Sunday, May 12, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 5/12/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 5/12/2024

Note - Last week's show didn't have any new matches so I skipped it.

Drew Abbenhaus and Lucky P. Larson are on commentary here.

The Top Guns (Brandon Baretta and Joe Vinetti) vs Wrex Amadeus and Shogun

Joe and Wrex lock-up. Larson claimed Joe got in a fight with a lawnmower and lost. A spot gets messed up from the start. Wrex is backed up into the corner and Brandon hits corner spears. Wrex is tripped, Brandon jumps off of Joe's back and elbow drops Wrex. Joe wristlocks Wrex then Brandon 2nd rope double axe handles Wrex's arm.

Shogun takes corner spears from Brandon then is slammed.  Joe is picked up and dropped onto Shogun for 2. Joe side headlocks Shogun then Brandon suplexes Shogun. Joe is rocket launched onto Shogun for the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here with Shogun and Wrex losing as expected.

We see clips of Curtis Wylde vs The Uber Destroyer. Stephen E and someone else come down and grab Wyldefire. Wyldefire is choked and Curtis goes to check on her. Wylde checks on her and gets counted out.

Stephen E, Uber Destroyer, Khan, Ayres and someone else are interviewed. E says they are a force like none other. He said he had a surprise and delivered it - the daughter of Atila Khan, Lilith Khan. E says she is the wrath of Atila Khan. Drew wants to speak to her but E says to talk to him instead. E said she covers her face like a real woman. E asks why Curtis wants to put Wyldefyre getting attacked on him. He says it's Herb Simmons' fault for not selling SICW. E says Khan will win The Bruiser Brody Battle Royale and says everyone will be proud of what he accomplished.

We see clips of The Top Guns vs The LA Hustlers for the SICW Tag Titles. Brandon hits a slam on Potts and Potts kicks the ref on accident. Diggs boots Brandon then throws him over the top. A new ref comes in. Joe gets double teamed then hits a double lariat. Diggs drops Joe with a foreign object and Potts picks up the win. The other ref tells the ref what happened and the decision is reversed. The LA Hustlers are DQ'd. They then attack The Top Guns and a brawl breaks out.

Lucky P. Larson and The LA Hustlers are interviewed. Larson says The Squirt Guns are nothing. He said they were the monkey that sat at the typewriter. They were the most fortunate tag team and turned into a bunch of thieves. Larson said his men beat them 1-2-3 and are better than them on their worst day. Larson said they beat them and should be the 3x SICW tag champs. Larson says Herb Simmons doesn't like them and allowed the decision to be reversed. Larson says it won't take 2/3 Falls in their tag title match and will annihilate The Top Guns. Larson says to bring the belts, show up and get out as they are not in a good mood. This was a good promo by Larson. 

C.K. Cosmic vs Atilla Khan

CK side headlocks him and headlock takeovers him. Khan eye rakes him and hits shots in the gut. Khan headbutts him and Larson puts over Lilith Khan as being gorgeous. Drew asks who would you know? Khan hits an elbow drop.

Khan twists CK's head and rakes the eyes. Khan misses a corner charge then running lariats him. Khan double throat thrusts CK then cobra clutches him on the mat. CK tries to fight through it but passes out.

Thoughts: It was just a quick win here for Khan. Drew and Larson were funny here.

Khan covers CK under the Saudi flag after. 

Drew interviews The Big Texan. He said he knew Bull Bronson was a tough opponent so he brought him in. He didn't know he'd be his opponent though. Texan says he's easy to find if Bull is having problems finding him. He says he'll be waiting for him at SICW Fanfest 2.

Curtis Wylde and Wyldefire are interviewed. Curtis puts over Lilith Khan, calling her an amazon and saying she's over 6'2. She said she tried to choke the life out of her wife. Curtis says this has gotten personal. He said they wanted to get wild and they will get wild on a real personal level. He says he will capitalize when he goes up against Devastation Inc. He says there's one man who the fans aren't friend to get behind and who likes to play with fire.

Promoter's Corner

Herb Simmons interviews Barbara Goodish, Bruiser Brody's widow. Herb puts her over as one of the queen's of SICW. They talk about keeping Bruiser Brody's memory alive. They talk about some of the guests. They say The Orton Family will be there for Bob Orton's Hall of Fame induction. They say there will be a raffle for a Bruiser Brody portrait. They talk about more people who will be there and say The Bruiser Brody Battle Royale will be fought for the day after.

"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony does a promo. He said he will be there at Fanfest 2. He said he will defend the AIWF World Title against the AIWF National champ, whoever that may be. He said he'd love to lock horns with Bobby D. He said he's respects him. He said him and Steve Fender aren't strangers to each other. He said it's almost like Steve is a bully and he doesn't like bullies. He said he hopes Steve Fender wins so he can face him and show the bully what it's like to be on the other side. Greg says when The Golden Boy makes a promise, it's as good as gold.

AIWF National Title - "Superstar" Steve Fender (c) vs Bobby D

Lilith Khan and Stephen E are with Drew on commentary. They lock up and Bobby backs him up. Bobby clean breaks him. Bobby lariats him then rolls him up off a hiptoss. Bobby works Steve's arm. Bobby lifts him up by the arm and hits chops. Bobby cradles him for 2.

Bobby hits shots in the corner and double knuckle locks him. Bobby throws him over. Bobby hits punches and chops then body slams him. Bobby cradles him and side headlocks him. Steve misses a dropkick then Bobby chinlocks him. 

Bobby armlocks him then armbreakers him. Steve hits kicks and chops. He pulls Bobby's shirt off then slams him. Bobby gets his knees up on Steve's vader bomb. Bobby chops Steve then suplexes him. Steve throws Bobby over the top and is disqualified for it.

Bobby tries to get in after to continue the match but the ref stops him as it has ended. Bobby gets mad then wrestlers and ref hold Bobby back.

Thoughts: It was an average match with a weak DQ finish here.

Drew interviews Steve Fender. Steve says he's not just a wrestler, he's the best wrestler in the midwest, the nation and the world. He says just because he's the best wrestler doesn't mean he's not a business man. He says his #2 priority is business. He said the champion brings home the winner's share of the purse. He says Greg Anthony makes 6 figures a year and Steve said the match was a pure business decision as he will face Greg Anthony now for the World title. He says if he's willing to do that to Bobby D, think of what he's willing to do to Greg Anthony.

Overall thoughts: There was a lot of build for Fanfest here as it takes place this week. We only had three matches here and they were all shorter affairs with two being squashes. Larson was real good here as usual. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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