outside. Momo stomps on Xena inside and chairs her. Momo does some horrible chair shots to the knee. Haz dropkicks the chair away from Momo.

Haz and Momo trade forearms. Haz pump kicks her then Momo hits chest kicks on her. Haz pump kicks Momo then Iida 2nd rope diving shoulders Momo. Waka hip attacks and sliding hip attacks Iida on the ropes. Iida hits elbows on Waka for 2. Xena is carried off as she has injured her leg.

Waka takes a sandwich kick from Hate for 2. Kamitani apron dives on opponents outside then Momo b-drivers Waka for the pin.

Thoughts: It was going well up until Xena's injuries. Then they had to work on the fly and the quality dipped some. Hopefully Xena is okay. I liked the Hazuki vs Momo sections here. Momo did some of the worst chair shots ever here trying not to injure Xena further.

STARS (Hanan, Koguma, Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Rian)

Momo misses a dropkick on Hana then goes up and over her. Momo trips her into a basement dropkick. Hana misses a corner splash and catches Momo's 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Hana backbreakers her. Rian gets slammed by Momo.

Rian is rolled into various attacks from her opponents. Rian then takes a 4 person dropkick. Kog slams Rian then stands on her back. Mayu stomps on Rian then snapmares her. Mayu armbars Rian and Rian ropebreaks.

Mayu stomps on Rian then Han slams Rian. Rian and Han hit forearms and Rian crossbodies her. Maika gets in and shoulders over 3 people. Maika hits a double corner lariat then takes a PK and a basement dropkick. Maika drops Mina onto Han for 2. Han hip throws Maika then running back elbows her.

Kog top rope crossbodies Maika. Kog takes a corner lariat from Maika then a big powerslam for 2. Rian hits dropkicks on Kog then Kog dropkicks her. Rian headscissors Kog out of the corner then basement dropkicks her for 2.

Rian slams Kog for 2. Han hip throws Rian. Rian avoids a 4-person move then Kog takes a suplex into a backbreaker. Rian fisherman suplexes Kog for 2. Kog forearms Rian and they do a neat pin spot.

Han crossbodies a bunch of people off the apron. Rian is lifted for a double bulldog for 2. Kog top rope splashes Rian and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag. They kept things moving here and had some nice spots. Mina didn't get much in here while Rian was in this for the majority of it. Rian didn't really impress and her small stature makes it harder for her to do a lot of stuff to her opponents.

Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Tam Nakano) vs. God's Eye (Lady C & Syuri)

 Poi and C start us off. C wants to test strength and Poi can't reach, so Poi goes on the ropes. Poi's then too high for C and C just hits her. C chokeslam lifts her and Poi escapes. Poi and Tam do a double dropkick and a double headhunter. C giant swings Poi for 2.

Syu kicks Poi in the back then sleepers her. Poi ropebreaks. Syu hits knees to the gut then underhook suplexes her for 2. C chop flurries Poi in the corner. Syu boots Poi around. Poi hits chest forearms and Syu stomp flurries Poi.

Poi cartwheels into an armdrag on Syu then basement dropkicks her. Tam hits corner attacks on both opponents then does a ddt + reverse ddt comb on both for 2. Syu and Tam headbutt each other at the same time then trade forearms. Syu hits knees to the gut. Syu germans her and Tam no sells it just to hit her own german. Syu codebreakers her and knees her for 2.

C shoulders Tam over then neckbreakers her for 2. Tam bridges out of C's lariat then dropkicks her. Tam pumping knees C on the ropes. Poi top rope crossbodies C then goes for an armbar. C ropebreaks.

Poi dropkicks C through the ropes and gets a 2 count. C flapjacks Poi for 2. C and Syu do stereo cobra twists on their opponents. C facekicks Poi on the ropes for 2. Poi rolls up C out of a chokeslam then double armbars her.

C facekicks Poi. Poi hits kicks and C chokeslams her for 2. C running facekicks Poi in the corner. C ducks a double superkick then Syu and C take stereo germans. C takes a double superkick and Poi 180 splashes her off the top to win.

Thoughts: It was just average. It started off well but C was in there for a while and didn't bring a lot to the table. Poi also had to do a lot of the selling and didn't get to do as much of her offense as I wanted.

Poi and C then Tam and Syu stare down after. Tam and Poi talk on the mic after.

Neo Genesis (Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Ruaka)


The heels attack before the bell and throw the faces out. Suzu and Ruaka get sent into the seats. Tora and Suzu duel chairs outside. Suzu then hits Tora with a chair. Tora beats Suzu with a bat then throws her into the chairs.

Kid takesa double shoulder and a double spinebuster. She then takes sentons from both opponents for 2. Tora suplexes Kid. Ruaka chokes Kid. Kid foot slaps Ruaka and is eye raked for it. Kid flying headscissors Ruaka. Tora and Suzu fight. Tora sentons her then corner lairats her. Suzu running knees her in the corner. Suzu hits a double spear.

Kid is caught on a springboard by Tora then Tora shoulders her over. Kid hits a kick on Tora then goes to work on the knee. Kid standing moonsaults the knee then stretch mufflers her. Tora lariats Kid over for 2. Tora is up top and is armdragged down. Tora cradle shocks Kid and Kid gets a 2 count on her.

Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes Tora. Suzu and Ruaka get in. Suzu snapmares her and Kid hits a basement dropkick on Ruaka. Suzu and Kid do a double driveby kick on Ruaka. Suzu and Ruaka trade forearms.

Ruaka crossbodies her for 2 then crossfaces her. Ruaka crossbodies her on the ropes then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kid pushes the heels into each other then does a headlock and headscissors takeover. Kid then does a plancha on 2 people outside.

Suzu takes a corner cannonball from Tora then Ruaka is flipped onto her. Suzu hits high kicks on Ruaka then Ruaka double chokeslam bombs her for 2. Kid dropkicks Tora in the knee. Suzu germans Ruaka. Ruaka lariats Suzu over for 2. Momo gets in the ring and hits Ruaka with a bat on accident then Suzu rolls up Ruaka and wins.

I didn't like the blatant weapons use in front of the ref or the ref counting a pin with people in the ring. It was just an average match and nothing too special as expected. Kid's knee work is better suited for singles matches than multi-person matches.

Kid and Suzu talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show as expected with nothing being must see. Xena got injured on this show I would say maybe the Mina tag was the best thing on here but it wasn't great. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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