Sunday, May 12, 2024

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 5/4/2024 Endless Survivor 2024 ~ Beyond The Milestone

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 5/4/2024 Endless Survivor 2024 ~ Beyond The Milestone

Kaji Tomato, Kazuki Hashimoto & Kosuke Sato vs. Jacob Crane, Shigehiro Irie & Zeke Andino

Kaji and Sato do Kaji's dance before the match.

Kaji and Zeke start us off. Kaji ducks a lock-up and poses. He armdrags Zeke and they trip each other then try stereo dropkicks. Kaz and Crane get in. Kaz side headlocks him. Crane snapmares him and kicks him in the back. Kaz kicks him in the back. They kick each other in the back a few times each. Kaz misses a PK and is rolled up. They then stand off.

Irie and Sato go at it. They trade forearms. Irie hits strikes and Sato dropkicks him. Sato headbutts him then takes a black hole slam. Crane hits forearms on Sato then hits machine gun chops. Sato boots him out of the the corner and Kaji flip dives onto Crane. Sato bodyslams Crane for 2.

Sato guillotine chokes Crane but Crane deadlifts him into a suplex. Sato takes corner attacks. Zeke sweeps Kaz on the apron then Irie crossbodies Kaz's back on the apron. Kaji plancha's onto Irie then Zeke springboard plancha's outside.

Crane chops Sato then Sato cradles him. Sato la magistrals him for 2 then rolls him up for the win.

Thoughts: It was too short for the amount of people involved. We barely saw any of Kaji here. Crane needs to drop some weight and get bigger trunks. What we got was a real condensed version of what this maybe could have been.

G Shock Death Match - Kankuro Hoshino, Masaya Takahashi & Yusaku Ito vs. Kazumi Kikuta, SAGAT & Yuki Ishikawa

Ito's team is attacked before it starts. Hoshino and Yuki trade forearms inside. Hoshino side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Hoshino double chops him then Yuki dropkicks him. Hoshino kicks Yuki in the gut then slams him on cement blocks.

Hoshino is back body dropped on cement blocks. Kikuta sends Masaya into the post then Sagat and Ito duel with chairs. Sagat punches a chair away and elbows Ito in the head. Cement blocks are set up in a row. Sagat misses a splash and lands on them then Ito misses headbutts and a 2nd rope attack and lands on them. Sagat splashes Ito on the blocks.

Ito and Sagat ram blocks at each other then Masaya comes in and throws the blocks around. Masaya throws a block at Sagat to catch then throws a block at him which Sagat blocks with another block. Masaya chairs Kikuta.

Kikuta superkicks Masaya then drops him crotch first on the chair top edges. Hoshino flying lariats Kikura then Sagat samoan drops Kikuta. Yuki top rope dropkicks Ito. Yuki flying forearms Masaya. Sagat corner cannonballs Masaya then Yuki blue thunders Masaya for 2.

Masaya has a chair thrown at his head then Hoshino sto's Yuki on a chair on cement. Masaya throws Yuki down on a chair on cement and pins him.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced and kind of rushed trios match. We didn't get to see that much of anyone here. That did limit some of the no selling and other stupidity though so in some ways that's not a bad thing. It was fine for what it was.

Sagat and Masaya fight after and Masaya throws chairs at him. Hoshino then has Masaya slam him on cement blocks after for unknown reasons.

TLC Death Match - Abdullah Kobayashi & Daiju Wakamatsu vs. Yankee Two Kenju (Isami Kodaka & Yuko Miyamoto)

Abby and Yuko are given flowers pre-match. Yuko boots Abby before it starts. They take a picture then Abby hits Yuko with the flowers and the girl who gives it to them is ushered out.

Abby lariats Yuko over and they go out. DW shoulders over Isami then running forearms him. Isami armdrags DW onto a chai then drops the chair on his head outside. Abby and Yuko fight in the aisle way in the crowd. Yuko face kicks Abby then DW hits Isami with the flowers. DW puts a flower in Yuko's nostril. Isami and DW fuel with the flowers outside.

Abby pulls Yuko down backwards then Yuko boots him. Isami top rope dropkicks Isami inside then slams him. DW stacks chairs on Isami then flipping swantons onto them. Isami takes a double dropkick then Abby's team misses a double team on him.

