Tuesday, May 14, 2024

NWA Powerrr 5/14/2024

NWA Powerrr 5/14/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/nwa-powerrr-572024.html

Crockett Cup Play-In - Heavenly Butterflies (Faboo Andre and Tony Donati) vs The Cheese and Mike Orlando

Cheese throws cheese slices out to the crowd. Mike side headlock takeovers Tony and Tony armdrags him. Mike does it back and Tony rolls through a snapmare. Mike dropkicks Tony and the crowd chants, "We Want Cheese". Tony takes a double hiptoss and double elbow drop.

Tony pulls Mike down backwards then FA snapmares Cheese. FA running boots Cheese then Cheese slams FA. Cheese misses a 2nd rope move and takes a baseball slide. FA kneedrops and elbow drops Cheese.  FA boots Cheese and Cheese 2nd rope elbow drops FA.

Mike throws cheese at Tony then cutters FA. Tony hits back elbows on Mike then cheese splashes both opponents in the corner. Mike hits a samoan drop + ddt combo for 2. FA comes off the top and gets speared by Mike. Cheese reverse ddt's Tony and wins it.

Thoughts: I felt real bad for Mike here as the crowd only cared about Cheese. Cheese is mega over which isn't too surprising but he's not yet there in-ring wise. It was entertaining but not for the in-ring work.

Knox and Murdoch, Kratos and his partner are interviewed. Murdoch says his team should be in the top slot. Murdoch and Knox said they  kicked @ss last year in The Crockett Cup.

Kenzie Page and Thom Latimer talk about The Crockett Cup and present the Top 16 seeds. The seeds are:

16 - Play In

15 - Miserably Faithful

14 - The Slime Ballz

13 - The Kidz

12 - The Stew Crew

11 - The Country Gentlemen

10 - The Looks that Kill

9 - Max The Impaler and Judais

8 - The Fixers

7 - Jax Dane and Tim Storm

6 - The Savages of Samoa

5 - Daisy Kill and Talos

4 - The Immortals

3 - The Southern 6

2 - Knox and Murdoch

1 - Blunt Force Trauma

We go back to the 4 wrestlers. Kratos is happy about the #4 seed. He says they have been going through every team in the NWA but says they should be #1. Kratos says they have been on the heels of Knox and Murdoch since they came. Kratos says this is the time where Kratos can show that he is the best big man and Odinson is the strongest and best looking athlete in the world.

Aaron Stevens is interviewed. Aaron says BFT is #1 and the #1 tag team. He says #1 is the loneliest number you will ever see except when it comes to them. He says to feast your eyes on BFT.

Thoughts: There's two intergender teams there. I won't be watching those matches for sure. There's a few teams in there who haven't been used at all on the show since I started watching it.

Crocket Cup Play-In - The Spectaculars vs Cam Fox and Kai Price

Slade has his hold reversed and he trips his Cam Fox. Slade shoulders over Cam then Cam slingblades and dropkicks him. Kai Price basement dropkicks Slide then sliding lariats him. Brady Pierce distracts Kai and Kai is thrown off the top. Slade release germans Kai.

Brady hits corner lariats on Kai then throws him into the buckles chest first. Slade boots Kai in the gut then release suplexes him. Kai hits a boot out of the corner then Brady spinebusters him for 2.

Brady side headlocks Kai. Slade texas cloverleafs Kai. Cam gets in and dropkicks Slade. Cam springboard twisting lariats Brady. Cam sits Brady on the 2nd rope and neckbreakers him. Cam fisherman neckbreakers Slade. Kai top rope elbow drops Slade for 2.

Kai is pulled over the top. Kai is tripped on a hart attack attempt. Slade jumping knees Cam. Cam takes a russian legsweep + facekick and is pinned.

Thoughts: Fox and Price are a little green but it was okay. Slade really got in great shape and looks great out there. The NWA did not give us any info on Fox and price prior to this and it made it hard to figure out who was who for a while.

The Spectaculars are interviewed. Rolando Freeman says Rush Freeman ain't here no more. He says he replaced him with Brady Pierce. He says they are in the top percent and are going to have The Crockett Cup soon.

The King Bee's do a promo. They say they will defend the tag titles at The Crockett Cup. They say they want an all ladies Crockett Cup in 2025. They say there's an internet exclusive King Bee's match online this week too.

#1 Contender to the NWA National Title - Mims vs Zyon

They get off to a slow start here, backing each other up in the corners. Zyon shoves him then side headlocks him, using the hairto do it. Zyon shoulders Mims but Mims doesn't budge. Austin Idol is shocked by this. Zyon side headlocks him then Mims flying shoulders him. Mims shoulders him over.

Zyon is slammed then Mims splashes him for 2. Mims goes after Idol outside. Mims and Zyon fight then Mims hits shots to the gut. Mims suplexes him in. Zyon is down and pointing at his mask. Zyon evades Mims in the corner and short arm lariats him.

Zyon 2nd rope fist drops Mims. Idol cheap shots Mims. Mims hits chops on Zyon then is thrown shoulder first into the post. We go to break and return.

Zyon hits knees to Mims' back. Zyon eye rakes him and hits kicks to the body. Zyon fist drops him then neckbreakers him for 2. Mims goes to make a comeback and is elbowed in the head. Mims cradles Zyon for 2 then Zyon backslides him. Mims rolls up Zyon then headbutts him.

Mims back splashes Zyon then hits a running lariat. Mims backdrops Zyon and Idol puts Zyon's foot on the ropes. Mims worlds strongest slams Zyon. Zyon clips him then Las Vegas leglocks him. Mims reverses it then hits corner spears. Idol holds Zyon's boots on the buckles and stops him from behing thrown down. Zyon top rope crossbodies Mims then does his z-clutch and submits Mims.

Thoughts: It got off to a real slow start early and just dragged for me. The work was pretty simple here. I don't think it was bad but I just couldn't get into this.

EC3 has a major announcement. He says The Crockett Cup is shaping up to be a brilliant show. He talks about the show and says he will defend his title vs Sam Adonis. He asks Sam who he is to challenge him and says he's the greatest import to Mexico. He says Sam's time is here and said Sam will realize he's the greatest wrestler alive.

Thoughts: Sam hasn't been on this show for as long as I have been watching this. Why is he challenging for the title?

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this one. They had 3 matches here. The main was long and slow. The 2nd match had some issues with Price and Fox being green and the NWA not giving them any TV time prior to this to explain who these guys were to us. The crowd was into the first match and while it was entertaining, it wasn't for the in-ring work. The show ran into its usual issues with the roster being too big, not much build to future matches and having random people on it with no introduction. I wouldn't recommend it.

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