Thursday, May 2, 2024

TNA Impact 5/2/2024

TNA Impact 5/2/2024

Last week's show is here:

AJ Francis is with Rich Swann and Bun B in the luxury box seats. They said they wanted to hear Joe Hendry's apology in the VIP section. AJ says to feel free to come up here and get kicked out by security.

Mustafa Ali vs Chris Bey

They lock up and trade wristlocks. Ali headflips out of a wristlock then side headlock takeovers him. Ali side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Ali back elbows Bey and takes chops in the corner. Bey hits corner punches then flips Ali with a lariat.

Ali flips out of a backdrop and is ddt'd for 2. Ali stomps on him. Ali is put in tree of woe then Bey does a coast to coast elbow drop in a cool spot. Bey is swept down onto the top buckle then Ali tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Ali is thrown into the 2nd buckle face first.

Bey running lariats Ali then enzugiri's him on the apron. Ali flips over him then is spinebustered for 2. Bey gets on the 2nd rope then is pushed over and then dropkicked to the floor. Bey spin kicks Ali when Ali slingshots in.

They trade shots and Ali tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes. Ace knocks Ali's feet off the ropes. Ali's security then argue with Ace and Ali topes Ace. Bey then tope con hilos Ali. Bey top rope crossbodies Ali then Ali superkicks him.

Bey pumping knees him then hits a kudo driver. Bey gets on the 2nd rope and is german suplexed on the apron. Ali misses a 450 then Bey flying cutters him. Ali's guards hit Bey with a flag while he's up top. Ali 450's Bey and gets the win.

I liked it at first but then it kept going and going and I ended up not liking it. The Bey coast to coast elbow was nice but it ended up meaning nothing as did the Ali german to Bey on the apron. They did too much here.

Dani Luna vs Alisha Edwards

Lars Frederiksen is on commentary here. Masha is with Alisha and Jody Threat is with Dani. Alisha slaps her then is piefaced over. Dani drops her with a forearm then corner lariats her twice. Dani exploders her for 2. Dani knocks her over with a forearm and Masha tries to coach Alisha.

Dani is pulled into the ropes then Alisha splashes her on the ropes. Masha chokes Dani on the ropes then Alisha hits a tornado ddt. Alisha yells at the fans and Dani stares her down. Dani slams her then hits lariats and back elbows. Alisha takes a nasty slingshot blue thunder bomb.

Masha gets on the ropes and distracts Dani. Jody threat pushes Masha and Alisha dropkicks Jody. Masha gets in and hits a northern lights bomb on Dani. Alisha then picks up the pin.

It was a short one here and wasn't that great. Alisha got thrown around like a kid by Dani here.

Sami Callihan does DMTV with an old school TV show intro.We see him spit and he says he can say anything he wants. He said he wants to right the wrongs of the past. He then does his thumbs up and thumbs down thing. This was very fast paced and extremely hard to hear and follow.

Deaner gets on the mic and says it looks like he has a battle ahead of him. He said he talked to Santino and said they can add a stipulation to this. Hammer takes the mic away. He said he's been in TNA for a few months and said this is the worst part of the experience. He calls it a sad sorry attempt to pander to idiots. Hammer says they should make this an arm wrestling match as a stipulation. Deaner said they should get in crazier since they are in Vegas and have an anything goes, no DQ, Sin City Streetfight. Deaner says it's not either one of their choices, it's the people's choice. Deaner asks the crowd which match they want and the crowd chooses the street fight. 

Sin City Street Fight - Hammerstone vs Cody Deaner

Deaner hits Hammer with the mic saying the people have spoken. Deaner dropkicks him in the knee then grabs a trash can lid. He hits Hammer with it and Hammer just gets mad. Hammer pump kicks him then stomps him in the corner.

Hammer back elbows Deaner then throws him out. Hammer pulls Deaner shoulder first into the post. We go to PiP break and return. Deaner takes a forearm to the spine then Hammer hits crossface shots. Hammer tells him he wanted this and chokes him on the ropes.

Hammer gorilla presses Deaner on the chair top edge. Deaner hits forearms and falls over when he tries to slam Hammer. Hammer hits mounted shots then Deaner slams Hammer on chairs for 2. Deaner grabs a table. He tries a forearm but Hammer no sells it then Hammer exploders him. Hammer chokeslams Deaner through a table. Hammer torture racks Deaner and wins it.

It was a longer match than it needed to be. Deaner had no real shot here and it would have been better as a squash.

Jake Something flies in over the top rope onto Hammer. They fight on the mat then security breaks it up. Hammer teases fighting Jake then walks off. Security stops Jake.

We see a doctor working on Nic Nemeth. He says Nic has a bad injury to his neck to Santino. He said Nic won't be able to compete at Under Siege and he said he is pulling him. Matt Hardy comes in. He said he will team with Seven and Bailey instead of Nic to fight The System. Santino makes the match.

Trent Seven, Mike Bailey and Matt Hardy talk. Trent says The System needs to be taken down. Mike says it will be time for them to delete The System tomorrow. Matt says The System must be annihilated and deleted. Matt says Trent and mike will be made temporary members of House Hardy. He said Trent will be "Trent the Seventh" and Mike will be "The Ball of Speed". He said they will render The System obsolete.