Yuko gets stuck on the buckles. Abby picks up DW in the powerbomb position to suplex Yuko onto a table. Isami holds Yuko and Abby powerbombs his own partner through the table. Yuko hits Abby with parts of a table then shining wizards him.Yuko top rope corkscrew moonsaults onto a ladder on Abby and wins it.

Thoughts: Like the first two matches, this was short and kind of rushed. It was somewhat entertaining but far from what it could have been with more time.

Chicharito Shoki & Kazumasa Yoshida vs. Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura)

KY = Kazumasa Yoshida

KY and Nomura go at it. KY has newer tights and some armbands. They lock up. KY wristlocks him then Nomura takes him over. KY headscissors him. Shoki and Abe go at it. Shoki chops him then armdrags him off the ropes. Abe takes corner attacks from both opponents then Shoki is lifted for Jacky Kamei's kick flurry.

Abe forearms and boots KY. Abe takes him down by the arm and armlocked by Abe. Nomura gets in. Nomura armbreakers KY then stomps the arm. KY and Nomura trade forearms. Abe gets in and trades with KY. Ky spinning forearms him down. Shoki gets in and flying headscissors Abe. Shoki double dropkicks Abe and Nomura out.

Shoki planchas both opponents outside then hits dropkicks on Abe inside. Abe spin kicks Shoki then kicks him in the back. Abe hurricanrana's Shoki then Shoki single leg dropkicks him. Shoki flying knees him.

KY and Nomura go at it. KY face kicks him then flying back elbows him in the corner. Nomura back elbows him then hits a nice dropkick. KY backdrops Nomura. KY lifts Shoki and helps him tornado ddt Nomura. KY suplexes Nomura.

Abe and Ky fight. Abe slides him and then baseball punches him. Abe does an octopus to him then Shoki torture racks Nomura while Abe does it. Abe breaks that hold up. Nomura germans Shoki then KY cutters Nomura and Abe.

KY pops Shoki up to the top for a hurricanrana on Abe. KY then running knees Abe for 2. KY tombstones Abe for 2. KY spinning forearms Nomura then running knees Abe for 2. Abe flips over a KY knee then Nomura armbars KY. Nomura taps out KY.

Thoughts: It was a good tag and was notable for Yoshida stepping up and hitting some new offense. It was a neat dynamic here as Abe and Nomura are usually the underdogs yet found KY and Shoki as the underdogs here. It was fun to see the roles reversed and KY and Shoki did a good job hunting for the big win.

Daisuke Sekimoto, Ryota Hama & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. PROJECT HAVOC (So Daimonji, Tempesta & Tyson Maddux)

YN = Yasufumi Nakanoue, Sek = Daisuke Sekimoto

Tyson and Hama go at it. Tyson side headlocks him and they shoulder battle. Hama shoulders him over. Sek and So go at it.  They test strength. So armdrags him, Sek headscissors him and they stand off and tag out. Temp and YN go at it. They shoulder battle and Temp dropkicks him in the knee. YN hits forearms to the gut then Temp flying hurricanrana's him. Temp hits running corner euros. So slams YN then uranage backbreakers him. So sharpshooters YN.

Tyson forearms YN then shoulders him over. Tyson corner splashes him then hits an oklahoma stampede. Tyson then splashes him for 2. YN gets his foot up as Tyson goes into the corner. YN suplexes Tyson. Sek gets in and corner spears Tyson. Sek racks Tyson.

Sek fights off a 2v1 hitting dropkicks on Temp and So. Tyson does a nice leapfrog then dropkicks Sek. So dives off the top to punch Sek then does a headhunter to him. So corner lariats Sek then fallaway slams him.

So superman punches Sek for 2. So and Sek trade shots. Sek headbutts him and germans him. They lariat each other at the same time twice and both go down. Temp and Hama get in. Temp hits running forearms. Hama hits clubs then corner splashes him. Hama elbow drops him for 2 then misses a splash.

Hama takes corner attacks then takes a double spear from Tyson and So. Temp pump kicks Hama then Sek deadlift germans him. Sek takes a double shoulder then So topes Sek outside. YN hits a big lariat on Tyson. Temp eye rakes Hama then Hama shoulders him over and splashes him for the win.

Thoughts: The finish was kind of lame here without much build to it. It was a decent match here with everyone getting some shine. Tyson looked good here. It needed more time though.

