Tuesday, May 14, 2024

TNA Xplosion 5/10/2024

TNA Xplosion 5/10/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/tna-xplosion-532024.html

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Alan Angels is the guest this week. Alan and Gia call each other Al. Alan says he knows nothing but wrestling and isn't interesting. He says he's not as "yatted" (tattooed) as he wants to be. He says he got his first tattoo on his 18th birthday. His first tattoo says "not broke, just bent" and he said he got made fun of for it. He said it didn't come out as he wanted and said it's way darker than he wanted it to be. He says he hates all of his tattoos and said they are not the greatest tattoos. He says he wants more tattoos though.

Gia said she got a tattoo at 19 when it was allowed and has a Knockouts tattoo. Alan says he doesn't know what he wants his next tattoo to be. He says he wants to add more to his chest tattoo. Gia says he has to come back for Episode 2. Gia says he is into conspiracy theories, and says he doesn't think the moon landing is real and thinks the earth is flat. Alan correctly notes that he may get in trouble for that as there's some people would love to nail him for both. 

Tasha Steelz vs Allie Katch

They lock up and roll on the ropes. Tasha waistlocks her and Allie turns it into a dance, getting Tasha mad. Tasha side headlocks her and tells her to "wiggle out of that". Tasha drops down and Allie sentons her back.

Allie slams her twice then low crossbodies her for 2. Tasha back elbows her then hits chops. Tasha running euros her in the corner. Tasha hooks her on the mat and Allie ropebreaks. Allie blocks a slingshot bulldog then Tasha hits a slingshot bulldog for 2.

Tasha gets on her back and Allie rams her backwards into the buckles. Allie back elbows her and butt presses her down in the corner. Allie corner splashes her then corner hip attacks her. Allie corner cannonballs her for 2.

Allie bridging ddt's her over the middle rope for 2. Tasha footslaps her and they trade forearms. Allie enzuigir's her and Tasha barely hits a pump kick. Tasha running forearms her. then Allie michinoku drivers her for 2. Tasha crucifix bombs her and wins it.

Thoughts: Not all of it looked good as usual though some of Allie's offense looked solid. It was just a so-so cold match that went on longer than it needed to.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match as usual here and one new interview segment. The one match wasn't anything special and this one isn't worth seeing.

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