Saturday, May 18, 2024

CMLL Arena Puebla Lunes Clasico 5/13/2024

CMLL Arena Puebla Lunes Clasico 5/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

Only 3 matches aired: 

La Catalina, La Enigmatica & Skadi vs. Lady Amazona, Mayahuel & Reina Isis


1st Fall - Maya and Enig go at it. Enig armdrags her then is crucifixed. Enig rolls her up for 2. Maya has her hands stomped on then Maya takes a headlock takeover. Maya armdrags her then Enig does it back. They trip each other and Enig splashes her.

Cat and Ama go at it. Cat is splashed on the ropes. Skadi takes a double boot after getting in then Ama and Reyna splash Enig in the corner. Cat takes a triple boot and goes out. Enig is held for a big chop from Ama. Cat is triple teamed. She takes a double lariat then rolls up Reyna and pins her. Cat's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Ama and Enig go at it. Enig headflips over her after she drops down and tries leapfrogs. Enig hiptosses her then hits armdrags. Enig armdrags Ama out. Skadi shoulders over Maya. Ama shoulders Skadi over. Skadi takes corner attacks. Enig then takes corner attacks.

Maya basement dropkicks Enig in the corner. Cat jumps on Ama's back and is stopped. Ama corner splashes Cat then Maya corner lariats her. Reyna basement dropkicks Cat in the corner. Skadi hits mounted shots on Maya then is stopped. Maya corner lariats Skadi then Ama corner cannonballs Skadi. Ama then pins Skadi while Reyna beats up Cat on the ramp. Maya does las escalera on Maya then Ama does a double underhook and double leg submission on Enig to submit her. Amazona's team wins the fall. 

3rd fall - Enig is pounded on by Reyna. Maya 2nd rope dropkicks Enig. Cat takes a double spinebuster then Reyna legdrops her for 2. Skadi is taken down, Maya legdrops her and Ama sentons her. Enig takes a double back elbow then has her legs split. Skadi gets triple teamed and held for chops from Reyna. Skadi drops Reyna with a chop then boots her over. Enig top rope double crossbodies, is caught and Cat top rope dropkicks her in the back to push her over. Reyna take s corner lariats. Enig stands on Maya in the corner.

Maya hits chops on Skadi then is chopped and booted. Skadi running lariats her and basement dropkicks her. Ama crossbodies Skadi. Maya 2nd rope diving armdrags her then Maya ties up Ama for a submission. Reyna breaks it up then suplexes Maya for 2. Cat pedigrees Reyna for 1.

Cat goes up and over in the corner then hits lariats on Reyna. She misses one which Renya sells anyway. Cat dropkicks Reyna out then crossbodies her off the apron. Skadi crossbodies Ama and pins her then Enig ties up Maya and pins her. Enigmatica, Skadi and Catalin win the fall and match.

Thoughts: This wasn't good at all. Most of what they did locked sloppy or weak and the pace was slow. Someone was always getting triple teamed here as well.

Fugaz, Guerrero Maya Jr. & Star Black vs. Los Chacales Del Ring (El Coyote, Okumura & Polvora)

Maya = Guerrero Maya Jr., Coy = El Coyote, Oku = Okumura, Fug = Fugaz, Star = Star Black

1st Fall - Maya and Coy go at it. Coy trips him and they chain wrestle. Coy headflips out of a wristlock then armdrags him. Maya armbars him then is crucifixed. Maya headscissors him and legsweeps him. Coy then headflips and they stand off. Oku and Fug get in. Fug armdrags him. Oku legsweeps him then takes a headscissors. Fug headflips and they stand off.

Fug handsprings off the ropes and is back elbowed. Fug flying headscissors Oku out. Star and Pol go at it. Star headflips in then does headflips around the ring. Pol just slaps him then Star is double stomped on by his opponents. Star is triple teamed then triple basement dropkicked. Maya takes corner attacks then is basement dropkicked in the crotch by Pol.

The heels hit triple moves (with Oku doing a michinoku driver on Maya) and get triple pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Star is jawbreakered by Oku then Pol rips at Maya's mask. Maya takes a double boot. Maya is double hiptossed forward then back. Maya is dropkicked out. Star is held in the air and dropkicked in the butt. Maya takes a double spinebuster then Coy bites Maya's foot.