BJW Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Ender Kara (c) vs. Kota Sekifuda

Kara throws down a BJW shirt. Kota hits forearms on Kara then Kara armdrags him. Kota headscissors Kara and basement dropkicks him. Kara does a nice dropkick on Kota then is pulled over the top. They trade shots on the apron. Kara high kicks him then handspring kicks him off the apron. Kara tope con hilos Kota outside.

Kara throws down the BJW shirt again, spits on it and rubs his foot on it. Kara hits chest kicks then footchokes him in the corner. Kota boots him out of the corner and is put in an octopus. Kara slaps him around and forearms him. Kara hits kicks. Kota misses a springboard twisting crossbody then ddt's Kara.

Kota rolls Kara into a cutter. Kota does a cobra clutch on him. Kara sleepers him and Kota bites the fingers. Kota double chops him then springboard twisting crossbodies him.

Kara rebound germans Kota then chest kicks him. Kota's head is banged off the buckles then Kara springboard double stomps his neck. Kara PK's him for 2. They trade pin attempts. Kara shoulder throws him then gets a 2 count on a pin. Kara high kicks him then guillotine chokes him. Kota suplexes him then suplexes him into a backbreaker.

Kota misses a 2nd rope frogsplash then Kara ties up both of his arms and one of his legs. Kara top rope 450's him. Kara sliding lariats him then does an underhook suplex for 2. Koa lariats him and they trade shots. Kota headbutts him then does a backbreaker for 2. Kota top rope splashes him for 2. Kota backdrops him and wins it.

Thoughts: I thought this one ran long and it didn't have a much of a story to it. The action was okay but it wasn't a great match.

BJW Tag Team Title Street Fight Death Match - Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) (c) vs. Dale Patricks & Mad Man Pondo

TT - Takumi Tsukamoto

Pondo gets on the mic and thanks the crowd for helping Necro Butcher. He said they are Baka Gaijin.

The Japanese are attacked before it starts, Dale and TT fight outside and Pondo is sent into the post. Pondo uses a saw on a stick on Takeda  and TT is sent into the post. Pondo suplexes Takeda on the exposed floor then throws TT into the post. Dale is powerbombed from the apron through chairs.

Pondo and TT fight over a gusset plate. Pondo has the plate put in his head and then he is basement dropkicked. Takeda hits Dale with a gusset plate bat in the body then in the face with it. Takeda stabs Dale with the plate. Takeda and TT put the plates into their own head. 

Pondo breaks up a 2v1 and Dale's hands are taped together. Pondo scrapes Takeda's head with a blade then does it to Takeda. Dale takes a double hiptoss and TT is slammed by Takeda onto chairs on Dale. Dale has a chair chaired into his head.

Dale and Takeda hit each other outside. Takeda takes a blade to Dale's head then Pondo uses the blade on Takeda's head. Takeda takes a double shoulderblock then Pondo hits him with a stop sign. Pondo sledgehammers a cement block into Takeda's crotch for 2.

Dale beats up TT outside and Pondo cuts at Pondo's gut with a blade. TT uses his oversized sledgehammer (the hammer part is two empty gas canisters taped together) on Pondo then Dale hits TT with it. Dale chokeslams Takeda for 2. Dale uses his sledgehammer on Pondo on accident. Dale takes a knee + superkick combo then Takeda slams Dale. Takeda swantons a chair and a gusset plate bat onto Dale for 2.

Dale hits forearms on Takeda then Takeda knees him for 2. Takeda backdrops Dale onto chairs for the win.

Thoughts: There was basically no wrestling at all here and it was all hardcore stuff. The hardcore stuff wasn't anything too special. I hated them putting gusset plates into their own heads as it made it seem like it didn't really hurt. 

BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Barbed Wire Tribulation Death Match - Hideyoshi Kamitani (c) vs. Ryuji Ito 

Kami = Hideyoshi Kamitani

They basically have barbed wire all over the place here minus one section of the ring. They also have barbed wire platforms set up on two sides of the ring.

Kami wristlocks him and Ito gets out. Ito trips Kami and Kami falls into the barbed wire boards. Ito side headlock takeovers him on the barbed wire then they get up and stand off. Ito is slammed on the wire. Kami shoulderblocks him against the ropes, tries again and falls through the barbed wire boards outside. Ito hits a barbed wire punch and pushes Kami's head into the wire.