We get another Jonathan Gresham video. He talks to Santino. Santino says he's "jack up". Santino said he hopes this time in TNA is smooth sailing. JG gets lost with images of bugs and Santino says welcome back. They shake hands and one of them gets black liquid on their hands. The guy in the octopus mask then walks in and sits across from JG. Santino tries to wash the black stuff off but can't.

AJ Francis and crew are in the VIP seats. He asks if the crowd agrees that it has been a great episode of TNA, then tells them he doesn't care. AJ said he doesn't Joe Hendry but will see if he's a man of his word.

Joe Hendry comes out with a guitar and a mic. He says it's time for him to apologize to First Class. He said his issues with them began here with a song. Joe says it's important to end things the same way, with a song. He said he needs to put his apology into context. He said his last song mocked them brutally. He then sings the song, mocking AJ failing at the NFL and rap. In the song, he says he'll never win any titles and says he's the cheese of champions.

Joe then said he did a second song and sings it. The lyrics talk about AJ being banned from diving. Joe then says it's time for the apology song. He said he went low before and will go higher this time. The lyrics say he's sorry for making fun of him as there's so much material. He shows a photo of AJ holding up Rich with his hands on Rich's butt. He then sings a rip off of "Can you take me higher?" with the lyrics, "Can you please get fired? Because it happened twice before."

I thought it was a good segment but Joe kind of was a jerk for saying he would apologize and then ripping him further.

Gia Miller interviews The System. Eddie ask who is on the poster for Under Siege and says they are. Eddie says TNA needs them. Brian Myers asks how Speedball Mountain got in this and said they are riding the coat tails of Matt Hardy. Moose says the show will have the return of TNA legend, Matt Hardy. Moose said he became a TNA legend while Matt was gone. He says Matt talks about deleting people but says The System can't get deleted. He says Matt and Speedball Mountain will be deleted at Under Seige. Alisha says you always trust The System.

Trey Miguel vs Ace Austin

They lock up and go into the corner. Trey lock-up drags him but Ace holds on. They shove each other and punch each other. They roll on the mat with punches and Wentz/Bey each get on the apron. Ace rolls and trips Trey into a kick in the back. Ace armdrags him and dropkicks him. Trey goes out.
Aces goes to springboard and Wentz pulls Ace down. Trey rakes Ace's back. We go to full break and return.

Ace is sent into the corner hard. Trey chokes him with his knee then front facelocks him. Trey flying bodyscissors Ace then hits mounted punches. Trey hits kicks then double stomps Ace's back. Ace gets his knees up on Trey's asai moonsault. Ace russian legsweeps him then legdrops him.

Ace hits corner lariats on Trey then 2nd rope kicks him for 2. Trey rolls up Ace for 2. Trey moonsaults over Ace, who is on all fours, then dropkicks him in the back. Trey kicks Ace in the chest. He tells a fan that he just hurt his leg and still moves better than him.

Trey enzugiri's Ace. Ace misses a springboard kick then his head is superkicked into the buckles. Trey ear claps Ace then sunset flips him off the top for 2. Ace drives Trey's head into the mat then hits a running headhunter to win it.

It started off well and pretty much tailed off for the rest of the match until the finish.

Josh Alexander and Eric Young do a promo. Josh says he doesn't like Kazarian or Maclin. Eric agrees and says he doesn't like Kazarian. Eric says they are coming straight at Kaz/Maclin and are coming for them tomorrow night.

George Iceman gets on the mic. He says what's a Knockouts title match without a perfect spectator? He then brings out Ash by Elegance, who is in the box seats. 

Knockouts Title - Jordynne Grace vs Miyu Yamashita

Grace wristlocks her. Miyu rolls through it and wristlocks her. Grace shoulders her over then cartwheels over her. Miyu hits a chest kick then Grace does a regal suplex on Miyu's head. Miyu triangle kicks her during the break then hits knees to the face. Miyu drops her with a kick the ndoes it again wit h chest kick. Grace sweeps her on the apron.

Grace jackhammers her on the floor. Grace goes for a dive and is kicked on the attempt. Miyu hits kicks on the apron then high kicks her. Miyu hits an attitude adjustment on the apron.

Miyu throws her over with a cobra clutch. Grace slaps her then is slapped back. Miyu chest kicks her then is slammed. Miyu gets up and chest kicks Grace. Grace slams her again. They go down at the same time with a uraken and high kick to each other. 

Grace back elbows her in the corner then slaps her. Miyu knees her in the face on the buckles then grace hits headbutts. Grace back body drops her off the top. Miyu high kicks her then is clotheslined. Miyu legsweeps her then spin kicks her in the head for 2. Grace spinning back elbows her then hits a made in Japan. Grace then gets the win.

It didn't have much build to it but they did give Miyu enough offense here to make you think she had a chance. They were super stiff with each other here and Miyu really lit her up with kicks. I ended up liking this one and thought it was a brutal looking match.

Steph de Lander and Kon come out after. Steph face kicks Grace. Steph tells Kon to break her neck then the lights go out. PCO appears in the ring and chops Kon. Grace lob blows Kon. PCO lariats Kon over the top. Steph lariats Grace. PGO grabs Steph by the throat and Steph tries to flirt with him. Grace then throws Steph out.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main and the Hendry concert but not much else here. It just felt like a lot of filler and the show was skippable. It didn't do much to build to the PPV tomorrow, but the PPV is so weak that no amount of build will do much for it anyway. I wouldn't recommend this.

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