Fug dropkicks Coy then is triple stomped for it. Fug pump kicks Oku, Maya and Star slingshot and roll in then hit stereo tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Pol and Coy are dropkicked out then stereo tope'd. Fug wasteland's Oku then asai moonsaults him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Star goes up and over Oku, backflips and hits armdrags. Star dropkicks Oku out. Star springboard twisting crossbodies Pol. Coy kicks Pol on accident. Star does a handspring backflip reverse tope. Star goes for a dive and Coy runs away.

Fug and Oku go at it. They boot each other and trade forearms and spin kicks. Fug flips over Oku's back and pump kicks him. Fug dropkicks Oku. Fug is lifted into a headscissors on Coy. Fug does rope tricks and diving headscissors Pol off the ropes.

Oku and Maya go at it. Maya armdrags Oku then 2nd rope hurricanrana's Pol. Maya walks up the ropes and springboard armdrags Coy out. Fug is triple stomped in the corner by hte heels. Star top rope crossbodies Pol. Maya and Star hurricanrana Coy and Pol and Fug gets a nearfall in as well. Fug hurricanrana's Oku out and topes him. Maya and Star do stereo reverse topes and pin Pol and Coy to win the fall.

Thoughts: It was okay. Nothing too special. The heels were heels and the faces flew a little before getting the win. I felt like Star Black put a lot of effort into this one.

Mascara Dorada, Stigma & Templario vs. Los Depredadores (Magia Blanca, Magnus & Volador Jr.)

Vol = Volador Jr., Mag = Magnus, MB = Magia Blanca, MD = Mascara Dorada, Stig = Stigma, Temp = Templario

1st Fall - MD and Mag start us off. Mag wristlocks him, MD headflips out of it then armdrags him down. MD headscissors him. They stand off. Mag trips and shoulder throws MD. MD spinning headscissors him from the mat. Mag goes out, MD teases a dive then MB and Temp get in.

Temp armdrags MB and is back elbowed. Temp splashes him then does a spinnarooni up. Temp side headlocks MB and is hit in the back of the head by Vol. Everyone comes in for a mobve and the sequence ends with MD doing a springboard hurricanrana to Mag.

The wrestlers fight outside. Temp takes corner lariats and a Vol superkick. Stig is sat up top and is swept from the 2nd rope. MB basement dropkicks him and Vol pins Stig. MD is tripped for a Mag 619. MD then takes a backcracker into a top rope MB splash. MB pins MD and Volador's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - The faces are beat up in the corner to start the fall. Stig is double hiptossed and powerbombed. Temp takes a triple boot out. MD falls for a handshake and is nailed by the heels. MD is triple stomped by the heels. Vol tries to take off MD's mask. Temp and MD are thrown into each other.

Stig takes a back elbow, neckbreaker and a running lariat from Vol. Mag running back elbows Stig then Stig takes a triple boot. Temp is held and kicked in the leg. Temp takes a high back body drop. Stig does a top rope double crossbody and is popped up into a double dropkick. Stig and Temp then do stereo topes. MD top rope 450's Vol and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol's team stalls outside. Temp slaps MB. Temp is popped up into a headscissors on Mag. Temp headscissors MB then spinning headscissors Vol out. Temp spinarooni's up. MB back elbows Stig then Mag superkicks Stig in the head. Stig lariats Mag and MB. He dropkicks MB the spinning headscissor Mag. Vol flips Stig then Stig headscissors him out.

MD rolls over MB's back then flying hurricanrana's him. Mag is pushed into MB then MD jumps off of Mag to hurricanrana MB. MD flips off the ropes then spinning headscissors Vol out. MD is tripled and pulled out then Stig tope con hilos MD outside on accident. Temp rope walk crossbodies Vol. Temp takes superkicks from the heels then is held for a top rope legdrop from MB. Temp is then pinned. Vol's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a solid main. Dorada did some nice flying here and they kept a good pace while doing some athletic stuff. The finish could have been better as it didn't fit with the pace here. 

Overall thoughts: The women's match wasn't good here. The semi-main was a decent match and the main was fine, though the finish could have been a little better. It wasn't a must see show but it was okay enough thanks to two of the matches being decent. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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