Sunday, May 12, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/11/2024 Season 4, Episode 35

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/11/2024 Season 4, Episode 35

Last week's show is here:

This wasn't mentioned on the show but apparently, The Tonga Twins were fired from WOW and Wrecking Ball quit over bullying from The Tonga Twins. The Twins leaving WOW will be a big change as they had been featured a lot over the last year. Tiki Chamorro may have left as well.

Princess Aussie comes out to talk. She said she's here to call out Reina Del Rey and Adrianna Gambino. She said they interfered in her matches and attacked her from behind and she's sick of it. Gambino and Reina come out. Gambino says if it's a match she wants, it's a match she will get. Gambino tells her good luck getting  a partner though because she doesn't have a single friend in this business. Aussie said she found someone already and says she will come through. She says she should go get her right now. Gambino says she has a trick up her sleeve as well. 

WOW Tag Titles - The Mother Truckers vs Animal Instinct (Catarina Jinx and Goldie Collins)

The Truckers are nailed as they pose with the titles. Betty's head is banged off the buckles and Holly's head is banged off the apron outside. Holly is sent into the post. Goldie's head is banged off the buckles. Betty is hit from behind by Cat. Goldie boots Betty. Jinx boots Betty in the corner then chokes her.

Betty's head is banged off the buckles. Betty running euros Cat in the corner and has her back clawed. Cat hits the mouse trap, driving Betty's head into the mat with her leg. Goldie knees Betty in the gut and Betty takes a nasty looking bump off of it. Betty hits shots on Goldie then Goldie side slams her for 2.

Cat pulls Betty down backwards. Holly and Goldie get in. Holly hits a superkick on Goldie then legsweeps and reverse meteora's Cat. Goldie racks Holly then does a spinning torture rack bomb on her. Betty boots Goldie in the gut then stunners her for the win.

Thoughts: This was a rematch from 6 shows ago and I was surprised Jinx and Goldie were beat the way they were. This wasn't the best match ever from The Truckers as they had some sloppy moments and Holly had some bad strikes. 

Penelope Pink vs Americana

Lana Star and Vickie Lynn McCoy are with Pink. Pink says Americana is the All-American Girl and asks if they had seen them? Pink says this is her quest to get back to the WOW Title. She said she will run through all of Abilene Maverick's old opponents and look good doing it.

They lock up. Pink side headlocks her then Americana reverses it. Pink wristlocks her and Ameri cartwheels to reverse it. Ameri is pulled down by the hair and kips up. Pink boots her in the gut, Ameri trips her then facebusters her. Ameri dropkicks her.

Ameri is thrown into the buckles then banged off of them. Ameri is thrown out then Lana and McCoy stomp her. Ameri is on the ropes and Pink poses on her. McCoy and Lana pull and choke Ameri on the ropes.

Pink slams Ameri then cartwheel elbow drops her. Ameri is thrown out again and the heels stomp on her. Pink goes to throw her out again but Pink is thrown out. Ameri crossbodies her off the apron. Ameri dropkicks and high kicks Pink. Ameri springboard clotheslines her for 2.

Ameri 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her for 2. Pink hits a big knee to the body and wins it.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish here. It wasn't built up to well enough and didn't look good enough to be the finish. It wasn't a bad match otherwise though with the heels cheating and Ameri trying to fight through it.

Coach Campanelli vs Sasha Sparks

Coach has the WOW Trios Tournament trophy and has Top Tier and Ariel Sky with her. They said Sasha Sparks is formerly of Team Spirit so I guess that group is officially done.

Coach tells her to leave the ring. Sasha spinning headscissors her then armdrags her off the casadora. Sasha dropkicks her for 2. Coach slides out. Sasha goes out after her and comes back in just to get stomped. Coach trips her and elbow drops her back.

Coach boots Sasha in the corner then Ariel puts a towel around Sasha's neck and pulls. Coach corner lariats Sasha and kicks her in the gut. Sasha hits chest forearms and rolls her up for 2. Coach airplane spins her and russian legsweeps her for 2. Coach misses a corner charge. Sasha kicks her from the ropes and hits back elbows.

Sasha step up knees her in the corner then bulldogs her for 2. Coach holds her nose then Kandi Krush nails Sasha. Coach then hits an unprettier/buzzer beater and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just an average match. I thought they could have leaned more into the history between these two. I was surprised to see Ariel Sky use the towel on Sasha. They pushed it as she was forced to do it but I didn't buy it.

Coach gets on the mic after. She says she wants to take a moment for us to recognize the athleticism and power of Top Tier. She said it's all because of the team she chose. Coach talks about her team and throws Ariel in at the end, asking if she's happy being the water girl. Ariel says she's done being the water girl and has done it for 30 days. Coach says she's lucky to be the water girl and tells he to give her some water. Ariel sprays her with the water. She says she's a wrestler, not a water girl. Coach says if she wants out of being her water girl, she has to beat her in a match. Coach asks if she thinks she can beat her and Ariel says let's go right now. Coach asks David McClane if they can do it. David says they can't right now as they have other matches. They agree to a Coach vs Ariel Sky match where Ariel can leave if she wins.

Thoughts: I would assume Ariel Sky wins here and ends this angle. We'll see what happens though. I don't think they have gotten the most out of this angle so far. They desperately needed some skits to push Ariel's unhappiness and they could have explained what's going on with her and Team Spirit. My guess is this whole thing is covering for Ariel's recovery from the injury she had a while back.

Team Exile battles on the next episode of WOW.

Chainsaw and Reina Del Rey vs Princess Aussie and Tormenta

Chainsaw's sister Angelica Dante isn't here. Adrianna Gambino is with the heels. Tormenta is Aussie's partner and that doesn't make much sense as she's a heel and would team with Las Bandidas. Sofia Lopez and Las Bandidas are not with Tormenta here.

Reina and Tor start us off. Reina wants a test of strength and then they shove each other. Chain gets in. Chain backs her up then Tor backs her up. Tor waistlocks her and Chain rams her butt into her gut to break it up. They shoulder battle and Tor dropkicks her.

Aussie is lifted by Tor into a codebreaker on Chain. Aussie hits leg kicks then Chain lariats her. Chain chokes her and hits corner spears. Reina takes shots to the gut from Aussie then lariats her for 2.

Reina chinlocks her. Aussie jacbreakers her then is knocked over with a shoulder. Chain chokes Aussie. Chain bearhugs Aussie. Chain runs over Reina in a failed daouble team. Tor does a dropkick = splash combo on both opponents. Aussie top rope splashes Reina and wins.

Thoughts: The set-up wasn't good here but the match was solid. It was cool to see some of the bigger girls battle here. It was short, straight and to the point and ended up being alright. It did need more time though as the heels were beat easily and quickly.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't WOW's best show. I don't know if The Tonga Twins leaving messed things up or if they are gearing up for the end of the season and needed to fill time, but the usual quality from WOW was just not there. The main event was random. Jinx and Goldie got a title shot for no real reason. Ariel Sky's tenure as the water girl is probably coming to an end without them really going into it that much and Team Spirit appears to be no more. I wouldn't recommend it.

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