Monday, April 15, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 4/14/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 4/14/2024

The last show with new matches is here: 

Drew Abbenhaus and Sean Vincent are on commentary. Steve Fender defends the SICW Central States Title and the AIWF National Title against Gil Rogers in the main. Sean says Gil can't handle the champ.

Mauler McDarby vs Jason Breed

Shawn Santel is with MM. MM backs off on the lock-up. JB pushes him over then side headlocks him. JB side headlock takeovers him and MM rolls him up for 2. MM headscissors him and JB kips up and out. JB headlock takeovers him. The ref breaks them up in the corner and MM hits him over top the ref. MM rakes JB's face on the ropes.

MM chinlocks JB then elbow drops him. MM's partner distracts the ref and JB hits shots on him. MM hits JB with a loaded thumb and then sticks it into his throat. JB flies at him but I don't think he hit him. JB goes for a fallaway slam but MM's partner trips him. MM then picks up the win as JB's foot is held down.

JB then takes a 2v1 and Kenny Kingston makes the save.

It wasn't the best match here as they missed on a move here and the loaded thumb spot was a bit hard to see.

Drew and Sean talk about the planned Top Guns vs Eh Team tag title match. Sean Vincent got hurt and Ax Allwardt took Sean's place against The Top Guns. Sean said Canadian pilates are more dangerous than American pilates and he hyper-extended his knee doing it.

SICW Tag Titles - The Top Guns (Joey Vinetti and Brandon Baretta) vs Glenn Williams and Ax Allwardt

Ax Allwardt is filling in for Sean Vincent here. We join this at the 10 minute mark. Glen poses then sleepers Baretta. Brandon gets out and snapmares him then cannonballs him. Brandon lariats and back elbows Glenn. They hit each other at the same time and both go down.

Glenn uppercuts Brandon then uranages him for 2. Brandon hits chops and punches on Glenn. Joey jumps off of Brandon's back and sunset flips Glenn for the win.

We really didn't see much of this so there's no rating. We didn't even get to see Ax get in sadly.

The Top Guns are interviewed. Brandon said him and Joey proved they were the best tag team in SICW with their tag title win. Brandon wishes Sean a speedy recovery so they can defend against the true Eh Team. Joey says it feels like they have an aura now as tag champs. He said they didn't have a plan for Ax, but have to be prepared for anyone and everyone. 

They talk about defending against The Top Guns on May 4th.  Brandon said it's an all out war every single time against them. They said they are running it back one and final time and will show why the titles remain around their waists. Joey says we're ready.

Steve Fender talks about defending his titles against Gil Rogers. Steve talks about getting a match with Greg Anthony, which he wanted for a while. He said it's for Greg's AIWF World Title. Drew tells him the match is for the AIWF National Champ, not Steve directly. He said Steve may not have the title by then in order to get that shot. Steve said if he has to beat one more person to get Greg Anthony, then he's gonna do it. He said he hopes Gil Rogers is on his a-game tonight. He says he's on his.

Bryce Cawvey vs Shogun

BC wristlocks him then dropkicks him out of it. BC splashes him in the corner then hiptosses him. BC hammerlocks him then walks up the buckles and on the ropes with a dropkick. Shogun hits machine gun chops. BC suplexes him three times in a row. Bryce spin kicks him but I'm not sure it hit. Bryce then gets the win.

Shogun's a jobber and wasn't treated seriously here. Bryce wasn't real impressive in the win.

Gil Rogers is interviewed. He says he's excited to fight Steve Fender tonight in a title match and will be in the Bruise Brody Memorial Battle Royale. He said he gets to wrestle Greg Anthony as well if he wins against Steve. Gil says things are lining up for Gil. He says he will do his best to win some championships for Gil's army tonight.

Manny Fernandez was interviewed for Promoter's Corner this week.

SICW Central States Title/AIWF National Heavyweight Title - Steve Fender vs Gil Rogers

Gil shoulders him over then headlock takeovers him twice. They then run the spot again. Gil hits some shots, avoids Steve in the corner and rolls him up. Gil headlock takeovers him. Gil misses a dropkick and gets kicked.

Gil gets his head banged off the buckles then is chopped. Steve kicks him in the back. Steve hits him in the gut then Gil abdominal stretches him. Steve knees him in the gut. Steve hits knees to the head and urakens him. Gil hits uppercuts then dropkicks him. Gil double underhook suplexes him then monkey flips him.

Steve escapes an irish whip then Gil bulldogs him. Gil goes up top for a crossbody and Steve rolls backwards out of it to pin him.

Gil had a nice comeback here and I did like the finish. We don't see a ton of top rope moves in this promotion so in situations like this where you do, it means more. I liked that we got to see a double title match here as it felt important and was a nice treat.

Overall thoughts: It was a different type of SICW show than usual here with no Lucky P. Larson, Stephen E, Ron Powers or others. It was nice to see a double title match in the main but it wasn't one of SICW's strongest episodes. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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