Ito chairs a barbed wire board into Kami then whips him into a board. Ito is sent into the board then Kami pounds the board into Ito's back. Ito is slammed onto a board then Kami squeezes lemon juice into Ito's cuts. Kami single leg crabs Ito then elbow drops a board into Ito's back.

Kami is hiptossed into a board which is leaning against a chair. Kami is put on a table outside then Ito top rope splashes him through the table. Ito hits Kami with a piece of the board. Kami spinebusters Ito and hits a forearm flurry on him. Kami running shoulders a board into Ito for 2.

Kami slams Ito on a board. Ito throws a board at Kami's head. Ito superplexes Kami onto chairs for a 1 count. Ito puts tables onto top of tables with barbed wire boards on them. Ito is slammed through the double stack of barbed wire boards and tables.

Ito is buried under barbed wire boards and Kami top rope elbow drops him. Ito sunset flips Kami for 2. They hit each other with barbed wire boards then ram the boards into each other. They trade forearms and Ito drops him with a punch. Ito is powerbombed off the 2nd buckle. He jumping knees kami and northern lights suplexes him for 2. Ito top rope frogsplashes barbed wire into Kami.

Kami barbed wire lariats him then suplexes him. Kami drops a bucket of lemons on Ito and lariats him. Ito is backdropped and pinned.

Thoughts: It was a long and slow match with not a lot of crowd heat. It was a better effort than usual as they did try to sell some and gave things time to sink in. But it being long, slow and heatless killed what they were going for here.

I think Yuko Miyamoto challenged Kamitani after.

BJW World Strong Heavyweight Title Match - Yuya Aoki (c) vs. Daichi Hashimoto

Yuya fireman's carry takeovers him and rolls out of a wristlock. Hash blocks his takedown attempt and they stand off. Yuya side headlocks him. Hash tries to backdrop him out of it but Yuya holds on. Hash face kicks him then Yuya hiptosses him and kicks him in the back. Yuya hits a chop flurry on Hash.

Yuya hits forearms then Hash forearms him over. Hash then exploders on him hitting soccer kicks and stomps. Hash forearms him down then hits stomps and kicks. Yuya forearms him and hits pieface shots. Hash bullies him with kicks while he's down. Hash suplexes him and hits a kneedrop for 2. Yuya blocks a kick then Hash chest kicks him.

Yuya dragon screws him. Yuya handspring back elbows him using the ropes then flipping sentons him for 2. Hash hits slams and facekicks him. Hash hits a stiff knee to the body then stf's him. Yuya suplexes him on the apron then springboard dropkicks him for 2.

Yuya 2nd rope hurricanrana's him for 2. Hash spin kicks him in the chest and is ddt'd off a uranage attempt. Yuya shining wizads him and Hash pump kicks him. Yuya exploders him then Hash uranages him. They trade forearms on their knees. Yuya step up enzugiri's him and Hash forearms him.

Yuya chops him then Hash ddt's him. hash chest kicks him then does a falcon arrow. Yuya step up enzugiri's him, germans him and hits another step up enzugiri. Hash release germans him then shining wizards him. Hash slaps him. Yuya blocks a step up knee in the corner then Yuya spiral bombs him for 2. Yuya springboard dropkicks him. Hash piledrivers him for 2.

Hash germans him for 2 then shining wizards him for 2. Yuya headbutts him then tiger suplexes him for 2. Yuya hits a big lariat for 2. Yuya hits lariats and pins him.

Thoughts: Yuya got dominated early here and Hash really powered up to bully him around. Yuya made his comeback, taking a lot of 3 Musketeers moves and eventually got the win. The selling wasn't good here and it didn't pick up too much in pace until the end. I thought Hash trying to use the 3 Musketeers moves to try and win was an interesting story here but I felt Yuya didn't get enough offense in and didn't really up things to the next level to make this great. They also could have used a bigger spot or two here to sell this as a big match more.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show. It was a good effort by BJW though some of the matches didn't really hit like they were supposed to. The Astronauts tag match was the best thing on the show. They tried in the main and semi main but neither ended up being the classic they had tried for. The tag title match wasn't any good and the junior title match was so-so. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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